The Answer - Chapter 4

The answer

By Lynda Shermer

Chapter 4 - Game Over?

We got me naked except for her bra, for some reason, and got to know each others body. She insinuated her hands under the cups, rubbing my nipples, as I repeated the notion on her. Her breasts were small, but proud, a handful, maybe a little more. Cute. In fact, the whole package, in contrast to her office demeanor said cute. Keeping herself aloof at the office must have been a strain, and now, all at once, she was unwinding.

We did those fumbling things that two people do when they first make love. We both dove to our piles of clothing, and emerged triumphantly holding a condom at the same time, and broke down laughing together, "Well, at least I can be pretty sure I'm not being presumptuous, here," I said.

"Or that you aren't the only one, at least," she riposted.

For both of us, it was the first time in some time, and we were not familiar with each other, physically. Still, it was pretty good, for a first attempt.

Afterwards, still on the living room floor, my head cradled on her stomach, her hands on my hair, face, chest, we relaxed. My eyes were half shut, my breathing deep and regular, more drunk than I could ever remember being.

Alice said, "I want to try something. Don't freak out."

"Ok..." I answered, drowsily.

Her hands went to my chest and played with my flesh in the cups of her bra, which I was still wearing, rearranging my flesh, pulling it towards the middle, letting the push up pads do their jobs. Then, she started running her fingers around my aureolas in circles through the fabric part of the cups, and said,"Susan?"

"Yes?" I said.

"Do you have a middle name?"

"Strange you should ask. I only found out recently from my aunt. It's Marie."

"Susan Marie Burrows? That's nice. So you discussed all this with your aunt?"

"Yes, she was curious about my work. She'd called that time I was stuck overnight, so she'd talked to Susan without knowing it was me. I told her about you, and June, and Dr. Willis, so I had to mention Felicity, and that led to the rest of the details on Susan. And then she told me my middle name. We felt Susan should be avoided, but she had a chat with Felicity. She thought I should find a way to let Susan out a little more, in safe surroundings, and see what happens; that Susan was "leaking". I guess this qualifies."

"You think so? I'm glad, and appreciate the faith you have in me."

"Well, it turns out, I've known you since college, and you've never done anything mean that I've seen. A little oblivious, but not mean."

"So, your aunt thinks you should let Susan out more, and here, I've triggered her. How did that make you feel?"

"A little scared of getting stuck this way again, I think."

She topped off my glass of wine, and held my head up so I could sip.

"I don't think you have to be scared. Your mind was craving something that Susan gives it. I'm sure you are both the same person, and once we find what is missing, you'll have no trouble. You did say you thought you could function as Susan. Did you mean it?"

"Yeah, mostly, I just get scared of getting stuck."

"Would you do something for me?"

"Anything, Alice."

"You won them fair and square. Would you wear my panties?", and with that, she handed them to me.

"Sure," I said, and slipped them over my feet, flailing my legs a bit from drink, one at a time. Eventually, I had to hike my butt up, and pulled them snug. "Bulgy!", I said, "Oh wait, I can fix that." And shoved my hand down the front pushing everything back. I felt the pops as my testicles ascended, something I'd last felt when donning a dance belt so I wouldn't bulge beneath an ill-advised superhero costume someone had talked me into, and pushed my recovering penis firmly back. My palm smoothed the front panel, and I was flat.

"See, all better.", I said with a drunken giggle. And fell asleep.

Alice's eyes were bugging out of her head. She eased herself sideways, replacing her stomach under my head with a pillow.

"He's going to hate me for this, but I just have to see," she thought. So while I slept, she applied makeup to my face, and polish to my fingers and toes. She put additional padding into my bra, bringing me up to a B cup, and which my sleeping brain interpreted as a fondle, which caused me to turn my head and catch the side of her face in a kiss, after which she had to fix my makeup again. Finally, she pulled a wig from her costume supplies over my head, arranged it roughly, pushed me onto my side to spoon against me, and feigned sleep.

And then, pinched my butt, really hard.

THAT woke me up. I woke up to find myself on the floor, a warm body spooned against my back, with an arm draped over me. I gently disentangled myself, and went looking for the bathroom. That was when I noticed the unusual underwear. I looked down at my groin, looking bemused. I felt the padding in the bra jiggle while I walked, brushed hair from in front of my eyes, and in the bathroom, poured my self a cup of water. Drinking it, I noticed the lipstick marks on the Dixie cup. My eyes widened, and I finally looked in the mirror.

First out was a soundless exhalation of a scream. Then a screech of indignation. "YOU!!!!!!"

Alice came in behind me, "What, Susan? You don't like the colors? I was a little limited by my selection."

"You tricked me. Got me drunk, and had your way with me."

"I have to say, this look works for you, Susan. Did you notice your voice?"

"Yes, my Susan voice is back. I'm sure that will tell me something once I recover from the shock."

"So far, that tells me you're WAY too analytical. C'mere."

She grabbed me and pulled me into the bedroom, spinning me around, and letting me fall onto the mattress. She pushed my legs apart, lay between then, and started fondling my breasts. I couldn't help it, my eyes closed, my back arched a bit, and I moaned.

"Where did all that come from?," she asked rhetorically, and started licking my cleavage. One hand dipped into my panties, and she started rubbing the top of where my penis joined my pelvis. My moaning got deeper. She rubbed faster, wetting her fingers from between her own legs, and then picking up where she left off. My back arched severely, I let out a scream, and there was fire in my brain. My muscles went rigid, my toes curled, my fingers clenched on the blankets, and then I went limp. "Wh..what was that?" I asked shakily.

"Congratulations, that was an orgasm."

"No, I've orgasmed before, that wasn't it."

"Silly, that was a female orgasm. Was that your first one?"

"It felt good. But why are you doing all this?"

"Well, it seemed to me that, with all your mock chivalry, and manners, you were holding back. And I wanted to get you out of your comfort zone, and see you going all out. And it was worth it."

We got comfortable on the bed. "And the verdict?", I asked.

"Not done testing yet. Say something with your Paul voice."

"I don't have a 'Paul' voice; I AM Paul. But you know that when I get stuck talking like Susan, I can't talk like myself anymore," I said, only realizing afterward that I'd spoken normally.

"Ah. I think your days of getting stuck talking like Susan are over for good. Your mind was playing tricks on you, craving some comforting attention. When did your mother die?"

"Six months ago. She and dad died close together, of unrelated cancers. That's why I haven't done my senior year yet. Wait, how did you know she was dead?"

"Other than your aunt, she was the last comforting female presence in your life. Your mind felt, sorely, that lack, and started pondering a solution. Your overly developed sense of the dramatic allowed your subconscious more leeway to create one, that's all. Tell me, have you ever...crossdressed before?"

"God, I can't believe I'm willing to admit this. Yes, when I was in grade school. I managed to suppress it."

"I don't think that was healthy for you. Your subconscious invented your formal demeanor, chivalrous manners, and extreme distance from others from that suppression."

"Ok, but you read parts of me like a book, and yet nobody has you figured out. What were you suppressing?"

"No, no. Believe it or not, the next day is going to be all about YOU. Don't get used to it. And then we have to get even with June, for messing with you so much."

"Hmm, hiding again, I see."

"Ok, time for bed; let me show you how to remove that makeup, and moisturize, and find you a nightshirt."

We got cleaned up, put on our night things (both cotton nightshirts, me still wearing a bra and panties), and went back to bed. Between the physical exertions and the emotions, we fell asleep almost as soon as we hit the bed, she curled around me from behind, a comforting human warmth and presence. In the morning, I woke second, flat on my back. There was a moment of disorientation, not recognizing where I was. Then I remembered, and kicked off the covers, grinning. But I got hit by a second wave of disorientation when I sat up. The unfamiliar shifting on my chest, the lack of anything between my legs was... weird. I went cross eyed for a second, and heard a giggling from the door, with an accompanying flash of light.

Alice, having anticipated some disorientation, had been waiting with her camera. "Good morning, sleepyhead! The first picture for your album looks good."

"Um, we'll have to delete that and put the camera in a plasma incinerator for reasons of security..."

"Oh, what are you worried about. Even with that hair and without makeup, you look cute. If worse comes to worse, we'll airbrush out the beard shadow."

"Beard shadow? I have to get changed!"

"Relax. I'm ashamed to admit, I'd planned on getting you into the sack, and made preparations, assuming that, like most guys, you wouldn't think enough ahead to have the necessary supplies on hand for a morning after. Girls can't let themselves get caught that way, so DON'T let it happen again, Susan."

"Yes, ma'am", I said, with a mock solute.

"That's better. Now, come to breakfast; we have a lot to do."

"A lot to do? I didn't have any plans for today."

"Well, Paul may not have, but Susan has several appointments."

"How can Susan have any appointments?"

"They were made on her behalf by an anonymous friend, as a birthday present. A belated birthday present, as I think you should use the first day you got stuck in Susan's voice as her birthday."

"My imaginary sister has a birthday?"

"Of course, silly, everyone has a birthday. But that is just my opinion. I'm just the contractor on this job, you keep final approval."

"I'm glad I get to keep something, as I seem to have lost something, along with some dignity, yesterday."

"Oh, you'll hardly miss it. Look, as it happens, I agree with your aunt. I think you should give Susan free rein for a bit. Now, how can you do that safely, if you want to do more than stay locked in an apartment? Just think about that, while we eat."

We had waffles, syrup, and bacon, with orange juice for breakfast. "Enjoy it; chances are good you're getting salad for lunch."

"I thought you were supposed to be turning me into a girl, not a rabbit."

"That is, indeed, todays theme: making you a convincing enough girl to be seen in public. If you want to forget about the whole thing, now's your chance to say so."

"No, this is opening up things I'd bottled up. It's probably good to do this."

"I hope you still think so in the evening, but ok. I did some research, and first, we're going to a wig shop in the city, to help you with your hair. After that, a fitting at a place that deals in supplies for medical patients and crossdressers, and then, we go shopping."

"This doesn't all sound like something you did this morning, while mixing batter."

"No, I've sort of been planning this since just after you came over the first time.

"Clear evidence of entrapment, your honor!"

"Yes, you are turning into a trap..."

"Too old. Wait, you don't know that terminology..."

"Wanna bet?" She walked over to the side of the bedroom, and pulled aside a hanging piece of cloth. Behind it was a bookcase, containing Manga and Anime.

"The books and games, most people can handle, but the manga lost me a guy when he innocently started to browse while I was out of the room, and ran across some Yaoi... Now, I keep that in here."

"Ah, another thing you've been hiding! Success! We'll get all those pent up emotions dealt with yet, Alice."

"Who is therapizing whom, here, Susan?"

"I'd hoped that it was mutual. Even June thinks you've been happier lately."

"June, huh? The two of you talk about me behind my back? I'll get her; I'll stick her on a couple of shifts with Phil."

"Well, it's June, she talks about anything to anyone. She made an observation about her bed being too big for just one, the other day. Seemed an odd thing to share."

"No, she was just reacting to you on a subconscious level as Susan. Girls will talk about anything with each other. I was always a bit aloof, so when you would get stuck, she'd get a girlfriend to talk to."

"Right, sounds dangerous. She'll have to go into the plasma, too."

Alice had me draw a bath, and soak for awhile, and then told me I needed to shave my legs, arms, and chest. After I did that, she laid out clothing. Bra, panties, pantyhose, half slip, top, skirt. The bra was the one she'd lost to me the night before in the Monopoly game.

My feet were fairly small for a guy, so Alice's shoes fit without pinching too much. This whole thing had started with my voice, so we knew we were good on that front. That left movement. And costuming. At least for today, costuming was Alice's department, so she coached me on movement. It turned out, I did seated fine (again, we'd already noticed that), and as I'd found when stuck, I walked like a girl. So mostly, that amounted to reminders to keep my knees together when sitting. My subconscious had evidently been girl watching for years, and taking notes, exposed to the same cultural influences without performance pressure.

Once I was dressed, Alice did my makeup, and brought the wig back out, which, as I was upright this time, could be fitted better. A few bobby pins to secure it, and I was declared fit for brief public contact.

It was late November, so it was cold out. Alice loaned me a coat. It was red, and fitted oddly. But looked ok, when I cinched in the belt a bit.

We drove to the wig shop, where the wig I'd borrowed was declared as just not me. The woman examined my original hair color, looked at my face, and declared I needed more red in my hair. Shoulder length, and brought out some examples. The first two or three were fine. The fourth one was...scary. She fitted it onto my head, fiddled with the brush for a second, and turned me to face the mirror, giving me back my glasses.

Looking into the mirror, at first, I didn't see anything other than me, Susan. And then I remembered, I wasn't Susan, but looking into the mirror, I almost couldn't see anything else. Clearly, that was a keeper. She added some caps, a brush, some cleaning supplies, and a storage case, and we were done.

At the next place, we were dealing with shape. There was a thing like the dance belt I'd worn years ago, called a gaff, for starters, which held my front "flat". From there, we moved into breast territory. She declared my surplus chest flesh, and Alice's pads as inadequate. Looking at my shoulders, she said I needed to be a C cup to compensate for the breadth on top, and brought out a waist cincher, and hips pads to construct my lower torso. She said my butt was fine on it's own, but that I wasn't wide enough "down there".

Putting it all together, I was beginning to feel as upholstered as a cheap sofa. I asked how much all this was going to cost, but she said the other woman had said there was to be NO discussion of prices in front of me. Evidently, the day was to be on Alice.

Still, once I put my clothes back on, they all fit better, and looked more normal than before. It got easier to keep my knees together, the more convincing I looked. I noticed a little bouncing in my chest, when I walked, and Alice claimed my butt was moving around more, as it should.

When we got back into the car, I asked how much this was costing. Alice refused to discuss it, saying she had resources to more than cover it in her mad money account. Also, the store owner had given us a discount, saying she might want me to come back to do some catalog modeling for them. Modeling? THERE was a foreign concept; Paul had never looked together enough to consider something like that.

Back in the car, composing myself, I tried speaking as Felicity. Alice declared it a success; she said I held myself differently when I was Felicity, but that the clothing all worked, although I could have used a higher collar and a longer skirt.

The next stop was the optometrist. I went solo there, while Alice ran an errand. Without optical insurance, everything was going to be cash, and they checked my eyes, noting my regular prescription was a little out of date, and remarking out loud that I should never have chosen those frames. I liked large lensed aviator glasses, although they were getting harder and harder to get, but had to admit, they were a bit at odds with my current appearance. They were having two for one, so while they prepared the lenses, I picked out two frames, one thin and gold, another thick and black with large temple pieces. Serious office girl power glasses. Both used lenses that were of a style I normally considered akin to mail slots, but adjusted so they stayed up my nose (for a change) they worked as well as my regular ones. The woman working there observed that I should consider contacts, and thought that green would go well with my hair. My hair was changeable, of course, but I said ok, and she said I could get a trial set in my prescription later in the week. The glasses were done, and Alice came back and paid for it all, not noticing the contacts were on the bill. Which gave me an idea for later.

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