Working Girl Part 5


WorkingGirl Part 5 of 6
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Garner thought it would be fun to sign up for a costume contest



“Oh my God that was a long day,” I groaned as I kicked my heels off and plopped onto the couch. I turned on the TV and hunted for something entertaining.

Jack came out of his room, dressed only in his underwear. He sat on the couch and just stared at the TV. “Tomorrow should be a better day.”

I just stared at him. “What’s with the no shirt?”

Jack shrugged. “It’s okay for guys to walk around without a shirt on.”

I frowned. “Then why the fuss this morning with me?”

Jack chuckled. “For now, you’re not a guy.”

“Still?” I exclaimed. “We’re still having this conversation? You are so childish!”

Jack laughed. “I was just changing my clothes when you came in. I thought I’d just be an asshole.”

I frowned at him. “You succeeded.”

Still chuckling, Jack stood up and scratched his privates through his underwear.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I feel like we’re married.”

Jack looked wistful for a moment. “Anyway, I have some work to do tonight. So you’re on your own for dinner.”

I grunted as I looked at the TV. “I usually am. I’ll ask myself to make me a sandwich. And I hope your meeting doesn’t have blonde hair.”

Jack laughed out loud as he closed his bedroom door.

I said aloud to myself, “So. What am I going to do tonight? Ah. The Brain Box. I haven’t played that new game I just bought yet.”

I got up and went into the kitchen. I did make myself a sandwich and poured some green tea. As soon as I’m done eating, I’ll turn on the game system.

When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked at the clock and it was a little after three in the morning. I was in my bed. What the hell? The last thing I remember was watching TV and eating. I was going to play a game.

I sat up in my bed. I was down to my bra and panties. A towel was on my pillow with some of my make-up smeared on it. My skirt and blouse was draped over the back of a chair.

I must have fallen asleep. I was pretty tired. But how did I get in my room. Holy crap. Did Jack carry me to my bed and undressed me? If so, it’s funny he left my bra on. I removed my bra and went into the bathroom to wash my face and hope that doing so wouldn’t wake me up too much. A few minutes later, I crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

*          *          *

I arrived without incident at my desk at work. Jack had already left before I got up. Jeff just waved at me from a distance so I guess he took the hint. And considering that I had just sat down, everything was going amazingly well.

Mr. Jones came hurriedly out of his office carrying a large folder. “Come along, Ms. Carter. I need you take notes at the managers’ meeting.”

“Yes, sir.” I picked up my laptop computer and hurried after him. When we got to the meeting room, I set my laptop on the table next to Mr. Jones and then walked over to the coffee pot and without waiting for him to ask me, I poured him a cup the way he likes it. I’m trying to be more proactive. I returned to his side, set the cup down and then took my seat.

Mr. Jones smiled at me. “Thank you, Ms. Carter. Just how I like it.” He took a sip. I smiled at my minor accomplishment. One assistant across the table…the one who was Mr. Jones’ temporary assistant before I became his permanent assistant rolled her eyes at me. I don’t think I did anything wrong.

The meeting was long and tedious and I wasn’t ever sure when I should take notes. The whole meeting was on PowerPoint slides anyway. But one thing I was happy about, we being able to do something I couldn’t do before; remove my shoes. It felt good to rub my toes against the soft carpet.

As one of the managers droned on for what seemed endless minutes, I studied my pretty nails. As much as I’m annoyed at losing my analyst position, I have to admit Jack is right. I’m living the dream. What trans girl or even crossdresser for that matter hasn’t at least once dreamed of being a secretary, looking pretty and sitting on the boss’s lap? I’ve read a ton of stories like that. And now, here I am. I looked at my reflection on the shiny table top and saw the attractive woman staring back at me. The woman in the reflection frowned. How long can I keep this ruse up? Do I want to stay a woman forever? The reflection grinned back at me.

The meeting was finally over. As we both started to get up, Mr. Jones turned to me and said, “Please type up those notes for me this afternoon, Ms. Carter. I have to hurry to my next meeting.”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.” Do bosses ever actually do anything besides go to meetings? Mr. Jones forgot about me right away as he engaged in conversation with a couple of other managers from the meeting. That was just as well, as I turned and walked quickly to the nearest restroom. That meeting went on a bit too long.

I now don’t even hesitate about which restroom to use. I was happy to see all the stalls were empty. I took the one on the end as I normally do when I can and closed the door and sat down to do my business.

Half minute later, two women enter the restroom already in the middle of a conversation.

“… so I don’t get it, Nancy. What does it matter? I mean really. So she’s the executive assistant to the CEO. You’re the executive assistant to the VP of sales. At the end of the day, who cares? Right?”

Nancy slapped her purse on the counter in front of the mirror and started digging around in it. Snarling, she said, “Because the little bitch didn’t earn it, like you or me. She just walks in and takes it. That was her first day! She was hired to be some lower manager’s assistant. But she flips her hair seductively and wiggles her ass at Mr. Jones, he decides to make her his assistant. She doesn’t even have to be in the assistants pool! And! I was already his assistant! Temporarily. But still. That should count for something!”

The other woman sighed. “Don’t worry about it. Just do your usual great job, stay in upper management’s eye and who knows. Little tarts like her don’t usually have staying power. She probably doesn’t even know Mr. Jones is married with two grown kids in college.”

Grunting a laugh, Nancy said, “You’re probably right. Let’s get Louise and go grab some lunch.”

The other woman laughed, “You don’t have to ask me twice!” They both hurried out of the restroom.

I sat there stunned for a few moments. They had to have been talking about me. I never wiggled my ass to anybody. I didn’t even want that stupid assistant job. I want my old job. The one I can’t go back to. Actually, I didn’t know Mr. Jones was married. I assumed he was and quite frankly I don’t care. What? Do they think I want an affair with him? That’s crazy. I already have a bo… Whoa. Jack is not my boyfriend, no matter what he might think.

I left the stall and checked my make-up in the large mirror. I decided my lipstick needed freshening. As I started to apply the lipstick, I looked at my reflection, seeing my fingers with the pretty nails holding a lipstick that was pressed against my lips. I couldn’t help but notice my black lashes and the soft eye shadow. Just what the fuck am I doing?

A pretty woman grinned back at me in the mirror. I’m living the dream, that’s what.

*          *          *

Jack had gotten home a few minutes before I did. I shouldn’t say “home”. It sounds like we’re married or something.

Jack had removed his shoes and had just sat down on the couch. He looked up at me and said with a grin. “Hey girl! I have to say you’re looking more relaxed today.”

I set my purse down on the kitchen counter and kicked my heels off. I ran my fingers through my hair and messed it up. “Yeah. I think I’m getting the hang of it all. I miss being an analyst though. Oh. And I overheard a couple of other assistants saying catty things about me.”

As I sat on the couch next to Jack, he looked over at me and said, “Oh? Like what?”

I grunted. “Apparently I didn’t pay my dues to become an executive assistant. According to them, I’m just a shameless little tart who used my feminine wiles to get Mr. Jones’ attention so I can have an affair with him. Stupid, huh?”

Jack scooted closer to me and put his arm behind me. He smirked, “So are you? Trying to get in the sack with your boss?”

I shook my head. “Are you kidding? I didn’t even want to be his assistant. And no, I don’t want an affair with my boss. He’s not my type.”

Grinning at me, Jack asked, “What is your type?” He draped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me a bit closer to him.

I frowned at him. “Someone who doesn’t have a penis.”

Jack just smiled and tried to pull me closer to him. “You smell nice.” I continued to frown at him, so he pulled his arm back. “And it seems you are not only accepted as a woman at work, but possibly a rival. You are beautiful.”

I shook my head. “You’re crazy. Anyway, it wasn’t like I wanted to be Mr. Jones’ assistant. I want my old job back.”

Jack grinned at me as he ran his fingers through my disheveled hair. “Trust me when I say you’re beautiful.” He paused for a moment and then asked, “Do you want to go somewhere for dinner?”

I shook my head and laughed. “Will you stop flirting? Anyway, I’m tired. I was thinking of that Hot Pocket in the freezer and play something on the computer.”

Jack smiled at me. “I have a better idea. Let’s order Chinese. That way you don’t have to cook.”

I looked sideways at Jack. “It’s a Hot Pocket.”

He picked up my hand and gently rubbed my knuckles. “I insist.” He paused and then laughed. “At least that’s what I’m getting for me.”

I giggled. “Okay. You win.”

He kissed my fingers before putting my hand down to retrieve his phone from his pocket and clicked on one of his contacts.

I sighed. “This isn’t a date.”

Jack looked at me with a wry grin. “Of course not.”

I stood up. “While you’re doing that, I’m going to go change into sweats.”

Jack patted the spot on the couch where I had been sitting. “I’ll keep your seat warm.”

I folded my arms and just stared at him. He finally sighed and said, “Okay. I’ll stop.”

I laughed as I turned to go to my room to change. Jack really needs to tone down the flirting. Sometimes I can’t tell if he just kidding. He better be kidding…

*          *          *

The next few days went by fairly smooth. I started becoming friends with many of the other assistants. I even started going to lunch with s few of them. It shocked me just how much I was adjusting to putting on my make-up every morning and selecting a dress or skirt the night before. The novelty of Jack seeing me dressed as a woman was also thankfully starting to wear off.

The break in the monotony came on Friday when it was Mr. Jones’ birthday. He was turning fifty. Naturally we had to give him a party and naturally the job of organizing said party fell to his executive assistant – me. Fortunately, I wasn’t just tossed out to sea. I got a lot of help from the other assistants. Seems everyone likes parties at work. I had to arrange with the cafeteria a couple trays of finger food, and a bowel of punch. Since it was at work, it had to be kept relatively tame.

We had the party in one of the conference rooms. I spent the morning decorating the room. Thankfully I was able to recruit some help. All this for what was supposed to be limited to one hour.

One of the first to arrive was Ms. Lane. After she got some punch, she walked up to me, grinning. “Wow. Just look at you. You look amazing, Ms. Carter. I don’t think anyone would guess you were anything other than a woman your whole life.”

I smiled back at her. “Thank you, Ms. Lane.”

“I have to say, Ms. Carter. It seems being an assistant suits you. I hear a lot of good things about you from both other assistants and managers,” said Ms. Lane as she took another sip of punch.

I chuckled. “At first I thought I’d hate it, but I do enjoy the flexibility of it. And quite frankly, I think Mr. Jones would be lost without me.”

Ms. Lane nodded. “The indispensible woman. Well, speaking of Mr. Jones, I should probably go speak to him a moment and wish him happy birthday. Be sure to drop by and say hi sometime.”

As she turned to walk away, I said, “I will. Oh. And can I get my Godzilla back?” I don’t think she heard me. I decided I should start getting some pictures of the boss’ party. I had the official corporate camera and started taking some shots of the crowd. That’s when I noticed Nancy taking pictures with her phone. The company frowns on taking pictures of employees with personal devices during business hours.

Mr. Jones, wearing big grin walked up to me and put his arm around my waist. He said, “Hand the camera off to Nancy. I want to get a couple of shots with my favorite assistant." I saw a bit of annoyance cross her face as Nancy reached out for the camera.

She smiled at Mr. Jones as she said, “Surely.” She took a picture of me and Mr. Jones together. “Hold her a little closer, Mr. Jones so I can get a good shot of both of you. Yeah. Like that.” I didn’t say anything, but I have to admit that I was a bit uncomfortable with Mr. Jones holding me close to him.

“Thanks, Nancy,” I said. “I’ll take the camera back.”

Nancy held the camera out of my reach. “I don’t mind taking the pictures. You’re busy with the party. I’ll make sure you get it back.”

I muttered, “Thanks.” I really didn’t want her to have the camera, but I didn’t want to raise a fuss over it. I just hoped she didn’t break it since it was signed out to me.

The party went on about half an hour past time. I was kept busy with managing Mr. Jones and his guests. I lost track of Nancy. We were hardly friends and I was worried she might run off with the camera just to get me into trouble.

As the last stragglers were starting to leave the conference room, Nancy came strolling in from outside the room. She held out the camera. “Here your camera back, Garner. All safe and sound. I got some great pictures.”

I took the camera back from her. “Thanks, Nancy. I’ll drop this off to marketing so they can create a web page of the party.”

Nancy nodded. “You are so welcome. Are you and Mr. Jones going out to dinner later to celebrate his birthday?”

I stared blankly at her. “Um, no. Was I supposed to? Since his wife is here, Mr. Jones is leaving early with her.” At that moment, Mr. Jones, arm-in-arm with Mrs. Jones exited the conference room. A couple assistants thankfully volunteered to help me clean up.

Nancy tried to look disappointed. “Aw, that’s too bad. Maybe you and Mr. Jones can hook up later this week to celebrate.”

Anger building, I growled, “Cut the crap, Nancy. I have no interest in ‘hooking up’ with Mr. Jones, now or anytime. It would be inappropriate and besides, I have a boyfriend.” Jack of course, isn’t my boyfriend, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me referring to him as such.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest anything,” Nancy said while looking embarrassed. “I seem to have struck a nerve. My bad. See you tomorrow.” She turned and left the conference room. I shook my head as I watched her leave.

*          *          *

Sarah and Katrina were standing by the elevator door watching me approach across the lobby. I smiled as I neared them, but they look bothered by something. When I got close, I greeted, “Hey girls. How’s it going?”

Katrina looked worried as she said, “Girlfriend, you should just turn around go back home. You don’t want to go to the office.”

Furrowing my brow, I asked, “Why not? What’s going on?”

Sarah said, “It’s a zoo up there, Garner. I think security is looking for you as well.”

Incredulous, I asked, “What? What are you talking about? Security? I need to see what’s going on.”

Katrina said, “We’ll go with you. But I have to ask… why did you do it? We thought you liked Mr. Jones?”

As the elevator doors closed, I said, “I do like Mr. Jones. I definitely need to find out what’s going on.”

As we exited the elevator, the scene really was like a zoo. A dozen or so assistants scurrying around. Mr. Jones was collapsed in a chair with the medical staff hovering over him, his wife nearby. IT and Security were examining computers.

One of the assistants pointed at me and shouted, “Hey! There she is!” People turned to look at me.

I started to walk up to Mrs. Jones. “Ms. Jones. What is going on here? Is Mr. Jones…”


My face stung from a vicious slap from Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones screamed, “How dare you! How could you do this to my husband? You slut!” She was about to strike me again when a security guy caught her arm.

The security guy said quietly, “Please go check on your husband, Mrs. Jones.” Turning to me, he asked, “Are you Ms. Garner Carter?”

I nodded. “Yes. What’s going on?”

The security guy then asked, “Are you responsible for these pictures?”

Confused, I shook my head. “What pictures?”

The security officer frowned. “You know which pictures, ma’am.”

Frowning deeply, I said, “No. I don’t. What are you talking about?”

Huffing, the security officer lifted his pad computer up and selected a picture. “Did you not load these pictures to the corporate web site for the world to see?”

I gasped as I looked at the pictures as the security officer scrolled through them. The pictures appeared to be nude photos of Mr. Jones and ME?! It looked like we were both having a fun old drunken time. Mr. Jones had his dong out and in a few photos it looked like I was giving him a blowjob and a few more showed his penis deep inside my vagina. Except I don’t have one.

The security officer frowned at me as he continued scrolling through the pictures of wild nude sex. “Are you denying knowledge of these photographs?”

Scowling, I pointed at the pad computer. “I’ve never seen these before!” A couple of other security officers gathered around. Other employees were staring and pointing.

The security officer pointed at one picture with a very clear picture of my face. “Are you denying this is a photograph of you?”

Stammering, I said, “Y… yes of course I’m denying it. I mean. Yes, that’s my face. But that’s not my body!”

The officer frowned. He nodded towards a desk where Sarah and Katrina were standing. “Do you mind waiting over there a moment?”

I felt faint. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I walked over and joined Sarah and Katrina at the desk.

Sarah was looking at her phone. “Wow…company stock has really gone to shit this morning.”

Katrina looked at her phone. “I saved these pics before they removed them from the web page.” She shook her head before looking up at me. “Damn girl! You’re smokin’ hot. I’d kill for a bod like that.”

Before I could respond, Ms. Lane came storming up to me. “Ms. Carter! I can’t believe this! I certainly misjudged you! Not only having an affair with Mr. Jones, but taking pictures of it as well! Just disgusting!”

“Ms. Lane… girls…” I looked from Ms. Lane to the others and back. “Those pictures aren’t me! You know that!”

Ms. Lane frowned. “We’ve never seen you naked, so how would we know?”

Exasperated, I hissed to avoid being overheard, “I’m an outtie, not an innie. All of you know that! Those pictures can’t be of me!”

Ms. Lane looked thoughtful a moment. “That’s right. We’ll have to figure out something. We can’t expose you without implicating all of us.”

A different security officer walked up to us. Sternly, he said, “Ms. Carter, I need you to turn over your badge and keys, please.”

A chill shot down my spine. “Am I being fired?”

Still holding his hand out, the security officer said, “You’re being suspended pending further investigation. Mr. Jones doesn’t remember anything, but you could have drugged him.”

“Drugged him!” I almost shouted. I pointed to Ms. Lane and the other two. “You guys are my witnesses for when I sue.”

Extending his palm towards me, the officer said simply, “Miss?”

I opened my purse and removed my badge and slapped it into the waiting palm. I did the same with my keys.

Expressionless, the security officer said, “You need to leave, Ms. Carter. You are not to come back until further notice.”

I looked hopefully to Ms. Lane. She looked down at her feet and then back up to me. “You should go, Garner. I’ll talk to you later.”

Katrina said, “Take care, girl. We know you didn’t do it. We’re here for you.”

I nodded and turned to leave. Two security guards took positions on either side of me to escort me from the building. I managed to stay composed until I stepped out of the building and then the tears flowed in torrents.

*          *          *

End Part 5

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