
Getting Lost in the Girly-Girly Swamp

I dearly love my twin. I may complain about the consequences but I really do love Alexis. Fraternal twins, of course. We couldn’t be more different. Alexis is the younger one, by 28 minutes. Already as a baby Alexis was small and prone to get sick. I on the other hand have always been “robust”. I’ve always felt very protective about Alexis. That’s how I got dragged into the “Girly-girly swamp”.

My first bodysuit

First bodysuit, first transformation, first sex

Hello, it's my first ever try to make a story - so do not judge me too strong. And I hope you will forgive my not perfect english. So. let's the tory begin :)

I always wanted to understand how it feels to be a woman. I did not want to do surgery and hormone therapy, and crossdressing was not so good idea - just a man in dress, maybe attractive one, but man.

A confession

This is a small confession from a guy. He trusted me because of my unusual sexual orientation, as a sfenist. I decided to post here his confession because it can help other people experiencing similar feelings regarding crossing strict rules. I will use for him a fictional name, Ivan.

This is what he said:

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Authors Note: I apologize for how short this one is.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice


A Christmas Party - part 5

A Christmas Party - part 5

Bob gets invited to his office's Christmas Party. His colleagues convince him that life is more fun in a dress.

In this part; Bobbi finds it's not so easy to give up being female and he gets to meet Jordan's father.

School madness 1

Please note this is purely fictional and is just a story.

I'll save or the boring stuff for after the story.


I guess this is where I introduce myself. Hi, my names Charlie. I go to Brixton academy.

Makeover of a Lifetime

Makeover of a Lifetime

Dave’s ‘Femme Makeover of a Lifetime’ had been arranged and paid for months in advance. All Dave had to do was show up, lay still and let the makeover crew do their job. No effort required. What’s not to like?

The advertisement on Dave’s favorite crossdressing website had read:”Femme Makeover of a Lifetime; the ultimate, once in a life time, femme fantasy experience. No surgeries performed, no tattoos given, no obscenities permitted. Extra services available at an additional cost. No checks.” That seemed reasonable.

It's Rasufelle's fault

Rasufelle and I played a story game where we each took turns adding a sentence to a story. This was the result:

Aaron glared at the situation before him, using every ounce of willpower he had to try and force it to change while knowing that it was a lost cause.

The cheerleader in front of him had a wide grin, but he was sure he could see the evil glint in her eyes.

"You agreed to the terms, so you can either pay up . . . or do the forfeit," she said in a low, menacing voice.

He sighed, knowing paying up was not really an option.

Christmas Scrambled - 8

Christmas Scrambled -8

By Jessica

Teenage boy loses his cool on Christmas Eve morning…
With Essie’s encouragement, he decides to enjoy penitence…
He’s decided to remain as Marti until New Year’s Day…

The Good Samaritan 3 - The Pantomime

Robin Campbell, as part of a scheme to stop the bullying of a friend, had attended Abbey Girls High School, living as a girl, and he had become extremely successful and popular academically and on the hockey field. After leaving school and attending University he returned to Abbey High as English teacher, and part-time sports master.

Rio's Bargain - 1. Another Conquest


Rio's Bargain

Rio's Bargain

1. Another Conquest

by Lulu Martine

"Thank you, miss," said the beaky, dark-skinned fellow. 

I'd just handed him his large caramel French-roast, and I'd already seen his change go into the tip-jar, so I smiled and said, "Thank you, sir." If he thought I was a girl, it didn't do me any harm. I got that a lot working the counter at SvensKafe, and my co-workers teased me about it.

Things had to change - Closing the past

This year has seen major changes in my life that I had never in my wildest dreams thought would happen. This Christmas has definitely been different for me, being one of the girls, helping in the kitchen, getting perfume and makeup as presents, and generally feeling happy to be accepted as I am. I am definitely getting used to living like this, and enjoying it.”


Christmas Scrambled - 5

Christmas Scrambled - 5

By Jessica C

A teen loses his cool the morning of Christmas Eve…
With Essie’s encouragement, he decides to enjoy penitence…
Matt has decided to be Marti through the week…

Christmas Scrambled - 4

Christmas Scrambled - 4

By Jessica

A boy loses his cool the morning of Christmas Eve…
With Essie’s encouragement, he decides to enjoy penitence…
Another day and still Marti...


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

by Lulu Martine

They came for me during sixth-period Geometry and led me out of class in handcuffs. It was so embarrassing, but it could have been worse.

Mrs Beale asked what I was being charged with, but the officers refused to say. So there was that. I didn't know what the charge would be, but I did know what crime I had committed.



By Jasmine Monica

Part 1
This is a cute little story that I wrote and posted today. I haven't felt well in the past few days and I have been too tired to work on my long epic story I have been writing but I hope to get back to it soon
This story is about a innocent teenage boy shopping with his sister in a girls clothing store, as her sister when they run into his girlfriend. How will she react

Princess of Castile chapter 1

Princess of Castile
Chapter one
By Jennifer Reed

This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around five years prior to the events in Rikkis story.

An innocent and efeminnant man finds he has been sold and delivered to a very powerful noble in another country.

Things had to change - Chloe

It was time to get in touch with my sister Chloe, we had always got on well and she deserved to know that at least I was still alive and well. I had completely disappeared and no doubt Josie had given her all the details, or her own version of it. Since her marriage to Robert, we had drifted apart, I never really got on with him or he with me, so we had all kept our distance.

Alex and Nicole (chapter 7)

Continued from part 6 -the shed-

{a new direction - torment teasing and submission}

I continued blissfully rubbing Nicole's feet, one at a time of course, while Kathy used me as a foot stool, her foot at times
caressing my thigh, toes scrunching, reminding me her feet were there, constantly. I looked at their feet, they were the
same size, Nicole in beige pantyhose and Kathy wearing the cute tiny socks. Nicole's nylon encased feet were more
intoxicating for me, but having two pair of feet... teasing me... was uhm... intoxicating.


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