Working Girl Part 3


WorkingGirl Part 3 of 6
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Garner thought it would be fun to sign up for a costume contest



Jack took my hand and led me across the parking lot to his car; the only sound was my heels on the asphalt.

As we approached his car, Jack turned to me. “Why so quiet?”

I stopped walking and he pulled on my hand a moment before stopping as well. “I guess I feel a bit bothered by your comment that you plan to keep me. You’re not my boyfriend, Jack.”

Jack chuckled. “What would you have had me to say to the nice old lady? I think most of the older women in the foundation have getting me married off as their personal mission.”

I shook my head. “I guess it bothers me that you assumed I want to date you.”

Jack chuckled. “Look. I just said that to be nice to Mrs. Jenkins. I wasn’t trying to suggest to you that we date. Though I admit I like that idea.”

I grunted a laugh. “I thought you only dated guys.”

Jack grinned. “And what are you?”

I laughed. “You got me there. But I’m not really into guys. You know that.”

Jack took my hand and started leading me back to our apartment. “We’ll see. With your new job, you’re finally getting to let your inner girl out.”

I looked shyly at my feet. “That’s true.”

After we got inside the apartment, I kicked my heels off and plopped down on the couch. Jack sat right next to me and slung his arm behind my shoulder. He picked up the remote control that was resting on the couch as well and turned on the TV.

“Want to watch some porn?” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Actually, I want to go to bed.”

Jack stood up quickly and took my hand. “Now you’re talking.” He tugged on my hand.

I pulled my hand free. “No, Casanova. I need to get some sleep. I have to get up earlier than I’m used to so I have time to pick out a dress and put on my make-up. In fact, I should probably pick out my outfit before I get in bed.”

Jack looked deflated. “You got me excited there for a minute.”

I shook my head. “Goof ball. Can you help me remove this necklace so I can give your jewelry back to you?” I turned around so the clasp of the necklace faced him.

Jack said, “I’ll help you take it off, but you can keep it.”

I felt his fingers on my neck. Why did that give me a tingle? “I can’t take your jewelry! This is expensive stuff. You should give it to that special girl.”

Jack kissed my neck. “I just did.”

I just stood there holding the necklace. “I don’t know what to say.”

Jack grinned. “How about ‘thank you’?” He sat back on the couch.

*          *          *

I knocked the alarm clock to the floor fumbling around trying to shut it off. This was way too early. I’m hoping as I get used to putting on my make-up, I can scale back getting up so early. Actually, I hope that I go back to my original job before I get used to putting on make-up. All my life, practically, I had fantasized about having a job where I got to dress as a woman. But I have to admit, I already miss being able to jump out of the shower and into clothes and run out the door.

I needed something to eat, so as I was used to doing, I just wandered out of my room just in my underwear to see if anything was in the kitchen. I forgot I was wearing panties as I stepped out into the common area of Jack’s and my apartment. I was surprised to see Jack already in the kitchen turning on the coffee maker. I never use it as I get my caffeine from sodas.

As I entered the kitchen, Jack turned around. He looked me up and down. “Good morning Garner. Maybe you should wear a robe or a nightie or something?”

I frowned at Jack as I looked inside the pantry looking for an energy bar or something. “Mornin’ Jack. And what’s the deal? So I’m wearing panties instead of boxers, there’s nothing different about how you usually see me in the morning.”

Jack shrugged. “Just seems different somehow.”

I laughed. “It’s not like I grew tits overnight. I’m still just me.”

As he pulled a mug from the cupboard and poured his coffee, Jack chuckled. “I suppose that’s true.”

I started to unwrap the energy bar. “So what are you saying, Jack? I should be more modest now that I’m wearing different clothes?”

Jack shrugged. “Well yeah, actually. If you’re going to be a woman, you should have a better sense of propriety. That’s all.” He filled his cup

I just stared at him. “Seriously? As a man it’s okay to run around in just my underwear, but if I’m going to wear women’s clothes, I need to cover up?”

Jack looked at me curiously. “You don’t think so? It doesn’t bother you to traipse about half naked in front of men?”

I frowned. “What men? It’s just you and I’ve been doing this since I moved in. This is a weird conversation to be having with you.”

Jack raised his hands defensively. “Okay. Fine. I won’t say another word about it.”

“Okay then.” I took a bite from my energy bar and turned to get back to my room. I was suddenly uncomfortable being in front of Jack in just my panties.

I took a shower and put on my make-up. It didn’t take as long as I first thought, but I was still going to have to get up earlier than I used to. I’m glad I took the time the night before to lay out what I was going to wear.

Before I put on my skirt and blouse and just in my bra, panties and pantyhose, women were required at work to wear hose if they wore a dress or skirt, I snuck into Jack’s room while he was in the shower to return the jewelry he’d given me. I put it next to a pile of his ex-girlfriend’s stuff on top of the dresser.

There was a small bottle of perfume with the other stuff. Out of curiosity I sniffed it. I liked it so I decided to wear it and put the bottle back. I don’t usually wear perfume, but I really liked it and I bet it was expensive.

When I was finished dressing, I exited my room. Jack was just about to head out the door himself. He looked up when I exited my room and whistled.

“So what do you think?” I asked striking a pose. “Do I look okay?”

He walked towards me and smiled. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He sniffed when he got close. “And you smell great too.”

“Thanks,” I said grinning. “I thought you’d like it. I borrowed your ex-girlfriend’s perfume when I was returning that jewelry.”

Jack frowned. “Keep the jewelry. It’s yours.”

I shook my head. “But they’re real diamonds, Jack. I can’t accept such an expensive gift.”

Jack smiled at me. “You can and you will. I’m not going to wear those items. They belong on a beautiful woman. Put them in your jewelry box. They’re yours. Keep the perfume too. In fact, you can have anything of hers you find in my room.”

“What if she comes back for it?” I asked.

Jack shook his head. “She won’t.”

I smiled nervously at Jack. “Well, thank you, Jack.” I thought, I hope he’s not expecting anything in return. “I need to get to work. I don’t want to be late for my new boss.”

Jack waved as I opened the apartment door. “Have a great day.”

I arrived at work with about five minutes to spare. I hurried through the lobby, my heels clicking and my tight skirt restricting my stride. I should have expected to see men turn to look at me scurrying to the elevators. I would have turned to look myself running the way I was. It annoyed me to see some men with amused expressions at my own clothes being a hindrance to me. A tight skirt causing restricted movement while wearing heels was quite a turn on when I was by myself. Now, not so much.

The elevator door was about to close as I arrived, slightly out of breath. A man smiled at me and held the door open. I smiled at him as I stepped inside. “Thank you!” I pressed the button to my floor, noticing my red nails. Everyone else on the elevator was a man. It never bothered me before. I folded my arms under my fake boobs. I need to stop thinking like this.

The man continued to smile at me. “You’re very welcome, miss.”

Oh crap! I thought. I hit the wrong button. Now that I’m Mr. Jones’s assistant, I’m on a different floor than I used to be. The crowd in the elevator shifted and I couldn’t get to the buttons any longer.

I hated doing it, but I said out loud, “I hit the wrong button and I can’t reach the buttons.”

The man who had held the door for me, turned and smiled at me again with a knowing expression. He probably thinks I’m stupid now. “I’ll push the button for you miss. What floor?”

I told him and he punched it. I thanked him and he nodded to me. I stepped back and tried to become invisible.

By the time the door opened for my floor, it was just me and the guy who held the door open for me. He smiled at me as I exited the elevator. “See you tomorrow!” He said cheerfully. I’m going to try to arrive at a different time tomorrow.

As I arrived at my desk just outside Mr. Jones’s office, a couple of IT guys were just leaving. One of them nodded to me as they packed up their stuff onto their cart. “You’re all set up with a new computer, miss. You have everything you should need as an assistant.”

I smiled. “Thank you.” I set my purse down on the desk. I looked at the PC. Terrific. It was a thin client. They have these assistant PCs locked down pretty tight. Only a handful of web sites are available. I could get to everything on my PC when I was an analyst.

A couple other assistants for the neighboring managers walked over to me, smiling. “Welcome to our office area. Mr. Jones has been waiting a long time for a permanent assistant. If you need anything, just let one of us know, okay sweetie?”

I smiled back and nodded to them. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to let you know.”

I sat down at my desk and randomly opened drawers to see what, if anything was inside them. My user ID and temporary password was taped to the monitor. I already had a user account, but they created me a new one. Actually it was the same as my old one with the number one stuck at the end.

“Looks like you’re getting settled in.”

I looked up to see Ms. Lane standing next to the low wall around my desk. I smiled. “Oh, hey Ms. Lane. I didn’t see you.”

Ms. Lane looked over my desk. “This is nice. I think you’ll like this desk much better than the one you had at my office.”

I looked at her curiously. “I never really got to sit there before getting hijacked by Mr. Jones.” I lowered my voice and leaned in close to her. “Ms. Lane, this all kinda has the look of permanence to it. When do I go back to my actual job?”

Ms. Lane frowned and looked away for a moment. “I can’t say. HR has already put a rec out for your old position and you’ve been permanently assigned to the position of Mr. Jones’s assistant. You’ve been added to the assistant pool. You’re off that major project you were working on since you’re not an analyst any longer. And HR notified me before they moved you here, of an error they had found in your record.”

I narrowed my brows. “I’m afraid to ask. What error?”

Ms. Lane sighed. “They said they had no idea how such a mistake had been made, but you had incorrect data. You are now listed as female. Oh. And they adjusted your pay as well. Sorry about that. Oh and that’s pretty perfume you’re wearing.”

I threw up my arms. “Well isn’t that just perfect!”

Ms. Lane shrugged. “Well, I should get back to my office. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”

She just started to turn when I heard a man ask one of the other assistants, “I’m looking for a Ms. Garner Carter? Do you know where she is?”

I looked up and it was a delivery person for a florist in our building. He was carrying a huge bouquet of an assortment of flowers. The assistant pointed in my direction. He walked over to my desk and set the bouquet down. “Enjoy.” He turned and headed to the door.

Ms. Lane looked at the flowers. “Very impressive. Are they from Mr. Jones?”

I looked in shock at the flowers. “What the hell?” I plucked the card from the bouquet and opened the envelope. I sighed. “Oh God. Please tell me he didn’t. They’re from Jack.” The card read, “Congratulations on your new job. Love, Jack”

Ms. Lane wrinkled her brow. “Who’s Jack?”

Without thinking, I waved the card and said, “He’s my roommate.”

Ms. Lane raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

I looked at her, horrified at what I suspected she was thinking. “It’s not what you’re thinking! It’s a two bedroom apartment.”

Ms. Lane grinned knowingly at me. “Well I need to go, Ms. Carter. Enjoy your flowers. Don’t forget to thank your roommate.”

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. “Oh I will.” She turned and walked away.

The other assistants came up and crowded around my desk. One, who I learned was named Maggie said, “Oh, what beautiful flowers! You’re so lucky. Nobody sends us flowers.”

The one I learned was named Paula laughed. “Yeah, not even our husbands!”

Terri picked up the card. “’Love, Jack’. Is he your boyfriend?”

I raised my hand to say “No! No he’s not. He’s just a friend.” I took the card from her grasp.

Paula said, “I heard you say ‘roommate.’”

Scowling, I said, “I also said it was a two bedroom apartment. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

Terri shook her head. “No reason to feel ashamed about your boyfriend. Especially if he sends you flowers like this.”

I took a deep breath. “He’s not my boyfriend!”

At that moment Mr. Jones walked into the office. “Did someone call a party and not tell me? Is there anything you ladies should be doing?” He turned to me. “Ah, Ms. Carter, do you have that report ready for my meeting in ten minutes?”

With my best deer-in-the-headlights expression I asked, “Report, sir?”

Mr. Jones frowned. “The report I emailed you about last night.”

I just stared at him. “I… I… I just got my computer this morning, sir. I…”

His frown growing deeper, Mr. Jones said, “You’ve been here almost fifteen minutes, haven’t you?”

“I… I… there’s been a lot going on this morning.”

Shaking his head. “I have to get to the meeting. Bring the report as soon as you have it prepared. Make twelve copies and bring it to Executive Room B. Be quick about it!” He turned and started walking away.

I frowned. “Yes, sir.” I gave him a mock salute to his back as he left the office.

He said, “I can see your reflection in the glass, Ms. Carter. Please hurry with the reports.”

I sighed. “Yes sir.” Paula and Maggie looked at me and giggled.

I sat down at my computer, and read the email. The report was mine. I’d written it. It was the last thing I managed to do before I started getting ready for that stupid costume contest. So I spent a few minutes cleaning up the report. It pissed me off. I should be the one to present the report. But there was no way I could do it now.

Checking the clock, I printed out the requested number of copies, collated and then I stapled them together. I hid my purse in one of my drawers and then put the reports in a folder and then rushed as fast as my skirt would let me to the meeting room.

When I entered the room, Mr. Jones said, “Oh good. You’ve got the reports. Please hand them out.” He chuckled. “It’s her first day officially on the job.”

Thanks for tossing me under the bus, I thought. As I passed out the reports, some of the assistants in the room looked at me and just shook their heads. One of the assistants moved her lips. It looked like she said, “Incompetent cunt.” My day is now complete and it’s not even lunch time yet.

I started to sit down next to Mr. Jones. He said, “Would you mind getting me some coffee? Thanks.”

I smiled. “Certainly, sir.” Four years of college and I’m getting coffee. His legs aren’t broken. What’s the deal?

As I passed Ms. Lane, she smiled at me. “Could you bring me some as well?”

I smiled at her with gritted teeth. “Of course, Ma’am.” She chuckled.

As I was getting the coffee, I heard one of the managers say after looking over the report I had written, “I see this report was written by that new guy in Analytics. Excellent work. He was showing a lot of promise. And he just quit? Out of the blue?”

Ms. Lane shrugged. “Yes. He was rather rude about it too. He sent a resignation letter and just never came back.”

*          *          *

End of Part 3

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