
The Pinky Confessions 7


The Pinky Confessions 7

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

Jo(si)e -1- The favour

“See you when you get back in a month or so Josie, enjoy your holiday with Jack, but whatever you do make sure that you don’t come back pregnant.” I joked with my sister as she left to go away for a long holiday with her boyfriend, Jack.”

"Thanks Joey, I’ll try to avoid that but I still intend to have a good time. Take care of things while I am away, and let me know if anything comes up."

Abducted FOR an Alien

Where to start? There are so many places…

I could start with the weather, which was a gorgeous spring day. I could start with the restless feeling that overcame me as I woke on that gorgeous spring day; the kind of day you throw caution to the winds and do whatever you really want to do instead of what's sensible.. Maybe I should start at the HEB, but if you aren't a denizen of the Great State Of Texas you won't have the faintest idea what an HEB is.

See how hard it is to find a starting place?


It seems that some schools have strict rules and give detention for numerous infractions, including tardiness and uniform specifications. Naturally, I couldn’t help but imagine what might happen if a student arrived for his first day, at just such a school, in a whirlwind of chaos, fateful decisions, and shenanigans.


By Mona Lisa


The Pinky Confessions 6


The Pinky Confessions 6

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

The Kielder girls 4/4 - Homecoming

Once we were away from the site, all a bit subdued at the thought that our time in Kielder was over, we stopped just outside Hexham, where I was going to leave them and get the train back home, before they all went back to Newcastle. Regretfully I needed to to change back into my boys’ clothes and revert to my life as Lyndsay for the last part of the trip to my home village. My time with the girls as Lyn was now over, or was it?

S(m)ister Wife Part 4

This story contains sex scenes

The next day I was "allowed" to wear a normal housedress, with normal underwear which included a black, open-bottom corselette. Carol was very quiet that morning. Bob had left early and after breakfast, she took me upstairs to continue my training.

She didn't want me to go down on her. She seemed upset. As I lay on my back and she gently and very slowly slid the well lubricated dildo into me. I grunted with pain.

The Pinky Confessions 5


The Pinky Confessions 5

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

Glitterbugs Chapter 4 of 4

Chapter Four

On the Monday we worked together song writing. As we worked it became even more of a collaboration. We thought as one, me now being able to write the music score. We went back to the ones we had written already for guitar and piano and wrote out the scores for the rest of the band. I could hear the tunes in my mind, played by the five of us.

The Pinky Confessions 4


The Pinky Confessions 4

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

Glitterbugs Chapter 3 of 4

Chapter 3

The meal was magnificent. If this was what being famous was all about, I would have to keep track of my weight. The waiters were attentive, and the wine was enough to take the edge off my worries about later. Joan told me that dessert would be after the show, to allow me to make space for it. We went out to the car, and I picked up the guitar case, then we went to freshen up.

The Kielder Girls 1/4 - Arrival

As long as I can remember, I have always had a bit of a thing about wildlife and plants. After school hours when the others were hanging out together in coffee bars or games arcades I just left them to it and did my own thing. I was always more interested in going on rambles in the local woods or on the moors rising up behind the family farm.

The Pinky Confessions 3


The Pinky Confessions 3

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

A New Look at Life

Due to a mail order mishap orchestrated by his sister, the pair of glasses Leighton receives are not the pair he ordered. Looks like if he wants something different, he's going to have to get a new job to pay for them. What could possibly go wrong?

A redux of a very requested oldie of mine. It's basically the exact same story, but rebuilt from the ground up.

The Pinky Confessions 2


The Pinky Confessions 2

There is a debate about transgender children. Should a Child be allowed to change gender? Some parents even allow their children to be drag kids! Should we allow this so the child is happy? Or is this just a form of child abuse?
You may know me as Pinky and read a lot about me. This is my story in my words.
A story of who I was, who I wanted to be, who others wanted me to be and who people thought I was

Glitterbugs Chapter 2 of 4

Chapter Two

The cruise was an around the world affair, and was successful, on a professional basis. And professional we were. We were making good money from our shows and the cash injection of having a top ten record was enough to let us splash out a bit. We now had a manager, Jerry, another friend of Candice’s father. We had our own collection of good equipment, me with at least six guitars.

In Rotation: A Gradual Feminization Story (Chapter 2)

He's coaching girls for the first time... So what's the best way to relate to them?

Caleb is a recent college grad and part-time volleyball coach who feels directionless in life. But when he's assigned to be an assistant coach for the club's top girls team, Caleb slowly discovers that fitting in with the team may be easier by embracing his feminine side.


Here's Chapter 2 my new 23 chapter novel In Rotation! Just a preview! I hope you all enjoy, and to those who have already read, thank you!!


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High School Sweetheart part 4 of 4

Everything is coming to a head, as Marion has to contend with his first day back at school. Family drama is never easy. At least Andy's made big plans for the weekend. Our hero's Journey is coming to an end. Where will he...or she go from here?

High School Sweetheart part 3 of 4

What Marion hoped would be a simple day watching baseball, takes a turn for the unexpected, with a visit to the beauty parlor, and an impromptu slumber party. At least short hair is in.

High School Sweetheart part 2 of 4

A doctor's appointment, and a date. The cast is off, and Marion can finally leave the house. He just didn't expect to be doing it in a dress. At least he doesn't have to pay for dinner.

In Rotation: A Gradual Feminization Story

He's coaching girls for the first time... So what's the best way to relate to them?

Caleb is a recent college grad and part-time volleyball coach who feels directionless in life. But when he's assigned to be an assistant coach for the club's top girls team, Caleb slowly discovers that fitting in with the team may be easier by embracing his feminine side.

Excited to announce the release of my new 23 chapter novel In Rotation! I'll be posting only the first few chapters here to try 'em out. I hope you like it!!


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High School Sweetheart part 1 of 4

Set in mid 1950s Brooklyn, through tragedy, circumstance, baseball, a hunky dreamboat, and poor decision making, a teen gains a better understanding of themselves and their family. Historically accurate fiction for fans of the feminine fashions of the fifties.

I used to write here 100 years ago as Shawna Stimple. It's good to be back. ^_^ This is pretty different from my old work, but I think you'll enjoy it. Categories for entire story.

Glitterbugs Chapter 1 of 4

Chapter One

It’s New Years’ Eve with the new century just hours away, and I’m sitting on the sofa in my lounge, watching the lead-up entertainment on the TV. It was mainly videos of past hits, and I nearly dropped my drink when I saw a video start that I knew well. It was a band from well over twenty years ago and there I was, behind the girls, playing my guitar.


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