
Carl's Summer School Uniform 3/6

Carl gets deeper and deeper into becoming Carla.

“ Morning Carla, did you sleep well?” Mum was being matter-of-fact about the way I was dressed, as if it was just a normal day. “I didn’t think that you would want a full breakfast this morning, so I have just put out a banana and yoghurt for you, like Cassie has.”

A Prom Night to Remember

After his best friend Billy's jealous ex-girlfriend mistakes him for Billy’s new prom date, Jensen Paganelli finds himself preparing to spend his prom night dressed to the nines as a girl as revenge for the way Billy’s ex broke his heart.

Headspin Chapter 8 of 12

Chapter 8 Nose to the grindstone…

It was total mayhem for a while, the lights, flashes, screams and pushing was not only dangerous, but frightening to us children. Luckily the adults from the school had been able to take control and it was better when our own families could comfort us. . It took the combined might of the schoolteachers that had come along to maintain some sense of decorum and Machiko was put out in front to answer questions.

Carl's Summer School Uniform 2/6

As I entered the workroom there were a lot of giggles, and even a cheeky wolf-whistle, which Miss Carter let go on for a minute or so for the girls to get most of their joking out of their systems.

“ Right girls, before we start, as you have all noticed, we have a new class member today, Carla. I’m sure that you will all make her welcome."

Headspin Chapter 7 of 12

Chapter 7 As Well as All Around Me…

As the intro music came up and the curtains lifted I was almost pushed back by a wall of noise. The backing track was lifted into the red zone and the singers’ microphones must have been pushed to the wall to overcome it.

Keep Practising

Keep Practising

By Nikkie Silk

Chapter One

“Oh, I thought you’d be a man.”

I sighed. It wasn’t the first time, and it probably wouldn’t be the last time I would hear those words. With my slight build, narrow face, long dark hair held in a ponytail as per Health and Safety regulations, and topped off with the Corby’s Plumbing baseball cap, I looked, to say the least, androgynous. It wasn’t unusual for me to be mistaken for a girl, so I flashed a smile at the woman and asked her if she knew where her stopcock was.

Carl's Summer School Uniform

Carl's Summer School Uniform

There have been a few reports during the recent hot weather of boys, objecting to wearing heavy warm trousers and not being allowed to wear shorts, taking to wearing a skirt to school as a protest. How far could this be taken?

Headspin Chapter 6 of 12

Chapter 6 And Illuminates my World…

Naozumi came down with the three singers and they stayed at a hotel near the school. We had arranged for them to come after school on the Wednesday and we were all quivering with excitement by the time they arrived. I had gone to the school entrance to guide them to the gym and I must say that they were all more beautiful in the flesh.

My Sweet Greg

Jill tells us of her budding romance with Greg. Their relationship takes an unexpected turn when they discover that they share a common bra band size. Jill guides and encourages Greg to make some new fashion choices that are well received by her family.

Headspin Chapter 5 of 12

Chapter 5 That Shines On Me…

After the prize giving, I was chatting to my team members when Naozumi came up to us to congratulate us on our performance. He had another man with him who he introduced as a spotter for the national gymnastics team.

Headspin Chapter 4 of 12

This chapter introduces some Japanese J-Pop groups. They are all real and you can watch videos on…

Chapter 4 And Now is a Spotlight…

One of the common aspects of a J-Pop performance is usually the large number of bodies on stage. The band had two keyboard players, guitar, bass, drums and two singers. There were eight of us and Aiko with her four other cheerleaders so we had to fit the twenty into whatever space we were provided.

Headspin Chapter 3 of 12

Chapter 2 And it Shines over all…

Akito had hinted to his folks that the team was a little different and our first session of the year brought home just how different it was going to be. Up to now we had all been using issued leotards that the school got cleaned for us. That evening Miss Ryoji presented us all with three sets of leotards.

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 18 (Finale)

“In the end, it was a cruise ship called Bastion of the Seas that picked up our faint distress signal during one of their trips and made the decision to go off course and investigate after calling it in.

They'd lost the signal soon after and considered it may have just been a misread but the captain made the decision to keep heading for the last known location.

The flare had given them all the confirmation they needed. The last flare, though faint, led them straight to us.

Headspin Chapter 2 of 12

Chapter 2 There was Light…..

For myself, I had been trying to figure out where I stood with my new companions. Although I was dressed like a typical American student, I clearly did not fit with them because I looked, and spoke, more like the Japanese boys.

Confidence Trick - (a Fitness Class short)

Confidence Trick

(A Fitness Class short)

by Lynda Shermer

Sarah's Stiletto fitness class at the center ended. I was awarded certificates, one for Tim, and one for Karen. Somewhere on YouTube is a recording of our final recital. Of course, in it, I'm almost unrecognizable. It garnered some nice comments and likes at the time, and then pretty much dropped from sight.

There have been some changes since then; I moved in with Julie (she had the better furniture and view of the two of us).

What It Takes To Survive - Chapter 17

I kept screaming. For help. In pain. In anger. I glanced down at Mikey who barely seemed to be moving. Ben had a twisted smile on his face. His eyes were red as the blood that had begun to stain Mikey's clothes. In the moonlight, it was clear to see that Ben was crying in creepy juxtaposition with the smile on his face.

See things through a woman’s eyes

This story revisits many of the characters and locations found in the first story in this series. The story can be read stand-alone, but it may be more enjoyable if you first visit or revisit ‘A Walk to a New Life’, which is listed on my stories page. Whatever you choose, enjoy it.
The story follows the changes in the life of Rory Sinclair, as his alter-ego, Samantha, becomes more and more significant in his life

Headspin Chapter 1 of 12

Chapter 1 In the beginning…

Everyone told me I did not fit in. Everyone said I was too small, too thin, too Japanese, too gentle and too nice to fit in with the lads who made up my school companions. They were all rough, tough jocks who spent a lot of time getting dirty, talking dirty and ogling girls.

His Name was McGill Chapter 3 of 3

Chapter Three

The next morning Dani went around the garage and the living quarters, placing small bundles of explosives and running all the wires to a timer. This was set for twenty hours later, when they would be a long way away. They had come to the conclusion that the police would think that they would make the break either directly north, over the border; or directly south to loop east and head for the big smoke.

His Name was McGill Chapter 2 of 3

Chapter Two

They were woken early the next morning by a banging on the door. Phil was immediately in fight mode, crouched by the door with his gun in his hand. Dani walked past the door pulling a robe over her nightie and whispered “Settle down, I can deal with this.” As she got to the door she called out “Who’s there?”

His Name was McGill Chapter 1 of 3

Chapter One

The first thought anyone had when they were told his name was “How appropriate”. The fact that he habitually wore a well-fitting pin-stripe suit over a silk shirt and tie, and that his built-up shoes were always polished to a point you could see your face in them were clues that no-one could miss.

Princess of Castile Chapter 16 part 2 of 2 final chapter

Princess of Castile

By Jennifer Reed

Final Chapter

Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia finalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awaits him as Natalia's husband in the Castile Empire

Part Two of two

Stamp of Approval Part 4 of 5

Stamp Part 4

I gave them their drinks and then went back to the kitchen to make sure everything was all right. Laurel came in and sat at the kitchen table and chatted. She wanted to know when I was leaving and she was happy when I told her that his parents had organised a car for me on Thursday afternoon, just after lunch.

Princess of Castile Chapter 16 part 1 of 2 final chapter

Princess of Castile

By Jennifer Reed

Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2.

This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it? And is it really a choice? We see what has become of Leanne's life. Ambar and the leaders of her nation is invited to attend and we finally see what is to become of the nation of Aragon.

Part one

Decision Made - Part 2

Decision Made - Part 2

When Beckie used that syrupy sweet voice on him, George knew that it could presage an eruption that could rivals Mount Vesuvius. He braced himself for the possible explosion and its inevitable fallout. In this case, Beckie contained her anger and calmly said, “George, go pour us a couple of stiff drinks. We need to have a talk.”

In a League of Her Own

I was really looking forward to starting high school. For one thing my parents had assured me that this time we would live in the same place for at least five years. This meant that I wouldn’t have to change schools before I graduated. Just imagine, going to the same school for my entire high school experience! So far the only constant factor in my life had been the inconsistency. Ever since we moved from my ”native” Finland when I was two we never had lived in the same place for more than two years. This had really not been good for my social life.

A Field Trip - Chapter 5

A Field trip

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 5 - Summer Break With the Past

School being out, the world should have slowed down, it seemed to me. In actual fact, of course, it did no such thing.


A Field Trip - Chapter 4

A Field trip

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 4 - After the dance

Play prep, and study sessions in the library as finals approached made the time fly for the rest of the semester.

Working in the scenery shop was proving ... different. Where Barb had been a part of the repartee, Dave was the new guy, of unknown quality, and a bit of an outsider, coming on at the last minute. I had to painfully try to rebuild the friendships, and it was proving hard going, particularly with the other girls.

A Field Trip - Chapter 3

A Field trip

Chapter 3 -

By Lynda Shermer

Saturday, we had some shopping to do, but mom was home, so I couldn't change at home. It was getting annoying, but I changed in the laundry room again. I could catch the bus route a block or so away, and with a transfer, get off near Sally's apartment building; She wanted us to go to Andersonville again. She explained to her mother that I'd asked for her help dress shopping.

Saying goodbye, we walked back to the bus stop.

Stamp of Approval Part 3 of 5

Stamp Part 3

What I did not expect was for him to come into my room and sit beside me on the bed. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him as I blubbed. He made soothing sounds but I could tell that he was getting more and more excited.

Byline chapter 27 (Final)

Byline chapter 27 Final

Byline Cover2Small.jpg

Copyright © 2021 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
chapter 27 Final

A Field Trip - Chapter 2

A Field trip

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 2 - Terms of enrollment

Come the start of term, things got more difficult. As Dave, I now had to attend school regularly, which cut into my Barb time. I started working out how to carry my female uniform in Dave's backpack, including how to stuff the backpack itself into Barb's school bag after I'd changed. (how did superheroes ever manage this...) Thank goodness I only needed one set of textbooks.

A Field Trip - Chapter 1

A Field trip

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 1 - A certain magical railtrip

In a way, it all started when I ran across a school uniform in a thrift shop.

I'd recently moved to Chicago from my original home in Minneapolis, with my mother, after the breakup with my father.

Stamp of Approval Part 2 of 5

Stamp Part 2

For the next two hours or more I was wondering just why I was doing this as she worked on my hair, my face and digits. She wove extensions into my already reasonably long locks and then put a colour in it. While that was setting she did my toenails in a bright red which she told me was acrylic and would not be easily chipped.

Decision Made

Decision Made
By Marina Kelly, Monica Rose

The hotel rep was addressing the crowd now, telling them that their new celebrity would be a guest in the hotel for the rest of her stay and that there would be a public event the next day where she would be presented with a check for her winnings.


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