
Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 24

Synopsis; Tammy takes Baby Jennie to the cabana out the back of Aunty Cath's place, where they have to change each other's dirty nappies. CAUTION! This chapter contains graphic scenes of scat play and coprophilia. If you are easily offended, please don't read this chapter.
Baby Jennie

The Squad Chapter 6


The Squad: Chapter 6


I dived for the trash can and I vomited into it. I was on my knees, my eyes closed, the acrid, sour smell rose from the can. I convulse again as Dr. Corning opens her door and yells out to bring the nurse. I feel a hand on my back rubbing in a circular motion. She’s trying to soothe me as I break into a cold sweat. I wretch again filling the trash can. She’s resumes rubbing my back softly. I hear the rush of footsteps towards me getting louder. I moan as I begin to cry. “It’s going to be okay.” Dr. Corning says softly. “You’re going to be okay. You don’t have to do any of that anymore. I’ll make sure you won’t have any more interaction with the cheerleading squad or the coaches.”

The Black Ring II

Jack has dual multiple personality disorder where he hears and sees his feminine alter ego, Jill. The two generally work well together but soon have differing romantic priorities in college. Jack wants to date fellow classmate, Maria while Jill wants to cross dress as a woman in public. Their two interests collide resulting in a fight for mental dominance over their gender and romantic partner.

All Was Well

I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet,
The words repeat,
Of peace on Earth, goodwill toward men!

“I’m telling you, Callie, it isn’t a big deal.”

“Are you kidding me, Justine?” My roommate was ecstatic as we trudged up the stairs to our dormitory after a long walk in the winter’s cold.

“You’ve been named prima ballerina! That’s kind of a huge deal!”

Changing Dynamics - 3

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 15

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XV
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

The Beefeater

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

beefeater.jpgWhen Veronica Bottomly catches sight of the page girl at a relative's wedding, she dreams of taking her to bed, something she hasn't done for years. But a little problem thwarts her plan and it looks like it's going to be a miserable Christmas for both of them.


Audience Rating: 




TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Keep the Dreams Alive

All that we see or seem/ is but a dream within a dream...

WINTER comes in upstate New York whether you like it or not. It does not discriminate. It buries the rich and poor and middle-class folks like us in snow like you would not believe. It drives many out of town quickly. Those who stay are True Believers in the power of the area.

My parents were True Believers, unfortunately. Good people, simple people. Their ancestors had settled upstate and never really left.

The Squad Chapter 2


The Squad: Chapter 2


After my first practice, I’m stiff, sore and there are spots on me that hurt like when I was beaten by bullies in Junior High. I’m out of shape and it is apparent I know nothing about cheerleading. Coach Tompkins wouldn’t let up on me. I think she’s determined to make me quit the team. The rest of the girls still hate me. Monica absolutely hates the idea of me on the squad even temporarily.

The Squad Chapter 1


The Squad: Chapter 1


“Give her room!” one of the coaches yells out.
“She’s not moving.” Mutters one girl, Ellie, I think is her name.
“Try not to move her!”, That might have been Dianna.
“Oh S**t!”, that’s me…I'm trying to hide the air horn. I thought it would be an awesome gag to go to the first day the cheerleaders practice their lifts and test out the air horn. Well while they hoist one in the air. Or more precisely when my sister, Amber is in the air. She’s been down for a while. I’m sweating bullets. A couple of her teammates are standing in their practice outfits crying at their fallen teammate. The rest look on with concern.

Breathing...Chapter 4


Mom shudders. “Eeeeeww...Gin’s gross.”

Aunt Chris laughs at her. “That’s a reaction that speaks of a story, you’re so going to tell us right?”

I’m looking at Mom and so’s Terri and Mom’s looking at us and has this look on her face. “ two look so much like you’ve always been sisters.”

I look at Terri and she’s looking at me and she has that looking at me harder like she did before I left.

I step up and hug her. “I’m not sure about so much but I learned that I really want to get to know my sister a lot more…”

She hugs me back and she sniffles. “Me too!...I...I actually missed you when you went away for the summer…”

*And Now…

A Friend in Need

He should never have made the bet. I don’t know a lot, but I know that much. Ethan should never have looked Darren and his posse in the eyes and bet them $20 that he could get a girl to dance with him. He was doomed from the start.

Ethan wasn’t a bad-looking guy - he was just painfully shy. This does not serve you well in the tenth grade. I thought about this as he sat glumly on the bleachers, watching everyone else have a good time.

I’d just got done dancing with a pretty girl when I came and sat down next to him.

Changing Dynamics - 2

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 14

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XIII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

Jacinta, part 2

Over the course of the next few weekends I was given- and took- the opportunity to become Jacinta several times. Despite her own limited storage space, Ophelia (which, by October, was the only name I addressed my friend by) was more than happy to keep 'my' clothes at her house.

She was also happy to wash the clothes for me, especially the underwear- which came as a huge relief to me when I saw that she'd bought me a packet of thongs.

Changing Dynamics - 1

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The tags apply for the entire story, not any particular section.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 22

Please leave a message after you read this chapter telling me what you think? I'm desperate for some feedback from my readers.
Baby Jennie

Synopsis; Baby Jennie can't seem to stop wetting and soiling her nappies. Frustrated with her new baby girl's failure to potty-train, Mummy decides to increase Baby Jennie's infantile status by using the big baby furniture Aunty Cath has put aside.

Chapter 22. Act Like a Baby…

Perfect Partner

A man admits to cross-dressing to his girlfriend while trying to propose. She insists on meeting his alter ego before deciding, and in the end makes her decision on whether she can marry someone who is not representative of the masculine dream.


----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

When a family goes into hiding within the FBI's witness protection program while
awaiting to testify at the trial of a dangerous criminal, they soon find out that
this criminal's friends are desperate and have a long reach. An equally desperate
measure was undertaken to ensure that their family becomes untraceable.

So to complete their new identities and family image,
one of Steve Wilson's two young boys had to become a girl!

Part One

by Arecee

Copyright © 2013 Arecee
All Rights Reserved.

I dedicate this Retro Classic to the author of this story - my close friend and surrogate father, Arecee, who passed away at the beginning of 2016. May your soul find a new and much more enriched and fulfilling life, just the way you would like it. With all of my heart and love...and until we meet again... Sephrena.

Wardrobe Malfunction

Wardrobe Malfunction

“Say Uncle!” The side of my face was pressed against the dirt of the sand box. Billy’s thumb dug into my wrists. The pressure sending the sharp pain radiating up my arm through my elbow. I shrieked like a wounded animal. “That’s not ‘Uncle’… If you want me to let go… All you have to say is ‘Uncle’.” Rex taunts me as he plants his knee in to my back.

“Rex, Billy, you let Brett go this instant!” One of the teachers comes to my aid.

An Unexpected Pastime — Chapter 5

Now with something to do these holidays, Sam and his sisters were going to require a few more leotards.

Once again, I'm sorry about the long delay on this. Along with personal matters, I had felt that I had written myself into a corner for a large length of time. I was previously writing this story as it flowed out from my fingertips, not really having an overall goal for it in mind.

However, I'm pleased to say that I've now planned ahead for the next several chapters. With this, I aim to produce chapters at a much faster pace. Thanks to anyone who stayed with me.

Please let me know of any feedback, be it positive or negative. It's very much appreciated.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 13

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XIII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. -- Tracy

Alexa Chapter 11: The Change Begins

“Merry Christmas babe”

I was unable to speak as I laid there and stared at the beautiful blonde woman before me. Even though it looked like she had been though a war she was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as I tried to convince myself it was all real. A second later I realized it was all true as Jenny left the chair and wrapped her arms around me and placed a huge kiss on my lips. Slowly she broke the kiss and just looked deep into my eyes. “I love you Alexa”

Tyler,Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 8

Tyler Taylor Swop Days - Chapter 8
Julie D Cole

Tyler and Taylor are identical twins but male and female. They both have interests of the opposite sex so have enjoyed swopping identities from time to time and as yet have not been outed.


Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 8

This time we meet up with Chris and the gang several months after the previous episodes have taken place.
It's a simple enough trip but this time...  You might want to recap what's gone before...
Sod's Law comes into play against the reluctant Nena!
Nena: Book 4
Four Star

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2005 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

The Chorister Part 2

Jeff, as Jenny, auditions, and has to buy a gown for the performance. It needs to be altered, and Jenny and Amy asks Jenny's mother for help.

Author’s note. I enjoyed writing The Chorister, and because of the favorable comments, I decided to write a sequel. You may want to read The Chorister, but it is not absolutely necessary

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 12

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XII
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. After a few days at my sister-in-law’s, she decided to turn things up a few notches -- Tracy

Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 7

This time we meet up with Chris and the gang several months after the previous episodes have taken place.
It's a simple enough trip but this time...  You might want to recap what's gone before...
Sod's Law comes into play against the reluctant Nena!
Nena: Book 4
Four Star

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2005 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

It Won't Be Over by Christmas

When his mother dreams that the war won't be over by Christmas, and that he and all the other boys from school will be killed in the trenches, John changes his name to Joan and everything else flows from that.

Author's Note: This story contains non-violent rape, under-age sex, and cross dressing.

Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 6

This time we meet up with Chris and the gang several months after the previous episodes have taken place.
It's a simple enough trip but this time...  You might want to recap what's gone before...
Sod's Law comes into play against the reluctant Nena!
Nena: Book 4
Four Star

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2005 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 11

Sunday Morning Pantyhose XI
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them, and then it was all downhill from there. After a few days at my sister-in-law’s, she decided to turn things up a few notches -- Tracy

Alexa B-Side: #3 - The Holiday Party

This is the first of two Alexa B-Side stories that are from Alexa Chapter 10; Merry Christmas Babe. Both of these stories feature Jenny as the main Character.


Alexa B-Side: The Holiday Party

I will have to admit, as much as I love Alexa, I really did not want to go to the coffee shop’s Holiday Party. First off, any place that has a “Holiday” Party rather than a “Christmas” Party is a little too precious for me. I guess I am just an old-fashioned girl and believes they should be called Christmas Parties.


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