Amy's Day Off - part 5

“Can I ask you something?” I say to him. “Sure, what do you want to ask?” he replies. I pause for a bit, do I really want to say this and spoil the moment, is the fantasy better that what might go wrong? “It was something Jo said.” I say, I didn’t want to mention her name in case it broke the spell, but Jo is my friend and I know I am flirting with her boyfriend, but I also need to know this. “She said that we both gave you an erection and I wanted to know if I had caused some of it?” I look away, embarrassed. I was stupid and shouldn’t have said it but I did and now it’s all over and I’ve ruined it. I can feel him moving closer and now I’m scared. I feel a finger go under my chin and gently lift my face to look at him. Oh, he is so handsome, so gorgeous I just want him to kiss me. It can’t happen, it mustn’t happen..

He looks me in the eye and says, “Yes.”

Martin leans in towards me I know he is going to kiss me and I should move away, but I don’t. His lips brush mine ever so gently as he gives me a gentle kiss and I close my eyes. I want to devour him but know I mustn’t, this wrong on so many different levels. Our lips move gently, but neither of us opens our mouths to let our tongues explore. I suddenly realise this is the most romantic kiss I’ve ever had and that he is moving away from me but keeps both of his hands on my arms and I notice for the first time my hands are on his shoulders. We look into each other’s eyes, and he is smiling gently at me. I seem to suddenly snap out of it and try to slide off the stool and his hands move to my hips and helps me down and I try to walk away but he takes my hand, not roughly, but enough to make me stop. I look at him and say, “This is wrong.”

He keeps holding my hands and keeps smiling. Grrrrr! Why does he have to be so handsome and why do I know that even though this is wrong I don’t want this to stop. “Why?” is all he says. I try to get the thought of the kiss out my head and point out I am 14, but he just says so if I was 24 and he was 35 would that be wrong? He walks me over to the sofa and we sit down, still holding hands with his thumb gently stroking the back of my hand. “I don’t know, I mean yes and no, but you know what I mean about this?” I tell him. He puts both of his hands on mine and tells me that Amy doesn’t go to his school, Amy is a friend of his and Jo’s. I point out Jo is my friend and It’s wrong to kiss my friend’s boyfriend. He smiles at me gently and says, well if that’s the problem then it isn’t really a problem and for the first time I learn about open relationships and that Jo has a regular lover and so does he. He picked up a digital camera, turns it on and starts showing me pictures of both him and Jo with other people clearly being intimate with them but not having sex, just naked togther, just kissing and being very handsy while smiling. This is a lot to take in.

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He tells me, knowing full well what I want to do, and I can’t help but smile as I think about it, sneaking a look at him. He is looking at me and smiles, then leans towards me again and this time I pull him towards me as we start kissing. Oh my god this is amazing! Steve is never this gentle and romantic and I knew I needed to draw some boundaries, so I break away from the kiss. “Ok,” I tell him, “We can kiss but nothing else.” He nods as we start kissing again. Our hands were caressing each other as and his bum is so taught and just amazing to hold. I feel one of his hands run down my legs and he takes off one heel, then the other and runs it back up my leg going as far under the pencil skirt as it would let him. He is laying on top of me and once again I feel his erection pressing against me and I giggle. He tells me he is sorry and puts his hand down his trousers to move it so it’s less uncomfortable for both of us. Ok, so my hand didn’t take long to reach down and have a feel and it was much, much bigger than Steve and all I could think was will it fit in my mouth and will it hurt going into to me? Martin breaks away from the kiss and pulls me to my feet, lifting my skirt up my legs between kisses telling me he wants to be able to stroke my legs. I look down and see that it would crease the skirt so I reach behind me and start to pull the zip down, but he stops me, and takes over removing my skirt. He gently lowers the zip while kissing me and it hangs on my hips, before he slowly starts working it over them and it falls to the floor. I’m standing in front of him in a thong and hold ups and he pulls me to him and his hands run down my back, heading for my bum as he presses his erection against me as we kiss. I lead him back to the sofa as I want to lay back and be kissed with him laying on me, caressing me, and as lay down one of his legs goes between mine. We keep kissing and caressing each other and I don’t know when it happened, but both of his legs were between mine and he was rubbing his erection against me while I was pushing back against it.

I stop and push him up a little, but we both keep the pressure below. “Well this isn’t fair!” I tell him. He looks a bit confused for a second, so I say I’m in my underwear, why isn’t he? And before he gets a chance to say I start pushing his trousers down at the back and he lifts his hips. I run my hands around his waist, and undo his trousers, pushing them down. I can see the clear outline of his erection in his underwear as we both work to get his trousers off. Finally, they are on the floor next to my skirt and I decided to take his tee shirt off him as well. Once it’s off he looks at me and says, “Well this isn’t fair!” and I giggle at him as I start to take my jumper off, being careful not to dislodge my wig. We go back to kissing, caressing and rubbing against each other but now feeling each other’s skin as we kiss. I keep thinking this is so wrong but just don’t want to stop. I’m worried where it might go knowing full well what the next step is, me pulling his underwear down, so I just decide if it’s going happen I may as well do it now. So I run my hand down the front of his body and he lifts up from me as my hand just goes in and wraps around his hardness. He is huge, or at least bigger than anything I’ve previously experienced, which isn’t a lot to be fair, but still, I’m holding Jo’s boyfriend’s cock in my hand, stroking it slowly, and thinking about all the other girls at school who would love to be where I am right now. Screw it I think, and push his underwear down and it ends up on the floor as we keep kissing and now I am very aware that there is only a thin bit of cotton keeping him out of me. He adjusts his position, and my legs open further as we keep kissing. I feel him pressing against me and I know at this point it’s going to happen, no matter how much I might try and pretend to myself I don’t want this, I really do want this, and we both know we want this. I can feel the pressure in my own thong as I strain to get fully hard to match Martin, but trapped and driving me even crazier as he presses against me, trying to get past the cotton barrier.

It’s too much for me and I finally say it, “Please get some lube.” He smiles at me and reaches across to small table and opens a draw. Wow, I think. This isn’t KY jelly anymore but something I’ve never felt brave enough to buy, real lube. I take it from his hand and start putting it on him. He goes to pull my thong down, but I shake my head and he knows I just want it pulled to the side, so he kneels up with his slick hard penis pointing at me and I see it properly for the first time and feel scared. Martin takes the lube from me, puts some on a finger and pulls my thong to one side as he fingers me slowly. My eyes roll back into my head as he works me gently, first with one, then two and finally three fingers. I can feel him touching somewhere and I am on fire and I think he senses it and his fingers come out of me and I am desperate for him to put something, anything in me. He kisses me and I feel him working to find the hole his dick is trying to find, so I reach down and guide him to where we both need him to be. I gasp as he pushes in and feel myself open for him. He is big, much bigger than I am used to, so he goes slowly, sensing both my lust and my pain, so he is in me, moving gently and leans down to kiss me. I start to relax as he slowly moves into me as my body relaxes and he is in. I have never felt so full, so held open and so happy as this moment.

We made love on the sofa in the flat he shares with his girlfriend, my friend and also my drama teacher as my English teacher is in me. I felt no guilt, I felt wanted for who I was rather than wanted for being someone who will have sex with them. As we both started getting close to orgasm I was hoping we would both cum together to feel it, but he made me cum just before I felt him cumming inside me. He thrust fully in me and we kissed as he came. I opened my eyes to look at him and see him cumming, but in the doorway looking at us was Jo. My world crumbled as I could feel Martin cumming in me. From where she was standing she would see him going into me. Once he finished and relaxed and was kissing my neck and I was looking Jo in the eye while her boyfriend was in me. There was no expression on her face as she looked and finally Martin looked at me, saw my expression and then Jo said, “Well that looks like you are both having fun.” It made Martin jump which made him go even deeper into me which made me moan and made Jo laugh.

Oh no, oh no, oh no was all I kept thinking this is horrible. Why do I keep getting caught while having sex? Jo walked across the room and knelt down next to us, her face inches from both of us. Still her expression was blank and still Martin was in me. Suddenly she started to laugh and so did Martin, with each roll of his body twitching him inside me and I couldn’t help it but I moaned again. Martin gave me a kiss, and Jo said she’s not mad, she knew he fancied me after the first visit but neither knew if anything would happen, especially with one of their pupils. She then said to me, “He’s good, isn’t he?” I could only nod. She gave Martin a kiss which I fought was funny as he was still inside me, I was still on my back with my legs spread under him and it was just so silly. She smiled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek and said she would get us both a drink. Martin told me to wrap my arms and legs around him and he started to stand up, still in me and while not as rigid as before, still quite hard. I was worried I would push him out and his cum would drip on their carpet, but he held me very close and carried to their kitchen area and sat my bum on the stool. Jo smiled at me as she handed me a can of coke and said, “The seat is exactly the right height, isn’t it?” I blushed and tried to bury my head in Martin’s chest, just feeling so embarrassed about this. It was even weirder sitting there with him in me still, moving back and forth in me slowly as we talked about what happened. We all promised not to tell anyone, as this had just got very serious, so we did a three-way pinkie swear to tell no one, ever. Plus, they pointed out, if no one knows then this can carry on, when someone knows it is all over for each of us in the worst way possible.

We carried on chatting away, with Martin still not pulling out of me and when I asked why he hadn’t yet, he just said he wanted me to get used to him so each time will be amazing for both of us. I gave him a kiss and my eyes then went wide. I looked at Jo and she asked if I was alright. “Yes, I just wasn’t expecting to feel this right now.” I told her. “You mean happy?” she asked, and Martin said, “No, I’m getting fully hard again.” Jo laughed and I started to as well, and Martin looked like he was heaven as I felt myself tighten up around him and he literally sprung to full hardness in me. I kissed him then and felt him pick me up again. Jo went and sat down as he took me to the bedroom, and I went to bed with him.

When we both walked back into the living room, I was embarrassed again as my clothes were now over the back of a chair, so I got dressed as we all chatted. Jo told me a bit more about the play and the plan for the next couple of weeks and was really pleased that the Pink Lady’s were being friendly to me. When I finally got changed to go home I saw how much a mess my makeup was after a huge amount of sex and I could feel some of Martin’s cum running down my leg inside my trousers and I have to admit I loved every second of the walk!


Monday at school was fun, everyone knew what I was doing in the show, but the other Pink Lady’s were looking after me. Steve was being a bit distant again, despite us managing to meet up the day before. Come lunchtime we had the first show meeting where Miss Reeves explained what was expected of us, that we were meant to be taking seriously and she has no problem kicking anyone out of the show if they didn’t behave not just for her but everyone. Jo handed out pages to everyone by calling out our character names and when she called Marty I got up and walked across. “Stop.” I stopped and looked at Miss Reeves looked at me and said, “You need to wear the heels every time you are in here for rehearsals. Put them on.” I walked back to my bag with everyone watching me, and sheepishly took them out of my bag, along with the tights socks. I took my shoes and socks off, put the tights socks on and slipped on the heels and stood up. I walked across to her, but not like a girl, more like a boy wearing heels. As she handed me my pages, she said, “Ok, but you need to work more on how you should be walking. Sarah, can you help him please?” Sarah got up as I got back and we went to the other end of the drama studio and gave me some lessons in how to walk in heels. I needed to make it look like I was slowly getting better, but every so often she was directing me and saying I was getting it. Twenty minutes later we walked back to the rest of the group and I was walking like a girl in them as we both sat down with the other Pink Lady’s. I then pulled my legs together and crossed them and each of us was sitting there in the same pose. Miss Reeves looked across and smiled at us as the background characters left and the last half hour was the Pink Lady’s and T Birds as Miss Reeves explained that we were expected to be at every rehearsal as there would always be something for us to do.

When it came time to go to our next lessons, I accidently on purpose forgot I was wearing the heels and walked out the drama studio and into the corridor with the Pink Lady’s. A few more steps and the very distinct sound of my heels in the corridor. I looked at them and each smiled at me, and Jodie said, “Honey, own it.” So, I did, and they walked me to my next class. Once in there I did change my shoes but saw no reason to put my socks on. After the last lesson I made my way over to the studio and slipped my heels on as soon as I was through the door, and we all rehearsed the first scene with our pages and Miss Reeves reading out any other character. We also had to perform a scene with our on-stage partners to see how we behaved together, and while my ‘Sonny’ was a bit nervous, Miss Reeves pointed out to him that the most he would have to do is hold my hand so don’t worry. We did ok, it was a bit awkward for both of us, but we got through it and we both felt relieved. We did have to hold hands on stage in the scene, but as we both had to say ‘I love you’ several times it helped us both get over the weirdness of him needing to say that to a boy in heels. When we had all finished Miss Reeves suggested that we make we sure we get together whenever we can, in pairs or more to work on our parts and to make sure we started learning all the lines. We all walked out together, and I kept my heels on and walked as far as I could until I needed to take them off, with Sarah holding my arm as I changed them. At home, my calves really ached and both mum and my sister thought it was hilarious saying now I should understand why women are always complaining about their feet at the end of the day.

Tuesday after the rehearsal, Miss Reeves asked me to hang back for a minute to chat, and I did wonder if she was going to give me a lift to hers so we could work out and that was why. It wasn’t. She told me I wouldn’t be able to do that during the week for a while now, but that tomorrow she was going to get me to wear a wig in rehearsal and the day after was going to give take me into the store and give me a bra as well. She then surprised me by saying on Saturday while I was a busy with Martin, she had got the next size up of chicken fillets and they were in the store ready. So the next day at lunch time rehearsal I was given a wig to wear to ‘help the others visualise me better’ and the day after at lunch time a bra was added with my boobs in them. By Friday I had decided it was too much of an annoyance to take the bra off between rehearsals, so I left it on. By Wednesday the next week I left the chicken fillets in as well, but not the wig as it just looked a bit silly coming out of the store each day. I even walked home in the bra and left it on when mum came home. She noticed it straight away and told me that most women can’t wait to take them but did compliment me on my improved posture. On Saturday I told mum I was meeting up with one of the Pink Ladies, put my bra and thong on, a pair of jeans and carried my heels downstairs. She saw me carrying them and told me to put them in bag, and I pointed out I was going to do that and headed over to Jo and Martin’s. When I got there, I headed off to get changed and came out to Jo sitting at a table working on a model of the stage and clearly very busy. Martin looked at me, smiled and said, “Come on, let’s get out of the way.” And we headed to the kitchen, then as we were told we were making too much noise we moved to the bedroom. Jo then had to come in and ask us to have sex a lot quieter please, so we kept the moaning down as much as possible. Today I managed to give him a blow job, I’m not sure I was very good as I couldn’t get more than half in my mouth as he was so much bigger than Steve, but he came and I swallowed so I guess it worked out ok.

At the end of the day after I had cleaned up, Jo did drive me most of the way home and apologise for us not spending a lot of time together today, but I understood and we hugged. The next day I really was meeting up with the Pink Lady’s at Sarah’s house and her mum and dad kept telling me how brave I was as I sat there in my heels and bra. Her dad owned a hairdressers’ and asked me what I was doing with my hair. I explained about the wig and he offered to give me hair extensions as he was going to helping for the show anyway. I said I would need to think about it, but he said it wasn’t a problem at all, and would be a lot more comfortable. The girls all wanted me to do it, and I knew I did as well, but I hoped that didn’t show. We were meant to go over some lines, but in fact we ended up just having a sing along to the film and playing our parts. I mentioned to my mum the offer of hair extensions and she wasn’t against it, in fact she said it made sense but was worried about me being bullied. “Mum! Everyone is looking after me and making sure I am never alone and always near a teacher. I can see the looks and feel them judging me, but I want to try this as I may never get a chance to try something like this again.” She gave me a hug and said she was ok with it, so long as I was fully aware of the risks I faced.

The next week at school was pretty much the same, but Steve was definitely being off with me. Well screw him, just because he hasn’t been laid for a week, he will have to get over it. Besides, I knew we would have Wednesday evening together if he wanted it as both my mum and sister were going to be out. When I managed to tell him this, he looked at me and said ok, but not if he was going to come round or not. In rehearsal I told Sarah that mum was ok with me getting extensions and she said she would speak to her dad but asked for a small clipping of my hair to match the colour. I was worried she was going to take a huge chunk, but it was only a little so biggie. The week went along like before and I don’t know if people were getting used to me walking around the school in heels and a bra or not, but I still hadn’t faced any problems other than looks. On Wednesday evening I wasn’t sure if Steve would turn up, so I kept my heels and bra on as the pizza arrived and the delivery guy called me ‘miss’ which I thought was nice. And then Steve walked to the door right behind him, and almost snuck inside trying to hide his face. He wasn’t very talkative with me, in fact, he was a little rough and clearly needed to get off and used me to do it. I went to kiss him and after a quick peck on the lips, he pushed down and to my knees to give him a blow job. He didn’t last very long but it was clear he needed it and we shared the pizza. Once it was over it I tried to snuggle up to him but it was clear he wanted to get inside me and after very little foreplay, I was bent over the table and he was thrusting in me. It was still nice, but I was being used and I let him use me as I didn’t want to lose him. After he had finished and we cleaned up, he then gave me a hug, a quick kiss and said he had to go, leaving me there feeling really used, but I wasn’t going to let him know that his behaviour had hurt me. I almost cried myself to sleep at feeling so used.

I was as over it as I could be the next day at school and when I saw Steve I tried to act as we normally did but he was still a bit cold towards me. Fine, at least I have a real man who wants to have me and treat me like a woman! The week carried on and this Saturday I was going to meet up with the Pink Lady’s in the afternoon to rehearse a bit and then go out in the evening to see a film together. My visit with Jo and Martin on Saturday was shorter than usual and included me rushing to get cleaned up to meet the girls. This time we really did rehearse at Sarah’s learning our parts for Summer Lovin’ and the talking parts before and after. At four we headed out for the film but instead stopped in at her parent’s hairdressers, I thought just to say hi and Sarah to get some money. Instead, her dad asked me if I was ready, and then it was sprung on me, it was time to get the extensions. I thought this would happen much later, but the girls said they agreed I should get used to it now. So I sat in the chair for an hour or so, as they were fitted and it was explained to me they should last until the show if I look after them and that new ones would be put in the week before the show. We then headed back to Sarah’s house with my new long hair coming down just below my shoulders. I had to keep tucking it behind my ear as we walked to keep it out of my face but other than a bit of tightness, it was a lot more comfortable than wearing a wig and a lot less hot as well. I had thought we were going to the cinema but instead we watched all watched a film together as the girls taught me even more about hair to look after my hair. When I got home mum thought it was funny it was sprung on me, but that Sarah’s parent had called her and talked about it. Sleeping with long hair was weird, and in the morning it took me a while to brush out the tangles.

Sunday I was at home, rehearsing by myself with the CD we had been given and doing my homework. I hadn’t done any during the week so had a bit to catch up on so just did some singing and dancing to give myself a break from the books.

Monday for school I brushed it out and put it in a ponytail, but when I met up with Nicola on the way she loved my hair. I think I got a lot more looks and Martin, I mean Mr Christian snuck a wink at me in the hall which just made me blush every time I thought about it. Lunchtime rehearsal, it was suggested I tie the ponytail higher up on the back of my head and I really liked the way I could feel it swinging about. For one of my scenes, Miss Reeves suggested I let it down so I could play with it, and it definitely made me feel more feminine and Jodie told me after it really looked like I was flirting with the stand in for Vince Fontaine and just looked amazing when I looked up at him. I put the ponytail high up again for the afternoon and walked through the school in my heels and bra with the girls truly feeling like one of them for once. On the way to the evening rehearsal, Sarah and Kim took me to one side and on the way said to me, “You really need this.” And they both started to put eyeliner and mascara on me. One again I let my hair down and in the scene with Vince Fontaine I really felt a lot better and Miss Reeves and everyone said it looked like I was starting to get into the role now and that whatever I was doing I should keep up. Miss Reeves came over to the Pink Lady’s and asked them if it was their idea to give me some makeup, and when they said it was said, ok, teach him how to do makeup so she can do her own for the show. I loved how she mixed up the pronouns! On Tuesday at lunchtime rehearsal, they once again did my eyes and gave me my own eyeliner pencil and mascara and I didn’t bother taking it off for the afternoon. I didn’t care, people knew I was in the show, and I even kept my heels on in class and sat by the side during PE wearing them, playing with my hair while the boys did sport stuff. At least Steve was looking at me more now, even if he was basically ignoring me.

That evening rehearsal was the first time I went to the storeroom and changed into a skirt for the session. It was the girls idea and wasn’t a costume skirt, but a discarded school uniform skirt. I suspect that Jo had picked it up at a charity store as it just happened to be my size. Strangely, this rehearsal us and the T Birds didn’t have much to do as it was making sure the background chorus knew what we were doing so they could learn their parts, so I spent most of it sitting down with the girls. They were teaching me how to move in one, how to sit in one and so on. We went out to the toilets and as we got there, I suddenly remembered what I was wearing and didn’t want to go into the boys toilet. I knew the school was empty, but I knew dressed and looking like I did it just wouldn’t be safe for me. Jodie saw me hesitate and took my arm saying, “Come on, Pink Lady’s do everything together!” And with that I went into the girls toilet with them. There were four stalls and we each took one. I lifted my skirt, dropped my knickers and sat down to pee. I was glad I decided to not to wear a thong today, if the girls had noticed I think I would have died. I wiped when I finished and went out t join the girls, making sure my skirt wasn’t tucked into my knickers as instructed and joined them at the mirror as I washed my hands, then copied them touching up my makeup. Sarah looked at me and said, “See, that was no big deal.” As we walked back, this time we all went into Pink Lady mode and really worked it, and Mr Christian walked out of the staffroom. He laughed when he saw us and told us not to keep Miss Reeves waiting and the other girls went really shy around him, and I realised they all fancied the man who has been fucking me! Now that made me feel really good. The next day at lunch rehearsal, I once again went into the skirt and did my makeup. The session went really well and I was mainly dancing along with a little back up singing, but it was so much more fun being much more in role. Of course during a break I needed a pee and Jodie noticed and said, come on, we’ll go together. So in a skirt, with my hair down, makeup and a bra we walked out into the corridor and to the girls toilet. I walked in with her and I’m not sure if anyone noticed it was me, but I felt like everyone was looking. Jodie really helped to keep me calm and said it was no big deal, this is a role you’re playing, be Marty. So we went in, got in the stall and while I was peeing some other girls came and talked about Mr Christian and how much they fancied him, how they were trying to work out if the bulge in his pants was all him. I was literally dying but couldn’t keep hiding in there as I had heard Jodie finish, so I had to go out. I smoothed my skirt, opened the door and the other two girls looked at me in the mirror. One instantly knew who I was and whispered in her friends ear and just said “Really?” She looked at me as I touched up my mascara next to Jodie and finally the girl asked me. “Are you the boy playing the girl in the show?” I mumbled a yes and saw Jodie giving me the eye saying, ‘be Marty’, so I straitened myself out and look at her and said, “Yes, I am. Why?” She looked me up and down and said, “Ok. I like your hair, but you really need to get a better skirt for school, that is so old.” I looked at what she was wearing, and yeah, mine was nothing like what she was wearing. Hers was shorter and tighter, mine was longer and more flared. I had noticed, but beggars can’t be chooser they say. The other girl didn’t look impressed I was in there, so I turned to Jodie and asked her, “I’m really glad I don’t have to kiss him in the show, I would die with everyone watching me.” Jodie caught up very quickly and said, “But he is really cute, you said so yourself that you could fancy him, and that stage kiss you did was something else!” The other girls left us and we both giggled away when the door opened and another girl came in as we made our way back. I wasn’t brave enough to keep the skirt on in the afternoon but wore it again that evening. The next day Jodie handed me a carrier bag with a smile when I arrived at school and when I looked in there was a more recent skirt for me to wear. I took her to one side and hugged her, and I felt even better at lunchtime and we even had a little walk around the school when we had a short break. All the Pink Lady’s told me I may as well wear it in the afternoon as what was the point in changing back as it only takes more time. Kim had a spare pair of uniform tights she gave me and while I was tempted, I just couldn’t. But in the evening the four of us went to Miss Reeves and before I even opened my mouth, they all starting talking at the same time. Miss Reeve held up her hand and said, “Stop! One at a time please and be quick, we have a lot to do.” They all looked at me, but I couldn’t speak, so Sarah as our unofficial leader said it. “We think it would be easier if he stopped changing back for forth in the afternoon and just wore the skirt for the rest of the day.” Miss Reeves looked at them all and me. I looked back both pleading her to say yes and also pleading her to say no. In the end she just said, “Let me think about this, I will need to talk to people.”

I changed to go home and when I got there mum asked to see my new school skirt. I just looked at her and she said, “Miss Reeves told me that the other girls might be bullying you into wearing one in classes and we wanted to make sure they weren’t.” I told her that wasn’t it, it was just that it meant I lost time at the start of both rehearsals, and they were trying to help, plus it was really helping my performance. She asked how I felt about it and I told her about my walk around the school at lunchtime and that although I got a few looks, it probably had more to do with them not me seeing before. She said she would think about it.

In the morning mum handed me a letter to give to Miss Reeves before lessons and told me to have enjoy my day. As usual I got changed in the storeroom and Miss Reeves had a quick word with me as I came out of the room. “You can leave your trousers in there and pick them up at the end of the day if you like.” And she gave me a quick wink. I looked at her and she nodded and told me to tell the other girls. They all squealed in delight, and I found myself joining in until we were told to be quiet. At the end of the session, Miss Reeves called everyone together and reminded them of her rules. She also said that I would from now on in the afternoon be presenting as a girl as it was easier than changing back and slowing everyone down, they were to report any bullying of me for it, and generally be nice and that the whole cast needed to look out for me as that is what theatre people do. I could feel my ears burning bright red as I sat there on the floor, trying to keep my skirt from showing my knickers. She then said something that really surprised me. “And finally, I spoke to our Marty and we agreed we can’t call her D_____, so when she is dressed like this I expect everyone to call her Amy. There isn’t another Amy in the cast, and I felt like it was the easiest name to use. So everyone say hello to Amy.”

There was a chorus of hello’s and people saying Amy and it truly felt wonderful. The pink Ladies walked me to my next class and I felt very nervous. They each hugged me before I opened the door, and when I walked in everyone stopped to look at me. The teacher gave me a nod and I took my seat next to Steve, who was sitting there wide eyed. I think he wanted to get away from me, but I had already seen he had an erection, so it wasn’t going to happen. The teacher then spoke to everyone in the class, literally repeating what Miss Reeves had said. He then reminded me that he understood I was wearing those shoes for the show, but I would need more suitable shoes if this will be the norm from now on. I said, “Yes sir” in my girl voice which I think surprised everyone. Everything in class settled down after that and Steve was still not talking to me, but he also couldn’t stop looking at my legs. I decided to tease him and let the skirt ride up and talked to him like normal until he could see my pants with the little hearts showing clearly through the tights. I waited till he had a good look, apologised, and pulled it down hiding them. We were pretty much at the back of the class and I thought, ok, see if you can keep ignoring me, so I put my hand in his lap, and just gently stroked his erection in class. I wanted him to suffer and made sure he stayed hard all through class, and while I only got single words out of him, I never got any of our usual banter. Mind you, I was teasing him a lot. When the lesson finished, I got up and left him saying I would see him later and walked out, leaving him there suffering and trying to hide it. In the break, Nicola was waiting for me and gave me a huge hug, saying that they had been told about me and everyone was under threat of severe punishment if they did anything to me. I felt really touched and Miss Reeves must had done some good work with all the teachers.

When I got to PE, ready to sit on the sides as usual with the others who for whatever reason don’t take part, the PE teacher stopped me and said I would be too much of a distraction, so I can sit in the girls PE lesson. I spun on my heel, really proud at myself for doing that and walked back to the where the girls were. The girls PE teacher smiled at me and said it was nice of me to join them, showed me where I could sit, and whispered that I could use the toilets in the girls changing room while they were in the lesson if I needed it. During the lesson the girls played Netball and the teacher told me what they were doing, let me know some of the rules and when the girls went to get changed told me a bit more about what had been agreed. The teachers knew I had already used the girls toilet and while it wasn’t a big deal as no one had complained, she said if someone does I will have to come to the teacher’s lounge and asked to use theirs. Jo was really looking out for me. After the end of day rehearsal, I did get changed back to go home.

The next day, the Pink Lady’s and Nicola were disappointed that I started the day as a boy but I pointed out that it might freak a few people out if I did that. After school I decided it was too much hassle to change back and wanted to just go home in my skirt, but Miss Reeves pulled me to one side before I left. She pointed out I was wearing heels and had great legs and probably wasn’t used to men looking at me the way they were going to and asked me to be careful and not walk too far, so I got the bus. Yes, I definitely felt a lot of men on their way home from work looking at the schoolgirl in the short tight skirt in high heels and it felt horrible! The man I sat next to one the bus was openly looking at my legs and I realised he was playing with himself under his jacket as he looked at me! Gross, he must have been in his 50’s and I felt a bit dirty over the whole thing. When I got in, mum was home and could see I was a bit upset, and eventually I told her about the bus and the man. She looked at me and said, “Ok, no more heels on the way home, lets go shopping.” And she picked up her bag, handed me one of Bev’s jacket’s and we went to get a more suitable pair of shoes for school. I wore them home and felt at least now I will fit in with the girls. They may not have been as cute as the heels or as nice as the ankle boots I really wanted, but I knew what I was going to do in the morning. Tomorrow I would go to school as a girl for the entire day.

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