The Blue Dress - Part 6

The Blue Dress - Part 6

by MonicaS

Copyright © 2021 Monica S.

Chris got bullied for being girly and was forced to wear a dress at school. To avoid the bullies, he started to live as a girl with support from friends and official recognition. Chris found some allies to fight the bullies. He went on his first date and now questions his gender. His path points towards girlhood with plans for pierced ears and a second date as a girl.

* * *

On Saturday morning, I wore my now usual outfit consisting of a short skirt, a top, and pantyhose, this time with sneakers. After breakfast, we went straight to the piercing studio. Before I could get my ears pierced, the piercer wanted to see ID to be sure Mom was actually my mother. With my new school ID, I didn't have to explain my boy's name for a change.

I chose fake diamond studs as my first earrings. I couldn't decide on the size, though.

"Mom, can I have my ears pierced twice, so I can wear both pairs?" I asked.

"Don't tempt me, Chris," Mom replied. "One piercing is enough."

I pouted, but it didn't work. In the end, I chose the bigger size.

The piercer then went to work, disinfected everything, marked the hole positions, and finally pierced the ears and inserted the studs. It only hurt a little bit, actually less than I expected.

After everything was done, the piercer told me about aftercare, to wait 6-8 weeks before replacing the earrings, and gave me a little pamphlet with information. We thanked him, and Mom paid for everything.

"Thank you, Mom," I said and hugged her.

"Well, You've been a wonderful daughter the whole week, so I can indulge you a bit."

I didn't exactly know what she meant by that. I did all my chores at home as a boy too.

Having done the most important thing, we went grocery shopping and got home in time to have lunch.

At lunch, we talked about our upcoming dates. Mom actually had a date that evening too. She had seen this guy for some weeks now, and Mom was hopeful that it would work out for a change. She had raised me alone all my life. Dating with a kid was hard, a bit easier in the last few years with me more grown-up. Sometimes she brought dates home, but they never lasted.

I, on the other hand, would only have my second date in my whole life. I was very excited. I liked Lizzie, and she seemed to like me too. I really wanted it to work. Mom was happy for me but didn't really like that Lizzie would pick me up with her motorcycle. I tried to reassure her by telling her how experienced Lizzie already was and how careful she rode. Mom stayed skeptical but did allow it in the end.

I thought about an outfit for my date. A skirt was impractical on a bike, so I had to wear jeans. I wanted to feel sexy, though, so I chose a low cut top. That meant one of my sexier bras too. I decided on a full lingerie set, including a garter belt and stockings. Lizzy probably wouldn't see it, but I would know. Riding with my heels had worked fine, so I added my high heeled black ankle boots to my mental list. I'd complete it with my black leather jacket.

Finally, it was time, and I redid my makeup a bit more elaborately and dressed as planned. Lizzie was quite punctual, so I didn't have to nervously wait for long. Perhaps I was too eager, but I left the house immediately when I heard her bike arrive.

Lizzie wore again black jeans and her tan leather jacket, just a different top. She didn't have that big of a choice because she always rode her bike. Well, Lizzie didn't like skirts or dresses anyway, for herself that is, she seemed pleased with my blue dress on Wednesday.

"Hello Christine," she greeted and hugged me after dismounting and removing her helmet. "Ready for the ride?"

I hugged her back and replied, "Hi Lizzie, sure, I have everything I need."

"I see you adjusted your style. Still in heels, though. I would break my ankles in stiletto heels."

"Practice makes perfect," I joked a bit as I certainly didn't have much experience. But I felt fine in my heels. Perhaps I was a natural? Lizzie was almost as tall as me in my 4" heels, which means she was probably 5' 7".

"Perhaps you have to teach me," Lizzie continued.

"Nah, I like being the same height as you."

"Okay, that does have advantages. For example, it's easier to do this." With that, she gave me a quick kiss on the mouth.

I blushed and didn't know what to say.

"Let's go then," Lizzie said and then waved towards the front window.
When I turned, I saw Mom there. She must have watched us. How embarrassing. At least she smiled. Well, I gave her a wave too.

Then we donned our helmets, and I straddled the seat behind Lizzie, again enjoying the closeness. As planned, we rode to a movie theatre.

We chose an action movie with a female main character. The heroine was smart and beautiful and had a take-charge personality, just like my date. During one nerve-wracking scene, Lizzie took my hand and then didn't let go for the rest of the movie. I liked it.

Eventually, the movie was over, and we rode to a restaurant. We found a cozy table with a corner bench where we could sit close to each other and watch the room.

After ordering, we talked about the movie a bit, then about movies and TV in general. We found out that we had a similar taste.

"Watching a movie in a cinema is fun for a change, but we could just watch something together at home, too," I suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like that, snuggling together in front of the TV. It could be much more intimate."

Lizzie then put her hand on my thigh and caressed me. It aroused me, but thanks to my gaff, nothing showed. I got a bit uncomfortable, though.

"Hmm, what's this bump?" she wondered.

I blushed and hesitantly answered, "It's a garter tab."

"So, you have some naughty lingerie underneath this?" Lizzie asked.

"I ... I just wanted to feel sexy. It doesn't mean I expect today to end with us in bed."

"Too bad," she replied and grinned mischievously. "Well, to be honest, I'd like to wait with that until we met each other's parents."

"Um, yes. That's more sensible."

"So, do you want to come over next Saturday?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have time next weekend," I answered and then told Lizzie about my self-defense course. It turned out she had the same course some months ago and liked it.

"Too bad we girls have to be afraid of being attacked," Lizzie commented.

"Already happened," I replied and then told her of Mark's attack on Thursday.

Lizzy hugged me. "Damn Mark. But you're strong and don't cave in. I've seen how you dressed yesterday. You certainly don't cower before Mark."

"That was more show than real courage. I'm afraid to go anywhere alone now. My Mom drives me to school, and my friends drive me home."

"I can take you home too. I need to meet your mother anyway. And we're all fighting against the bullies now. Together we're strong. The self-defense course should help you regain your confidence, too."

"Yeah, I know two more people complained about Mark. The principal has to do something now. And then there are the other bullies."

"Either the principal will deal with them, or we'll have to expose them, to shame them into stopping," Lizzie said. "But enough of this. I want to have fun with you and not brood about bullies. So back to sexy lingerie. This will be a change for me. You are much more feminine than I'm used to, and I like it. Ryan never showed any interest in lingerie. I think I should try it and show off my assets too." She hinted at my exposed cleavage.

"You're beautiful as you are and don't need to change."

"What you wouldn't want me to lie on the bed, my private parts barely covered by a lacy bra and panties set, stockings attached to my garter belt, and high heels on my feet, when you come into the room?" Lizzie asked sensually.

The thought aroused me visibly.

"Yeah, I thought so," Lizzie continued. "I think it would be fun. We could caress our nylon clad legs." She moved closer to me and caressed my thigh again. "And then we could kiss," she said and started to kiss me. It wasn't the short kiss she'd given me before, but a much more sensual, longer-lasting kiss. I leaned into it and kissed her back.

Unfortunately, we were interrupted by an "Ahem" from the server who arrived with our food. I was embarrassed about the waiter and perhaps other guests observing our display of affection. My new girlfriend certainly had fewer qualms about it.

"What's the matter?" Lizzie asked after the server left. "Are you afraid to kiss a girl in public, to be seen as a lesbian?"

"No, that's not it. I'm not used to kissing at all, certainly not in such a public space."

"Okay, I'll tone it down. I don't want you to be embarrassed. At least not too much," Lizzie said and caressed my leg a bit more before she started her meal.

While eating, the topic of our conversation was less intimate. Soon after completion, the check arrived, and we split the bill. After leaving the building, I was reluctant to end the date but didn't know where to go. We were much too young for a bar. My girlfriend must have felt similar as she pulled me into a dark corner.

"Is it okay if we kiss here, unobserved?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied, and this time I started the kiss. It started light and sensual but got more steamy with time. Our hands roamed each other's bodies while staying away from the nether regions. My gaff got stretched to the limit, and it hurt somewhat, but that didn't matter. This went on for many minutes, escalating more and more until a car arrived and illuminated our corner.

With the spell broken, we decided to head home. When I arrived, Mom wasn't home yet. I decided to go to bed early and read a bit. Reading didn't work out, though, because I reminisced about the date and what it meant. Lizzie seemed to want it to go further, just like me. I considered her my girlfriend now. Making out was hot, and I wondered what sex with her would be like. But first, we had to meet each other's parents.

Apropos parents, my mother arrived seemingly not alone. I heard them head directly into her bedroom, and soon after, there were unmistakable sounds of them having sex. I guess not everybody seeks family approval before having an intimate relationship. Sleep didn't come easy that night.

* * *

Sunday morning, I had to take care of my newly pierced ears. This would be a regular twice-daily procedure for the next weeks, but it wasn't that hard.

I decided to dress in a short skirt, top, and pantyhose again. Even though I didn't expect to go out, I applied my usual makeup and filled my bra with the enhancers. This was my new regular appearance, it was how I wanted to look.

I sat in the kitchen and had breakfast when a guy dressed only in boxer shorts appeared. He was tall and muscular, quite handsome as far as I could determine that as a lesbian.

"Hi sexy lady," he greeted me, "I didn't know there's another hot woman in the house. I only know about Christopher. Are you his girlfriend? I'm Walter, by the way." He offered his hand while his eyes traveled over my body.

It seems Mom didn't tell him about my change, I thought.

I shook his hand and replied, "Hi Walter, I'm Chris."

"Chris and Christopher, huh? Where is the bum, still lazing around in bed?"

I didn't like his attitude and was unsure how to proceed. This was the guy Mom wanted a long-term relationship with, and I didn't want to ruin it. But I certainly couldn't pretend to be somebody else, so I had to tell him the truth.

"There is only one Chris," I said. "It was short for Christopher, now it's short for Christine."

He looked confused. "What do you mean? You're a guy? Nah, you're joking. You're much too hot to be a guy."

"Well, thank you, I guess. But it's no joke. I was Christopher."

"Oh no, it's true? You're a damn trap, tricking me into gay thoughts. You're a freak. Stay away from me." With that, Walter retreated a bit.

Now it was time for me to be confused. I had never had such a reaction. Fortunately, Mom arrived at that moment.

"Hi Walter, hi Chris," she greeted us. "What's the commotion?"

"Why didn't you tell me your son is pretending to be a girl?" Walter asked.

"Pretending? Umm, I should have told you about it. Chris is transgender, and she's living as a girl now. That's not pretending, though."

"He's a trap, a freak. How can you allow that?"

"What are you calling my daughter? If you think like this, there is no future for us. I think you should leave now," Mom angrily said.

"Yeah, I better do. I don't want to stay near this freak." With that, Walter went into Mom's bedroom, quickly dressed, and left without saying goodbye.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I said.

"Oh honey, it's not your fault," Mom replied. "I thought Walter was a good guy. How wrong I was. I guess I'm lucky he showed his ugly side before this went any further."

"I didn't like him from the start. He practically leered at me before I told him I was Christopher. And it went downhill from there."

"There just aren't any good men available," Mom said and sighed.

I hugged her. "I'm sure there are. Perhaps you're looking at the wrong place." I knew she was using dating apps. Perhaps the good guys got snatched away while the bad apples remained.

"Did your date go better, at least?" Mom asked.

"Yeah." I got dreamy when I remembered it.

"Did you think about protection?"

"Mom! We didn't have sex yet, but I hope we will soon. I got condoms, so that's covered. Lizzie wants to meet you, by the way. Do you have time this week?"

"Oh, she does? I'm free all evenings, now that Walter is gone. Argh, I shouldn't think about him anymore. I'm happy to meet your girlfriend. Tell me all about your date."

So I did just that, with an appropriate filter, of course.

* * *

Monday morning, I was at school early again. This time there was no sign of Mark anywhere even though I saw some of his goons. Actually, he had missed phys ed on Friday also.

I saw the larger boy who had bullied our new freshman member acting suspiciously in a dark corner a bit away. Paula was just arriving, so I waved her over.

"Hi Paula," I greeted her, "I think the protection pact is needed. Please follow me."

This time the bully wasn't alone. He and two additional guys were surrounding another young student. They were exchanging some nasty words. Just when I reached them, I saw the main bully draw his arm back for a punch.

"Stop it!" I shouted.

It worked as the punch didn't follow. He turned towards me and said, "Ah, you again, girlie. Why are you always disturbing my fun?"

"Bullying is no fun."

"Only if you're a doormat," the bully replied and laughed.

This infuriated me. He had no scruples, it seemed. "How can you be so nasty?"

"I'm just a winner."

"Only until you lose," I said through clenched teeth.

He just laughed and left with an "I see ya" again. His two goons followed without a word.

"I'll watch you," I called after them.

"Thanks," the bullying victim said, "but I would have managed alone. He doesn't know what I'm capable of. I'm Oliver, by the way."

"Hi Oliver, this is Paula, and I'm Chris," I replied and gave him information about our protection pact and invited him.

"I'm not really a victim," Oliver said. "I always dish out at least as much as I take."

"But wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to fight at all?" I asked. "Besides, you could help others too. Together we're stronger."

"Okay, you're right."

"Who was this guy anyway? I better know who to look out for."

"Oh, that was Xavier Delmonte. He's a freshman just like me, but he is so full of it, just because his parents are rich and he's taller than most freshmen."

Another rich bully. Well, we can't let them ruin school for us.

* * *

At lunch, I was happy to see new members joining our pact, including Oliver and Melanie, Mark's ex. Somebody said that Mark was missing because he got three days of suspension, causing cheers around the tables. We had the first indication of success.

Then Anne announced a Halloween costume party and invited us all. Halloween was 2½ weeks away, and I hadn't thought much about it yet. I didn't run around the houses anymore and didn't dress up in the previous years. So I had no costume lined up, and others had the same problem.

Anne suggested that we fashion girls could use our current class project to create our own costumes. We had started last week, and it was due in two weeks. Last week we had measured ourselves and adjusted some patterns to match our measurements. We didn't cut any fabric yet, so we could still change our project. We didn't have much time left, though, so Anne invited us to her home to look for costume ideas.

Regarding protection pact activities, I suggested paying special attention to Xavier, as he seemed to be a menace to the freshmen. We'd follow him if possible and interfere in all bullying attempts.

* * *

Later in the day, I was just leaving my stall when Karen entered the bathroom.

"You again," Karen said. "Can't I ever have my peace in here?"

"Hello Karen," I greeted her. "I'm doing nothing. You're the one spreading rumors about me."

"Ha, rumors. I know it's the truth. I just don't know how you managed to convince everybody that you're a girl, even the principal. And now I had this nice chat with him where he forbid me to tell the truth. Where are our first amendment rights? You communists will be the downfall of the US with your thought control. Damm, I have to go." With that, Karen entered a stall and slammed the door shut.

I washed my hands, freshened my makeup, and left the bathroom while Karen was still ranting without anybody listening.

* * *

After school, Anne took me home with her. A few more girls took her offer too. We looked through costume sites on our phones and discussed look and feasibility.

I was searching for sexy witch costumes. A lot of them were not sexy enough, while others showed too much skin. Finally, I found one I liked and would be manageable with my skills, I hoped. The main component was a black mini dress with tulle sleeves and an attached long see-through skirt. Additionally, there seemed to be some wings or feathers in the back. This was accompanied by a typical witch's hat, fishnet pantyhose, and heels.


There were some fabrics available at school, but perhaps I would need additional materials. I was sure there were no feathers. So I ordered feathers and fishnet pantyhose on the net and would have to see for the rest.

It was good to be among my friends, the fashion girls. We didn't just talk about the costumes, of course. For example, I showed off my newly pierced ears and had to tell them about my dates with Lizzie. Well, the abridged version, I don't kiss and tell.

After a nice afternoon, Susan drove me home. The whole day was good, actually, with Karen barred from spreading rumors, Mark in suspension, and Xavier's bullying thwarted. And I was looking forward to creating my Halloween costume and wearing it to Anne's party.

* * *

To be continued

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