Revenge chapter 2


By Julia Michelle

Aisha goes down memory lane in her old house where it all began decades ago. She discusses her history and how she got here, then began making plans with her leader Berna on how to settle some old scores
She ends the chapter purging all of the memories

Chapter 2

Aisha was standing in the living room of her old house. It now looked like it had not been inhabited for more than a decade. This place still held such horrific memories. She just wanted to visit the place one more time. Aisha remembered when they first moved to this enormous house with her family. She didn’t like this new place, but her father had got a large promotion and his job was here. She was only twelve. Her parents never made it here and in his will, he stated that to keep the family together, that leadership of the family and his inheritance went to his oldest brother Ron.

Flashback Allen is twelve years old standing in his own bedroom thinking about everything. This is where it all began. He was on his bed thinking about how unfair his life was at that time, how his parents died and how his siblings hated him. Then His sister came up here after a fight in the living room. She yanked his hair and forced him to apologize. Then she followed him there and beat him into submission and then duct taped up and left him there all night. This was where his horror started.

Allan wonders into the basement where his real horror horror began. He had a brief encounter with craig and he gets mad.Then they dragged him down here where Craig beat him up some more until he was willing to do anything to stop the beating. They briefly discuss forcing him to give Craig a blowjob but make a compromise to pose for pictures. So he has to strip nude and pose for pictures. She takes various humiliating nude photos of him until he agrees to wear lingerie so he isn't nude anymore. It proceeds from there to more humiliating feminine poses. He was thankful when it was over and he could leave. Flashback ends

Aisha is standing in the main living room staring out of the window feeling overwhelmed with the memories flooding her mind. It actually causes her physical pain even thuogh the memories are decades old. They are as powerful in her mind as if they were happening in the present. She knelt on the floor feeling tears rolling down her face and she begins sobbing.

Flashback. Katherine broke up with Craig. Arcadia intervenes and causes Craig to knocked him out. He briefly remembers waking up to an argument between Katherine and Ron in which Katherine presses Ron to allow him to make him into a girl. Ron agrees, he tries to protest but its no use. It is agreed on. He is tied up and told to Wait for Sandra.

Sandra arrives and dresses him in a training bra, panties and nylons. Then she says they are all going to spank him. He tries to resist, but it happens. They all take turns viciously spanking him as hes tied up. End flashback

Aisha remembers that pain very well. She can still feel it on her bottom as the memories of that humiliation flood her present mind. The sorrow and sobbing slowly turn into a cold rage. The rage boils in her as she remembers the torment Allen endured at their hands. The innocent twelve year old boy named Allen.

Aisha is in her old bedroom. There is nothing there but old cobwebs and cracked walls. But the memories are so strong she can almost see it.

Flashback Then Katherine and Sandra take him to his bed, restrain him and blindfold him. He stays there all night. Katherine comes into the room in the morning to wake him up. Allen is taken to a hair salon totally dressed as a girl. He meets Jennifer who another friend of Sandra. Jennifer is a hair styliest and a dominant cruel woman. She does his long hair in a very feminine style. From there, they threaten to force him to date a large gay biker unless he agrees to completely submit to Katherine. He agrees to become Katherines slave. He agrees out of fear. End flashback.

Aisha rage is boiling into a white hot culdren by that time. She promises through her gritted teeth that she will punish Jennifer very seriously. She has long moved out of the area and started a family. That mall has shut down about ten years ago. There’s very little of it left.

Flashback Aisha walks outside to see the pool. Its empty and hasn't been used in over a decade. The memories of her suffering are so strong. She remembers Allen being tied up next to the pool in a bikini, sunning himself and getting a bikini tan.

Later that night, She was taken to her bedroom and tied down. Aisha utter humiliation and horror. Then hes tied up up in his bedroom and told they broke up because she didn’t make him suck Craig off. That would have to be rectified and he does the humiliating thing. To avoid really being hurt. It was one of the most disgusting things he had experienced up to that point. He burst into sobs as he was tied to his bed and left there with the taste and semen on his face all night.

The next morning, Katherine informs him that he will become Katherine’s sissy slave. Not that it hasn't already been made clear, but the restrains she was holding made it very clear. Allen had enough and remembers turning things around, cuffing Katherine and beating her. Ron intervenes and cuffs Him. That was unacceptable. Allen is secured tightly to his bed and left there. End flashback.

Aishas mind is overwhelmed with even more painful and vivid flashbacks of such horror of what her life was about to become after that event, being twelve year old Allen. Or as she was about to become, an enslaved girl Alicia. She collapsed toward the floor again. Her entire body heaving with powerful uncontrollable sobs. Her face becomes a mess of tears.

His brother Ron undid the cuffs that secured him to his bed and took him out to the living room. He left crypt messages that there was someone who was going to take care of him now. That was when he came face to face with a massive woman standing at six feet tall. She was broad shoulders, and he saw large muscles running down her arms and on her chest and legs. This woman looked like she could be a linebacker on a football team. She said she was Donna and that she was hired to teach Him. Then she put a black satin dress over his head and an apron and informed him that he was going to become a sissy slave maid. He turned to his brother begging only to feel a powerful slap across his head that distorted his entire vision and threatened to cause him to collapse into darkness. Donna shouted never to turn his back on him. She talked about curtsying as a slave, and then they discussed his name. He could no longer be Allen. They agreed on Alicia

From there, he was given to Katherine who taught him how to walk like a girl in heels, swaying his hips and being punished when he failed.

Then his days become a daily grind of being whipped by Donna for any reason, and doing endless housework, dishes, vacuuming dusting, washing their clothes and being taunted and humiliated by Katherine and their friends. His days locked indoors only being disrupted by visits by craig to get a blowjob. Or his days with a local boy for actual sex, Jeremy got to actually penetrate him as a girl. Allen, now Alicia got no say. It was punishment for beating her. His life had become such a nightmare at only twelve years old that there were many times he considered committing suicide. Jumping out of the window. Cutting himself with one of the kitchen knives. He never did it because he knew he wold get away from them sometime. And when he did, he promised to return. When he returned, hell would follow him. End Flashback

Aisha was still sobbing on the floor of her old living room where she was enslaved to her family that was supposed to protect her. Her father wrongly thought that Ron was a good guy who could handle the responsibility of caring for him and his sister. Ron couldn’t handle it. He was not equipped to stand up to Katherine dominant personality. Especially with his girlfriend fully behind Katherine against Allen. He was cowed and backed down giving them full control over his life. She slowly regained control over her emotions and stood up. She needed the one she loved and gave Bernia a desperate call for help. Her lover heard the desperation in her voice and came as quick as she could.

Bernia came and embraced Aisha on the floor of the dark living room. Holding her tight. Aisha feel for her from the first time she laid eyes on the woman. Berna was such a fierce woman. She was the leader of her tribe and she rescued Aisha. Aisha was stunned when her home erupted in war. Bernas raiders burst in and rescued all of the captives and executed the men holding him. Aisha was the mans unwilling wife and had been kept there for over four years somewhere in southern Iraq. Berna and a militant tribe of Fatimid's launched a raid there and rescued them.

The road there was long and hard, Aisha was adopted as a member of their tribe and they learned her full story. She willingly fought alongside her new tribe and did what she could to help them. Aisha wanted to preserve her adopted family. They often fought the government forces for independence. They fought the Islamic state that tried to take control of their region of the country. Being a member of the Fatimid tribe often meant constant fighting and war. It was better than being some powerful mans sex slave. Alice fell desperately for Berna and she returned Alice’s affections.

“I cant wait to see Ron fully feminized and married to Jonny. Are you sure he deserves it, Aisha?” Bernia inquired doubtfully. “From what you said, he didn’t do much at all to you.”

“Thats what makes him so guilty.” Aisha said acidly. “He was responsible as being made head of the family and in charge. He was made responsible for Alicias welfare and protection. He did nothing to protect Her, me. He didn’t want to confront my sister or his girlfriend, who had it out for me. He stepped aside and allowed those women to crush that innocent boy. That has to have to cost. I want him to experience what happened to me.”

That made sense. Berna loved Aisha with everything she had. Aisha was such a special woman. but Aisha wasn’t really a woman at all. Not that it mattered anymore. Fate and a hard life transformed her body against her will and this was the life she was fated for. She never considered how that rescue would impact them so much. They rescued many captives and did what they could to integrate them into their tribe. Many of the captives they rescued couldn’t become fighters, so they were sent to safer areas, or moved into the cities where there were resources to help them. Aisha was fated to be a fighter. That was her path, and she was great at it. Aisha was as fierce as any man. She took up the gun and gladly fought for her adopted tribe. Berna had no idea how good Aisha would be. Aisha slowly took charge of military operations. The tribe slowly began to realize her brilliance in leading military campaigns. Aisha had a brilliant tactical mind and was always focused on the end goal of total liberation and their own statehood. She lead the tribe though the worst disasters and double crosses to achieve resounding victory against all odds.

Aisha wanted to come back to the United States to settle some old scores. Berna gladly made the arrangements and moved back with the woman she loved. And here, they could legally and socially be married. There was no restrictions against two women showing affection and legally marrying. Even at home, since those two women held so much power within their society and their tribe, there was little opposition to them showing romantic affection toward eachother. But still, it was frowned upon and they figured they could only take it so far.

Two women showing affection for eachother was no problem in Los Angelis. They fully lived as two loving wives. “So Asiah,” Bernia said as her mind was thinking of their history together. “What will we do next? Whose next on our list?”

Aisha smiled. “Sandra. She was the dominatrix bitch that was dating Ron while I lived with them. They broke up and went their own ways decades ago. She still lives in the area with her submissive. She is part of the BDSM community here. It will be really easy to take her down. Their community has no idea what sick shit Sandra is involved in. She has targeted the young son of a man she is dating, just like she did me. She had targeted several boys for her fetish. All we need to do is expose it to the community, and the police. Then sit back and watch her get tried and sent to prison.”

Aisha smiled and then continued, “Jennifer. The hair stylist who is still Sandra’s friend. Who has done the hair for these victims for her. She will also be easy to take down. I just want them to know who did it. Then we have Arcadia and Cheryl. They were kids my age when it was all happening. I considered forgiving them since they were also children just like me. But no. They are still responsible for a lot of pain I suffered. Arcadia was a friend of my sister. She was a very sadistic girl who took a lot of pleasure in hurting me and my feminization at their hands. How ever, Arcadia lives in Chicago. She has a family now. She lives clean, she isn’t involved with that life anymore. She still has a price to pay. Cheryl how ever, was a cheerleader and a popular girl when I was first signed up as a girl. She found out, it wasn’t hard and exposed me to everyone, and spent the rest of the year tormenting me and she really loved watching Craig target me the way he did. And she loved inviting my so called boyfriend Jerremy to come by. I never understood what delight girls got with that?”

“What,” Bernia asked.

“seeing a dominant man target a submissive man.”

“Me either,” Bernia said. “That must be a thing for your society here.”

“Its not mine anymore,” Aisha protested. “I lived in your culture most of my adult life. We are only here for a little payback. Some long deserved payback. The difficulty will come with my sister Katherine. Mistress Katherine,” Aisha said with acid in her mouth. “As I had to call her. She is a federal prosecutor. A highly corrupt one. She has given many sweet deals to very nasty people. She slept with one pedophile, and he got let off for the rape of a boy. Another woman was let off, and we highly suspect she arranged that technicality that allowed the court to suppress that vital evidence that got her charged dropped. Three boys were abused. And the rumor was that Katherine was sleeping with that woman too. How ever, she is a federal district attorney. She has many powerful friends who are defending her and covering it all up. Taking her down will be very difficult. And when we do, I suspect we will all have large targets on our back. When she goes down, many other very powerful people will go down with her.”

Berna smiled. What many here didn’t know was how totally ruthless Aisha cruelly was. Only she knew that. Aisha was a cold blooded killer. She was as ruthless as they came. Aisha was a merciless force of nature when she set her mind to something. She saw that force at work in their tribe laughing raids on military depots or traffickers. She often wiped out everyone to rescue the captives. Even if they surrendered to her, they received a round in the head. Aisha had no mercy for traffickers at all. She had little mercy for enemy soldiers since most of them were just following orders of their commanders. But Aisha had witnessed the savagery of the government forces against her people. Aisha was enraged and her response was equally as savage. Her enemies here were about to find out how savage Aisha really was.

Aisha began talking on the phone to some of her people. Bernia listened carefully. She knew that Aisha was up to something big. It was huge and Alicia promised that this project would affect the balance of power in the world. It would liberate her people. She still had little idea what it was. It was very secret. She listened carefully.

“Are the new centrifuges operational?” Aisha asked.

“Have you increased mining the ore to the amount I set?” “Good,” Aisha said in totally fluent Fatimid speaking to the man she placed in charge.

“How are the ships, good, one operational. Are they being loaded with the new weapons?” Aisha asked. “Good, remember, the ships must be armed with the special weapons I designed. Each ship will have ten silos. The silos are to be armed with those weapons. And each weapon will have five MIRVs each. Five independent targetable devices each. That’s fifty full operational device that must be built for each ship. We want four more ships built and armed. Thats why I expanded mining and the centrifuges operations so massively. Each device should be between ten and twenty megatons each, they are fusion detonations. I expect it to be done in six months. This will insure our liberation. Even Bashar Assad wont bother us after our demonstration. No one must know until we are ready. We don’t want a Cuba type crises here.”

Their operations were conducted deep into the mountains and the new ships were being constructed under ground.

Bernia still didn’t know what Aisha was doing but she had enormous forces at work on something very secret. Aisha’s brilliance had allowed this. She on her own designed everything, and lead the entire operation for over a year. She knew so far, there were four enormous ships being constructed, and one was already completed, and being loaded with operational weapons. Three more were on the way.

Bernia looked at Aisha trying to figure out what was going on. “I figured out you are building big ships in the new hidden drydocks. Those ships must be massive. But, wont they just be big targets?”

Alshia said, “No. They are very silent, and they are submersible. They have new drive systems that are not detectable by any sonar system. Those are our strategic weapons. Our hunter killers are much more lethal to ships. They will defend our strategic submersibles.”

Aisha figured she would now piece it all together. Bernias mind was racing. Strategic submersible weapons, defended by hunter killers. The massive mining operations in the mountains, and enormous enrichment plants. Arming those big weapons with those devices. Suddenly, Bernia got it. Her eyes popped out wide with panic. “Oh no, Aisha, tell my you didn’t. When they find out, everyone will go apeshit on us. We will become the villains across the world. How could you?”

Aisha bolted up in rage. “We already are!” She yelled in english. “No one cares one IOTA about us, no one in the international community has ever lifted a finger for us. They are always bitching about the poor Palestinians. While our people have been subjected to countless genocides in the last fifteen years. We been gassed, government forces from Iraq to Turkey rounded up tens of thousands of our people, and executed them all and threw them into ditches. No one even rose a finger when the Islamic State occupied us and wiped out every Fatimid and many of the other tribes they could find. Who stood up for us, USA, EUROPEAN UNION. They talked a lot, but no real action to protect us. They all turned their back on us while we suffered. So, its up to us to defend ourself. We will never have the forces to combat the conventional forces of the major powers within our region. We need a bigger weapon to make them respect us. Something massive, deadly and bold. Its the only way we will ever be left alone. When we can destroy them. Yes they will be outraged, but who gives a fuck after what we suffered. Its time to even the game, when we finally enter the world as a nuclear armed superpower. Then, we will get their respect, and fear.”

Bernia sat down trembling.

“Now that thats out of the way, lets talk about our more immediate concerns, Sandra. I have a plan.”

Bernia shook herself out of her concerns and payed attention to Aisha. “What is your plan for Sandra?”

“Sandra is a dominatrix That has a fetish for feminized males and such. So we will join their club and I will be your submissive. You will introduce me as your sissy. And she may want to take me and you will allow it.?”

“What, what?” Bernia said blinking in confusion. “How can I introduce you as male You had the operation and lived female for a long time. She wont believe that.”

Aisha smiled. “For those with the experience, they can tell the difference. They know enough to know a surgical constructed vagina and a previous male body from that which is born as one. She will likely be able to see it in me. It wont be like your tribe. None of them believed me at first when I told him. Most were convinced, but I still think theres some there that think my story is bullshit. They cant believe I was ever male. Sandra will believe it, and think its hot. You convince her that you forced me.”

“DO you think theres a chance she will know its you? You, Allen from when you were young?”

“Not A chance.” Aisha smiled like a wolf hunting its prey. “She wont know until its too late.”

“So whats the point in all of this? Bernia asked. “Dont we have everything we need with your videos and ancient Polaroids of when you were young?

“I don’t think so,” Aisha said sadly. “I think what they did to me past the statute of limitations decades ago. Everything she did to me would be tossed out. It would sure affect her status among her friends. But we want to totally destroy her and send her to prison. So, I will be in her place and I will look around and see if she has kept anything there that I can use against her.”

“But, I will be sending you to her as her slave. She wont be letting you around her house to snoop,” Bernia pointed out. “She will keep a close eye on you, and likely have you secured or locked up.”

“Do you really think she can keep me locked up,” Aisha smiled. “Me, you know me now.|

Bernia smiled back. “Yes, just be careful. Theres always some surprised.”

“IM not a frightened teenager with no skills anymore. I know how to escape secure locations. I did it before. The Iraqis couldn't keep me. Assad couldn’t keep me. I even escaped from Edrogens prisons. Sandra may be lucky if she doesn't die in her sleep. I am very sure the temptation will be very strong just to strangle her where she stands. I just have to remember I want more than her simple death. I want her to go to prison. I want her to to see her world torn apart. I want her to see everything she loves be ripped away like it was ripped away from me.”

“If thats what you want,” Bernia asked. “Then why dont you send her to us.” She smiled. “I am sure theres many in our tribe that would love to get her hands on that bitch. They all know and adore you. You saved them and made them into a united people for the first time in more than a 1000 years. Since Salahudin united them. Send Sandra to them.”

“thats an idea if this fails.”

“And once you expose what she did to you to the public. I seriously doubt there will be anyone who gives a rats ass what you do, or where you send her.”

“I may still consider that,” Aisha says “but now, its time to purge all of the bad memories from this house of horrors. Lets go. I have one more thing to do.

Aisha took out a packet and pulled an iron rod out of its case. . Bernia watched as the rod turned white hot and smoke began filling the air.

Bernias eyes widen in horror. “Is that white phosphorous.” it begins burning the floor and the fire started spreading as they rush out of the house.

“Yes, it is. Now lets get out of here.” By that time, the house had became a raging inferno.

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