Twin Swap Chapter 1

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I'm releasing the first chapter of two different stories today, The Play and Twin Swap. I'd like to continue them both but not at the same time so let me know what you think of them and which one you'd rather I write first!

"Well why don't you think about that next time you try to hit on a high schooler?" I say "because I don't want to hear you bitch about how he didn't notice you. Its literally the most annoying thing in the world. I mean its great if you wanna dress like a slut if it means your friends also dress like that but I don't wanna hear you complain for 30 mins after you get rejected by a 16 year old."

"Oh yeah" my sister Jillian shot back, "Well I dont like hearing you bitch about how its not fair that you're still on the B team in 8th grade."

That bitch! Why did she always have to go back to that? She had been bitching about why some sophomore hadn't been into her, a 13 year old, for the past half hour and now she was taking shots at me?

"I should be on the A team! Its total BS! Coach Ratten hates me! I should totally be on the A team!"

"Then why don't you even play on the B team?" she asked.

"Shut up you slut! Why don't you worry about trying to find a guy who will touch your disgusting body. I mean I know your trying really hard but maybe try harder? Or give it a rest? Guys don't like girls who seem thirsty and desperate."

My sister wasn't disgusting but she was a little bigger than me. I was pretty small and skinny for my age but I knew she hated that I had nice cheekbones and a good jawline while her face, while kind of pretty, was a little puffy, which I like reminding her when she gets annoying.


I smirk. "Thats not hard, but I don't try as hard. I'm not making fun of you for trying to get with guys. I'm making fun of you for sucking at it." I laugh "Sucking at it? Get it?"

"Oh my god Tyler you are actually the worst brother ever. I cant believe we're twins."

"Oh me neither" I agree. "I can't believe a good looking dude like me is even related to a desperate, thirsty..."

Suddenly Jillian tried to kick me from across the car.

"Wowwwwww. You're kicking me now. What are you, fucking five years old?" I sneer.

"No, but if I was I'd probably be able to strike you out, B teamer!"

"Shut up you wannabe slut!"


We rode the rest of the way home in silence and we we got home I went straight to my room and Jillian went straight to hers. This wasn't uncommon. We'd basically been fighting since we were little kids and Mom would yell, send us to our rooms, call us down, make us apologize and the cycle would continue. I turned on my PS4 and started playing FIFA. Fucking Jillian. Why did she have to be such a bitch? If she wasn't such an annoying bitch about everything I wouldn't give her a hard time about the fact that she's a desperate wannabe cool girl. It was kind of funny honestly to watch her try to fit in with the fashion crazed girls at school, buying new clothes based on what they bought, saying new stupid white girl phrases based on what they said. She'd always been into dumb stuff like fashion and make up but she'd never been this desperate for popularity. And I knew she hated that most of her friends thought I was cute. I didn't mind Jillian acting like an idiot around her new friends completely because her new friends are all really hot so the more they came to my house the better even if watching Jillian try to be cool was getting pathetic. But at the same time watching her dress like a total slut and get rejected by older guys because she was the ugliest of her friends was kind of satisfying.


I paused the game. It had been over an hour. That was longer than it usually took Mom to get over our fights.

Here it was. We'd have to apologize. Maybe hug. She'd make a comment about how I smelled like axe body spray and I'd whisper bitch into her ear.

When we got downstairs Mom was wearing a strange expression and holding some papers. I sat on the couch and Jillian sat a few feet away from me and we looked up at Mom, waiting.

"I am going to be honest," Mom started. "I love you both very much but I have absolutely had it with you too arguing with each other so I am going to try something new. I don't imagine either of you are going to like it, but hopefully you will emerge with more respect for each other."

I gave Jillian a look. This was odd. I had no idea where Mom was going and Jillian clearly didn't either.

"Basically" Mom said with a deep breath "you two are going to switch places. Jillian, you are going to become Tyler's twin brother. Tyler, you are going to become Jillians twin sister. You are going to wear each others clothes. live in each others rooms, really get a glimpse into each others lives."

I looked over at Jillian and she seemed as horrified as I was.

"These" Mom held up the papers, "are your rules. Jillian you have a packet of rules about being a boy and Tyler you have a packet of rules about being a girl and then there are some rules that apply to you both. My plan is..."

"No" I said suddenly, cutting Mom off.

"What?" she said giving me a look.

"No!" I repeated. "I won't do this! I won't be a girl, I won't do any of that stuff. That's stupid. Can't you just ground us or something."

"Tyler," Mom said in a forced calm "you will do this because I am your mother and I am telling you to. My plan is for it to only be two weeks but if this is difficult I will make it longer. If you don't follow the rules I will make it longer. Each time one of you breaks a rule, I'm adding time to the punishment."

I look at Jillian, hoping she agrees that this is stupid but she's blankly staring into space with a strange look on her face.

"Your actually crazy. There's no way I'm wearing Jillians clothes."

"Tyler, I'm warning you if you don't reel it in I'm going to add time to your punishment."

"Don't you see how nuts you sound? You actually sound like a psycho!" I yell.

"Fine. Tyler, you now have 15 days as a girl, Jillian has 14 as a boy." she smiled slightly. "That should make for an awkward day of sharing clothes but I'm sure you'll manage."

"What?!? Mom! C'mon! Don't be like that! I didn't do anything! Are you actually going to make me wear her clothes. Your going to make your 13 year old son wear your 13 year old daughters slutty outfits?" I asked.

"You need to stop using that word!" Mom said angrily. "That's 16 days, Tyler. Sit down or it'll be 17."

I didn't realize I had stood up in anger. I sat down and glared at Mom.

"So should we go through the rules together" she asked "or should I just give you these and you'll read them on your own? I expect you to follow them starting the moment this little family meeting is over."

"I don't care" I said glumly.

"Why don't we go through them" Mom said. "First the rules for both of you."

She handed us each a packet with a list of rules and the word "Both" at the top.

"First rule" Mom read. "Do not complain. This isn't an idea situation but I expect you to deal with it like a young man and young woman and not like little children. Any questions?" she looked at us and continued. "Second rule: Do not behave like the wrong gender. Jillian, behave like a boy. Tyler, behave like a girl."

Jillian suddenly smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"That shouldn't be too tough for you" she said her smile widening. "You already throw like a girl."

"Jillian, thats another day!" Mom said sternly. "and it brings us to the third rule.
Do not make fun of each other in a non playful or overly mean way. So don't tease Tyler about his girliness, and Tyler, don't tease Jillian about her boyishness."

Jillian was still smiling and it was pissing me off.

"Rule 4" Mom continued "You may only wear your new proper clothing. Do not swap any clothing with each other or anyone else unless I have approved it. Rule 5: Do not buy any clothing without asking me. Rule 6: Do not call each other or ask to be called anything besides Tiffany (or Tiff) for Tyler and Jonathan (or Jon or Johnny) for Jillian."

"Tiff" Jillian snickered.

"Shut up Johnny" I shot back.

"Your name is way worse. But it suits you." she said laughing.

"Seriously, I don't want to hear you guys calling each other your real names. Even when I'm not around please use these names." Mom said.

"Fine with me, is it fine with you, Tiffany" Jillian said looking at me. I said nothing.

"Last both rule," Mom said raising her voice slightly "Rule 7: You must completely swap rooms. The room that is painted blue will now be Jonathan's room and the room that is painted pink will of course be Tiffany's room. Now we have the specific rules. Why don't I start with yours Tiffany because you do have quite a few more."

I was still wrapping my head around what was happening and being called Tiffany was jarring.

"Ok Tiffany, first rule. You must do your makeup every day before going out." I started to say something but she cut me off. "No exceptions young lady. I'll help you tomorrow morning but in a few days I want you to be able to do it yourself. This includes your wig. I bought you one. If you would rather get hair extensions we can talk about that. Rule two, You must wear a bra every day unless not appropriate with your outfit. And going with that is rule three, you must wear your breast forms every day and at all times. I bought you some falsies that should be very comfortable."

I was stunned, completely bowled over by my moms dense explanations of her rules of my punishment. At this point I realized Jillian shaking in silent laughter. I reddened slightly.

Mom continued. "Rule four, you must shave your legs, underarms and any other body hair."

"You know what" I interjected noticing Jillian laughing even harder, "Why don't I read the rest on my own."

"Ok sweety. Go up to your room if you like." she gave me a look. "You know which one that is right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, the girly one."

"Good girl!" she said. Here is your wig, and a few other things you'll need." she said handing me a shopping bag. "And Tiffany, I expect you to be changed into your pajamas in 20 minutes, otherwise I'm adding two extra weeks. Understood?"

I roll my eyes but nod.

"That includes panties" Mom said as I turned to leave.

"Bye sis" I hear Jillian call as I trudge out of the room and up the stairs and into my new room.

Jillians room is a strange mixture of a little girls room and a teenage girls room. She still has the bright pink walls and princessy bed frame that she grew up with, with a frilly canopy hanging over it, but the walls are covered in posters of Justin Bieber and the members of OneDirection. She has a large vanity with a ton of make up and nail polish in front of the mirror and a large pale pink dresser in addition to the large walk in closet. Mom always joked that she gave me the slightly bigger room and Jillian the room with the much bigger closet. Our rooms are connected by a bathroom in the middle, so apart from that they're virtually the same in terms of size. I sat down on the pink bed spread and red the rest of the rules which only made things worse.

Rule 7: you are not allowed under any circumstance to be alone with a boy in your room.

Was I going to have to hang out with Jillian to hang out with my friends? Or hang out with other girls? SHIT! What would my friends say?

Rule 13: you must go to sleep in one of your slips, nightgowns or robes.

That means I can't just wear her shorts or pants to sleep. Shit.

Rule 24: You must always use the ladies bathroom.

Is that exciting or awkward?

Rule 25: You must always sit when you pee.


Rule 30: When leaving the shower you must hold your towel like a girl (covering your breasts)

What a weird and specific rule. Did she think of everything?

Rule 34: You must wear womens deodorant.

I was really starting to lose it now.

Rule 46: When walking home at night you must be with either a group of 3 (with 2 other girls or a girl and a boy) or more, or with a boy.

That was odd. She was ok with a boy walking me home but I couldn't be alone with one in my room. Why did I even need to be walked home? I suddenly realized this rule would only matter if I went out as a girl which I did not plan on doing.

All in all mom wrote 57 rules for me. Afer I finished I turned the page and found 6 "boy rules" for Jillian.

"MOM!" I yelled, storming out of the room, down the stairs and back into the living room where Jillian no longer was and Mom sat watching TV. "How do I have 57 rules and Jillian only has 6?"

"Being a girl is hard work" she said giving me a slight smile. "Being a boy is easier. She's not too happy with me either. I just gave her a hair cut."

I smiled for a second but then remembered the situation.

"Honestly, do I really have to do all these fucking things?" I ask.

"Yes" she said giving me a look. "And its not lady like to swear. Thats another day. And if your not changed in 3 minutes that's 14 more."

I angrily turned around and stormed back up to my new room. I opened a few drawers before finding Jillians panty drawer. She seemed to only have brightly colored panties and they were all arranged neatly by color. I took a pair of light blue panties only to realize it was a thong and quickly put it back. I tried again with a sizable looking pair of pale pink panties that I knew would cover my butt cheeks. Resigned, I took off my joggers and boxers and put on the panties. They were comfortable and soft but I felt stupid. I searched her drawers a little more before finding a lacy pink baby doll nighty. I sighed, took off my shirt, and slipped it on. I placed the wig on my head and looked at myself. I did look kinda like a girl. Very soft and fragile and vulnerable. Slightly hesitantly I opened the bathroom door and walked in.

Jillian was in the bathroom, as I thought she might be, brushing her teeth. She was wearing a black, Adidas t-shirt of mine and blue plaid pajama pants. Her hair was much shorter and while it still had a slightly feminine flow to it, she did look like a boy. I stood still for a second as she turned to look at me.

She looked me up and down and I looked back at her, both of us humiliated, her short haired and dressed down, me sporting a wig and pink lace suddenly aware that my shoulders and legs have almost never been this exposed before.

"You look good" she said somewhat awkwardly. "You look pretty. Honestly, better than I would have expected."

"You too" I said stiffly. "The haircuts not too bad."

"Thanks" she said pausing before adding "Tiffany."

There was an awkward lull before I decided to swallow my pride a little more.

"Hey, um where are your razors, you know for shaving my legs and stuff." I said hating myself for the words that were coming out of my mouth

She gave a slight chuckle. "Of course." She opened a cabinet and handing me razors and shaving gel. "Gotta get your legs looking flawless, sis?" she said smiling.

I blushed. "You know it." I said with a glum smile. "Gotta follow rule 4."

"If I could give you a recommendation," she said "Shaving's a lot easier with a bath."

"Oh ok" I said. I hadn't thought about that and when she was done in the bathroom I ran a bath and hopped in the tub for the first time in years. I took a deep breath and started dragging the razor across my legs. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. When I was done I moved on to my armpits and even ran the razor over my butt cheeks and above my crotch. I no longer had any body hair. I felt strange and smooth but oddly accomplished. There was something exciting about slipping on the nighty back on over my hairless body but catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom made the humiliation of the situation return.

I walked back into my new room and got under the pink bed spread and put my head among my sisters Justin Bieber pillows. As odd as it was to see his face next to me as I tried to sleep the pillows were comfortable. I tried not to think about the dreadful 16 days that were in front of me. This weekend would be bad but what about when I had to go back to school on Monday? How would I explain this to my friends? And what did Jillian mean when she said I looked pretty? Was she mocking me or genuinely trying to be nice?

I tried to put it out my mind and focus on trying to sleep but it was difficult. Sleeping in Jillians bed was just hard to get used to. I didn't even have my teddy bear, not that I'd used it and brought it everywhere the way I did when I was like 3 but I'd always kept it on my bed and having it there helped me sleep sometimes when I couldn't. Reluctantly I settled for cuddling up with one of Jillians Bieber pillows.

"Tiffany wake up!"

My 16 days of hell had started.

Again let me know if you'd rather see this story or my other new story "The Play" get chapter two first.


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