The Other Woman Chapter 3

The Other Woman
By Julia Michelle

Williams revenge begins to take shape and the princess issues her offer to William and he finds out what the Princess hopes for him

Chapter 3

William woke up early in the morning in his soft pink camisole and matching pink boyshortes that he loved.

He shook Mike away and told him to prepare himself. William said in a low threatening tone, “GO put on the pink bikini panties, and that white marrywiddow that’s in the other room, match the stockings and put on Hildaguards red heels. Then we can have a lot of fun this morning before I leave.

Williams tone left no room for argument. To Mikes everlasting humiliation, he obeyed William and totally feminized himself. He returned wearing a virginal marrywiddow, panties, nylons and his wife’s red heels. William laughed and took a picture, “I wonder what Hildagard would think if she saw her strong domineering boyfriend dressed like this. “Did you apply enough lube, Mike?” William asked.

Mike looked down at the floor in shame, “Yes, I did.” Mike choked a sub. William pounced on him. He threw Mike over the bed and began violently thrusting deep into Mike. It was easier this time, Mike was well lubed and his cock slipped right in with no resistance no taring. Mike still cried out, he was very sore and his anal walls were still very tender from the unprepared dry penetration. Mike screamed and cried as William relentlessness thrust into Mike over and over and it was finally over. William raped Mike for over a half hour.

“Now, I have things to do and places to go. You have to go in the closet and wait until I return.” Said William cruelly.

“No,” Mike pleaded. It was no use.

“You all put me in the closet for days at a time. Its time you experience a little of it. Now go!”

Mike was locked in the closet. William dressed as well as he could, as a woman and left. He finally had the freedom to determine the course of his life. He had decided on being a woman. First, he had to go shopping for more clothes. He needed more variety as a woman.

So William spent half of the morning going to various womens clothing stores to increase his wardrobe. Many of the sales attendants knew he was male and he got some looks, and some questions as he made his purchases. But he had acquired a considerable women’s wardrobe by the end. How he needed a place to stash it all.

He mads some calls and selected a nice new house and made the appointment. He still had over fifteen million dollars left over from the purchase of the bank. He sure as hell wasn’t going to live at his old house that Hildagard took over. It was back in his name, but it no longer felt like his home. There were too many memories. He just as soon burn it down now.
Having millions and willing to pay for it outright speed things up. He payed the money, signed the title and it was his within a few hours. He put his new clothes there and bought some furniture and beds to be delivered. He had a new house. He redressed in some of his new clothes and it was time to go to the bank

He made quite an impression at the bank. The Princess was shocked, Mary couldn’t close her mouth seeing William walk in as a woman. Wearing a woman’s business power suit strutting in like he did. He headed toward his old desk and just sat there.

He didn’t know what to do anymore. This place no longer held any appeal. He didn’t even want to be here. This place had left a bad taste in his mouth. There were too many memories here too. Yasmeen popped in and asked what the problem was. He wasn’t doing anything except sitting there going though all of his bad memories.

“I dont know, I just don’t want to do it anymore, Princess. I hate this place now. I would just as soon sell it and leave for ever.”

yasmeen smiled. “I think I can arrange that. You would make a big profit on it, and you could do anything you want. What do you want to do?”

“I want to leave. This entire place, go somewhere else and live my entire life.” William said.

“I think I can also arrange that.” Yasmeen said. “My offer will be something like that. I wont push you into it. But it will be a great opportunity if you are strong enough. Now, we have more things to arrange. You said you want those two people gone.”

William shook his head. “I think I can Handle mike. But, if im wrong, then he will go too. For now, I am only planing on Hildagard being gone. How can we do that?”

“I have the people to do it,” Yasmeen said. “When do you want to do it? All I need is the time for the people to get her. DO you want her to know, what do you want to do?”

“I want her to know I did it. I want you and your people to come by tomorrow afternoon. Probably around two Pm. She will be coming back around six Am in the morning. She will arrive at our house. If things go as I planed and Mike follows it. He will turn on her, and throw her into the closet and lock her in. I will come by later and tell her how things have changed and that I am in charge. We will have a talk, I may punish her just a little and then tell her of her new marriage plans. I will make her sign the divorce and file them. Then by that time, it should be afternoon and your people will come to take her. How will that work?”

“I am a princess with much power. I have my people, protection and everything. We will collect her. She will go in one of our secure vans, be secured in there. I will have her taken to our private family jets and she will be locked in the hold. It will take off and she will be landing at Jeddah around twelve hours later. Her husband will be there to collect her, the marriage will take place. Some time later.”

“Can I watch?” William asked.

“I will see,” yasmeen said. “You want to go to Jedda?”

Yasmeen saw where this was going. She may as well discuss it now. “Seeing how this place has so little appeal. I have decided to give you my offer right now. It will require some explaining. Are you ready?” She asked.

William nodded, “Yes.”

“I am a royal princess from the Kingdom of Najd. It is a very strict fundamentalist state ran by Islamic clerics and imams. They hold much of the real power. The King is absolute, of course but the mosques and clerics are still very powerful. They are mostly the law of the land. Islam rules with an iron fist. I have three brothers that are favored. But luck has been on my side. My eldest brother Caliphah is gay. He is living with his boyfriend and rumor has it, he is feminine and submissive. So the clerical council wouldn’t chose in a million years. The second oldest brother Kalid lives in Italy, and he has abandoned the faith and married a catholic girl. That leaves my youngest brother Rasheed. Hes fifteen, and into heavy drugs, hes out of his mind most of the time. And into prostitutes. Hes totally unfit.

As for me, I hold much of the political power and I speak for the monarchy at the moment. My father, the Sultan is 95 and his mind is going. So the council has appointed me to be the acting monarch. But, rules say I need a husband and they have been pushing me. I refused because of how things work. I would lose my voice and everything as the man takes the power. So, the counsel is tiring of me, and they have selected Rasheed and they are preparing to make him Sultan. The Coronation is being prepared. I had big plans to liberate the kingdom and make big changes for the women. None of that can happen unless I can maintain my power.”

William butted in. “So you want me to go there, and marry you in some symbolic marriage so you can maintain your power and help the women of the Kingdom?”

“Yes,” Yasmeen agreed.

“Okay, So what would I have to do?” William asked.

“Go there, propose and marry me. First, you will have to learn the culture, the language and be totally a part of it all so they can see you as one of their own. Not an American faking it. You will have to go though a total conversion. Including your faith. You must accept Islam and our prophet. And, you will have to do it as a man. They wont accept me marrying a woman.” Yasmeen totally expected him to refuse.

“Okay, but one last thing. How do I know that when I do this, you wont have me locked away so you can rule, and not worry about me interfering. So you can have the power.” William asked. “Only showing me when you needed to.”

Yasmeen laughed. “there’s no threat of that here. Its a male dominated culture. I couldn’t lock you away. You have to be seen by them. Actually, there’s a much greater danger that you could turn on me. Take my power, take my voice and freedom away and make it a traditional Islamic marriage. You could do that to me, and I could not stop you. There’s no way I could silence you. They would never stand for that.”

“I would never silence you.” William said. He thought about it and realized this was much bigger than he was. “Could I ever go though my transition?”

“Yes, once we consolidate our power. Then the council will be irrelevant. Once we are crowned, and our changed start being implemented. You will be free to transition into a woman. We can put our own progressives on the council.”

“I am in,” William said. “Lets do it. So how do we do it. If I am to become your husband, and integrate and become part of your culture. I assume you will have people teach me everything. Then I guess we have to have a proposal and official engagement for your kingdom. And it will be a huge royal thing for the entire kingdom.”

“Yes, I will have people teach you. I will first have to announce our engagement and your willingness to learn and be part of our culture. I will set it up later this week. We have to move fast. It will stop my brothers coronation when I suddenly become the most appropriate heir.”

“I will be happy to help you. This place no longer has any appeal to me. Where would we marry?”

“Our wedding would take place at the Al Nabawi Masjid in Madinah. The Prophets Mosque.”

The Princess left and he started feeling overwhelmed. All of the clothes he purchased seemed like a total waste now. Strangely, he didn’t care all that much. He was now involved in something much greater than his petty concerns. He would liberate a kingdom of millions of people. Then he started feeling fear. The Iron grip of the Imams and the mosques would oppose it with everything they had. Woudl they even try to kill them?

He felt icy fear travel down his spine. He was sure they may try to kill them. This was the thing that did start assassinations, revolts, and even civil wars. And he would be stuck right in the middle of it all. Surely the Princess knew what she was getting involved with and she was strong enough. She had to have a plan to stop her kingdom from being divided. That’s probably why she wanted him by her side. He would be required to be as strong as she was. Was he?

The princess gave him a place to by within a few hours. It was starting to approach that time so he left, redressed as a man and it was her consulate office. There, William met Ameera and a few well dressed guys. One of them said his name was Muhammad and he was happy he agreed to assist them. He proceeded to give him some brief lessons on their customs and culture and what he would be required to do. And what to never do under any circumstances. Then, he meet a cleric and he proceeded to give him instructions on the pillars of their faith. And what they call the Tawheed, the oneness of God, and the life of their holy prophet. That was what they called the Deen. Then he was told that he was ready. First, he had to take a ritual bath to wash himself. William did as he was instructed, he dressed in some more traditional clothing for their culture. William was taking to a mosque where the Princess was waiting, Ameera and his teachers led him into the mosque where the Imam was smiling, there were many people there cheering as he entered. The Imaam asked if he was ready. William smiled and said he was.

He was given a mike, and a quraan. He already knew what to say so the Imaam didn’t have to tell him. Mike loudly announced, holding the hand of the Princess that he bared witness that there was no god but Allah, and that Muhammad was the prophet. Then he repeated the phrase in Arabic. He said he would attend prayers here to observe his new faith and learn more. The Princess was given full credit for this transformation.

Then he was taken back to the consulate and given some lessons on the Arabic language. He studied the new symbols and their meanings and how words were put together. It was slightly overwhelming but he was always a quick learner and was learning how to put the symbols together. He stared learning entire words within the hour.

It was time to go back to his old house. Mike was probably getting tired of being stuck in his room. He redressed as a woman and headed back. He wanted to have a brief talk with Astrid. He figured they may as well settle things between them. He gave her a call and asked her to meet him at their house. She reluctantly agreed.

Mike was glad to be let out of the closet after being locked in there for nearly twelve hours. Lucky for him, William was nice enough to have someone check on him after the sixth hour stuck in there and let him out for a bathroom break, and something to eat. Something William never got when he was put in there for some times an entire day. Mike had it easy.

William told Mike to dress in a maids outfit, and start serving him. William had taken the time to Cane Mike across his back after he was let out. Mike had no idea why, but he didn’t resist.

It was about that time there was a knock at the door. William smiled and told his ‘maid’ to answer the door for them.

The Maid Mike went to the door and opened it. He saw Astrid there. Mikes eyes cast down to the floor in shame being presented to this woman as a subservient maid. Astrid smirked knowingly and was let in.

Astrid was even more surprised to see William totally dressed as a woman. Not just any woman. William looked like a totally confident woman in charge of things. Much like herself and Hildagard. She wasn’t sure what was going on. She was smart enough to guess that with Williams new found power and control over the assets and the Bank. He had threatened Mike very successfully. And she guessed that what ever threat wasn’t a bluff. She also guessed that what ever threat there was, may be directed at her. She saw the burning hate in william’s eyes.

William motioned, “Sit down Astrid. Lets have a talk. Mike, make us some coffee please. Then get back to cleaning the Kitchen.”

Mike Curtsied and went to get the two women some drinks. Astrid just laughed.

“You had to know that the having me enslaved to them could only last so long, Astrid. You had to know I would only accept it for so long before I had enough and left.”

“Yes,” astrid admitted. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you realized that you really held the power in the relationship. You only had to take it back. I figured it would be harder for you to do it. I had the board in my hand, Hildagard controlled the board, and the bank. I controlled the daily operations. I figured it would be a fight to retake it back. You would have to use the power that you had the education, the job and the experience. You would have to prove it to the board to retake control. How did you do it so fast?”

“I am smart,” William said. “I learned something about six months ago. Something I should have known all along. I learned that none of you really cared about me. I learned my wife didn’t love me at all. She really loved Mike. No matter what I did, my wife didn’t really love me. She kept me around for the money, and to satisfy mikes more sadistic nature. She just wanted my money and the bank. She only kept me around because I did the job and made the money. But, slowly, you took control and I ended up just a figurehead that signed some occasional checks. And I realized that if I didn't act, you may all force me out and you take control so I started making plans. I still had a lot of money none of you knew about. I contacted a powerful law firm and made arrangements to purchase all of the shares. I knew some people who had to strong arm some of the board members to sell. I did it, and I retook control.”

“Good for you,” Astrid said.

“I want to know how you felt about it all. From what I know about you is that you don’t actually hurt your husband. You really love him. You are still dominant in the relationship. He is the submissive. But you respect that. You cuckold him, you sideline him at times, he lovingly accepts that, and you love him. You would never treat him the way my wife treated me. You wold never hurt him, force him to be submissive toward men. You don’t want to see him fucked and used by a man. You would never give your heart to another man. You threatened to give me to your husband as a punishment if I disobeyed you. You wouldn’t want to see him broken that much.”

Astrid shook her head. “No I wouldn’t. I don't want to see my husband totally broken. We have a loving relationship and he has some pride left. But you were different. Your wife wanted something different. She wanted you totally destroyed, and you seemed to go along with it, you didn’t resist or demand it to stop once. So I had no problem going along with what your wife wanted. But I knew it wouldn’t last. I knew she was going to far. Either it would result in you killing yourself, or leaving. I figured there was a very slim chance of you actually turning the tables and getting vengeance. How wrong I was.” Astrid laughed. “You made yourself a woman and now you are using that power to regain control and some payback. I am impressed. But, what do you want me for?”

“I wanted to know why you had no problem destroying an innocent man who didn’t deserve it, and making his life into a living nightmare. I did consider ending it at times. Especially when I learned my wife had no love for me at all. No matter how submissive I was in pleasing Mike, it wouldn’t make her love me. There was nothing I could do to satisfy her. She only cared about Mike. That was hard to accept it. I considered leaving. Then I considered using some of my money to hire some hit men. But that would be too easy. I wanted them to experience what I experienced. I wanted them to watch helpless as I tore their entire world apart. And be powerless to do a thing to stop it.”

“A woman’s revenge,” Astrid said with a smirk. “A man would kill them all in a second. Women are much more inventive when it comes to payback. So what do you have in mind for me.”

“Nothing. Nothing you did was really personal. You hurt me, but you hurt me for Hildred. Depriving you of your income, and the bank is enough. You and your husband will have to find a new way to make some money. That, and oh, your husband is fully being informed of everyone you slept with. And everything you did. I hear he was shocked. And he may consider getting an attorney, and filing papers for a divorce. He really didn't know how sadistic you really were.”

“Asshole!” Astrid spit out.

“Now remember. Hildagard is returning tomorrow morning. If you inform her if anything. If she even knows, I will blame you and you will be fully included in my plan. You will suffer what Hildagard is going to suffer.”

Astrid considered asking what. But she figured it may be better that she didn’t know. From the look in Williams eyes. It was something horrible. Totally sadistic. “You destroyed my marriage.”

“Good,” William said. “Now get the fuck out.”

then William called out, “Mike, I am horny. I need a blowjob.”

Astrid was walking out, seeing the feminized Mike submissive walk in and kneel in between Williams legs. This dominant man who abused William for so long must be very afraid of him to be doing this. William must have really threatened him with something horrible. What ever Hildagard was facing, Astrid figured it was something totally sadistic. Her life was going to be destroyed. Astrid didn’t feel anything. She let the tables be turned on her and this was the cost. Just like when William was weak enough to allow Hildagard to destroy his life and did nothing to prevent it. It was Williams fault for not fighting it. Hildagard let her guard down and now shes paying the price. Everything has its price. Mike was now learning that lesson as he choked down a large load from William.

William got serious. “Okay Mike, take your maids outfit off.”

Mike obeyed not realizing what William wanted, but afraid of another sickening violation. But William seemed to be holding some sort of injection like thing. William pressed it against Mikes shoulder and pulled the trigger on the thing. It shot something into his arm and Mike cried out. “What was that?”

“That's to insure you follow my plan. I know you know what I will do with you. But, you could still betray me. Or you could just have me thrown into the closet when she arrives. And leave before the princess and her people arrive. Now, even if you do that, We will find you. You cant remove it. So you will follow the plan wont you?”

Mike nodded, still hurting. “Yes, I will obey.”

Then William made Mike put on a sexy teddy and nylons to sleep with William. William put on a comfortable camisole and panties. Hildagard was arriving in about five to six hours. William wanted to be ready to receive his Wife properly. Everything was in place.

William slept for about four and a half hours and then he woke up. He wanted to receive his wife properly. So he put on a pair of his sexiest purple boyshorts and a matching camisole with bra cups in them. Then he put on a pink miniskirt that went below the knees and he finished the look with a pair of black nylons and heels. He spent another twenty minutes doing his makeup. He made Mike stand there in a pink merrywidow and panties, stockings and six inch stilettos. Everything was ready. All they had to do was wait.

They didn’t have to wait long. Within a half hour, around four four five Am, William heard the car pull into the driveway. Hildagard got out of her car. The door shut and William heard her approaching the front door. It was time to confront his wife.

The Door opened and she stepped into the dark living room. She turned on the light expecting her boyfriend Mike to be waiting, and William to be in his room. It was not what she was greeted with.

She was greeted with a totally feminized William sitting in her recliner, and a further feminized Mike wearing a french maids dress and black nylons. “Mike, what the fuck is this.”

Mike looked down ashamed. William stood up approaching Hildagard with purpose. He quickly glared at Mike and he knew what he had to do.

“I dont want to see you right now, Hildagard. Your presence is not wanted or needed. So you can go to the closet and wait until your presence is required. Mike, do your duty.”

The feminized Mike went toward Hildagard and aggressively pulled her to him. He led her toward Williams old closet room and threw her in the room.

William stood outside savoring the scene. The look ot total betrayal in Hildagards eyes. Mikes aggressiveness in taking control of Hildagard and pushing her into the closet. William took control and made Hildagard totally strip her clothes off. He took her clothes, her watches, her electronics, her purse. She was totally nude.

William shut the door and locked it.

Hildagard was left wondering how things turned out like this. Mike had betrayed her. There was really nothing she could do but sit there and wait. What had happened while she was gone? She thought Mike could handle William. How could she had been wrong? How did Mike let things get out of control? How did he let William take control and humiliate him like this? She needed answers.

Hildagard guessed it was about three hours or so later. She heard the key turn and the door open.

A feminized William confidently strole into the room to confront Hildagard.

She faced william. “I guess you are happy with yourself right now, William. Enjoy it while you can. I still control the money and the Bank. You will realize that tomorrow.”

William laughed a cruel condescending laugh. “I would never have been able to pull this off if you still controlled that. I retook control of the bank days ago. Astrid is fired, I control the board. I own all of the shares, I bought them all. You control nothing Hildagard. I have the power here.”

Hildagard felt like she was punched in the stomach. “I plan on divorcing you Hildagard. And you will get nothing. You have a few options here. You can drag this out and everything you did will be exposed. I have powerful friends who will destroy you if you try to fight this. You will still end up with nothing, but you will pay. Or you can sign these papers now, agreeing to an uncontested divorce right now, and we can go on our way. You can have Mike if you want?”

“You can keep that faggot,” Hildagard said as she signed the papers, realizing she was defeated.”

“Good, I will file these, and people will be here to collect you soon to go to your new home. I will be following you to see how you are doing.”

“what,” Hildagard said alarmed.

William smiled triumphantly. “Yes, since you love dominant controlling men like Mike. I have decided to grant your wish. Only there will be no one else to take the brunt of it this time. I am having you taken to Najd. There’s a vizier in Jedda who wants a submissive wife. Hes a very dominant man. You are going to marry him. Your consent isn’t required there. As your ex husband, I gave my consent. He will take you and make you into an obedient submissive wife. I will see how you like it!” William said cruelly as he laughed and locked her in the closet.

She could do nothing but wait for her doom. Hildagard now felt real fear. It was more like terror.

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