The Princess

The Princess
By Julia Michelle
A suffering princess struggles to regain the crown after it was seized it from years ago. A mysterious prince lands on the shores to help restore her to her rightful place, for a price.
This is the first chapter in what I hope to be a epic story
Chapter 1

Prince Edwyn had learned that the mission he was sent on was vital for the survival of the entire world. He didn’t know this when he first set out on the long trip from his homeland in Mercia to the Shattered isles. The island kingdom nearly a thousand miles away. It was supposed to be only a diplomatic mission to solidify an alliance between their two kingdoms. One his father King Erric negotiated between the two kingdoms dignitaries. Then he sent his son out to make the final negotiations. He sent his people into the the Shattered isles months ago to learn all that he could about this kingdom and what he learned was horrifying. It was a corrupt kingdom of brutality and fear ran by cruel witches that call themselves the hekatin.

Now, that its ran by the Hekatin and their girl king Pattenia wasn’t by itself bad. There are a greet number of people in his own kingdom along with neighboring Kingdoms to are part of the Goddesss religion and the Moons appearance sparked great celebration. He wanted to think the Goddess prognita was great and wonderful. Even his family openly worshiped and wanted the Goddess freed and restored to the world.

But, what his spies learned about how these witches conduct themselves and what they have done horrified him to the core. They took over the kingdom, and ruled by threat and fear cowering the people into submission and using a young boys life as an example. There was no way he could ally with this kingdom in good conscious.

The Kingdom was in trouble. They are in a long civil war and their king won most of the revolting territories back into their fold. Only one is left, a great mountain fortress and the last holdout of the maxis priests they spent two years and repeated disastrous campaigns trying to retake. The one that they could then release the Goddess and restore her to the world. With Mercias aid, they oculd finally overtake that last fortress and Pattenia could fulfill the prophesy. Edwyn had no intention of allowing that to happen. So he made another plan and brought it to his father for his approval. The King Erric approved and he set sail with a large fleet of their own people, their own small army and provisions for months at sea. They were finally here. The yardmen were docking their great ships at Rooks Rock, one of the only deep water ports in the North in what was once the Ansley Duchy and was in open revolt. That revolt was suppressed in one of Pattenias first campaigns after being crowned King. It was a great victory, but one of her only Victories.

Edwyn watched his army march down the planks to Assemble below. Thousands of his armored knights, his generals, captains, archers and horsemen went down the gain plank.

Then Edwyn marched down in his gleaming armor with his horse beside him followed by his personal guard of women he trained. Then his own witches, followers of Prognita. Thirty women followed them and they assembled into formation to march out.

One of his own captains near the front shouted out and his forced readied themselves for battle. The arched stood back and drew their bow.

Edwyn looked out and shouted at his forces to cease fire. This was what he expected and hoped for. His forces stood down, but watched closely ready for any sign of hostility by this other large force that approached.

Across the field, stood thousands of troops, horsemen, knights and swordmen and pikesmen. Collums of thousands upon more thousands of troops stood. And standing in front of the force was a girl that looked no older than eighteen wearing a long royal blue flowing gown. She was rather petite and really unfit to fight herself. The woman was stunningly beautiful and nearly perfect. She strod forward on her horse as Edwyn approached. One of the girls attendants helped her from her horse and Edwyn watched up to her.

“I assume you are Prince Serren of the Shattered Isles. Brother of the girl King Pattenia?” Edwyn looked respectfully.

A tear rolled down her beautiful face. She chocked back a sad sob. “No one has called me that in years. They all call me Princess Serrenina. Or just Nina. Yes, and you must be a prince Edwyn from the Kingdom of Mercia, sent here to ally with my sister.”

Edwyn gave a wary smile. “That’s what she thinks. But she will get something very different. I am impressed with the forces you have been able to assemble to support.”

“You told me to do this,” Serren said. “Me gathering my own army was your idea. I was reluctant. I thought my sister would do something when I started.”

“If you want the crown back, you must be willing to take great risks, and fight for whats yours. You must not cower. Serren. That’s what you have been doing for two years and no one wants to follow a coward standing in her sisters shadow. This has been her greatest fear. Once you start rallying, people will follow you. They know what your sister did to you, and they know it was wrong. You know what she did was wrong. She destroyed your life with no thought at all to how it affected you. All you needed to do was start rallying, and gathering support. And they came to you.” Edwyn smiled. “I helped a little with my own spells. I didn’t make anyone follow you. I caused them to find you if they wanted to fight. And you see, many want to fight Pattenias cruelty. They don’t agree with the betrayal and brutality she so publicly inflicted on her own family, her own brother just to seize the throne. If you really want it, you must be the one to fight. I will only be here to support you. And my own witches can help.”

Serren looked up hopefully. “You will restore my manhood?” She asked with hope in her eyes.

Edwyn shook his head. “NO, they can show you how, but I don’t think that will be the best for you. I have a far better plan than restoring you. If I do that, you will find yourself greatly disadvantaged. Your example will be lost, and because of the changes in society your sister implemented, you will find life far worse as a man. I plan on giving Pattenia a lesson on how it feels to be changed against her wishes, how she will deal with the destruction of her entire life in an instant, and being subjected to her own rules she implemented on men. That will make you the rightful heir. Lets see how she feels having others make decisions on her own sex without her permission. Having everything she loved, everything she is, her name, her sex, her title be roped away, and destroyed.”

Edwyn smiled wolfish. “I would love that. But what about me, I want to be restored. I hate living like this.” Serren nearly cried.

“This form gives you great power. You have learned the arts of the hekatin and made yourself very formidable and powerful. That’s why all of these people rallied to you. And your sister will find living as a man much worse. She will lose her support, and she wont be able to cope in another sex as successfully as you have. Are you ready to besiege Denaerk?”

Serren looked out at his supporters, Her attendant helped her back on her horse and she rode out to her own army.

The Young woman Serrenina proudly sat on her war horse at the head of her own army. “Some of you were there that tragic day two years ago. I was proudly standing at the altar of the temple of Maxis ready to accept the crown. I was standing there with my sister and mother, Danala, Falconette, Fawna and many other women. I wrongly thought they they supported me. Instead, I learned they all hated me. That was the day my life as a man ended. The only thing I ever did wrong was be born male and be my fathers chosen heir. A decision all of those women, including my own family disagreed with. Some of you were there to see my tragically transformed into this form totally against my will. Some of you lords saw that day, my own breasts grew too big and burst out in full view of everyone. I collapsed in pain and my older sister forced me to sit there and confront them to see my new form. You heard her proclaim proudly, “Serren is now female and my younger sister. That makes me the rightful heir.”

“You saw the Hekatin, and falconette crown my sister, and use me as an example to spread fear across the Kingdom and an example to all who would oppose her. That had pretty much been her method of rule. Force and fear. Not a good example, not compassion, only brute force and fear. My life was destroyed that day, and my sister illegally stole seized the crown and destroy everything that I was. My entire future was ripped away. I am the rightful heir” Serren shouted with emotion. Her beautiful voice trembling with the emotion and feeling with what she was saying. “I will restore our kingdom, I will restore the confidence of the people. I will liberate us from the darkness of the Hekatin, and their cruelty and brutality they inflict. The injustice they did to me, and to the entire kingdom will be ended. You men will be able to live a life of dignity and respect once again!” Serren pulled her down out and it ignited in front of them all. “My father was a great King. Gerrec. I will follow his example and his wisdom.”

The soldiers cheered. Edwyn guessed there were around thirty thousands of them. Then he marched off toward Denaerk and Edwyn rose beside him with his own guard and his own forces.

Lord Duke Baldac Wensie was told to expect a small contingent from a Prince of a neighboring kingdom on the Mainland and to escort him and his force to the Palace for a conference. He assembled his small escort and waited.

Then he saw Edwyn approaching but as it got closer, his blood ran cold. This wasn’t a small force for a diplomatic delegation for a conference. Lord Wansee saw the prince with his bodyguards, followed by massive enormous columns of warriors. The columns stretched for miles. This was no small force. This was an invasion to do battle. Then what he saw as they got closer made him even more afraid. In front of it all, was the small girl he knew. Princess Serrenina was leading it. He groaned inward, “Oh my goddess, no.”

How could there be so many people willing to follow her against their rightful King who has done such great things. He knew Serren was hurt, betrayed and humiliated. That was years ago and he figured she finally accepted her place as princess, following her older sister. This was treason. In his heart, he knew that this was the end. The columns stretched miles behind Serrenina. There must be forty thousand troops here. Even if Wensie assembled all he could from his duchy, he could never get this many and he had no where near his full forces he could muster. He was only prepared to provide escort and security.

Serrenina and her forces approached, then surrounded Wensies small force. This was clearly hostile. Serrenina approached Lord Wensie and drew her sword. A larger man, he assumed was the crown prince of Mercia simply watched. This man clearly supported Serrenina.

Wensie wasn’t sure what to say. All he could muster was, “Princess Serrenina, how could you do this to your sister? I thought you were loyal to our King Pattenia, your own sister. Why?”

Serrens face turned red in anger. “I think the better question is, how could you betray us? I was the crown prince. I was the rightful heir. You served our family, my father and knew his wishes. You betrayed it all swearing allegiance to my sister. You were there and you saw what she did to me. You stood by, didn’t raise a finger to help me after the tragic and horrifying betrayal. And you swore allegiance to HER. You betrayed the crown, and your nation. Proving you have no honor in you. You have zero loyalty. You are a traitor!”

“Your sister was the rightful heir,” Wensie protested. “She was better suited, you were only sixteen. And she did what she had to, to make it right. She had proven herself countless times. I am not ashamed at what I did.”

“Of course you’re not,” Serren said acidly. “She destroyed her own brother. Forced him into a life he was never meant for. Crushed him, his dignity, brutalized and humiliated him. And you watched, and enjoyed it, while pledging to a false king who turned on her own family. You have no honor and we will remember your betrayal. Your titles and your land will be stripped from you. You may not survive to see what happens to your family.”

Wensie shouted, “What! My family, why Serrenina.”

“Because you are traitors.” Serren said simply. “You broke your oath to our family. You served a false king who illegally seized the power. And brutalized and hurt her own brother in ways unimaginable. So, we cant rely on your loyalty anymore. You broke your oath, and your word. There must be consequences for treason!”

Serrens soldiers surrounded Wensies force, forced them from their horses and drove the horses away. His soldiers were stripped of their armor, and their weapons. Then they hands were secured behind them and chained. Wensie was forced down and disarmed. He was made a prisoner. Serren announced, “you are now prisoners of war. A small force of Edwyns will take you can and imprison you on the ships, except for the traitor Wensie. A chopping bock awaits his head.”

His face lost all of its blood. Then Serren said, “while your loyalty is lost when you betrayed my father. I can avoid executing you when I become queen. If you address me by my rightful name. The name and sex that was stolen from me. I want you to hear you say it, Wensie.”

“Prince Serren,” Lord Wensie shuddered helplessly.

Serren smiled. “Good. You will still be stripped of all of your titles and your family's holdings. You will be made a slave in the stone quarries. Your family and children will lose their holdings. They will be made surfs. At least you avoided execution. Now lets go. I want you to see this. But, wensie, I do wonder if you even can comprehend how I felt in all of this, how what happened affected me personally. I was destroyed, and found myself having no power over the coarse my life. I was forced into this. After my change, my sister sent people to force me into dresses. I was immediate addressed as princess, serrenina, and forced, beaten if I resisted. Hours after being turned totally, no preparation. I was expected to accept the role of a princess. Can you imagine being turned into a girl so suddenly, then forced into dresses, Lord Baldwic Wensie. Expected to be a girl, and live as one. I can probably do this. Edwyn has many hekatin following him. I am sure they can turn you into a girl so you can experience what I experienced. I want turn you, considering your betrayal and lack of loyalty to me, how you feel. Want to try?”

Edwyn raised his hand sending a number of women to him. Their hands blazed with power coursing though their arms and fingertips. Wensie suddenly knew this was no idle threat. They could really do it.

Edwyn said, “Sybilla, Seere of the Hekatin from Mercia, you could do that for Wensie couldn’t you. Turn this arrogant treasonous duke into a duchess?”

A young woman rode up smiling. “It wold be easy.”

Serren turned to the Duke who was now trembling in fear. “So imagine, we can do it right now. Then no one caring how you felt about the sudden transition in your life. As you didn’t care about me. Then forcing you to accept it, and live that life you never expected. We forcing you in a corset, in a gown, calling you duchess, milady, and seeing someone else take the life you wanted. How would you feel?”

Wensies trembled. He knew what happened to the boy was one of the most difficult things a can can ever endure. It was horrifying, but he knew it was necessary. At least he thought so. But now facing it himself. “Please, Prince, I know it was so difficult on you. I have no idea how much. I still say you weren’t fit to take the crown. You were too young and immature. Pattenia has been good. I thought you made peace with this life.”

“I had no other choices. You all seemed on her side, ignoring how I felt. My feelings was irrelevant. You all had the power. I accepted it out of necessity to try to reforge a life that was destroyed. But now, I have options. Someone finally has come to help me, someone who gives a damn about my feelings. None of you did. You all went out to war, fighting in my sisters name, a life meant for me. Fuck you Wensie, you’re a traitor to my father.”

Then Edwyns features flailed. Serren saw the dark power flowing thugh him as he addressed Wensie. “You will say accept Serren as your King.Pattenias reign is over. Wont you Wensie?” He said, touching wensie and the energy flowing into Wensies head. He knew he could become a girl any second.

Wensie nodded, “Yes, I accept Serren.” He clearly said that out of terror.

“I refuse to accept someone whose loyalty is so dubious and questionable. You of loyalty has already been on display for the past two years. Your character is in question, as is your totality. You have none. There’s a dungeon for you. Now lets go.” Serren looked up and shouted to his troops, “Everyone stop. Troops, assemble into formations, captains, Generals meet me within five minutes.”

Serren looked up into the distance and knew the massive Citadel was going to be there guarding the pass to the capital city. The Citadel had a garrison of around thirty to fourty thousand troops.

Within minutes, all of Serrens captains and generals and lords were standing around in one of his makeshift war tents. It was one of Serrens first council of wars she ever led. Up to this point, her sister had shut her out of everything and given her no voice in anything. She felt like this was where she belonged.

“Lord Urik, Lord Earl Urban, Lord Duke Chist, you will lead the infantry forces. The man at arms and the knights. Urik will be in charge of that force guarding our archers and horsemen. Urban, you will be with the Pikesmen and you will place your forces here, and here guarding us from their Calvary charges. That will be their first move against us. Lord general Radick will be in charge of the forces in the Citadel. Hes always hyper aggressive, but he isnt one of their best. Actually, Pattenia never thought she would need an experienced commander in charge there. Who woud be mad enough to attack their capital. Who would ever have the forces to even attempt such a thing. All of the other great houses are loyal. So we have the advantage. Radick is an idiot. He will charge wildly with his cavalry and our pikemen will stop his charge, we will have the man at arms doubled on the flacks trapping them. That will be the first to go.”

“Lord Vallery. You will have the archers and war bows. Once his Cavalry are destroed, he will rely on his enormous knight forces. They will charge at us, and their archers will remain on the walls. We will pretend to give up, run away. So our archers will be here guarding our retreat, here, here and here, three points. The heavy war bows will be here on the hills. We will retreat to the high ground here. Their charge will be a trap. They will be trapped in that vally being attacked by three points. Our bows will open up and they will be in a kill zone with no escape. Then our Cavalry will charge into them, followed by Uriks knights. I will lead the Calvary charge. Once their forces are destroyed,d we will take the Citadel. We will open up with our new weapons and it will fall.”

Wensie listened and was suddenly terrorized. Everyone underestimated Princess Serrenina and that was a fatal mistake. Suddenly he wondered why everyone did. It must be her pretty face, ignoring that she had been trained all her life to lead men in war. Her father made sure she had the best teachers and instructors teaching her all about tactics, leading men, strategy, provisions and leadership.

A lone Scout ran into the main palace followed by Pattenias most trusted adviser and her friend, the hekatin, Actonia who was the inspiraction for the whole plot against Serren. She approched Pattenia in her private office. She bowed, :My Lord, we have a big problem.”

“I heard,” Pattenia responded. “My sister is coming. But she will never pass Raddicks forces in the Citadel. It hasent fallen in a thousand years.”

Actonia looked very troubled and Pattenia realized this was serious. “So, what is the problem?”

“First your sister Serrenina comes ad the head of an army of forty thousand men. Add to that, Prince Edwyn of Mercias force of fifteen thousand. They have a combined force of fifty five thousand.”

Pattenia was alarmed. “where in the goddess did she come up with that many?”

“People rallied and graviated to her. She is very inspirational. You knew that which is why you tried to keep her sheltered and humiliated. It only enraged her and she escaped. Your plan to use her as an example to cower everyone only went so far. In the end, it consolidated your image as a tyrant ruling by terror and fear. Serrenina is seen as a liberator. And in addition. Pattenia, my visions here dont show victory at all. Theres no outcome for victory. Every vision I have shows the fortres destroyed, and Denark being occupied. Your reign ending. And in many of the possible outcomes, she simply has you exeucted for what you did to her.”

Pattenia puts her face in her hands. “You said I would beocme a great King, how could it had come to this Actonia. You inspired me to do this, you said I would be the peoples savior against the cruel maxis and the chruch, and the inquisiton.”

“I never saw the level of rage this would inspire in Serrenina. I saw her happy as a woman, raising her child. None of that happened. People kept breaking that plan apart. First, as a woman she was much more vurnable to your familys enemies to use, and she was helpess to fight it when they captured and abused her. Second, falconettes retarded plan for all of you to be harsh on her to force her to accept her new place as a woman. We should have all known that would never work but she was more afraid of your enemys rallying to her if they saw her fighting it to become an inspiration. But, she cant become comfortable and like a role shes forced into, to use to inspire fear. That only made her made and desperate, and our sworn enemy. Now, I only see darkness. Shes going to kill everyone who swore loyalty to you. That was treason in her mind. She has no one, her family, you, your mother, the lords, all turned their back on her. She even hates the Goddess.”

“I thuoght she loved them, she asked Falconette to teach her and she become skilled at the Hekatin.” Pattenia protested.

“No,” Actonia said. “She only studied the arts to try to restore her manhood. Thats all she wanted. You were all smart enough to keep that knowledge from her. But, she knew you were all lying to her. Now, her allegiance isnt to the Goddess. Its to Abaddon and Lilith. She has allied with Darkness.

It was about that moment when they began hearing continous enormous blasts in the distance. The blasts were so intense that they shook the walls of the palace. The windows rattled. The chairs, it was so intense they felt in in their bodies. “What is that,” Pattenia said in fear?”

“That is our doom. Its Serreninas new weapons. She calls them Bombards. Huge tubes filled with Sulfur and sodium nitro, and a few other things that cause an explosion. They fire huge projectiles that even the most massive walls stand no chance against.

The women looked out and saw an enormous column of black smoke rising in the distance, where the citadel stood guarding the city.

With the Citadel fallen and his black flag rose above it keeps, they marched on toward Denaerk. Serrens enormous battle formations marched lock step toward the Capital.

The main walls of the city appeared over the horison and they marched on until they were finally just outside of the walls. They saw Pattenia in her battle armor and her sword of justice. Her army stood outside of the walls. Her armys large columns and her battle lords and generals bside her holding up the kingdoms flags.

Serren laughed at her pathetic display of force. She rode forward with her Prince and her Lords parching up to the center. Pattenia followed with her battle lords.

Serren met them and took charge. “King Pattenia, General Orlan, Captain Elveres. We meet at least in this field of battle. Pattenia, your forces are badly outnumbered. There is no escape, your reign will end today.”

Pattenia scowled at her sister. “We will never surrender to you, Serrenina.”

Serren blinked. “You misunderstand,” She said quietly. “I am not accepting Surrenders at this time. I want to you know failure, utter defeat, and it is I who brings it down upon you. Now let us proceed.” Serren and her generals went back to their army to begin.

She turned to her generals. “Pattenia is a much smarter commander than Raddick. She wont rush in wildly. Actually, others made that mistake with her and she turned the battle around on the ansleys two years ago. We will hold our ground She wont come to us. We must come to her. To that end, our war bows will do most of the work as she holds her ground. And when her forces are decimated by the bows. Our Calvary will come in from her flacks. A second attack will be here along the walls. They will sneak up the walls and occupy the gate house, and the towers and fire at her from above. Now get in our battle formations and lets proceed to show Pattenia why betraying me was a horrible mistake.”

Pattenia was wondering why Serrens forces wern’t advancing on her. Serrenina had the advantage by at least twenty thousand.

Then to her utter horror, the sky turned black at a rain of countless huge arrows came plunging down on them. They rose their shields but it did no good. This seemed wrong, she made sure her knights armor and shields could withstand archer fire. But these were enormous arrows, at least at tall as most men. She saw the war bows in the distance and these were not the traditional archers she employed. These bows were enormous. The arrows went up into the sky and plunged down with massive force nothing could withstand them.

Her forces were annihilated. Within twenty minutes, her forces were down to fifty percent. She quickly yelled to withdraw and they flew back into the gate and went to hold out in the palace. She knew that this was the end. There was no escape.

The walls fell, the gate was opened and Serrens forces flooded through killing anyone who stood in their way.

Pattenia was having flashbacks to the time when she had first taken the crown and faced a violent attack by the war priests of maxis. The walls blew up and they invaded the palace intending to kill her.

It had nearly suceeded and a few last minute acts of heroics saved Serrenina and the herself. But this attack was totally different. For one, the forces facing her was so much greater. By now, there was no question of who was firmly in charge. Serrens forces had taken control of the entire city. Her soldiers marched down the streets, they occupied every inch of the city by now. There was no chance that she could turn this around. Her palace was all that was left, and its forces had largely fallen. She was stuck in this chamber with what remained of her bodygards and her advisers and lords. And most of them expected to die here.

Patetnia sat on her throne, Falconette, Annya, her mother and Actonia behind her, Her lords standing infront and her guards. Elveres her captain of her guard stood waiting for death.

Finally, the doors burst open and Serren marched in with her blazing armor, her helmet and her sword drawn. The enormous hulk of a man, Prince Edwyn stood beside Serren, their women sorceresses were behind them with their eyes blazing with fury and intent. Their knights marched in and took control of the situation. Pattenias guards were quickly overwhelmed and disarmed. In no time, they knelt disarmed with swords at their neck.

The Kings Chamber had fallen. All that was left now was to seize the crown and proclaim a new king. There was nothing she could do to stop it now.

Serren stormed up to the Throne and glared at Pattenia with the most intense hate she had ever seen.

“Sister,? Pattenia said weakly. “I really dont understand what this is. I thought we made peace, I thought you were happy?”

“How can I be happy?” Serren hissed in fury. “You stole everything from me. My life, my sex, even my name, you made calling me by my birth name Prince Serren illegal. You even took my fucking clothes. Yes, you came in that night and had my clothes stolen from me, replaced with dresses and undergarments. Then I saw YOU” Serren pointed at her, “YOU WEARING THEM. YOU SAID THE DRESSES WERE NOT APPROPRIATE TO TRAIN FOR WAR! I remember at the sixteens, when I was so envious of the boys training and competing, and I mentioned I was the best, you said girls cant fight. All while you were doing exactly that betraying everything you said. Then you dare say you were suffering?”

“I was,” Pattenia said tearfully. “I did that to my own brother, I knew what it did to you. It hurt me so much to do that.”

Serren spat. “Please tell me how you, the King wearing the crown you took from me were suffering. I would love to hear how you of all people who had just received everything she ever wanted in life was suffering. If it hurt you, you could have made it okay by restoring me. I knew you could. Despite your lies that it was permanent. You could have but chose not to. I remember your cruelty at our first breakfast together after I finally agreed to meet youl How cruel you were to me. How cruel you were to me after that. Sure, you didnt beat me, have me imprisoned. But changing me, forcing me to acept my new life was more cruel than anything you could have done. Then taking my name my sex and my very freedom of my choice was the cruelest of all. It was much worse than anything else. I realized I had lost my family. They no longer cared at all about me.”

Annya, his mother said weakly, “You are wrong, We all cared a great deal about you. But I wish you could have understand that we had to do this. The situation gave us no choice, you wern’t ready. And we had to have Pattenia because she was the vessel of the goddess. It was her destiny to rule and restore the Goddess. It was all prophesied.”

“IF someone involved me, and taught me about it. I would have helped. But instead, you all destroy me and all conspire to take everything away, even my freedom and have me brutalized and violated.”

Pattenia protested, “That wasn’t our doing!”

“But, you caused it all, making me weak and helpless. You are responsible for it. So now, you must pay.”

Serren marched up to Elveres and ordered him released. Everyone had a sick feeling about what was about to happen.

“How can you call yourself loyal after what you did, Elveres. You saw what happened to me that day. You went along with it all, controlling me, imprisoning me, brutalizing me when I resisted. Following my sisters horrific orders expecting me to just go on after my life was destroyed. Then mocking me for having any problem with it. You committed treason against the crown, the rightful crown that was illegally seized. You, who loyally followed my father all of those years, turned on him and his only son. Thats despicable, and it makes you a traitor.”

Elveres tried to protest as Serren drew his sword and thrust it into Elveres stomach. The bloody point drove out of his back. The large man slumped in Serrens arms and fell back. Serren pulled the sword out and said, “Now, the treason has been paid with blood. So will everyone else who betrayed me.

Then Serren glared hatefully and triumphal at Pattenia. She said with an evil smirk, “Pattenia, I have a gift for you. It was the same gift you, Falconette, Fawna, your friend Denala and Actonia all gave to me so long ago that wrecked my entire life. I want to return the favor. all of you watch. It will be vital for you to understand, Falcnette and the rest of you.

Serreen ignited his power that flowed though his arms and body in golden arches. He sparked in the air. The other Hekatin that Edwyn brought followed Serren as he approached Pattenia chanting the language of the Goddess. Serren loving this, feeling the power of the goddess flowing though her as they approached Pattenia.

Suddenly a sick frightening realization struck Pattenia. Twenty women in all, seeing their power flowing though, their fingers and hair sparking and snapping approached Pattenia. Her own Hekatin were helpless.

This was Serrens job, and she felt all of the womens power being directed at her. It was time for revenge. Pattenia screamed as Serren reached out to touch her hand.

“Serren, please don’t do this, please don’t, I must accomplish my mission. Please think about this.” Pattenia begged helplessly

“Pattenia, fuck you!” Was Serrens response as She chanted the spell.

To Pattenias total horror, she felt her entire body transform before everyones eyes. Pattenias young teenage body began to grow. Her small frame began to grow. Her shoulders widdened, his hips narrowed. Her general size grew by feet. Her thin feminine arms grew massive and her slim feminine muscles bulged out from her body. Her bodys strength increased, the definition of her muscles became much more pronounced. Her chest grew larger, the small breasts retracted behind a large layer of solid muscle. Her legs enlarged. Her face grew, her feminine jaw line straightened in a massive masculine line. Her face exploded in facial hair. She felt a shooting pain though her groin as her internal organs were expelled out of her body, and grew into external male organs. Her ovaries expanded into male testicles hanging from fleshy sacks outside of her body. A large fleshy tube protruded out from between her legs. The process was extremely painful.

Then it was done. She sat there now as a large domineering man, looking much like Serren use to, but larger. She was now around seven feet tall now. Serren smiled triumphantly.

Serren proudly announced, “Now, Olia Falconette, lets be witness Now,” Serren smiled. “That Pattenia is now my elder brother, Patten. By her own edict she ordered her first day, the crown shall be passed to the eldest FEMALE child. The rule of the Shattered Isles belongs to WOMEN. I am the younger SISTER. If you have any honor, you will respect that.”

Then Serren glared at Pattenia and sneered, “Also, your connection with the Goddess is severed. You are no longer her vessel for her restoration. As a male, you have no connection to her. It belongs to me. And we will destroy her.

Pattenia exploded with anger as she rose to draw her fathers sword. Edwyn and even a few of Pattenias own knights moved in ot shield the young woman. Edwyns sword was at Pattenias throat. “No you don’t, you ordered that change and now you must respect it. Oh, and your sex change can’t not be undone. You could have changed Serren any time you wanted. You didn’t and kept lying to him. He found out, but was still helpless as he kept searching for the spell you used. You hid it from him. But, the power I used to transform you can never be undone. Pattenia, you are now a man, and will never again be a woman. You hated being a woman anyway, and hated Serren for being man. Now, you should enjoy this. I will be on my way.”

Pattenia didn’t hate being a woman. She loved it and felt being a woman was better and made her stronger. She simply hated the restrictions that the male dominated society imposed on her for being a woman. She wanted to do adventurous male things that they always do that she wasn’t allowed to. And she hated the restrictive clothes she was forced to wear. This wasn’t what she wanted at all. But neither did Serren like it.

Falconette tried to transform Pattenia back, but failed. There was no way to restore their king.

Most of them knew what they now had to do, but their hekatin was reluctant to do it. They would eventually agree.

“I wont seize the crown like you all did. I want you to give it to me, Falconette, when you realize you have no other options. You will come around. But now, as the acting monarch, Take pattenia to the Dungeon. I will release you after my coronation.”

Edwyn stood in front of Falconette and Fawna. He looked at Serren and then said, “We had an agreement and I want you to honor it. I will honor my part. I will teach you the spell to restore your body. But, I hope you do realize its better as it is now. You can succeed where Pattenia failed. You can become their beloved queen. I don’t think they would see you the same as a man. As Pattenia will see her support fall.”

“I still want my male life back, but I do see your point. It seems the Goddess, fate and the entire world hates me.” Serren said acidly.

“No, they don’t. Its just some do, because of reasons that were never your fault. As for me. I have one request.”

“What,” Serren inquired.

He looked at Falconette. “Make me a woman. Like you did Serren. Serren hated it, and it destroyed him. Thats exactly what I wanted all my life. I had a sister like Pattenia, only she wasn’t anywhere near as cruel. She is adventurous. I helped her train, I took her out to have fun behind our fathers back. All while I envied the life she led. As the beautiful beloved princess.”

falconette laughed uproariously. “You’re kidding right, Edwyn. What. Excuse me, but these women changed Pattenia. If you are serious, why couldn’t they give you want you wanted?”

“It would be inappropriate.” Edwyn said. “Mercia is a male dominated society just like yours. Asking to be changed would destroy my image. That’s why I want you to do it here. Then I can say it was done to me, not my own choice. Do you understand?”

Falconette understand, but still couldn’t comprehend a man wanting to be changed.

Serren knew there was a deal. “Its what Prince Edwyn wants, grant him his wish falconette. Lets do it.”

Edwyn said mostly to himself, “I wonder what Theodora will think of this. He laughed at he felt his body change.

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