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I was a professor of law at a small Catholic university. I preferred the title professor to “father” even though I was an ordained priest and a theologian as well. Some would say that I was a rather well-known theologian. Others would spit and call me infamous and the spawn of the devil. In the context of the Catholic Church I’m considered a raving mad leftie. I prefer liberal. While I don’t think I question the basic tenets of the Faith I certainly question that the social system of the first centuries AD in the eastern Mediterranean basin should dictate how the Holy Church is organised today. Recently I had been involved in some rather heated debate.
That was probably the reason why the Dean was falling to pieces when he received the message that His Holiness Johannes XXIV had requested my presence in Rome AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Me, I was delighted, and horrified. It was a long time since I had last met Father Domenico, my true father. Not that he had sired me but he was the young priest that had saved the semi-starved, abused orphan from the favela. To survive I had had to do horrible things, things that I’d prefer to forget but can’t (even though statutes of limitation have long since passed). I was at the same time horribly vulnerable and completely ruthless. As ruthless as Father Domenico could be, despite being a genuinely GOOD person. That’s the reason why I was horrified. I knew that Father Domenico (as he still was to me) would not call for me like this unless he had something really important and difficult for me to do. Remember, he knew EVERYTHING that lurked beneath my deceptively timid surface and what I was capable of doing. He also knew that I’d be unable to refuse him anything, anything at all.
His Holiness Johannes XXIV was widely and genuinely loved and widely and no less genuinely hated. When electing him pope the cardinals had only seen the successful and very popular pastor that they thought was a political non-entity. A classic compromise candidate. Those princes of the church that had chosen a real prince had no idea how liberal he was, how determined he was and how ruthless he could be. Well, Father Domenico wasn’t exactly a prince, his father had been and his brother was. Father Domenico was a member of one of the Roman princely families that once upon a time had monopolised the higher echelons in the Church. If you could get close enough to Father Domenico you could feel what that heritage had done to him.
His Holiness Johannes XXIV has started a thorough renovation of the structure that is the one and only true church. Not unexpectedly he gained many enemies, powerful enemies. He dealt with most of them. On the surface he mostly smothered them with kindness, in reality he was completely ruthless. Those remaining got cautious but bided their time. Such was the situation when the one man who could ask anything from me, and wouldn’t hesitate to do that to further his higher goals, called for me. If he wanted someone “disappeared” I was more than capable. I’m ashamed that this was I thought when I entered into the presence of the Vicar of Christ. I had severely underestimated his ruthlessness.
- Pepe, how good of you to come to see me.
He hasted toward me and embraced me just like in the old days. Father Domenico by words and actions signalled that he wanted us to interact in the way we used to before we parted ways, The last time we had actually seen each other was when he had ordained me, he had insisted. He had just become an archbishop. I left to take up my first teaching position. I had decided that caring for a flock was not something I could do with a good conscience.
- Father, I’m always happy to see you but why have called me in this rather abrupt way?
- I’ve been murdered and I really need you to do some things for me.
I was aghast. Murdered?! He didn’t look fit but he was definitely alive.
- Murdered?
- Yes, murdered. Oh, it may take some weeks before I actually die but there is no way of stopping the effect of the poison I’ve been given. Now I urgently need to settle some things so spare me your words. I know what you feel anyway, as I always do. I know who are behind all this. Two cardinals! One of them hoping to succeed me. We don’t have enough evidence to act –yet. Unfortunately that only leaves me the possibility to create five new voting cardinals. I want you to be one of them. Consider it as a bribe for what I really want you to do.
I was disgusted. Becoming a cardinal was the last thing I wanted. I was prepared to whatever he wanted me to do. Why did he have to punish me futher?
- I see what you think Pepe, I’ve always known everything about you even your innermost thoughts. Yes, even THAT!
I was devastated. He KNEW. I thought I had been able to keep at least that part from him. But if he knew how, could he still love me? He evidently did despite his commitment to punish me.
- Well, actually I need you as a cardinal as well. My successor will inevitable be more conservative than I. This will harm the Holy Church. We need to become part of the 21th century. You may not have realized it but your theology is not that far from mine. Preserve the core tenets. Modernise the shell. I need to leave a legacy for the long term as well. You and your fellow new cardinals will provide a nucleus for that. I expect you all to shake them up. I rely on you in particular.
The bishops he mentioned made me gasp. In comparison I was deeply conservative. And like me they were YOUNG, all of us below 60!
- Father, I’m not worthy.
- Of course your aren’t! Remember, I know you. I know how terrible a punishment this is for you. However, you can’t deny that you have done things that merit punishment, and punishment more severe than this. Nonetheless, the Mother Church NEEDS you, I NEED you.
I was crushed. I had finally decided to leave the priesthood and finally set myself free. I would be unable to do that now!
- As Your Holiness desires.
- Oh, don’t look that glum. Apart from not leaving the priesthood and taking on the burdens I will ask of you I don’t expect you to change your plans in any other way. As a matter of fact as you friend I sincerely beg you to proceed as planned. That’s part of my plan.
Now, for the most important part. My brother died in an accident last week. This left me as the guardian for my 15 year old grand-nephew Prince Andrea. The poor child has been horribly abused by my brother. There is no one other that I could trust to be the support Andrea needs, to truly understand and care as well as having the “heft” necessary to protect him, or rather her, from my distant relatives. Andrea is transgender. My poor deluded brother tried to “beat it out of him” and in any other way “make a man of him” ever since Andrea’s parents passed away. I need you to help Andrea heal the wounds, to protect her fortune and if possible save her title (she doesn’t care but I do). To be a parent and knight in shining armour. I’m sure if anyone can, it will be you, well if we forget about the shining armour. Your law expertise and your commitment will prevail if at all possible. You will NOT fail me! Consider Andrea as my child, as I do. Come to think of it it’d make her kind of your sister wouldn’t it? Your sister la Principessa Andrea - she has decided to keep her name.
- Father, you know me and yet you trust me with this?
- It’s exactly because I know you like no one else do, that I DO trust you.
Father Domenico had made sure he’d have time to spend the evening together with me. Our last time ever together. We didn’t touch upon what he’d asked to do or his imminent demise. It was just two very, very good friends who spent a most pleasant evening. Father Domenico did talk a lot about Andrea but only as a person. Only when I left Father Domenico said one last thing.
- Pepe, you have my benediction and absolution for what you plan to do. And if the investigation isn’t ready when I join Our Father – well, things may get stalled then - so please make sure cardinals Mattei and Okwungo don’t attend the conclave.
His Holiness Johannes XXIV ordained me as bishop the day after in a quiet ceremony. Il Principe Andrea, as he still was, attended. When first seeing the child I got a shock. She was almost a spitting image, only a few years younger, of the young priest that had saved me and that I had come to love. Of course I would do anything I could for the young principessa, there was no other option. Unfortunately I had to have surgery so I didn’t have the opportunity to meet Father Domenico again before my installation as cardinal.
I have to admit that the investiture awed me. The pomp and glory, while hopelessly out of date, did thrill me. However, that could not diminish my pain when I saw my old friend. It must have been only by marshalling his absolute last forces that he was able to officiate. I had no doubt he would be dead before the morning. I knew the investigation had stalled and I saw the faces of cardinals Mattei and Okwungo among the host of vultures, sorry cardinals, that had already gathered here in Rome in anticipation of the conclave. An accident that tragically would end the life of two cardinals would happen tonight, possibly a bit prematurely, possibly not. No matter, I had arranged all that needed arranging.
Looking at all those cardinals, those princes of the church, that I was about to join I once more felt how reluctant I was to become one of those princes of the church. Or, come to think about it since I finally had had the operation - a princess of the church?
No matter what, I would not let down the one and only man I had ever and always loved.
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More, I want more
Great short story. Could really be expanded. Thanks for posting it.
Thank you, but it's unlikely
that I will extend the story. However, more can be interpreted as me writing a new story :)
Story set in the Philippines?
When I first read the title, I thought perhaps the story might be set in the Philippines, and involve Jaime Sin.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I confess
The title/name combination Cardinal (Jaime) Sin has intrigued me for a long time. I assume that my choice of title to some degree was influenced by him.
Definitly meets
the high standards and twisted humor of your work.
Not Sure?
Let me clear the table. I'm not Catholic and not fond of organized religion.
The "church" was certainly going to receive a shock to realized they anointed a trans.
Was she really or did she do it for her love of the one who "saved" her? Or did I not read the story right?
Without any up front personal murder, mayhem, that is off to the side, this is one of Bru's darkest tales yet.
Hugs Bru
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
A bit obscure as usual
There are some hints hidden in the text that show that Pepe genuinely is trans.
She had planned to leave the priesthood and become the woman she is.
Father Domenic/Johannes XXIV knew about that and condoned it, actually urged her to go ahead with the SRS. He was looking forward to the shock to the system of the church.
Please note that Pepe not only loved Father Domenic, she was in love with him.
Yes, this was a rather dark story. However, I think it's only my third of fourth darkest story.
A Nice Whodunnit
This could make a nice mystery novel. The situation scares me, and makes me wonder... Who really are the good guys?
For example, in the Lensmen series, the Lensmen are the bad guys. Remo Williams of The Destroyer series was a villain. And Teh Judge in the Professor's Ovis series was the bad guy.
But sometimes, once the bad guys become utterly nasty, that may leave the good guys no choice but to become nasty. I think that situation is reached when the situation can be represented by, "Nyeah-nyeah! Look at what we can do, and you can't do a damn thing about it."
-- Daphne Xu
My characters are usually flawed, sometimes very much so
As usual the story is written from a very subjective point of view.
Pepe admits that there is much hidden under her timid surface. Much that scares herself. When it comes to Father Domenico (the one and only man she's ever and always loved) all bets are off.
I hope you are Not ...
... thinking of E. E. "Doc" Smith's Lensmen. I so very much remember them (and the very few Lenswomen) as the good folks.
Wikipedia ... Wikipedia ... Wikipedia ...
Ahh. Other works with the same title, anime and such.
I was..
In all three examples, the authors portrayed them as the heroes. However, their conduct, goals, policies, etc. made them villains. I'm thinking in particular of the Lensmen's cynical successful overthrow of the US by running one of their own as candidate for president. Military indoctrination was portrayed as a virtue.
-- Daphne Xu
not your typical Bru story.
but very good, anyway.
How boring it would be if all my stories were the same
Actually I have been bothered by the "sameness" of my stories recently.
Well ...
If you ever feel guilty that it just isn't like your usual story, you could always do a sequel done in the style of Fr. Guido Sarducci.
You could call it Papal Bull. ;-)
Otherwise, with all the intrigue going on, I found it was a funny story in its own SINister way.
Thanks very much for posting it. I enjoyed it.
Is it Punday already?
As a matter of fact this story was written in four hours and I had just published it when I read your blog-post ;)
I'm not bothered if it's not my usual style. What I sometimes worry about is that my stories are getting repetetive.
As for sequels (which I normally don't do): Papal Bull - when the Vatican aggressively invests in the markets (they usually are more discreet). The follow-up to that is Papa Bear. Some will claim that Papal Bull is hogwash.
That is just so not Kosher! Your examination of my SPECULAtion is more than being merely circumcised considering the cardinal rules that were violated in the lower chambers in your story of Pepe of the Pew -- which could have been so cartoonish except for that leftest turn you took at Albuquerque.
NEEDLEss to say, its your TURN now to go on a PUN FLIGHT with me,
P.S. it is nice having FOUR play pun with you too. <wink><giggle> In the immortal words of Steve Rogers, "I could do this all Punday!"
P.P.S. And this is what happens when you've been cooped up for a month with no where to go, you pick a pun fight with someone you admire. Sorry.
You need to COOPerate better
You just might be a mitre over the top but it's allright. I need to be on my toes (well, I'll have to later today in my pointe class).
I just realised that Pepe is another one that might be "Pretty in Purple"
Tru Bru
I didn't want to robe you of your investiture in the story.
Maybe it was that I read it with rosary colored. glasses. But, when I genuflect on it, it was just a mother superior story to one of mine. Maybe I can't Handel the chorus of praise coming your way to you ode to joy, or what ever her name is.. Sorry, I confessing my Maestros there.
What I am trying to say is say Hello to Mary for me and to our father discussion on the matter we will just be doing punance for our literary crimes.
As was said in the immortal words of Danny Kaye found in the Apocrypha, trust in the Bru that is True, and don't pestle with the MASSal. And that is a knight I will never forget.
P.S. I don't know what the Hell I am talking about, so, for Heaven's sake, please use your pulpit to tell me.
Truly Thurible Puns!
It's difficult to find the Rationale for our texts. Even worse, someone Stole all the good ideas. I just have to Cope the best I can. That's Alb I'm going to say.
Coming Bach to Mass appeal, in that I'm afraid I only rate B Minor.
The only pulpit I have is the bully pulpit, Do you really want me to use it?
If you come across Earl Ybird, you can tell the Lord that he hasn't got a prayer. Worms has 1. judo-club.