
It Started With an Opera, Part I

For Bobby, a trip to the opera leads to events he never expected.

A few days ago I accidentally heard some opera on internet radio, and it brought back memories of supering with my dad, only it didn't end up this way for me.

Lisa, part 2

“Liam?” Sonia calls from the living room, making me groan as I wake up. “Come on, time to get up!”

“Yeah, I’m awake,” I reply, not even bothering to stifle my yawn.

Say Cheese. Part 2 of 3

Say Cheese Part 2

I opened my door to find a blubbering June being comforted by Norman. He looked over her shoulder and told us it would be best if we all got dressed. We all took the hint and, ten minutes later, gathered in the corridor. June was in Normans’ room while he dressed and was quiet, but still teary.

This time, we all knew who was in charge. Both of our soldiers were in army uniform. Ralph had three stripes and Norman had two pips. It was Norman who told us to be quiet and that he would let us know what he suspected.

Halloween Romance (2)

Halloween Romance
Sequel to
Mischief Night Magic
Part Two: Costumes

Tonight was Halloween night. I'd spent the morning cleaning the remaining parts of the cemetery. Around one, Gwendoline fixed me a late lunch of chicken noodle soup with some salted crackers on the side. The soup was okay, nothing special, just the kind of soup you get from a can. Small cubes of chicken breast, thin noodles, and a yellow, salty broth. After that I took a short nap.

Kim To Kimberly - Ch. 5: Double Date With Danger

Hello friends,

Thank you for your continuing interest in this updating of a piece started in 1996. I’m having fun with it and I hope you are too. If you like the style of this, I invite you to click over to Amazon check out my current offering, a complete, sweet and sexy 2-part e-book:

Born To Be A Transvestite Trophy Wife (…for my alpha male best friend!)

I’ll be grateful for your patronage. Until then, please enjoy the next chapter of Kim to Kimberly and I hope you’ll leave a review.

Best wishes, Suzi B. Queen

All for a story 16 - More surprises

Now recovered after her accident Jane sets about righting wrongs, while her life becomes entrenched at Bolton Manor. She continues to investigate and report on the corruption scandal, starts a new career, and learns to live with her gender-confused body.

A Glimpse of Nylon Stocking - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Julie and Julian

Julie Clifford continues to work as a prostitute to earn enough money to save her bookshop whilst Donald Cooper continues to pursue meaningless relationships to replace his his lost wife. An impoverished transvestite bookseller and a well-to-do heterosexual barrister live in separate universes but something keeps bringing them together.

Kim To Kimberly - Ch. 4: "Kimberly" Meets Scott

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Kim To Kimberly

Chapter 4: “Kimberly” Meets Scott

One evening early the next week, Kim was sitting on the living room couch when Karen walked in.

“Hey, little sister,” she called out, “are you ready for another fabulous, feminine adventure this weekend? I’ve got something special in the works.”

Holiday's Inn

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Holiday’s Inn

by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2022

This one is pretty rough and ready. I only just finished it this morning and haven’t had a chance to proof-read it yet. Since I wrote most of it on my phone and have a constant battle against the stupid autocorrect, there may be some unusual sentences in there, but hopefully you’ll be able to make out what was intended. Please message me when (rather than if) you find any and I’ll correct as quickly as I can.

This one has quite a lot of sex in it, but I’ve tried to keep it more euphemistic than graphic, so hopefully it’ll more fun than anything. There is also a little violence and jeopardy later on, but in the in the same vein as George of the Jungle (remember that one?), nobody dies in this story, they just get great big booboos.

Anyway, this is sort of Christmassy which was why I wanted to get it out today. Season’s greetings to all and much love.

Oh yes, I’ve been putting some of my stories on Amazon recently. Most of them are still available here, but if you want a Kindle version (and watch this space for when I get the paper version worked out), then my Amazon UK author page is here

and my Amazon US author page is here

Mischief Night Magic (5)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to 
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Five: Costume Shopping 

It was around twilight when we left the parking lot of Dollar General. As we drove through the narrow streets of Benton, toward our next stop. Gwendoline seemed a little lost for words. She seemed lost in thought, she kept looking over me, and every time she would look at me she would smile. I returned the smile with one of my own. 

Kim to Kimberly - Ch. 3: Thinking Like A Female

Kim To Kimberly is the serialized story of an effeminate young man trapped into a reluctant transition by his older sister and her alpha male ex-boyfriend. Chapter 3: Years after the blind date at the drive-in where he was forced to give a BJ to an older male, Kim is now grown-up but out of work, so moves in with his sister Karen. To cheer him up, she suggests he dress as Kimberly again and go out in public. She's amazed at how quickly and deeply he gets into being Kimberly with each outing and pushes him farther - finally taking him to clubs to meet men.

A Christmas Turnaround

It was a cold winters night, the week before Christmas. The sky was dark and mysterious with only the moon peeking through the snow-clouds. All the stores were closed and shuttered, all the streets were empty dark and bare. Nobody in the right mind was out and about on such a bitter unwelcoming night, the only sparks of life were the homeless shivering in shop doorways, wrapped in cardboard, paper, or whatever other items for warmth and protection that they could salvage.

I was just about to escape into sleep when I heard someone approach me. In the short time I had been sleeping rough I had come to learn it usually meant either Police who were normally ok as long as you moved on until they had left, Security guards who were a lot more intolerant brusque and even violent, or other rough-sleepers who were looking to steal the few possessions or scraps of food that I had.

However this one was different, it was a young woman, well wrapped up in warm winter clothes with her long-blonde hair peeking out from under her woolen hat and wearing a pleasant welcoming smile.

Mischief Night Magic (3)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Three: Learning the Curve

“Okay Haddy.” Gwendoline said to me. “Before we go shopping I want you to get a good shower, I want you to deep condition your hair. I want you to shave under your arms, and to shave your legs too. Don't worry about your nether. I'll make an appointment in town with the stylist to handle that when prom and other major events come around.”

I blinked and blinked again.

Mischief Night Magic (2)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to 
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Two: Making Plans

The English language is full of idioms. One of the simpler ones is “Time flies when you're having fun.” I'm not sure how true that is, but it seemed I soon lost myself in my work. The simple act of bending down, picking up a weather worn trinket and tossing it into the trashcan before moving on to the next one was like a simple form of meditation to me.

Mischief Night Magic (1)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part One: Heather Delilah Soenksen

My mother is the night nurse at King's Daughters Hospital, my father is a foreman at Benton Brickwork. Because of their shifting schedules it's rare for the two of them to be at home at the same time. My father was already at work when I left home to keep my appointment with the strange woman. My mom had just gotten off, and had already showered and was fast asleep when I left.

Eight Miles High, part 12 of 12

Chapter 12

It would take us about five hours to get to Jakarta in Indonesia and we needed to go through emigration in Perth and immigration in Indonesia. Before we left the hotel I went to see everyone who was flying with a bag and said that if anyone had any drugs on them to put them in the bag now.

Misscast: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapters 2 & 3)

Initially hoping for the leading male role, Jesse finds that his best shot at stardom is accepting the female lead in his university's production of The Phantom of the Opera.

Here are chapters 2 & 3 of my new 25 chapter novel, Misscast! I hope you all like it :) To those who've read it so far, thank you!!


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