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I was a teenage girl pop star.
Well, since you read this on this site you know the drill. Small nerdy boy with a soprano voice accidentally gets discovered. Gets “her” big break with a major hit. Performances and all that. In my case genetics aided and abetted the madness. My part-Thai ancestry made all the males in the family look feminine to the ordinary American.
Oh, I did the “Hannah Montana” thing as well. It was a bitch! Still, it was better than to be outed. You see, I never wanted to be anything else than a boy. Well, eventually a man but you know what I mean. The whole thing did cause some stress in the family. While my mother was all for my music career my father was decidedly against but finally went along. Bob, my older brother, did not even bother to hide his contempt of me. He was careful not to call me gay or sissy or anything like that. Both my parents would have come down like a ton of bricks on him in view of the problems our ex-uncle Arnold had had. Aunt Anne is really a nice person. Instead Bob in every way tried to diminish my accomplishments. He claimed if I could do it anyone could and things like that. F**k him! I worked damned hard for my success! Fortunately he went away to college soon after I started performing and recording. I have to admit that I was relieved when he refused to come back from college for holiday, excluding for two days at Christmas. I hated that. I really loved and admired him.
Yeah, my success. I was a pop star for one year. I started off well. I had two consecutive hits. Both of them in the in the extreme perky and happy vein. Then the songs became middling at best. I had ONE tour. A second one was never even considered. I was a bit sad I never got to perform the songs I myself wrote. “Not happy enough for my image”. My parents agreed that my career was over and I should revert full-time to the normal school-boy I really was. I was conflicted. I mean, I never wanted to be a girl. However, a girl performer was a completely different thing. I got a kick out of it and I was genuinely sorry to see it all end. Especially as I saw new artists rise. In particular I was fascinated by “Königin der Nacht” a very dark and moody female artist that suddenly hit the lists. She was my absolute opposite. I even wrote a song in her style. I called it “Pop Star’s Purgatory”. I really poured out my grief of losing my artistic career into it. It came out as something even “Königin der Nacht” would consider as TOO dark. THAT was a song I’d never perform in public. I played it once for my family when my brother was on one his rare visits. BAAAD mistake. He really trashed me.
So, there I was preparing myself for the new school year. It was the end of the summer and I was feeling a bit down. Not for the end of my artistic career. I had finally come to accept that and even felt some relief. No, the reason I felt down was that I had failed to get a ticket to the “Königin der Nacht” concert in my city that night. Then there was a telephone call from my agent. The opening act for “Königin der Nacht” had been delayed and couldn’t come. Could I perform instead, in two hours time? That was absolute madness! The lack of time and the non-compatibility of styles made it absurd. I accepted.
Once on stage I regretted my decision. Not only had “Königin der Nacht” refused to see me but I could feel the animosity from the crowd in an almost physical way. I did my best and had even chosen the less cheery of my songs. I did not connect. Of course I could not perform without singing my first big and VERY cheery hit so I ended with that, especially since this was my last performance ever. F**k them. I overflowed with happiness, happily jumping around on the stage. That’s when things got really weird. Suddenly the music changed to one of “Königin der Nacht’s” biggest hits and she got on stage singing in her usual dark way. How could they do that to me? Then “my” music was back and “Königin der Nacht” motioned to me to continue. After that it alternated between my cheery song and her very dark one. A kind of dialogue or even debate in a weird way. The audience went crazy. I was happy to just once more get that high a really excited audience gave me. I left the stage happy. I had gone out on a high.
For some reason I was not allowed into my dressing room to change back. Then I was called back to the stage at the end of the concert. I was completely knocked over when suddenly they started playing my “Pop Star’s Purgatory”. How the hell had they got hold of that? How dared they? I never had given them permission. Despite, or perhaps because, I was so angry, I started to sing with all the emotion I had had when I wrote it. The astounded audience reacted well. To be honest more than well. Then there was the same thing again. The music changed and “Königin der Nacht” started singing. It was definitely a “Königin der Nacht” song but a bright and happy one contrasting my coal-mine dark song. Back and forth it went. If the crowd had gone crazy before they now went nuts, bananas, out of their mind. Thankfully the security line held, even if sorely pressed. “Königin der Nacht” and I ended our performance and she had some closing words. Amazingly the crowd calmed down and she told them that “Pop Star’s Purgatory” was all mine and that there is light and darkness in all of us. Then we left the stage and the madness out there resumed, times ten.
“Königin der Nacht” turned around and said to me:
“I told you little sis. If you can do it anyone can.”
Looking closer at her I realized that “Königin der Nacht” was my brother Bob. Then he continued:
“I think I made a mistake. I had planned to get out of this mad business at the same time as you. I never could understand how you could stand it. Nobody knew but I had intended this to be my last concert. Now? There is no chance in hell either of us will be allowed to quit.”
Listening to the unhinged crowd outside I realized that Bob was right. We had become prisoners to our success. Despite what I had once felt about ending my career I felt darkness invade me. Then I realized that I was bound to work with my brother who I loved and had hated to see alienated from me. Brightness!
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very cool!
Darkness is coming
The days are already significantly shorter where I live.
Time to switch hemispheres?
Back to...
... your old tricks. I didn't see that coming. Initially, I thought it might be another Amy Amstel story.
Good story.
-- Daphne Xu
Did you miss the media reports that
"Supermodel Amy Amstel killed saving life of King of Ruritania"?
As far as I know Amy was no singer.
Dark light
Okay, I did see the brother as a new star coming. The opposite style was good. The concert and the trap they found themselves in was the good Bru touch.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Gold star
for spotting the brother.
I really appreciate you comment.
Thank you and well done. Your story was succinct and covered the essential but when you focused on the light dark aspect you really brought the story to life. Anytime an author can grab my emotions and take control, molded and shape them, shows their true genius for story telling. Bravo!
There is only one way I can respond to this
A humble and sincere
Thank you!
peas in a pod?
Seems like they both had more in common than they realized.
Oh, not at all
The narrator is light with darkness while the brother is darkness with light. ;)
Besides, it turned out that Bob was right while the narrator almost left
(the business).
The oriental ancestry is appropriate,
Ying to his siblings Yang.
I did not prank you
If you tried to access this story recently you may have met a blank page. While it's something I might have done I did not do that this time. It was caused by a temporary problem now solved by the diligent team that keep coddling us on this site.
Not much to say here
Only that I liked your story.
Very nice, Bru. As usual, I never saw it coming. :DD
Both of you
Thank you
…at the edge of town, as a promising young songwriter once wrote.
Wonder what became of him?
Nice twist, Bru.
Don't look at me!
I had nothing to do with what happened to that promising young songwriter. Honest!
In Your Face
Until the disguise is removed and the person you thought you knew steps out from hiding. Isn't it astounding how many present a facade but the reality is totally different. This story reminds me of all the false store fronts we see and yet the building is nothing like it behind the exterior.
So many truths in this story and Bru's normal spin was excellent but the deeper exposure of human nature took a serious bite.
Hugs Bru,
Received some pics, Zelensky sitting in an F-16. An extremely attractive lady stood out in the background. THAT's not a pun. Who designs your dresses? A blue dress with a yellow diagonal stripe from the left shoulder to your right hip? First time I've seen a pic of you covered so well.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Who has designs on my dresses?
I think the answer to that is obvious.
Actually F-16 is not optimal for conditions in Ukraine at present but beggers can be chosers.
Queen of the Night
You got me this time. I totally didn't expect his brother to be Queen of the Night.
Imagine what will happen when the world finds out. There will surely be "drag queen of the night" jokes. And maybe "Day Queen vs Night Queen."
Being ill with a high fever is no fun. Especially when it means that I'm too woozy to come up with a response that this comment merits.
Want me to come by with a fixer
Have a friend who brews her own "it'll cure you or kill you". I haven't used it for pain remover nor as a medical aid. However my pet since you seem to look Death in the eye almost virtually every week....
Should I ask her for a test run?
Hugs Bru, if you would wear more than a scarf and call it a dress you might not be in this condition.
The last time I looked behind the curtain they had to sedate me as I started screaming, "We're all going to die!"
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You are perfectly right of course
We all ARE going to die. The only question is when.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease that inevitably leads to death.
She just needed to get
She just needed to get inspired for her next single. Maybe she could collaborate with Corazon Tenderheart? That would be brightness for sure!
Definitely a career reboot
And possibly a change of direction as well.
I foresee two interwoven musical careers. Each one doing his/her thing and every now and then gearing up for a double megaact.
I also predict that the protagonist will get more leeway as to his/her music.
As for Corazón Tenderheart I'm afraid that franchise is already taken by Daisy Sweetheart from "Last Concert". Another ambivalent performer.