Amy's Day Off - part 6

“Ok, no more heels on the way home, let's go shopping.” And she picked up her bag, handed me one of Bev’s jacket’s and we went to get a more suitable pair of shoes for school. I wore them home and felt at least now I will fit in with the girls. They may not have been as cute as the heels or as nice as the ankle boots I really wanted, but I knew what I was going to do in the morning. Tomorrow I would go to school as a girl for the entire day.

The next day I got up early to get ready and mum was surprised when I came down in the skirt and my hair down, wearing some light makeup. She looked at me and asked with her eyes if I was sure. “Mum, everyone knows, everyone has seen me, and this saves time!” She looked at me again and then asked why I had got up earlier than usual to make sure my hair and makeup was perfect if it saves time. I had a little sulk and mumbled, “You know what I mean.” And she looked at me, gave me a hug and said, “You are just like your sister, and I had forgotten what it’s like having a young teen girl going to school. Be safe.” And she kissed me on the top of my head and left for work. I finished my breakfast and with my new shoes felt I could walk in as I felt like I wasn’t really ready to get the bus after yesterday. I bumped into Steve on the way and this time he did talk to me. We had a mini argument about why he wasn’t talking to me anymore and finally I found out was going on. He was a bit freaked about me taking the role and people had been winding him up calling me his girlfriend and then when he saw me strutting around with the girls’ he was annoyed I wasn’t with him, but also didn’t want me near him to avoid the name calling. I got him to agree to not be a shit towards to me anymore and that I wouldn’t spend as much time with him as before, but I hoped we could go back to normal once the show had finished, and I started to walk faster than him with my arms as crossed. I was annoyed. He caught up with me and said, “Look, you know what school is like, but you know, can we still…?” I stopped and looked at him. He wanted to ignore me but still get laid! Men!

I was furious when I got to school and it took the excitement of the Pink Lady’s at seeing me to cheer me up. I almost forgot about Steve until I saw him later. Lessons and rehearsals all went as usual and other than looks and the odd comment nothing special happened. Nicola did catch up with me and gave me a message from Steve that he was sorry and hoped we could make it up somehow. I told her what had happened with him, and she gave me hug and told me that he just needed to calm down and ignore what they were saying, and it would all calm down soon. The next day was Saturday and after seeing Mr Christian a few times during the week, I was really looking forward to seeing Martin in the morning and the Pink Ladies in the afternoon. I borrowed some clothes from Bev and after breakfast made my way over as usual. When Martin opened the door he looked at me and just said wow! I was wearing a denim mini skirt, a sleeveless top that showed a little of my stomach and the boots I had brought when I went shopping with Bev. He scooped me up, we said hi to Jo and he carried me straight to the bedroom. After making love, we chatted about all sorts of things, and I told him about Steve. Martin was amazing and brought Jo in to give me advice. Basically, they said I was being a bit of a bitch for not thinking of his feelings as I had changed in public, but he might not be ready to do that so I should give the space he needs. After leaving to meet up with the girls at Sarah’s, I stopped to call Steve. I used my boy voice and asked to speak to him, then once he was on the phone I went back to being Amy and told him I was sorry for what he was going through, but I will be here for him. He then wanted to see me, but I had to say not right now, the show must go on. He laughed! He finally became Steve again with me, even if only for a little bit, but I felt we might be able to save something. Just before I got to Sarah’s I had to rush into a public toilet as I felt Martin’s cum leaking out of me and running down my leg and couldn’t leet the girls see that!

They loved my outfit when I got there and did a few poses for them, and we did our rehearsals and chatted like girls. Sarah suggested I try a dress on to see how it looked and I took off my top and dropped my skirt. The girls suddenly went quiet, and I was worried that I was leaking more cum and asked them what was wrong. Kim said, “You’re wearing a thong!” And I said, “I know, I put it on.” And we giggled. They then asked me a few questions one of which is why I have a flat front, so I explained about tucking and what I had done and how the thong holds everything in place really well. They asked if I ever wear them at school and I admitted that sometimes I do, but mostly it’s just boring pants with little hearts on as I was worried about boys trying to lift up my skirt. Sarah said, “Well that’s not a problem anymore with the tighter one is it. Come on get the dress on and let’s see how you look.” It was red bandage dress and really fitted me tightly. I absolutely loved it! It felt amazing on me and just felt really nice. Kim said, “You should wear that tomorrow as we’re going to club in the evening. They only sell soft drinks, but it will be a Pink Lady’s outing?” They all started asking me to go and I said I would need to ask my mum and Sarah said, “We have a phone.” So I made the call and mum was worried but I said it will be me and the girls and we will be very safe. She relented and agreed to me going, so after rehearsal here tomorrow, I was going on a girl’s night out.

Chatting with Bev in the morning, I borrowed one of her short denim skirt to go with a tee shirt and a her jacket, pointing out to me I really needed to get some more clothes and said she would take me some charity shops to get some good things, and a lot cheaper than anywhere else. I made my way round to Sarah’s, strutting my stuff in my ankle boots with the three inch heel. Ok, they were Bev’s really, but she was ok with it, but a car pulled up next to me and Kim was sitting the passenger seat with her dad driving, offering me a lift. I jumped in the back and realised I needed to do that as a girl as apart from flashing myself, it was also a bit hard with the heels and I almost fell over. With the girls, we practiced our dance moves and went over our lines, then stopped to have a quick snack and get ready. Kim and Jodie had brought their own makeup and clothes, and I just thought I would get changed into the dress and off we go. But the girls has other ideas, and it involved a full make over for me, starting with my eyebrows being shaped. They plucked at them really carefully and slowly, and it stung a bit but not too bad really. My makeup set was a cheap one from Argos but the girls had a much better selection and helped me find my colours, gave me some smoky eyes and I learnt a lot from them. There was a bit of work done on my hair. I really liked it being straight, but they took some curling tongs to it and gave it a really nice shape, I guess Sarah being the daughter of two hairdressers helps you to learn a lot about hair. Then it was time for us all to get dressed and it felt strange as we all stripped down to our underwear in the room, but Jodie pointed out we are all girls here, so not biggie. Although my eyes did go wide when they changed their bras in front of me. I did look and said I was jealous of them having them as it would be so much easier for me rather than needing the inserts, which then led to us comparing how I felt to them, talking about the size of our boobs and there was nothing felt sexual about it all.

Once we were ready, we headed downstairs and Sarah’s mum told me I looked very pretty and to enjoy my first girl’s night out and we went out to the people carrier and she gave us a lift to the club. As we got close it was already clear there were lots of other teens like us, queuing up waiting for the doors to open so we had three hours of pretending we were older and clubbing for real, but for us it was only from six till nine. We joined the queue and I think I only recognised a couple of kids from our school, but with so many of us in the queue it was hard to tell. Giggling and chatting excitedly the queue started to move forward and we finally paid to get in. We went to bar and finally managed to get a glass of diet coke and we drank them through a straw before we hit the dance floor. I had so much fun, dancing with the girls and having the odd boy here and there try to dance with us, but we were a group, and no one messed with us on the floor! I’ve no idea how long we danced, but we headed to the toilets and stood in the queue with the other girls and finally got in, and it was a lot nicer in there than I expected, but really busy. Finally, it was our turn and two stalls became free and I told Sarah to go first but she took my hand and we both went in one together while Jodie and Kim went in the other. Sarah wiped down the seat, lifted her skirt and pulled down her underwear as she sat down and peed, never once stopping talking to me. She wiped and stood up and it was my turn. She had wiped the seat, so I didn’t, and I pulled up my dress and lowered my thong as I sat down. We kept talking as I peed, took some paper and wiped myself, then realised I had a problem. I would need to tuck again and there was no way that Sarah wouldn’t see what I was doing, so I mouthed a ‘sorry’ to her, stood up and sorted my tuck with Sarah watching me as we talked. I then pulled up my thong and made sure I was secure as I lowered my dress and smoothed it out. She looked at me and gave me a hug whispering in my ear it was ok, she wouldn’t say anything about it.

Back in the club we had got another diet coke and were standing at the side when two boys I didn’t recognise came over and asked me and Kim to dance. I looked at them and Kim instantly said yes to her boy and after looking at Sarah and Jodie, I nodded to the boy and he took my hand as we walked to the dance floor. It was no big deal really, just dancing with him and asking a few questions, my name, where I go to school and so on. After a couple of songs, we stopped dancing and he went to buy me a drink. I was going to walk back to the other girls but couldn’t see them so I stayed with the boy. I thought it made sense to go back to where the girls had been standing against the wall and he chatted to me and when I put my glass down I noticed it looked like he had an erection. What was it with me giving boys erections all the time! Anyway, we chatted for a bit more and he was moving closer and before I knew it, his hands was on my hip and was slowly stroking me. It was a clumsy attempt at foreplay or trying to turn me on, but it was all new to me so I let him carry on. When was really close to me, he leant down to put his glass on the floor and he kissed my leg. I was so surprised I barely moved, so as he stood up he kissed my hip, my stomach, between my boobs, then my neck and it didn’t take an expert to know where he will kiss me next. And that is how the girls found me, making out with this boy whose name I couldn’t even remember with his erection pressing against my stomach and with one leg lifted up and his hand trying to get up the dress and to feel my bum. I looked at them and blushed, but the boy pulled me back into the kiss and I was enjoying it, feeling him rub against me.

I managed to stop him and asked him to get me another drink, and I chatted with the girls as much as was possible in a club with loud music. None of them had an issue with what they saw, and pointed out as far as they were concerned, I was a girl so get over it, and carry on! I danced with the boy a few more times, kissed him a lot more and the slow dance with him was really nice, it felt so romantic. The night finished and I kissed him goodbye while Kim had a snog with her boy. Outside, everyone was making their own way in different directions, and other kids were getting picked up by parents. We were waiting for Sarah’s mum to pick us up and drop us at our houses and then she arrived and off we went, but this time I got in bum first, I had learnt my lesson. I was dropped off at home and opened the door wearing the red bandage dress. My mum saw it and after a chat about being appropriately dressed, she asked me I had had enjoyed myself. As I was leaving to get changed for bed, mum said, “Don’t forget to take your makeup off, although it looks like someone has already tried to remove your lipstick with their lips.” I looked in a mirror and yes, it looked like I had been kissing someone for quite a while. Mum never mentioned it again to me for weeks, but by then my life was already changing.

The next couple of weeks it all carried on as normal and I had a couple more girls night out, and regular sex with Martin and sometimes squeezing in a meeting with Steve, but about two weeks away from the show something awful happened to me. By this time no one was bothering me, sure, there were still looks and comments, but it seemed that everyone had accepted me, so I had no problem walking around the school by myself. I was walking along a corridor and there were only a few others there when suddenly I was grabbed and pushed to the floor, I felt hands grabbing me and suddenly an older boy, a real evil piece of shit was lifting me up and pushed me against the wall, his face right in mine and I was really scared. Unless someone walked right past us, in the little alcove we were in no one would see us. He said, “You’re just a little prick tease, aren’t you? Walking around here like a big deal and thinking everyone has forgotten who you are. Well, I’m going to show what it really means to be a girl!” and I felt his hands going up under my skirt, pulling at my tights and underwear, trying to get them down. I tried to struggle out of his grip and was about to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth and pushed my head back and it hurt a lot. I completely froze, not knowing what was going to happen to me as he got my underwear and tights down to my knees. I tried to keep my legs together to stop my tuck from coming undone, but he kicked my legs apart and I felt myself fall free, too scared to move. Now he was happy I was half naked and he started to take his own penis out. He was hard and pressing against me, he stroked it and stroked me down there at the same time and even though I had frozen in fear, my body reacted to his touch and I hated myself for it at that moment. Suddenly I was free and the boy was on the floor with his own erection pointing up and Mr Christian was standing in front of me, asking if I was ok, but I was still frozen in fear. Mr Christian started to lift my tights and underwear up for me, to help me cover up and I looked at my attacker, laying there knowing he was in big trouble as he put his deflating penis away. Mr Christian told him to get out of his sight, his parents will be called and probably the police as well and the boy run away. Mr Christian, no Martin gently took my still erect penis and gently put me in my underwear, but it wasn’t tucked and there was an obvious bulge. I fell into his arms and the tears came for the first time as he picked me up and carried me to the nurse’s office. I don’t know how long it was before my mum arrived, but Miss Reeves had already visited me and the Pink Lady’s were all there as well. At some point I must have tucked as my bulge had gone so I guessed the girls had made sure I sorted that out.

Mum took me to the doctors and on the way there I was more worried about missing rehearsal and she told me that Miss Reeves had said it was ok, and that Sarah, Kim and Jodie were coming to ours that night for a sleepover as they didn’t want to leave me alone and it was the only way she could get them to agree to go back to classes. The doctor didn’t even bat an eyelid as I walked in with mum, dressed as Amy. She asked how I wanted to be called and if I would like to have my records changed. I nodded. After being checked out physically for any damage, the doctor asked my mum to leave and we chatted for what seemed like an hour. She was amazing and made me feel much better about myself. I made her promise not to tell my mum about me dressing up before the agreeing to the show and when she asked if I was sexually active and I blushed, she just told me she lost her virginity when she was 13 and she wasn’t judging me. I never told her about Martin, but did tell her about Steve, and we chatted about if Amy was something I wanted to forever and it was at that moment I decided that I don’t care what anyone else thought, I like being Amy. She said that I would need some blood tests, but she would see what she could to help and I asked if that meant I would be able to get my own boobs and she laughed and gave me a hug, saying all in good time if that is what I want.

Once at home Bev had run me a bath and sat with me as I soaked to make sure I was ok. Strangely, as awful as the experience was, I felt ok as I had pretty much made my mind up that after the show I was going to carry on being Amy at school. I loved my friends and while I might not want to be an actor, I was loving the chance to do this. Once I put on fresh underwear and my PJ’s I went downstairs and the girls were all there, rushing over and giving me hug. The boy was expelled and there was talk of getting the police involved but I didn’t want that, I didn’t want to be in a courtroom and the boy was gone and apparently lived a fair bit away from me so I wouldn’t see him again. I wanted to move on. With the girls we watched a couple of movies, ate pizza and climbed into our sleeping bags. Before I went to class the next day I had to report to the nurses office and she asked me a lot of questions until she finally accepted I was ok and would come see her as soon as I felt I needed it. I made my way to class, taking a detour to where it happened so that I wouldn’t feel scared being there in the future. I stopped and looked at the little alcove and the floor where I last saw my attacker, laughing at the memory of him putting his small penis away while trying to stand up. There, I was a survivor, not a victim. The rest of the week carried on as normal and some of those people who had been giving the looks and making the comments had gone very quiet and kept their distance from me.

On Saturday morning, I arrived at Martin’s and Jo’s as usual and they both pulled me into their flat, hugging me at the time, asking over and over again if I was ok. Once they had calmed down, we sat together having a cup of tea and we chatted as I wanted things to be normal, so I told Jo to go back to work planning the show and I looked at Martin, putting a hand on his leg and said, “And we will do what we usually do.” As I kissed him. Jo and Martin shared a look, but he stood up when I did and we went to the bedroom. I kept kissing him trying to get him going, but he was more gentle than usual. When I stopped and started to sulk, he admitted he didn’t want to push me after what had happened to me, so I kissed him and said, “Martin, I want to thank you for being so kind to me and being very gentle with me as you put me back into my underwear.” I kissed him. “That was very sweet.” He said he knew he had to cover me up, but the official story was I had done it myself and it was only my tights pulled down as he wanted to protect me. We ended up laying down on the bed kissing but we didn’t have sex. I did give him a hand job as we kissed and for the first time, I let him lower my thong and he gave me a hand job as well. Afterwards he admitted he had never done that before, so I told him he had done a wonderful job and I felt very satisfied. A few weeks later when I asked about this visit, he told me that any man who doesn’t behave the way he did after I had a traumatic experience is someone I should instantly dump.

Rehearsal with the girls in the afternoon went on as usual, we had all talked it out on the sleepover, but today I found out that Sarah had tucked me as she knew I would be upset with a bulge showing. I was really surprised and asked how she knew what to do, and she pointed out she has been in the toilets with a few times now so has seen me do it. Which then became me showing Kim and Jodie as well in case something like this happened in the future, even though it was very unlikely. They were the first people I told about what happened in the doctors and my decision to carry on being me after the show. They were so excited and after calming down a bit they all agreed to not tell anyone until I did as I wasn’t quite ready yet. On Sunday I managed to meet up with Steve and he gave me what Martin was held back from me and I needed to feel someone inside me, feel their body move with mine and to feel them have the orgasm I made them give me. I felt truly satisfied as I left him and started to head to Jodie’s for our Pink Lady’s jacket fitting. I loved it and her mum said I looked better being one cup size up and had made the jacket for me that way just in case. After that, I went back with Sarah to hers, and her dad took my extensions out and fitted new ones. The next week we had dress rehearsals each session after school and wearing the pencil skirt, the big petticoats and fully made up with my hair pinned up felt amazing. The Saturday before show week we had a full-dress rehearsal in the afternoon and I arrived there right after Martin had finally relented and I felt very full, standing on stage in costume feeling that a part of him was still in me. And then I had a real surprise as he was doing the part of Vince Fontaine, the TV presenter that I had to flirt with and I’m standing there, on stage, with us flirting with each other and I could still feel his seed slowly leaking from me. We had a break for some food before doing another run through. I went for a walk by myself around the empty school thinking how strange it was with no one here. The teacher’s lounge was unlocked and I couldn’t resist going in to have a look and see what was in there. It looked very run down, chairs with the stuffing coming out of them, a few tables and a lot of dirty cups, a dirty kettle and a small fridge. The door opened behind and there was Martin, looking surprised so see me there. “You know you’re not meant to be in here?” He said, but he was smiling, so didn’t really mean it. As I walked around the room looking at bits and pieces, he said, “You know you look great in that skirt and all those petticoats.” I did my Princess Diana look again, and smiled coyly at him, swishing my skirt around. “It does feel nice.” I told him. We were slowly walking towards each other, and I finally asked him what I really wanted to know more than anything right now, “So, is anyone likely to come in here today?” He looked at me and shook his head slowly. “Does the door lock?” I asked. He looked at me and slowly walked back to door.

“Do you know, I think it does.” He said, as he slipped the lock in place. We walked towards each other, slowly at first and then getting faster until I threw myself at him and we started kissing, thankful I had picked up my handbag with my lipstick in it. I pushed him backwards into a chair and lifted my skirts up so I could straddle him as we kissed. I could feel him getting hard so I reached down and undid his trousers, taking Martin’s cock into my hand as he was running his hands up my stockings, over my bum and pulled my thong to the side. I grabbed my bag and took a small tube of lube out, quickly spread it on him and sat down on his cock, feeling it go as deep as I could get it in one go, riding him slowly, rolling around on his hips, feeling him swell and move in me as we kissed. We seemed to make love for hours, but it must have just been a few minutes till I felt him start to swell in me and get harder, pointing into me, so I pushed down onto him to get him as far in me as possible as he started to twitch in me over and over again. Finally, he seemed to stop so we sat there holding each other and just enjoying the moment. “Come on,” he said, “you need to get back.” I kissed him one more time, but even as I started to climb off him, I slid back down his length, just enjoying the last moments of him in me. I lifted myself of him and rearranged my thong, smoothing out my petticoats and skirt, and walked over to the mirror with my lipstick to repair it. There were some tissues on the table next to Martin and he used them to clean himself up and wipe the lipstick off himself when someone tried to open the door. A key went in the lock and it opened and there was Miss Reeves, looking at us and smiling. She smiled at us and said, “Somehow I expected to find you both in here. Martin, you need to look after the rehearsal while I take a quick break.” And she walked across to the staff toilet in the corner of the room while Martin gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed out.

I waited for Jo to come out and we sat down and chatted for a bit, she was telling me how proud of me she is, and also thanked me for keeping Martin happy while she has been so busy. I still sometimes felt really bad about what we were both doing and asked her about it, but she just shushed me and said if I was happy then she was happy. We both walked back to the drama studio and did another run through in the afternoon. Miss Reeves gave us all notes and said that the rehearsals during the week will now be spilt into complete scenes focussing on the bits that she said needed work. The day of the first show we would all be excused classes and do a final full rehearsal before the whole school came in to watch us, then in the evening it was another show for parents. On the Saturday we had one final evening show which is the one people are buying tickets for and the one we had to knock it out the park. We all felt ready, but more than that, I felt happy.

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