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My name is Gwall Gramadegol. I’m a fairy. I’m proud to be a fairy!
I come from an ancient and proud family of faeries. No, no, not the degenerate Tinkerbell variety. Think Oberon and Morgan le Fay (yes, she was one of us). Powerful, proud and mean. Even evil if you prefer. As a matter of fact I’m the grandson of Oberon. Junior branch though.
You’d think that with that ancestry I’d be one of the more powerful faeries. No such luck. My relatives have made my parents’ life awkward, and mine hell, because I didn’t fit in among the rest of the royal family. Weak magic and no imposing presence, if anything I was called cute. I hated that! I wanted to be like my cousins; big, strong, powerful, mean and just oozing of manliness. Tough luck!
Despite all this my life was OK until I visited a bar for humans in my native Hamburg. My father had relocated before I was born so I was raised with German as my first language and thus no one could hear that I wasn’t a regular human German.
I was feeling a bit depressed after an incident in a Seven Elven so I was looking into my beer and not seeing the man that approached me until he said
- G’day
A balding middle aged man stood there. He sat down without me inviting him. OK, so you come across rude people in bars. I usually could handle that quite well. He introduced himself as Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs ”but just call me Oscar”. OK, I thought and prepared to make my escape as soon as I could. However, it turned out he was a good person to talk with. He was interesting. He was funny. His English was a bit strange but he was exactly what I needed at that moment. As we talked I got more and more fascinated by him. However, I thought I could feel a slight tingling of magic. As I told you my own magic is weak but I can sense it and I had a good e-wand. Hey, just because we are an ancient race doesn’t mean that we can’t keep up with technology. The wand automatically keeps a ten minute recording so I ran a Spell-check on that part of the conversation. I was getting a suspicious as Oscar started to look worried. No matter, the wand told me that there was no spell being woven. Lots of bad grammar though but that didn’t bother me.
After a while we left the bar and went to a small quaint shop where I got the most stunning short dress and some lovely lingerie. The very high heels gave me a bit of a problem at first but I loved the way my legs looked. I got several outfits in the same vein, some skimpy swimwear and lots and lots of nice lingerie and then we left Hamburg for a Caribbean Island the same night. Well, I’m not going to kiss and tell but the next three months were fabulous. They passed in a pink cloud of romance.
It all lasted until one night in a restaurant when Oscar complimented me and I answered
- I’m enchanted, my dear Sir
Then I realized that I really was enchanted. With an effort I summoned all my limited powers and managed to break the spell. As soon as Oscar saw this – Pouf – and he literally vanished into thin air.
My parents were happy to see me again and enveloped me in their love. My infatuation with Oscar was broken but my love to feminine clothing remained. I tried to go back to the, admittedly imperfect, male I had been before. I failed miserably. I was uncomfortable not just in the male clothing. Everything about being male just bothered me. My mother finally sat down with and explained that Oscar’s spell had released something inside me that had been there all the time. My very powerful, and loving, mother explained that even if she had wanted to, trying to mess with that would be extremely dangerous. She loved me as her daughter. I had never been a happy child. Now, when I presented as female I was happy and that made her and my father happy. "Besides", she added, "you're really, really beautiful".
While that explained the part of the spell I couldn’t reverse I still couldn’t understand how Oscar could have cast that spell on me in the first place. I had used the spellchecker! My father had a look at my e-wand.
- You had your spellchecker set at the Queen’s English
- Of course I had it on English! If I had had it on German it wouldn’t have worked!
- You realize that there are several versions of English out there?
- Well, English is English, isn’t it?
- No my son, eh, daughter. English is not always English or rather UK. So you had the wrong setting for dealing with the Wizard of Oz!
My name is Gwall Gramadegol. I’m a fairy. I’m proud to be a fairy! I’m powerful. I can have any male under my spell in minutes.
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And thus we get our first official entry!
And a cute one at that!
I was a little worried when it got to the transformation bit, but you turned it all around nicely. Great job, Bru!
Melanie E.
The Conversation Starter was Almost A Giveaway
But I loved the Wizard Of Oz line. I hope that's not a spoiler.
There's a Contest????
And Bru entered a "tail"? Ohhh, this is serious. I'm in doubt our intrepid hosts can track down the elusive Bru provided she won the top ten submissions or the number one spot. That girl is like her tails, a shadow of illusions and double takes. I've watched as she played with people's minds when we were out together. NO WE AREN"T DATING. We were out together. Men would approach and as they started to speak, she shifted her illusions. They didn't know if they were looking at a Goth Princess, or a Faerie Princess, or just the girl next door. Toss in any age from teenager (jail bait) to grandma's granny and most of they time they would walk way talking to themselves like blithering idiots.
I'm glad her mind breaking illusions and spells don't work on me or I'd be just like those men...? Uh..., they don't work on me do they???? Where's that book I bought about warding off spells? Come to think of it. Bru was the one who told me which book to buy. Why that sneaky little bitch! I'm going to give her a peace of my mind. Here she comes now.
My you look ravishing, Love.
Never trust a girl who calls herself Bru. Trust me on this!
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
That book is perfectly good. Trust me on this!
Only, just like the best Russian anti-virus software, I left open a back door when writing it. Don't worry! You will be perfectly happy. As long as you do exactly as I tell you will be perfectly happy. Don't worry. You will be perfectly happy ...
Did the Wizard of Oz
put the Seven Eleven into Hamburg like the other wizard does with the Spells Rus shop I wonder? Was it on Reeperbahn?
Monique S
Seven Elven
Oh, the protagonist hadn't been in a Seven Eleven. He had been in a Seven Elven, a chain catering to the mythical population and never found by mere mortals.
Thanks for your comment and sorry for setting you up ;)
You never know
with the manky spell checkers today (giggles).
Monique S
When it comes to Bru one never knows
Whether she caught it or not, I had tagged her back for "us" Monique after she laid that 7 Elvan on everyone. I used peace of my mind instead of piece of my mind. Play on words where my mind was already betraying me. I've been watching her and she's a slippery one. No way one can speed read her stories and ever catch all the traps, reverse logic, or gotchus. Sometimes I will read her story six or a dozen times because something didn't pass the smell test and I couldn't catch it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Give Peas a Chance
(Only 3.74 on Amazon).
I have to be more vigilante (I'm still a Virgin!). I saw Peace, I could have done something about it. Through inaction I failed. As too often is the case it's not what we do but what we don't that defines our failures. ;)
Oh my...
Looks like someone spent some time in Ingersoll as of late. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Heroine addict
That one was a double play on words. To tell the truth although it pains me something awful. I never caught the convoluted double meaning with the spelling being so close to heroin addict. However in my defense Your Honor, Miss Bru isn't playing fair. She stacks the deck in more ways than one. I mean, look at her. NOT while you're trying to decide this case, Your Honor. What do you mean she has all her stacks nicely placed? Your Honor, I must protest. I want a retrial with a blind judge.
Hugs Hon, don't know what they allow you for defense across the pond. Our world is looking pretty shaky with all the saber rattling going on now. Stay safe and if God is willing, I'll see you on the other side of this coming hell we are all being pulled into.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.
PS: not going to be flying for a couple months. Lost power and the gyro had only one way to go. Down. We'll be rebuilding it for the next few months. Kids asked if I was alright? Told them I was on my death bed and needed TLC for the rest of my life. They told me they hoped I found it because I wasn't moving in with them. Rotten kids! Is it too late to have a new batch? Maybe the next ones will turn out better?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Nice Idea!
The SRU Wizard meets the Wizard of Oz. What happens? (They are both hucksters and tricksters, of course.)
-- Daphne Xu
Good Ol' Pinhead
Up to his usual tricks, I see.
I really didn't see that one coming.
I knew it was the Wizard of Oz the instant I saw that name. BTW, I hope that nobody sets their eWand to Australian English when meeting the Wizard of Oz.
-- Daphne Xu
I'm still waiting for one of the Welsh speakers
here to react to the other "name" ;)
Don't Know Welsh...
But Google Translate seems to render it as "Grammatical Error".
When I wrote this story there were a couple of threads
ongoing about grammar and spelling and how to react/not react to errors and people who comment on those errors. These discussions occur every now and then and I did not have any specific person in mind.
So I decided to play around a bit with these things in this story. As it turned not as much as I had originally planned but anyway...
Personally I don't care about errors of any kind as long as it doesn't seriously impair my understanding of the story. While I try to avoid that kind of errors myself I'm bound to occasionally come up with spellings, turns of words, expressions etc that aren't just right since I'm not a native speaker of any of the English languages (as a matter of fact I've spent less time in English speaking countries than in three other "language areas").
Oh, brother!
What a cute, cheeky, story. A kick to read and be punched at the end.
Reading some comments about errors in writings, it should be noted that those may not be errors but part of the actual story. Whether a play on words or part of the characters speech patterns, careful consideration should be given to the overall dialect in the story before concluding an error has occurred.
Others have feelings too.