The Princess part 1

The Princess

By Julia Michelle

This tale takes place about some time after a cruel older princess arranges her father death. Upon the day of her brothers coronation as the New king, she and her band of witches publicly transform her brother into her sister, there by claiming the crown and making herself the King



The Female Prince Serren had been captured by his enemies Zakister and Prett. He had suffered weeks of sadistic captivity as they plotted to use him to force his sister King Pattenia from the throne.

Pattenia gathered her forces and launched a desperate last-minute rescue. The battle was brutal, but she rescued her brother in the end. Serren had a hand in his rescue, as he had become a very powerful witch by this time. The Trauma was still too much for him, and he suffered unspeakable things at the hands of his family's enemies.

Serren was not right as they rescued him and returned him to the safety of the Palace. Pattenia and her most trusted friend, Actonia, travel to the enchanted fortress Embryonus and release the Goddess. They fought the enemies forces that held the Goddess in captivity and finally succeeded in releasing the Goddess Prognita. She stood there as the most beautiful being she ever saw before her. The Goddess was shimmering with brilliant ethereal light and raw power of the likes they have never encountered before. The Goddess spoke, but the words seemed to radiate through their minds. The Goddess didn't seem happy at all as she scowled at the two with intense displeasure and even anger. “I will go to the Palace, have your brother Serren and The Professor Falconette meet us there. I wish to speak to all of you there.” Then she vanished.

Pattenia traveled back to the Palace in her Griffin as fast as possible. Pattenia had her brother summoned back.

Men burst into his bedroom and took him to sister in the Kings Chamber. He didn’t feel like going. But he knows what was going on. He could have easly defeated the guards. But he wanted to meet this goddess bitch and give her a piece of his mind. He didn’t care if the Goddess killed him. Death was something he would welcome after all he endured because of the Goddess, and his monster of a sister. If he died, he would have loved it. He followed the guards to the chamber, where he saw the beautiful Goddess, his sister standing there with her battered armor, the horrifying psychotic bitch Actonia and the worse bitch Falconette.

He approached the group and stood there with a fierce glare.

The Goddess spoke. “Pattenia, my vessel, Falconette, and Actonia. I wanted you here to witness this personally. Remember that this has been the result of everything you did. It's your doing.” She scowed and approached Serren.

She knew what the result of her encounter with Serren would be. She was omnipotent and omnipresent. She knew all that will be, and will ever happen. She knew, but the women here don't know. They need to be made aware.

The Goddess looked at Serren as he meets her glare. “Serren, my beautiful child. I love you so much and your suffering has been my suffering. You have suffered so much. I will give you a great reward. I will give you have two choices. I can restore you to your manhood, and you will be a warrior like the entire kingdom never knew. Or, you can remain female and become a queen and help spread my wisdom and my religion to the world. Which do you want?”

Serren glared hatefully at her. “all of my suffering was because of you, you bitch. You were the cause of everything I suffered. It's all your doing; You inspired it starting the rule of women. Its what you wanted. Since I was a man, I wasn't allowed even to have a life anymore. I want nothing for you. Just a pawn. if this is the things you do for your religion You are hideous and cruel. You deserved to be struck down 600 years ago. Your followers deserved what they got. I won't rest until they are all dead. I will strike you down and burn your temples. You wanted this to happen to me; you caused it, your vessel destroyed everything I ever loved. Go fuck yourself!”

The Goddess expected it all and accepted it. “My loving child,” Prognita says in a loving tone. “Nothing that happened to you was by me. I didn’t want this to happen to you. I don't agree with what they did to you. If I could, I would have prevented it. Your sister and these women have committed a horrible injustice upon you. I am disappointed in them. They will be punished very severely.”

The Goddess turned her fury on Falconette. “You said to be Harsh on Serrenina?” The Goddess glared. “Falconette. Turning him into a woman shouldn’t be something to be treated harshly. Especially from you. You were a teacher. You should have used compassion and patience and your understanding of what he had went though. Your love should have been his guide on his journey to womanhood. And you should have let him find his own way as a woman. Would it have been horrible if Serrenina lived as liberated woman forged a new path for them all? You had to humiliate him, and force him into the life of a traditional woman with the restrictions previously imposed on you all. A life you all hated. Then you mistreated Serrenina, and constantly humiliated her. Her experience into womanhood became one of humiliation, cruelty, mocking and all of you hating him.”

Falconette tried to argue her case. “If we allowed her to fight it, others may have rallied to her and ended Pattenias reign.”

The Goddess silenced Falconette, making her unable to speak. “The men wouldn't have rallied to Serreina anyway. There was no fear of that. You simply wanted to make Serrenina suffer for no other reason than she was previously a man. This could have been prevented if you offered her your love and guidance on her path. But you mistreated her. That's despicable for someone like you who forged a life guiding young women to their path. You let Pattenia find her path and supported her. You made Serrenina’s experience as a woman to be one suffering and pain. You were no different from the men that persecuted you.”

Then The Goddess turned toward Pattenia and Actonia with the fiercest glare. “You are the most responsible for all. It was your job as the elder sister to offer Serrenina all of your understanding, guidance and love. Sure, he was angry at first and wouldn’t understand why this happened. However, Instead of mocking and belittling her as you. You should have been the compassionate elder sister to guide and love him on his path to femininity. It could have been beautiful and made her a strong rolemodel for the women. She eventually would have understood, if you bothered to explain it. As Serrenina eventually did understand the lesson. You kept hating him. And you could have restored him into a much better understanding man. But you didn’t. You kept treating your sister cruelly and ignoring her suffering while you had everything you ever wanted. Your brother lost everything he wanted in life. You should have spent all of the time you could with her guiding her on her path, taking her places and having exciting adventures. Then restored her, and making him your most trusted adviser. He was your family, not a rival. It was wrong to treat her as your rival. That only insured he became your worst nightmare.”

“Pattenia. Your cruelty turned his heart cold with hate. You should have let him on your council and took him with you. He loved you so much. He would have followed you. You could have restored him and made him your champion and your leader of your army. But no, you treated him as a potential rival and excluded him from everything he was born for. That was the most painful of all. You wounded him so much. Your hate and malice, when being a woman should have been a wonderful experience; you made it a punishing experience. And now you wonder why he hates you. Actonia, you encouraged it and lied. All of you shame me. You will all pay.”

The Goddess’s features flared hot. The women cried in agony as their skin burnt. The stench of burning flesh filled the chamber. They screamed in pain.

Then there was silence. The Goddess spoke. “I removed my power from all of you. Never again will you ever feel my power flowing through you. You can't touch it. My power has been removed from all of you. Pattenia, you are not my vessel anymore. I gave it to serren! I hope he reconsiders his attitude. But I don't think so. He's too hurt.

Then the Goddess approached Pattenia very closely and gripped her head into her large powerful hand. They all saw a torrent of energy flowing directly into Pattenias mind. She screamed out and collapsed.

The Goddess turned and spoke, “Serren, I have given Pattenia all of your memories and feelings over the past six months from your sudden and traumatic change, to now. She personally experienced all of your suffering, sorrow and humiliation. Your experiences has become her own.”

Then she turned toward Pattenia. "Serren has allied with the darkness. He will strike me down. That's the future you caused. This restoration will be very short lived. Thanks, Pattenia, you betrayed everything you ever claimed to represent. Female liberation all while oppressing your little sister, and enjoying it.

Chapter 1

"The Fool is arriving shortly," A roiling dark mist rumbled loudly in a displeased tone.

"Finally," A huge, powerful man said in exasperation. "It took him long along. I thought it would take him all night to get here. I am surprised he didn't lose his way." The massive build man prepared for the fool's arrival.

The two saw an older man stumbling toward them tired. Except there was something wrong with the image. The large man blinked a few times in confusion, and finally, he realized the problem. He snorted in contempt and shook his head. "You have to be kidding. This man's stupider than I thought."

The fool walked up to approach the large looming man shaking his head in total concept. "You are Prince Edwyn of Merica, I presume. I am Appollon from the Shattered Isles."

Edwyn laughed. "You look like a tramp. And you sound worse." Edwyn laughed. The image of the man was that of a sexy topless woman with a seductive face and lips. Except he saw through the illusion, and He shook his head in dismay.

Edwyn rose his hand. His hand ignited with dark energy that flowed through his body. He gestured slightly at the man destroying the false image of the woman. The spell shattered, and Appollon was finally released.

Appollon gasp and thanked Edwyn. Edwyn shook his head more. "You are telling me you put a spell on yourself that you were unable to remove? How stupid could you be?"

"I lost my power during our fall. That was my final spell, and it stuck to me. I was lucky to make it out alive."

Edwyn looked at the dark mist. "I can't believe this is all we have left. This man's an idiot. Are you sure this idiot has the capacity to help us at all?"

Appollon seemed offended. "I am strong; it's just that we are facing a goddess that has defeated us. We have nothing left."

Edwyn snorted In contempt. "NO, the problem is you're an idiot. You did the exact wrong every chance you got. First, You try to kill a little girl that hurt no one. All that did was turn everyone against you. Even the former king pleaded with you to not do it. Then you blindly allow the Hekatin to infest your temple and change the Prince into a girl right under your nose. You had no idea how powerful or numerous they had become. Then to top it off, When the changed crown prince fled to your temple for help to be restored, and you belittle him as a woman, threaten him, then totally lie to him and dismiss him as if he was nothing. That made you one other person on a long list of people who turned their back and betrayed him. Then you made plans to kill him to take the throne yourselves. I wonder, with what you planned to do that with? You had nothing left. You were so soundly defeated and reviled. And your final attempt to overthrow Pattenia proved beyond all doubt that you had lost. It failed spectacularly. I think You're too stupid to be of any help to us."

Appollon tried to protest, but Edwyn rose his hand. The dark power took hold of Appollon, and he rose in the air gasping for breath and choking.

Edwyn hissed, "You had the Prince right in front of you pleading for help. You had his trust. You were his final hope. Everyone saw what happened to him. They saw the horrifying betrayal, you saw it. You could have used all of that to spread your message and raise a rebellion against her. It could have worked, and there were many who didn't approve of what she did. Many were looking for an inspiration. But, you violently threatened him, you demeaned him as a woman, even though that wasn't his doing. You knew what happened. And you turned him away. His final hope was lost; your final hope was lost. You could have been seen helping the betrayed Prince regain his rightful place. That was Pattenia's greatest nightmare. You gave her a victory on a silver platter. And gave her the perfect excuse to finish you once and for all. You had it right there, but you betray him too. You left him with no hope at all, no chance to regain what he lost. It nearly drove him to suicide. And It drove you to total failure. Admit it; you're a fool."

Appollon didn't know what to say once he was loose of the power. He just choked, trying to regain his breath.

"Your final fortress fell, and the Goddess was restored. You helped her a lot with your stupidity. But you can still help."

"What is it you want," Appollon asked.

Edwyn smiled. It was a sinister smile of darkness that sent chills running through Appollons veins. "I want The only thing that matters now — the complete, total, and Utter destruction of Pattenia's reign. You could have done it yourself if you weren't a fool. Destroying Pattenia's reign wouldn't have been hard with the betrayed and crushed crown prince there supporting you; he was totally willing to give you his full support until you turned him away. People would have rallied to him to restore their Prince, and the real heir. Restoring him, the crown prince could have been simple once you regained power. You could have arrested the Witches and tortured them enough until they agreed to restore Serren to spare their life. But no, you couldn't handle supporting a woman, even if the woman was a betrayed man. One that you personally witnessed the betrayal and transformation of. You're a fool. But you have your uses."

"How can I help you," Appollon asked, now feeling ice-cold fear.

"You can help us rebuild the temples and restore our religion. But you will have to face some very unwelcome facts about your previous allegiance to the 'god' Maxis." Edwyn sneered the name and chuckled sardonically.

"The God Maxis," He sneered the name again as if it wasn't even worth the title of god. "Was hardly a god at all. He only reigned once someone else slew the Goddess Hecate, only she calls herself Danis Prognita here. He couldn't even do it himself. Maxis is a minor insignificant god. He stood no chance against Hecate once she began regaining her power. He couldn't even protect his own Prince. How worthy could this god be."

Appollon was starting to see the point. "I have to agree with you, so what now."

"We will throw down Hecate for the atrocity she has committed against an innocent boy. And the woman she has sided with to do it. Her power is false. But you will have to learn an entirely new religion. Serren has done a good job of relearning everything. He has made himself into a potent woman in her own right. She has committed herself to the Goddess Nyx to such an extent that she has become the Vessel for Nyx. In fact, she is slowly reforming herself into the Goddess. She is reforming herself into a goddess that even Zeus feared. Fitting for someone who was betrayed by everyone he knew. Serren has become Goddess of Darkness. You will serve her like you served Maxis, and serve us and our forces to restore our faith."

Abbaddon showed his menacing demonic face full of fire in his eyes. Appollon withered. Abbaddon rumbled, and it sounded like a laugh.

Appollon had to ask. "why do you care so much about Serren? What is he to you."

"I think the better question is," Edwyn pointed out in a tone of steel, "You were entrusted with his education. You saw him grow up, and you served his family. His protection was your responsibility, and you betrayed that at every turn. Why didn't you care about him? He hurt no one and never deserved this fate."

That didn't answer the question, so Edwyn continued. "I knew Serren. I grew up in the Shattered Isles, and we were friends as children. He was a great kid. A little Naive, and that hurt him. He deserves our help. I won't turn my back on him like everyone else in the Kingdom has. I am a loyal friend. It is time to raise hell."

Then Edwyn turned to Abbaddon and asked, "Call Asmodeus and Azazel." Edwyn smirked.

Abbaddon made a loud rumble, and Asmodeus arrived in a darkening mist that coalesced into the form of two massive men. They knelt before Edwyn in submission. "What is thy bidding, my Mistress Lilith?"

Edwyn smiled as Appollon looked shocked, "You're A woman" He snorted

"Yes," Edwyn said dismissively. "In some cruel trick, I was put in this cumbersome male form. This form was Serrens best friend. And anyway, he pleaded for my help. So send him Nxt. He hes been begging for help and started learning the dark magic and spirit summing. Serren summoned Nxt and Azazel. He has formed formed quite a relationship with Nxt. Nxt liked serren as a woman. And they united together into one." Edwyn smirked.

Then Edwyn turned to the darkened mists before him. "Asmodeus will Complete Nxt's training and help her on her journey. The Hecate wanted to give him a fragile body that could never stand up to Pattenia and her forces. A form they could easily control and intimidate. Just because he's female doesn't mean he has to be physically weak. Show him how to unleash the power of Nyx. And then terrorize Pattenia. She's already in terror, intensify it. You are the spirit of fear, give her visions of death and terror. She made her brother's life a living nightmare. Make her life a nightmare. This will only be the beginning."

"Azazel, train Nyx to fight."

"Your wish is my command."

Edwyn pulled out his sword, which blazed with dark power. He handed the sword to Azazel. "Give this sword to Serren. Teach him to use and control its power."

Azazel and Asmodeus took Appollon; they smiled and bowed their head. Then they vanished.

Prince Serren, now going by the name Nyx used to be the crown prince and the heir to the Crown of this Kingdom of the Shattered Isles. That seemed too long ago. She was given a very tiny helpless form of a girl that was so unable to counter anyone in the shattered isles. A small maid overpowered her once in that form. She prayed and worked her body, and slowly reformed her female body to what is it now.

Serren, now in the form of Nyx, was stunningly beautiful, her beauty
was flawless with her beautiful toned face, stunning blue eyes and long black braided hair down her back. She had been blessed with huge breasts that her body used to found it difficult to support. She was entirely able to support her extra chest weight now. Forcibly changing Serren was all a monstrous plot to destroy the Prince, and it has mostly succeeded. Serren, as a boy was a massive, imposing warrior before his change, his weakened form after the change had destroyed whatever pride he had as a male. And the rape and following pregnancy finished Serrens destruction.

Nyx was busy reading one of her books about the dark powers of the Goddess Nyx. She has gone to all of the isles and found all of the Knowlege that She possibly could find. Nyx in her single-minded determination to learn all about magic that was possible, She had learned more than perhaps any of the hekatin probably learned. She acquired great things, and She learned terrible things. She could possibly reforge her body back to Serrens original form. But after a year like this, he wasn't quite ready.

Serrenina had performed a union with a woman who much more powerful than Pronita. That union reforged her body to what it was now. Nyx's physical form was roughly equal to Pattenia and the strongest women in the Isles. Serrenina's transformation only begun with her considerable physical strength. Once her power was fully developed, she doubted anyone could face her. Of Course, Nyx was a Goddess.

Nyx's mind had expanded far beyond the feeble understanding of the Hekatin's's power. The Hekatin worshiped a goddess they called Prognita. Prognita was a spirit that went by many different names. Prognita's follower's name offers' a clue to who they are following. Think about the name of their order. Hekatin. They followed the mother witch Hecate. Hecate was a minor feeble spirit, and there were much greater forces than Hecate. She learned about many of them. He learned about Asmodeus, Azazel, Abbadon, Agramon, Bail, Lilith, Nyx, Aries, Eos, Hera, And Lucifer. Oddly, the Hekatin books didn't offer much in the knowledge of them. She had found a few weak summoning spells, and one day, she summoned Azazel, and her mind expanded massively that day. She had been exposed to an entirely new world. She learned such power the Hekatin couldn't even begin to comprehend. She felt the power. She spent hours that night studying the unique power she felt. Nyx learned to summon other spirits and gods. She learned about the energy that created the entire universe and held everything together. The energy gathered in the vast voids and expanded itself. The power was called dark energy, and its power is limitless. Nyx found the answer to her problem. If she learned to focus this power, and use it, she could probably gain the ability enough to shatter the world into pieces across the cosmos.

This power was more than enough to kill one weak minor spirit that dared call herself the Goddess. She looked forward to possessing enough power to shatter the Goddesses moon into pieces and watches the horror of the Hekatin as Prognita's moon shatters apart, and never returns.

Nyx cast one of the darker spells she learned in the language of the great void and watched.

Nyx saw the roiling smoke fill the room with the stench of burning sulfur and fire. Mist gathered at the center of the room and coalesced to form oof a massive man standing in the center. He knelt toward Nyx, "So you summon me again. What would you have me do."

"I hope you aren't tired of helping me, Azazel?" Nyx said, worried.

The massive form of a man shook its head. "Never, we don't have much else to do in the void. You have given me much purpose in this world. It all looks so tasty." It smiled. "And you have become a greater disciple. You are greater than I ever could have guessed. I am so impressed with your progress, Uniting with Nyx. You convinced her to allow you to take her form and unite with her power. That wasn't easy. I look forward to what you can do with it. I could have never guessed you would progress this far."

A sad, troubled frown formed over the feminine face of Nyx. "You never guessed that the boy who was betrayed and destroyed by everyone who should have protected him would turn in her desperation to the dark powers for vengeance, or to regain what she lost. She would turn Creatures like you who can give her power over this world. You should have seen that I would become the most devoted follower. I want revenge against the hekatin."

"Revenge against the Hekatin will be simple," Azazel said. "But what you truly want will require more time. I saw you imagining destroying Hecates moon in the sky. That sort of power will take years to develop. As well as destroying Hecate herself. And it is now time, Serren."

"Time for what?" Nyx hated these games Azazil played with her giving her very vague instructions she would have to ask more."

"You have spent enough time here alone with me. Its time for action. You have grown powerful. It is time to use it. Now let's leave this place. There's someone who can help you." Azazel told Nyx.

"I don't know enough," Nyx protested but still knew he had to begin doing more with it. "I am still weaker than most actual girls."

The large man snorted. "Then let's unleash the power of Nyx. She is getting impatient, you fool. You have enormous power within that body. It is time to unleash it. I will teach you spells for strength, speed, power, agility, intelligence, learning, insight, seeing future, You know them all."

She opened the proper book and found the runes and ingredients to cast the spells she needed to start unleashing her full potential. "I want the strength and speed of Nyx. I have the learning already. I also want to see the future like Actonia, to see things to come, so I'm not blindsided anymore. But, once I start showing my power, won't my sister come after me?"

Azazel replied with a chuckle, "Yes, maybe, I would like to see her try. You have the power and form of Nyx. Don't fear a person like Pattenia anymore. You are a force for Hekate herself to reckon with."

Nex found the spells to do what she wanted. "The power and speed are easy. Obtaining the insight and foretelling will be more difficult. I will have that done by tonight."

Nyx walked out to see a very unwelcome sight. What she saw standing outside of her small cottage in the woods brought pure fury to her face. Before her was Appollon, the primary of the order of Maxis that betrayed her and tried to kill her. This was the man that insulted her when she first fled into the temple for help against her sister, only to be threatened, insulted, and deceived."

She turned her full power on Appollon and screamed in rage, "What the hell are you doing here you traitor." She stormed forward, feeling the dark power of Nyx flowing through her.

Appollon had no idea who this arrogant woman was. He started forward until he saw the rage, and the dark powers begin flowing through her. He cowered back in fear.

"You betrayed me, you slime. I trusted you with everything after my sister stole my entire life and my birthright. You were of no help. What happened to me was all your fault. I was only sixteen and I was under your protection."

Appollon started realizing who this was. "Prince Serren, you keep changing. How can this be you?" He was so confused. He saw Serren turn into the form of a tiny sexy girl. This woman was much larger and much more intimidating. Why did it have to be a woman?

Nyx shook her head. "I am not Serren anymore. He was killed by everyone he trusted. I am not Nyx. How dare you come here." Nyx gestured with her hand, and Appollon rose into the air again. This time he was shrieking in agony. It looked like his body was being pierced with fire. "traitor. You were as bad as the Hekatin."

Azazel calmly said, "Please stop torturing the fool. He's a fool and didn't know how to fight the powers he was facing. He was unprepared for it, as you were. You both made mistakes.|

Nyx let Appollon fall hard. "How can he help us?"

"He has his uses. I will teach him. He will serve you, won't you, Appollon."

He did not know what else to do. He knelt before Nyx and pledged loyalty to the woman. His pride, what little dignity he had left after what he endured, faded.

Nyx would just assume rip the idiots head off with her bare hands. But she went to gather.

Nyx started gathered the herbs and plants and gems to cast the strength and speed spells. She recited the ancient dark language and made the proper runes on the paper for the spell. Nyx focused her energy as she felt the power flowing through her body. She began to feel the massive reservoir of power slowly being released within her body. This was amazing, Nyx smiled a dark, wicked smile feeling the power be activated within her.

Then Nyx walked out of her cottage and was amazed at her blinding speed. There was a huge tree standing. Asmodeus smiled, "strike the tree. Let's see what you can really do."

"Won't that hurt, How hit a tree?" Nyx said doubtfully. Appollon laughed.

Azazel became furious. "You have the power of the Goddess, and you fear a puny tree. Strike the tree now."

Nyx pulled her arm back, feeling the power flowing through her and struck the massive 10-foot wide tree truck. The trunk shattered apart with a mighty crack. The tree trunk exploded, sending shards of wood flying everywhere. Nyx looked at her undamaged hand. "Oh my, Nyx smiled and lept 100 feet in the air and flipped and fell into a combat stance" If I had this as a boy. I was the best fighter in the Kingdom as a boy. No one will stand against me. Not even Hecate herself."

Appollon watched in awe. He suddenly realized the power he was facing, and his face turned white. He had little doubt these people would humble the arrogant Goddess and Pattenia. But,
to what end? He had to admit that the reign of Maxis and the Rule of Man was over. Maxis and the Rule of Man wasn't returning. But, he figured that Pattenia's rule might be better than what was coming. He didn't dare betray Nyx. Not if he didn't want to be ripped apart.

"You have a long way to go." Azazel said. "But you have learned almost all you can from the books. Its time to start training your mind and body together. I think you are ready to face Hekate."

A voice was heard from the distance. "Finally, we will have our revenge. Finally, we will regain our place."

Nyx turned, and her eyes softened with love. She ran toward the man. "Runtek." She smiled and lept into the man's arms, kissing him. "I love you!"

"I love you too, Serrenina." He kissed her deeply.

"Please don't call me that. I am not that weak girl anymore. I know you married Serenina, but Serrenina was a victim. I am now Nyx. If you can love me, We will retake what we lost. And make our enemies pay with their lives. I will make you a king." Nyx kissed Runteck deeply.

"What will you be, I thought you would be the queen."

"I will be more." Replied Nyx. "I will be the goddess."

Nyx summoned Asmodeus, "Asmodeus, I know what you do. Fill my sister with terror. Frighten her beyond all reason. I will gather what I need to give myself vision and foretelling. I think what I need is at Embryonus. I will summon the dragon to fly there."

Asmodeus bowed his head. Azazel said, "You will probably need this." A large black sword materialized in the air. "This is your sword. You have the power to wield it. It makes the sword your sister wields appear like a tiny, harmless dagger. You will need this if you want to travel to Embryonus. Your sister took it, and the Goddess reigns there."

Nyx took the sword, and it ignited in her hand. She shut down the power and put it in his sheath.

"But first, I need to visit my wonderful sister again," Nyx said, drawing out the final part with a nasty sneer. "I want her to know where I'm going."


Pattenia Had been lying in her bed looking as the haunting light moonlight flood though the window. It would be another restless night. She never slept anymore. She only felt the oppressive guilt and memories of what she did.

She used to be happy about what she accomplished. Getting the Crown, being king, and ruling the Kingdom gave her a feeling of such pride. She felt such prise, Especially at being the first female king in almost six hundred years. Being the Vessel to restore the Goddess gave her even more pride.

Then going out on the campaigns to restore the rebellious lords back into the Kingdom and succeeding at Rooks Rock gave her even more pride at what she accomplished. Some of that pride was diminished at the kidnapping of her sister, but she solved that and freed Prognita. She felt more pride than ever before. The Goddess herself shattered all of that apart. Her condemnation of her struck deep. Her punishment was worse. Then she was forced to relive the sorrow and agony and humiliation she inflicted on her brother though his eyes. She experienced it from his point of view and his memories.

She realized how wrong she was. She always considered it a necessary evil. She had to do something to preserve the Kingdom and retain the power she had obtained. It was the plan. She thought it was from the Goddess herself. The Hekatin spoke for the Goddess. Realizing it wasn't, and that they were wrong struck her deep. Now all she felt was sorrow and fear. She was severed from the Goddess and unable to contact her power ever again.

Feeling Serrens pain gave her a whole new perspective, and she no longer felt such pride at what she had done. Now, she felt sorrow and shame. She also felt a lot of horror and pain she inflicted. There was no doubt that she was wrong

The goal was great, but it was carried out in such a horrific, disastrous way it was doomed. It was bound to inspire such resentment and hatred in her brother.

And now the news she got brought even more dread. Her 'friend' Actonia had told her what Serren was up to. And she received visions of the entire moon blowing apart, sending shards and rocks blasting out into the cosmos.

Her memories went back to her final meeting with Serren staring right into his dark eyes. Those eyes filled with such hate that it seemed to infest him to the very core of his being. The hatred was burning and intense. After what he experienced, she could hardly blame him.

And those tearful words he asked her while crying. "Why do you hate me so much!" He screamed at her

She never hated him. But, it was so easy to see how he felt that way after how she treated him. And now knowing she didn't have to treat him as a rival.

Her memories returned to the first days after the change. And she was shocked now. She didn't consider much then, but her brother Serren had fully supported her. Serren had felt pride in what his sister had accomplished. He loved her more than anything and stood by her. That's how it should have been

Instead of ignoring and hating him, she could have invited him to her side, making him a man, a powerful general leading forces in her name. He would have gladly done it for her. They could be united against their enemies restoring the Goddess. He wanted to

That was before all of this, she continued her cruelty, then there was the mocking and her teasing him, leaving him while going off on campaigns he wanted to do, and then the abduction and rape he solely blamed her for.

The trauma had changed Serren forever. He would never recover. His love and support left that day. Serren's love and support were replaced with burning fury hate. His last words haunted her. "I will kill pattenia. You are not my sister. I have no family now. You all turned on me so much. You destroyed me, caused this violation. Why do you hate me so much? I loved you and wanted to be part of this. But you hurt me. I will take your Crown from your corpse."

Then he stormed out, and things began to happen. Things that she could not control. Serren started learning more and more and started studying the forbidden arts that weren't of the Goddess. Elements of such power and darkness

Now, it was like a shroud of darkness fallen across the Kingdom. Her brother grew in power. Now, she doubted anyone could defeat him. Actonia saw it, and it only got worse.

Actonia walked in, seeings Pattenia's disapproval, and it hurt. Actonia used to be Pattenia's most trusted adviser and friend. Now, Actonia saw only hate and distrust. She didn't agree with Pattenia that there were other ways. But all of this led to what's going on now.

"Princess Serrenina is coming and wants to see you."

"Do you remember our first mission to Embryonus?"

Actonia smiles. "Yes, a little, why?"

"Because," Pattenia said weakly. "I told you that you were my most trusted adviser. You didn't feel that important, but you were. I trusted you so much."

"What happened to that trust? Actonia demanded hotly.

"Everything you said would happen, went wrong. And we should have all seen it. I told you I wouldn't have the Crown if not for you. But, I failed to say that it was obtained on my brother's future and his life, his and his dignity. We destroyed him to get the Crown. And you kept telling how great being a girl is. And how he would adapt and like it. For us, yes, it's great. But its a horror for a guy we force into it. To force Serren and be harsh on him, for the sole purpose of demeaning and destroying him. How could he ever adapt and feel happy with his fate? Our cruelty only made him resent and hate us, and that hate grew. In his desperation to reforge a future of respect, he got himself involved with dark spirits and things he should never have been involved with. Even you can't stop it now. He's going to Embryonus. I fear for him."

Actonia smiled. "I know where he's going. He will find his purpose there. Things he wasn't willing to see before will be revealed to him. I think he will learn to love you again."

Pattenia just sent her out and got dressed for another hateful confrontation with her brother.

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