Christmas Scrambled - 8

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Christmas Scrambled -8

By Jessica

Teenage boy loses his cool on Christmas Eve morning…
With Essie’s encouragement, he decides to enjoy penitence…
He’s decided to remain as Marti until New Year’s Day…
Marti gets a taste of the lights…


Matt wakes before 4:00 a.m. and gets up as he’s afraid of falling back to sleep and not waking up. He can’t be late for the show. Darby awakes when she hears the shower. She calls into their bathroom, “I’m very proud of you Marti. I’ll make you some tea and honey to line your throat.”

He doesn’t hear much as he focuses on shaving all the areas needed. Fortunately, his facial hair is non-existent. Once dried off he is in a bra, panties, and a robe before making his way to the tea and breakfast. It is yogurt with berries and tea. He asks his mother, should I be dressing as Marti or should I be in the skirt and blouse that I’m to use for Taylor Swift?”

Mom Carr says, “There is another outfit in your closet that would look nice for you and it works with singing as Swift and Underwood. Why don’t you check that and then decide? Darby and I will be ready to help you when you’re ready for us…

Essie texted and said she’ll be here shortly after 5:00. I text her and said that the side door would be unlocked.”

Darby told me to begin talking as Marti and to get into girl mode. Then she started asking me questions like what Sara Brolin might ask? “Matt when did you start liking to act like a girl?” “Marti, how long have you been practicing singing like Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood?” The ones Matt disliked were any that suggested that he was likely to remain as Marti.

Matt got upset with the way Darby said one of those questions and barked back at her. His mother said, “She asked it that way because we’re not wanting you to lose your temper like that. Sara Brolin will not be trying to trip you up. But then again she might ask a question in a way you weren’t ready or didn’t like. You will need to answer those questions the best you can without getting upset.”

Marti’s makeup was done lightly at home knowing it would be redone at the TV studio. We left home at 5:10 and were at the tv-station at 5:40 as requested. The makeup people wanted to get Marti done with enough time to concentrate on Sara Brolin.

Sara was there to greet Marti and her mother, sister, and Essie. Mary, Sara’s associate would split her time between prepping Marti and the many things she needed to do for Sara.

Mary commented, “Sara told me that I’d be impressed with how you look and sound. Usually, such high praise is hard to live up to. You’ve impressed us. You will likewise be impressed with how Debora Collins has you looking before the TV-audience. She really knows what she is doing. She’ll probably be stolen away from us by a bigger station or network.”

Today at Sunrise is an hour-long program; Marti’s part is expected to be about a twenty-minute segment. If lucky it would be fifteen minutes of air time. They watch off stage as Sara started the program and from the live applause we guessed there were maybe a dozen people there.

I, as Matt, worried about going out onto the set, but then as I stepped from off-camera onto the set; I became more Marti as Sara greeted me. She had me for a moment change to Matt’s voice to assure the audience I was indeed Matt. I had agreed to it, but as I said my name, Matthew Andrew Carr; I then realized it was out for all to know.

“So Marti, how is it that you came out,” Sara Brolin asked?

I said, “It isn’t like it appears. My grandmother gave me the wrong gift and out of spite, I put on my cousin’s dress. My girlfriend, Essie showed up and the idea of staying dressed for Christmas Eve was born as something fun to do.”

Brolin said, “That explains looking like a boy in a dress for one day. It doesn’t explain looking like a pretty girl like you are today and have been for a week. How did that happen?”

I explained the salon appointment and going to the Christmas Eve service. “But my girlfriend said I needed to go to church with her in the morning. She and my sister bought me a girl’s Christmas outfit for after the church service. Somehow someone heard me singing like Taylor Swift and that led to the decision of being a girl through to tomorrow. It has been a joyful experience from one thing to another."And that included seeing you at the Season of Lights Pageant.”

There was a commercial interruption and the next segment would be with me singing as Taylor Swift, the song ‘Last Christmas’. Sara Brolin began, “Matt as Marti sang at the Rendezvous and wowed the crowd. Now you get to hear how beautiful this boy can sound singing ‘Last Christmas’.”

I sang and I felt like I did an okay job, but Sara and the small audience made it sound like I hit a home run. Sara said to the TV audience, “If any of you girlfriends or sisters can get some guy dressed as a girl and singing we’d like to hear or get a picture from you.”

Before I knew it the program was over, though I had sung one more time as Carrie; it seemed like we talked for an hour. Sara, in the end, began to shake my hand but then made it a hug of one woman to another girl. I felt goosebumps as I was being highly praised. Without thinking I stayed in Marti mode as we went to eat breakfast.

We finished breakfast and were leaving when another woman recognized me from the morning show. She hugged me and then spoke out loud in the restaurant. “Folks, you won’t believe this but this attractive girl is really a boy. You should have heard her on TV-9 this morning.”

She tried to hold me there and make me into her own little show and tell. I quietly walked out and back to the car with my mom. There were two loads of us as cousin Laurie, Grandma, Darby, and my father and mother had been part of the live audience.


I was exhausted and felt like I needed a nap. Mom said I had spent a lot of nervous energy, like a nurse having a traumatic time at work. The correlation was over the top, but I was tired. Instead of going to bed, I was down in the family room. I fell asleep snuggled in Essie’s arms. I heard Darby joking as I fell asleep that it should have been the other way around.

Essie’s perfume and mine combined for a nice scent that engulfed me. I heard Essie humming in my ear when she wasn’t talking. Cousin Laurie said, “While she’s… he’s sleeping let me say how nice this time is. I wonder if Sara Brolin is going to hear about other girls talking their boyfriends into doing it?”

“With present party aside,” Darby said, “I’d have trouble seeing any other real boy doing it?”

Laurie said, “I text my boyfriend Dylan to check out Brolin’s blog and today’s show. I told him to get ready. I haven’t heard back from him, but I was hoping New Year’s Day he’d let me fix him up. I thought it’s a cute idea.”

Essie spoke, “I for one think Matt’s extra special for doing it. I’ve had a great six days so far. I hope New Year’s Eve goes off like a big bang. However, I’m looking to Matt going back to being himself of New Year’s Day.”

Darby joked, “Just make sure you get him to shave his legs and underarms well tomorrow for the New Year’s Eve celebration and have her wearing the shorter of the two skirts.”

Essie says, “You’re cruel, that is your brother. He has pretty legs, but other guys seeing them will assure that he gets teased badly.”

Darby lifts the blanket and my skirt, “Look how pretty they are. I know a good number of girls who would die for legs like that.”

Laurie says, “And look how pretty that face is now that she’s back down to minimal makeup.”

Essie kisses me on the neck, as I stir from my sleep. “Come on sleepy head and wake up or I’m going home. I want you to practice Underwood’s ‘Before He Cheats’ and to consider singing it tonight.”

I was singing it through the second time and cousin Laurie says, “That’s one of the songs you need to sing and you should be carrying one of Darby’s softball bats.” We all laughed at that.

Then Essie says, “Then you can switch to Last Christmas by Swift if you want? Then the local group the Echoes will take over afterward for the New Year’s Live Party. Then we can dance the night away.”


The next day started slow for me. I slept a little late. There was one football game that I got to see the last half. Then the girls got on me to shower shave and get ready. “I have seven hours yet!”

“You need to make sure you don’t nick yourself shaving, you need something to eat, and then you need to run through your songs once more and then finished getting ready.” I swear Darby was trying to control me. It was now the last six hours of my girl fling.

I was relieved when I was finished shaving and had no nicks. The bubble bath scent was vanilla and wildflowers. I was in a slip and robe to eat. Momma had a large pot of soup and homemade bread for everyone. Grated cheese, extra spices, except I was prohibited from eating those. There was garlic bread, but I couldn’t have it either. Dessert, but no that might make me appear fat. Before I got too frustrated, I took my food and went off to sulk.

Essie came over, “Don’t let it get to you Marti, you only have a few more hours. This is part of the girl experience. Do you know how many times a girl goes without one thing to please herself and puts up with pleasing others?”

“But I’m not a girl!”

“You fool me!” Essie was now teasing and it worked. She asked, “Do you still like the feeling of wearing panties and a skirt?” I couldn’t say ‘no’ with a straight face. “I thought so,” she said. Come nine I was finished dressing and sat in front of Darby’s mirror for my makeup and hair to be done. The transformation wasn’t over yet. I liked seeing Marti emerge.

Soon we were off to the city where the New Year’s Eve celebration is. We made our way to the back of the show’s platform. Sara Brolin’s assistant spotted me; she takes me to Sara, but first directed Essie and my entourage to where they could be close and see the performances.

Once gotten to Sara Brolin, I was introduced to Scott Majors her co-host for the night. Scott was upfront saying, “I hope you’re as good as Sara says you are. We don’t need a teenage boy embarrassing our celebration.”

I went back down and practiced getting my voice ready. I found a mirror where I could double-check my makeup and appearance. I was draped in a light blanket both for warmth and to keep my image as Taylor Swift out of sight. With my false boobs and the lace vest and knee-length skirt, I knew she was there.

It was eleven fifteen when I heard some in the crowd asking to hear Taylor Swift and Underwood. I heard Scott say, “I’m delightfully surprised that she/he’s actually drawn some people here. Let’s just hope others aren’t put off by her presence.”

Sara comes over to me, “It looks like the crowd wants more live music so we want to bring you on early. Do you have a third song?”

I say, “How about ‘Jesus, Take the Wheel’ it really isn’t religious.”

Sara says, “I know the song and it works for me; let that be your second song and let ‘Before he Cheats’ be your last song.”

I am called on stage and Scott asks the audience, “Are you ready to hear this pretty girl sing?” There is applause and yelling as I make my way to the front of the stage. I hear the music begin as I let my cloak fall away. “Miss Taylor Swift from the next town over.”

“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart…” there is applause at the recognition of the song. I move around with the microphone headset. Many are singing with me. I catch glimpses of girls and women grooving to the song as they sing along. I kind of feel like one of them. The song ends and the applause wells up to a good roar. Several boys whistle at me.

I’m thankful it’s Sara who comes to speak with me. She asks the audience, “Should our princess be gone tonight with the stroke of midnight?” Most yelled back, ‘No!’

It hit me that I was having a Cinderella-like experience that would end at midnight. Sara speaks to me. “Marti, I’m going to ask you to continue to step a little deeper in the mystique of being a girl, now as Carrie Underwood.” With that she stepped back as she introduced the next song, “Here’s Marti Carstens with ‘Jesus Take the Wheel.”

I change to Carrie’s voice, lose the lace vest, pull my blouse out, and the blouse and skirt blend looking like one of her pretty dresses. I had stepped out of one pair of shoes and into another. Thankfully it all goes smoothly. I am into the song and again there’s the applause of recognition. I can hear the murmur of recognizing me as Carrie. I reach for the high notes Carrie reaches and hope I’m getting high enough and can hold notes as she does. I am caught in the emotion of a young mom worried for her child. “Jesus Take the Wheel…” becomes real to me. The response of the crowd says I’m making it real to them as well. The cheers at the end bring joy to my heart.

Sara says, “It tickles my heart to see this guy’s girlfriend; she’s watching all of you enjoying Marti’s singing. Marti, do you have one more song from Carrie to take us closer to the bewitching hour?”

I stay in Marti mode and turn to the audience, “How about, ‘Before He Cheats’? The music soon begins and I’m into my last song, “Right now, he’s probably slow dancing with some bleach blond…” I show the bat as I pat it in my hand. I see two guys grimace and more girls and women smile… I had to adlib a little but find my spot in the song again. I found Essie down in front and use her to maintain my focus on the song.

I’m finished with the song and Sara and Scott come over to me. I’m asked, “What’s your New Year’s wish for others?”

“I wish people the ability to step into the role of another and to enjoy themselves in doing so. Acting as a girl has been fun and something I won’t forget.”

Darby has come around backstage to greet me and take me to the others. Her arms are open wide as she comes to hug me. “You did well brother. I don’t know any girl who could have done better.”

We went around to be with the others and to welcome in the New Year.

We stood together hugging as our area was no longer roped off from the crowd. A lot of people were saying nice things about how I looked, sounded, or both. Several tell me about meeting Carrie or Faith. All the while I was watching a guy with a daughter in tow. He was making his way toward us with purpose and his eyes and face indicated it wasn’t good. He was yet ten feet and several people away when he could be heard. The police stopped him and asked him to quiet down. “Tell that pervert to get out of here, people like that should be the ones in jail! It’s a disgrace. I brought my daughter here and she heard and saw that!”

Someone with a microphone pointed it to the girl, “Were you offended by Marti/s singing?”

She tried to respond, “Well she…” Her father cut her off, “She’s too young to think for herself. I’m the one telling you it’s perverted! I don’t want IT, to be her role model nor next to another guy in combat!”

With that my dad who was now in front to protect me, quickly turned around and stretched himself to be in the guy’s face. My father said, “I’ve been in combat and I had a buddy who you’d call different. But there was not one guy in our unit who worried when he was next to any of us. Three of us were shot, including Val, and if it weren’t for his quick thinking at least I would be dead. Don’t use your excuses. Where did you serve?”

People were counting down as time clicked down 11:59 ...9, 8, 7, 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, midnight "Happy New Year!" Cheered the crowd. People were hugging everyone and I began with my dad in front of me. I was in tears, “You almost died there? No one ever told me.” Essie hugged me and kiss, Laurie and Darby hugged me. Then there were some girls. Finally, two boys hugged and kissed me. One saying, “Are you sure you’re a guy?”

We stayed for the first half-hour of the dance. I danced mostly with Essie. Once I was tapped on the shoulder agreeing to dance as I expected it was my mother. Mikayla was her name and she thanked me as she began to dance and I followed.

She asked me, “You make a convincing girl are you really straight and going to change back?"

I said, “First thanks for the compliment; it has taken a lot of help. Secondly, yes, I see myself as being a straight male. I liked singing as an impersonator, but that’s not me nor anything I think I will pursue… Can I ask a question, why does a young woman ask a high school boy dressed like this for a dance?”

“You’re an unusual guy, and I am sure there would have been more asking, but your girlfriend made it obvious that she had first dibs on you… Let’s just say I’m an unusual girl?”

She had started to turn away when I said, “But there’s more to it, isn’t there?”

Mikayla stopped and said, “Yes, but you know that. I’m on the university’s web and print newspaper. I’m also in the LGBTC community. If you weren’t before I’m sure you’ll be at least a crossdresser soon.”

She hands me a lip-gloss wand saying, “It’s new and close to your color. You messed up your lips.”

I took the wand and checked my purse for a mirror, I made do with the screen of my phone. When my lips were freshened, Mikayla spoke-up, “That was done by a boy who's been learning.” She paused, “It's not right for me to say who or what you are. That is up to you, but I wanted you to think and then know there are those of us who would listen.”

Essie came over to us as we talked, but she surprised me by saying, “Hello, Mikayla. I wondered if you or someone would talk to Matt.” Essie is also in journalism and I guess knows Mikayla.

“Matt’s be sensitized and has even seen part of the ugliness you have to put up with. But I don’t think he’s a candidate for your other community.”

Mikayla demurely says, “You don’t think she might be a crossdresser?”

Essie responds, “Hopefully, only for a variety show and the school’s crossover day. What do you think Matt?”

“I might even forgo the variety show or dressing for crossover day if I might be seen that way. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but this week was only done for fun.”

Mikayla says, “You did this for a whole week, do tell?”

"Wait, first I need to go talk to my Dad. I just learned he was almost killed in Afghanistan…"

To continue one more chapter…

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