
The Carrie Conundrum - Part 2 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Conference Call

I got Mom settled in front of the TV and went out into the back yard. I knew that my sisters were two time zones away, so it was evening for them.

"Hi Pam, It's Harry. I have some news."

Sissy Wife, Sissy Life

This is a short story about a would be sissy housewife. I wrote it on the request of a reader on another site. This is not a trans story.
It is a story about a "sissy". I have several that email me frequently, and prefer being know by what I think of as a derogatory term.

The alarm went off. It was 6AM. Greg stretched and yawned. I looked down to see that the thin cover had a tent pole lifting it up. I had noticed
that over the last few days. He always woke up with a full erection.

He turned to me and smiled.

"Time to do your wifely duty Sarah."

All for a story 4 - Jane the PA

Jack is posing as Jane to help a friend uncover corruption in the construction industry. and after a lot of coaching and help from his sister and her friends is about to take the major step of his first day working as a woman.


I was up bright and early Monday morning, going over and over things on my mind about how I would settle in at my new job, and hoping that I would fit in seamlessly as a woman.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 16 (Final)

E’volvo’lution Chapter 16

It was late in the evening when we landed and found that Q had arranged transport to take the other girls home. He drove me himself in a rental car and asked me if I had any questions.

“The other military guys in Austria were British Army, weren’t they?”

He agreed they were, “They were very impressed with the show, one of them managed to get a signed poster with all of you there to take home to his teenage daughter.”

“Are we a certainty to get a contract if we can come up with a suitable base, then?”

All for a story 3 - Girl Lessons

Jack, now Jane, has a lot to learn, dressing as a girl is not enough, his lifestyle has to change too.

Throwing me in at the deep end, forcing me to go out with them in public we all headed to The Nag's Head, one of the pubs that I regularly visited as Jack and where I was fairly well known. As we went in I was on tenterhooks waiting for someone to recognise me. Fortunately it never happened, nobody took any particular notice of me, I was just another one of a group of girls and I calmly settled down with the others at a corner table.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 15 (The penultimate)

E’volvo’lution Chapter 15

When Berget went to work with Melody in a pram she found out that working in a team of women is a different thing altogether. There is a feeling that the baby belongs to everyone and everyone wanted to look after her.

She would gurgle happily as she moved between offices and the ‘Ready Room’ and it allowed Berget to get into the swing of things.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 14

E’volvo’lution Chapter 14

The six show girls for Sunday were me, Elizabeth, Katrina, Eliise, Catlin and Karmen. Joanna was helping Halina by selling posters at ‘Answer’ and Marlen was with Ezuli selling posters and tunics beside ‘Maidens’.

Berget was told to just take it easy today; we didn’t want her being taken off to give birth just yet.

It’s Rat. Tasty. Want Some?

“I know you. Fact is I know hundreds just like you. Gateshead wasn’t it. You were about to blow me in to Social Services weren’t you? Nosey busy bodies like you should learn to just mind your own business. I know you’ll blow me in because you’re a teacher and you have to. I don’t need Social Services and I don’t need you, your do gooder intentions, nor your sympathy. I’ve no intention of telling you or anyone else anything about me. Bye.”

E'volvo'lution Chapter 13 (For the superstitious 12A)

E’volvo’lution Chapter 13

February was the big wedding. I had backed away from being the Maid of Honour. I pointed out to Halina that we both looked so alike. With me already well known to a lot of people, I could end up stealing the show.

She saw the problem almost as the words ‘stealing the show’ came out of my mouth so organised a couple of her friends who had been at her first wedding to come over and take the bridesmaids parts.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 12

E’volvo’lution Chapter 12

The first truck was going to get the internal changes and the paintwork only so we could get it out on the road. The next two would be worked on together with Bjorn doing the interior and the LED lighting. The tractors would only have LED’s in the lightning from the hammer, meeting in the middle of the grill.

Lockdown Lucy

Alleviating boredom during lockdown restrictions? Helping out a friend in need? Discovering that he looked pretty? There were so many reasons for Luke to try being Lucy. So why wouldn't he? This is just a bit of fun, with over 30 photos. Apologies to those that don't like stories with images; but I do.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 11

E’volvo’lution Chapter 11

On the way back I checked out the work-site and was amazed at how much had been done. Anders must have tied up every cement truck in Tallinn as the hard stand had been laid in a big ‘U’ shape. The space where the building would be was left with a path from it to the gate also not poured yet.

Bullied No More


Every day, all the time it seemed, the guys just made fun of me. Sure I was smart, but I was small, smaller than most of them. It was terrible, as they turned into men, I seemed to stay behind, with my soft hairless features. And puberty, well that didn’t seem to be happening either.

My Uncle Fifi: The Christmas in July Holiday Special


The hit sitcom returns with a “Christmas in July” holiday special! With the mob closing in, the last thing Terry expected was a nighttime visit from a magical elf and three snarky spirits. But he’ll need their help if he doesn’t want to stay stuck as a French maid for the rest of his life! (Featuring artwork by Fraylim!)

E'volvo'lution Chapter 10

E’volvo’lution Chapter 10

The weekend was glorious and Berget and I went out in my car to find as many scenic spots, cafes and bakeries as we could. After the stress of the week it was good to wind down.

On the Monday Anders came to my office as I was looking through the applications that had come in during the week. He told me that Greger had been absolutely full of it when he’d got home and wanted to know if I thought that Halina was serious.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 9

E’volvo’lution Chapter 9

When we landed we had to go through customs after we had picked up our bags. I could have gone through the express gate if I’d been using my own passport but was testing the Estonian one which was a lot closer to how I now looked.

I deliberately dressed down as I didn’t want to overshadow my sister so just had a denim skirt and silk blouse with light tights and low boots for comfort. When we got out of the arrival hall I saw my parents waiting for us, my niece in a stroller.

Team Player - Chapter 20

“Beep! Beep!”

“Eh? What’s that?” I thought to myself, as I slowly woke from my light sleep.

My alarm clocks illuminated display showed that it was just past midnight. With my phone set not to disturb me during the night, I was confused as to why a message alert had woken me. My sleepiness wasn’t helping me think straight.

I reached over to where the now brightly-lit phone was charging, on top of my bedside table.

“You nasty little bitch!” read the message previewed on the home screen, shocking me into a more fully awake state.

Tracy - Finale

In this final chapter of the saga of Greg and Tracy, an unexpected, shared misfortune sets into motion events that culminate in bringing Greg and Tracy closer together than Greg had ever imagined they would be.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 8

E’volvo’lution Chapter 8

On the Monday, I took Anders and Bjorn out to the airport site in the SUV. It was huge and flat and had a good road running past it. Anders spread out a site map with the suggested buildings and we tweaked it a little with my driver’s eye regarding the entry and exit roads and the general movement of trucks.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 7

E’volvo’lution Chapter 7

There were four applications in the ones that Berget had given me so I looked through them while having a hot drink. The extra supplies, a kettle and a small fridge had been put into the office just after I arrived, and I was getting quite comfortable.

I would have to ask about a computer and then thought that, with the resources at my disposal, I didn’t need one yet.

Team Player - Chapter 19

“Can I give you a call? Something a bit weird happened this morning. X” read my message to Claire.

I’d been unable to concentrate since getting back from my coffee with Sarah. I’d taken Barney for a short, fifteen minute walk, skipped lunch and then tried to continue my studying. I was finding myself reading the same paragraphs over and over, and each time wouldn’t have been able to recall much of the material.

Team Player - Chapter 18

“Morning!” beamed my Mum, as we saw each other on the landing, both making our ways towards the top of the stairs. She was far too cheery for this time of the morning, if you were to ask me.

“Mornin’,” I mumbled back, as I started to head down the stairs, my Mum a few paces behind.

“This is very early for you,” commented my Mum, “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, fine, thanks,” I continued to mumble, as my Mum followed me into the kitchen.

Seven Years a Wife Part 5

A week later a plan was in place. Simon had arranged a meal in his favorite Italian restaurant for his three fellow board members.
The board members were the ones Simon suspected the most.

Mel was to get friendly with them after the wine started flowing. Simon was unsure if he wanted to put Mel through having to be “friendly”. This surprised her, he had blackmailed her into living as a woman, and had practically raped her. Now he was concerned for her welfare.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 6

E’volvo’lution Chapter 6

We got back to the truck yard and Anders called for a meeting in the afternoon. I was told to just relax until then so I went and sat with Berget. She was very appreciative of my business look and sent me off to different places to get papers for her.

The ploy worked as I got a lot of ‘hubba hubba’ comments, and I really felt good when we went off for lunch.

Team Player - Chapter 17

It was quite an early start on Tuesday morning. I’d committed to myself that I was going to follow a normal school day routine, even though I’d be studying on my own. I’d not be doing myself any favours, if I allowed myself long lie ins or spent all morning watching You Tube.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 5

E’volvo’lution Chapter 5

We kissed a bit more and then she said that we had to work again in the morning. We got back on the bikes and went to our respective homes. Astrid was still up when I got in and she took one look at my face, “A good night, I see.”

I suppose that I looked blank so she laughed, “You can always tell when a girl has had a good night, especially when she’s forgotten to redo her lipstick.”

A Year And A Day - Chapter 3: The Importance Of Names


A Year And A Day
Book 1 - Consequences
A Harry Potter Fanfiction Story

Be Careful What You Wish For...

It's one of the oldest lessons a witch or wizard can learn when it came to their wondrous magickal world. Few ever put much thought of, least of actually think it meant something. Bellatrix Black was raised by an abusive father and a mother who saw her only as a legacy. In a House long having lost its soul it was the young Heir's job to protect her sisters and do whatever she was told.

That all ended when she found the Dark Lord and became his right hand. For once she had power and everything she ever wanted. Fourteen years in Azkaban was the least of her worries when her Lord promised the world to her. That like every wish she had turned to ash when the Dark Lord was killed at the Battle Hogwarts.

What if Bella survived the Battle and with her young daughter in tow made one last wish? A wish to save her life, and her daughters most of all. But also a wish to finally have a life where she was truly happy.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 4

E’volvo’lution Chapter 4

Tuesday, my second day of work, was a very early start. Now I had my phone I could set the alarm so was up and dressed and out of the house before six. I had got Astrid to unglue the special panties last night.

Although they had outlets that allowed me to do my business, I had started to itch underneath. It had been lovely having a shower this morning and the special panties were all right just pulled on, now that I was mainly wearing jeans.

The Captured Crossdresser Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – The Emerald Earrings

Crystal is finally able to confront her captor when he finally opens the door to her cell and makes her an offer that she can't really refuse. Her emotions are contradictory when she has to decide whether or not she wants to be emancipated. Crystal contemplates the differences and similarities between freedom and servitude and makes a life changing decision for them both.

Team Player - Chapter 15

“Oh, how privileged I must be! Princess Sam finally deemed me worthy of having my phone calls returned. I am so honoured!” my Sister teased, as I called her back.

“I’m sure you’ve been sat, twiddling your thumbs, waiting for me?” I replied.

“Well, after a couple of hours of that, my thumbs got tired! So, I decided to head home from Manchester. I’ve taken the scenic route, over the Snake Pass. It was fun.”

“Oh, that’s funny. We were out for a drive in the countryside today, too. How long have you been back? I asked

The Captured Crossdresser Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Ba Ba Black Sheep

As Crystal's Stockholm Syndrome takes hold the absurdity of the situation becomes apparent to her. She's become an imprisoned chattel for the man who keeps her in his basement cell but how unwilling is she really? Would she be prepared to live a life of servitude to satisfy her desire to live permanently as Crystal and see her alter-ego Colin banished from her life forever?

Team Player - Chapter 14

“Hey honey. How was your day?” my Mum called back.

I headed straight into the lounge, where my Mum was sat in the middle of the sofa, with her laptop open on her lap, and a series of papers spread on the two empty seats beside her. I took a seat in one of the adjacent armchairs.

“Great, thanks. James took us out for a drive to Broadsbury; it was really pretty.” I smiled across to my Mum.

“His car got you all the way there? Didn’t you say his door was falling off, or something?” my Mum asked, with some concern.

The Captured Crossdresser Chapter 1

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Chapter One – The Rules

Chapter One – The Rules

A man becomes infatuated with a beautiful crossdresser who captures his imagination and his soul. He can't live without her but he's terrified of rejection so he kidnaps her and keeps for himself, like a beautiful butterfly in a jar. He doesn't want to despoil her but she beguiles him and tries to reverse the power imbalance using her wiles and her beauty.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 3

E’volvo’lution Chapter 3

He looked so radiant I gave him a peck on the cheek, much to my wonderment. Then we were back to photos and explanation but this time I was also being asked about the specifications and was able to hold my own.

I tried to get them interested in the electric just a couple of trucks away but most wanted to talk about lots of capacity and brute strength.

Team Player - Chapter 12

We kissed and cuddled in bed for what felt like hours. I couldn’t believe just how exciting I was finding exploring James’s muscular body. A body that I had seen in sports changing rooms, and ignored, many times before.

I wanted to stay here in this moment forever. With my man, treating me like his girl.


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