
The Singer

This story was at the request of one of my blog readers who suggested the general plotline. It is NOT sweet, nor sentimental but at the same time is closer to reality.The person who requested it was pleased and that was the whole point of the exercise.

My Pleasures Were (To Say The Least) Undignified

A classic story, extrapolated to modern times. The source material's been done to death, of course. A few have even taken it in the direction this story goes. But none have been terribly faithful to the original, and commercial considerations prevented them from following things to their logical conclusion.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 3

Sunday Morning Pantyhose III
Tracy Davis

Authors note: There have been a number of negative comments about the discussion of some bathroom issues in the stories. Let me address those, as I think they are germane to the story.

Proxy Pregnancy

When five month pregnant cousin Jessica needs a stand in, Joshua is both shocked and exhilarated she should ask him. No self respecting man would take on such a thing, but a cousin in need...


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



The Bridge

The Bridge

By Daphne Xu

Teaser: An old wooden bridge provided a short-cut for generations of schoolchildren walking to school. But now, the bridge is so rickety and rotten that children are warned in no uncertain terms to avoid that bridge.

Sunday Morning Pantyhose Part 1

Sunday Morning Pantyhose
Tracy Davis

This is a true story of how my Mom feminized me as a teenager. She had caught me wearing her pantyhose the summer before seventh grade. I got the surprise of my life the first Sunday of junior high, when she started encouraging me to wear them -- Tracy

Hannah is.. suffering through a long, awkward journey [2.14]

ourIceMain.jpg There's a reason it's called 'driving' you crazy..

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John dragging Sarah to the shops
(despite her protests)
And Hannah gets licked.. repeatedly.

A Pack o' Parodies

None of these parodies are meant to be of the work of specific individuals. I hope none of them seem too meanspirited. Poe's Law may apply. Typos may or may not be intentional.

The Implausible Cheerleader

by: Anastasia Lynn Walker

To think I was a normal boy two days ago... but let me start at the beginning.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 4

synopsis. After spending a day and two nights diapered and dressed like a little girl, Jeremy begins to accept his fate. His mother suspects he might be unnaturally excited by his sissy-baby treatment and threatens to punish him further.

Chapter 4. Caught In The Act

A New Cheerleader part 4

A New Cheerleader 4- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

A Change Of Pace

A Change Of Pace
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Part One: Four Weeks Ago.

There comes a time in everybody’s life, when they have to make a decision. Going through the want ads in yesterday’s Sunday paper, I came across a job opening that just fit my style. See, I was laid off from my position as assistant librarian at our local library. So, I had to find work, do I could pay the bills.

Happy Teen Babies Part 6 The Awaking of Celeste

This story Is truly part of the Little Boy-Girl Universes only if I knew how to link the stories. Little Girl-Boy is also linked to the story as well.

The Summer I could never Forget

I look out of the window of my room, in a senior citizens' home. It's been so long, since I last left the confines of the estate. As I hobble down dimly-lit hallways, past drably uniformed nurses wheeling residents in and out of their rooms, I let my feet take over. A pair of wrinkled, weary feet, aged from the thrills experienced over the course of a lifetime. Amazing how they still work so well- I barely need my stroller at all.

A New Cheerleader part 3

A New Cheerleader 3- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

What a Charming Dress

As I left the shop, Scarlet murmured ‘goodbye’ or maybe it was ‘good buy’. As I walked away I thought ‘what a wonderful, almost magical afternoon.’ I thought about what she had said and promised that I would make some changes in my life.

I wasn’t going to be a downtrodden, feeble excuse for a man any longer. That was for sure.

Heir to a Title - Chapter 17

Heir to a Title Chapter 17

Callie knocked and waited before being ushered in. The Master was standing by the window looking over the quadrangle. He turned thoughtfully.

“Now Denton, I am presuming you were the innocent party in this.”

“Definitely sir.”

“Did he actually touch you – you know make a grab at your clothes?”

“He reached towards my trouser waist sir so I seized his wrist and twisted around.”

“Did you think he was going to try and take your trousers down?”

Happy Teen Babies Part 4 Lonely Girl 2 Jackson discovers Lacey

This chapter takes place at the same time as Davis kids got a new family and started a new life.
Jackson learned a lesson about picking on someone special.

A New Cheerleader part 2

A New Cheerleader part 2- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

A New Cheerleader

A New Cheerleader- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

A New Job Twist Part 9

Saturday at six in the morning we are walking back into Fashionable Inc, hand-in-hand. This time Gerry leads me into the trainee entrance. We walk through my old locker room, then she stops me. I want to show you. Not everyone was able to make a cryx – they never are. Follow me.” We open the door out into the hallway toward the classroom. Instead we enter through the yoga room where twenty others are lined up. Then another very gorgeous lady walks in. “It is time,” she says. “You may enter the observation room.” Then she leaves.

An Eventful Shopping Expedition

An Eventful Shopping Expedition

Hi there, my name is Andrew. Here is a short story in which I recount to you, in as accurate a manner as I can remember, what happened one afternoon on a shopping trip, that turned out to be pretty eventful.

I lived in a small town in the North of England. There wasn't much going on there at all, it was pretty dead as a place really, and there were only a few shops to speak of. Fortunately however, there were two larger towns about 10 miles either side of mine. A short bus journey's ride to either.

Lend Me Your Ears

Imagine that you are enjoying a warm summer afternoon on your back porch. Your mother is at work and your father is out of the picture. Your best friend, Aimee, has left town on a plane to visit relatives and your mutual best friend, Kim, has gone to an isolated, disconnected cabin with her family and wont be back for three weeks. Aimee calls while waiting at Baggage Claim and clearly has something on her mind that's bothering her. You offer to talk to her, but she tells you that it's girl talk and she wishes that she could talk to Kim. What do you do?

Happy Teen Babies Part 2 Lonely Girl "Clair"

Months after the funeral the Stevens got a letter from the court system stating that Clair should live with them the Wills instead. In court Clair Will name was changed to Clair Stevens after Cindy and Jay Sr. showed the courts that they were to be the legal guardians of Clair and not her so called aunts and uncles. Stating that they had no kids close to Clair’s age where they had a son the same age to the day as her. The aunts and uncles tried to get the money and were told that the money was Clair’s now because it was in a trust that she could cash out at twenty-one.

Girl 101 - I want a dress, please, mum.

Girl 101 - I want a dress, please, mum.

I liked girl's clothes - and I was going to learn about them - that was all too clear. Both mum and my friend Gemma and now the headmaster said so. Girl 101 for Boys .... what was going on?
And now .... everything was changing.

A New Job Twist Part 8

We are allowed in through a back door in the nightclub. “This club has a deal with us. We provide security and we often provide women. They will let you in. They will watch out for us. They will get us waters if they know a man is ordering us a drink. Many men will come here, looking for someone like us.” We walk in, both feeling the electricity and sex in the room. Gerry orders us two waters. “Your cryx gives you considerable power over the men. Avoid alcohol when wearing it. It evens the playing field.

Happy Teen Babies Part 1 The Bad News Hits

Clair Wills was a happy child that had it all except for one thing. Was another girl to play games with? She did have a boy named Jay Stevens to play with but he was a boy. She made do with that on rainy days because Jay was stuck inside as well. She had tons of dolls and stuffed animals she only kept a few at the Stevens home. The bulk of her dolls and stuffed animals were at her house. Fifty dolls and over one hundred stuffed animals in all. Jay had one stuffed animal that Clair gave him because she had two that were the same.


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