Twin Swap Epilogue

Here's the end of Twin Swap now updated with an illustration by Kylene Devlin! Hope you enjoy! Leave a comment!

Betsy Epilogue

It's hard to believe its been almost a year since I first made Tyler and Jillian switch places. A lot has happened since then. 10 years ago I had a husband, a son and a daughter and I was happy. Now I have a different husband, different son (and 3 steps sons who are like sons to me) and a different daughter and I'm happy. Yes, both of my kids are on hormones, but something bigger happened. Let's talk about me for a second.

The biggest thing, was that I married Robert. We fell pretty deep in love really quick and it was really easy to see him a lot with Adam and Jonathans soccer schedules. We got to know each other really fast and he purposed to me in April, just seven months after we met, and we got married in July. Honestly, we spent so much time together that winter I was surprised he didn't propose sooner. It wasn't a massive wedding, we'd both been married before and didn't feel the need to make a big thing of it, but all of our important family and friends were there. It was adorable to see Jonathan, Adam, Mason and Eli and dressed in matching suits as Roberts groomsmen. And of course Tyler was my maid of honor (my sister did it at my first wedding so she didn't mind) and Tyler chose a lovely short, pink, v-necked bridesmaid dress that all my bridesmaids adored.

The wedding was lovely. I realized when watching the photo montage that my sister made for us that most people watching probably thought the pictures of me with young Tyler at his soccer games and such were Jonathan and the pictures of me with young Jillian play dress up were Tiffany. There had never been a strong resemblance when they were growing up but now, although slight, it was there.

I'm more in love with Robert than I ever have been and I fall more in love with him everyday. After Steve, my first husband and Tyler and Jillians father, died I thought I'd never marry again but I am so glad I did. Robert makes my life so much brighter and happier with his intelligence, kindness, compassion, and sense of humor. He is also a truly terrific father, not just to his boys, but to my kids as well. He cares about all five of them so deeply and I'm always impressed with how sweetly he interacts with them. Because he works from home, he's able to go to almost everyone of our kids sports games. He not only goes to everyone of the boys soccer games but to all of Tyler's volleyball games, which means a lot to her. The fact that he managed to go to every singe one of our 5 kids games in every season (unless they conflicted which each other as they often did) amazed me, but that's who he is.

We bought a house together shortly after the wedding but spent most of the summer renovating. Robert and the boys had moved into our house (because it was larger) shortly before he purposed, but we knew we had to found a new house for our new, larger, 7 person family to live it because it was a little tight at our house. Mason and Eli shared our guest room while Adam and Jonathan shared Tyler's room which turned out to be a good thing because they enjoyed it so much they decided they wanted to keep sharing a room in the new house. There was also some conflict between Tiffany and the boys about sharing a bathroom which isn't a problem in the new house because it has 8 bathrooms. Adam and Jonathan have their broey room on one side and Tiffany has her pink room, which is pretty much exactly Tiffany's old room down to the posters, (albeit mixed in with some of Tylers old LeBron posters, some new posters of shirtless guys Tyler finds dreamy, and hundreds of pictures of Tyler and Scott) but almost twice the size. And giant bedrooms aren't the half of it. Robert and his wife had kept their finances separate and when she died she had left him everything but he hadn't spent any of it... until now. So that, combined with the fact that Peter promoted me to partner, is how we got a massive 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom house with a pool, tennis court, massive TV room and among many other rooms we don't use as much, my favorite part a massive, beautiful kitchen. It's not exactly my bosses house but its more than we need.

When we first moved into the new house we had a big house warming party. Tyler spent a while doing her make up but when she finally got downstairs dressed in a very short white sundress sundress I saw my bosses son, Thomas's eyes almost popped out of his head but I noticed his face fall when she made a bee line for her boyfriend, planted a kiss on his lips, and positioned herself on his lap, where she stayed for the majority of the party. After seeing this Thomas wisely decided to spend the day with Adam and Jonathan.

Jonathan is really thriving in his new life as a boy, so much so that its hard to believe he was ever a girl. He's a real boys boy. He loves sports (he both played basketball in the winter and ran track in the spring) and has become quite popular with the ladies. I've watched both him and Adam show girls out of the house late at night but never seen one spend the night, yet. Him and Adam have become as close as can be and are often nearly inseparable, even more so now that they go to the same high school. They walk to school together, have 4 of the same classes, play on all the same teams and sleep in the same room. If that's not brotherly love, what is? They're friendship reminds me, in a good way of Tyler and Scott's before, Tyler became Tiffany.

He also loves his (step) brothers, not just Adam, but his younger brothers, Mason and Eli who really look up to him. Adam and Jonathan often play with Mason and Eli in our new yard and I can never resist trying to take as many pictures as I can.

While he's now far from the girl he once was and now very similar to Tyler in some ways, he's still himself in others. For one, he's still neat, way neater than Tyler, who's clothe are always all over her room. But on a more substantial level, while he's less uptight than he was as a girl, he's still not the type that can sit around and do nothing all weekend. He started volunteering to be an as assistant coach on the twins soccer team and the kids love him. He also started taking a woodworking class (which I love because he makes us random things for the house) and even likes to go fishing on the weekends, to my husbands delight. The two of them will often wake up at 7am on a Saturday, while everyone else in the house is sleeping and go fishing.

Tyler was a little different from Jonathan in that he never had a moment where he announced that he was officially a girl but there came a point where he was doing girly things I didn't ask him to do and when we got to March, what would have been the end of his punishment, he had just naturally become a female and while there was no one moment, there were a few that were almost as good.

There was the moment he changed her name relationship status to "in a relationship with Scott Kingsley" and changed her name on FaceBook to "Tiffany Bauer." There was the moment she asked me to take her bra shopping or when she asked to get her ears pierced. There was the moment she asked me to join the girls basketball team. There was the moment where I suggested a haircut after she had been growing her hair for months and her face fell. I generally think of the moments where, with Scott's help she once again started being social. I saw her leaving one night and asked where she was going and she said "to Jessica's house" and I smiled, elated, but knowing better than to make a big deal of it.

It can be hard for Tyler, being the only girl in the house, besides me. She's very happy as a girl but in moments she still misses being a boy sometimes. Sometimes when at home, she'll ask us to call her Tyler which we do sometimes to humor her (and is the reason I'm calling her both in this epilogue), even though the real boys give her a hard time when she tries to do this. Even when she asks to be called Tyler, she rarely tries to "act like a boy" and when she does she seems uncomfortable and the real boys give her a hard time. But for as much as they give her a hard time, the boys are also very protective of her. Jonathan got into a confrontation with one of the moving guys when he overheard the guy say Tiffany had a nice butt and I'm not sure I've ever been prouder of him. And its not just Adam and Jonathan who are protective of her. One morning when Mason and Eli had a friend over, Tyler woke up late and came downstairs in a rather slinky nighty. "She's so hot" the twins' 11 year old buddy had said only to get a dirty look from Eli. "That's my sister and she has a boyfriend!" he said with disgust. But the fact that she has her three brothers and boyfriend looking after her isn't the only reason Tyler is enjoying life as a female.

For one, she may be a girl but she's still obsessed with sports and she is a much better athlete as a girl. Volleyball was a great experience for her and really got her out of her shell. She also played basketball, one of her favorite sports, in the winter, and while she's not the best girl on the team, she is probably the third or fourth best and it means a lot to her to have meaningful playing time. I realized, that's all she ever wanted from sports. A part of me thinks if she knew she'd get meaningful playing time on the girls team she would have grown her hair, thrown on a sports bra years earlier. She went out for field hockey but after taking a nasty fall at the tryout decided that it wasn't for her.

She's also improved socially. Virtually everyone at school has accepted my son as a girl and she has just as many friends as she did in her days as a popular boy. Gone are the days where she'd come home and read Twilight in her room before cooking us dinner. She now has a close circle of gal pals who are constantly at the house and don't think of Tiffany as anything but one of the girls. Many of her closest friends are her volleyball girls, who often come over to sleepover (which the boys certainly don't mind) and play volleyball in the yard. Scott even helped her fix things up with her old guy friends who deserted her. She still hangs out with the boys about once a week, doing mostly stuff her and Scott do anyway (video games, god knows what else) and she loves it. I dont mind my daughter hanging out with a group of teenage boys because while Tyler is small, pretty, and easily taken advantage of, I know Scott would never let them do anything to her and I know it means a lot to her.

Tiffany also still does some of Jillian's old activities. She still goes to Zumba and jewelry making, and babysits for the Graynors. She was going to keep the YouTube channel going, but ran out of ideas and changed the concept a bit. Instead of make up tips, its now mostly videos of Tiffany and Scott or Tiffany and her friends at the mall, or Tiffany and her friends hanging out or Tiffany singing and dancing in her room. She still cooks dinner about once a week, but doesn't do it nearly as much as she did during the punishment, which I think is for the best.

And then there is Scott. Me and Steve met his parents when we moved into our house old house when I was pregnant so I'd known the kid since he was a baby and I'd always known he was a good kid. There was always a part of me that was always proud of Tyler for, despite his bone headedness, choosing such a nice boy to be his best friend, even if Scott sometimes reflected my sons lovable stupidity. While I loved Tyler, I didn't always trust him to stay out of trouble, but I always knew that Scott had the sense to make sure they didn't get up to anything too troublesome. But I could never have foreseen what an angel Scott has been for Tyler these past few months.

Scott has been a truly supportive and kind boyfriend to her. Tyler and Scott still do a lot of the same things they did together as boys but they do a lot more cuddling and flirting. He was there for her throughout her transition but hasn't put any pressure on her to transition faster. Most boys, I think, would see Tiffany from across the room and be interested, but if they found out who she was, would have no interest. Scott doesn't care. He loves her for her and that love and support is a huge part of why she eventually got comfortable being a girl kind. Because he knows her so well has known exactly how to deal with her when she would get worked up. Scott also encouraged her to open up to other girls the way she has. The mere fact that Scott is dating her gives her some cred as a girl at school. I even allow Tyler to sleep over at Scott's house as long as she sleeps in Hannah's room and Tyler and Hannah have actually really bonded because of it. I joke with them that when Tyler turns 15 I'll let her sleepover in Scott's room as long as he promises to keep his pants on in bed which makes Tyler blush but makes me laugh.

As I said, they've both started hormone treatment. Johnny's shoulders have broadened slightly but the main changes are his voice has gained a boyish rasp and he's gotten hair fast. He now has very hairy legs, hairier than Tyler's ever were, and is absurdly proud of his armpit hair, while Tiffany, her legs and armpits still perfectly smooth, has started to develop breasts. She's done away with the fake breasts and now wears a bra as a necessity.

The kids just started school again. Mason and Eli just started 5th grade and are on their first school soccer team and are undefeated thus far. Tiffany, Jonathan and Adam have all just started HS and its going well so far. Jonathan and Adam are thrilled to be going to the same school and are enjoying the freedom and more developed girls of high school. They also both made Varsity soccer as freshmen so they are both quite the studs apparently. Tyler made girls JV volleyball, which was disappointing because she was hoping to make varsity but works out well because due to the light practice schedule she can also be a cheerleader and support Scott, who made Varsity football as a freshmen.

Its funny. I kind of think that Tyler has become a less stressed and type A version of the pretty, popular girl Jillian always wanted to be while Jonathan has become a a much more pleasant more athletic version of the boy Tyler always thought he was. It's sometimes impossible to not smile when I hear Jonathan say things like "bro" and calling girls "dimes" while Tiffany says she has to go fix her make up.

Lastly, I just told the kids yesterday, I'm pregnant again. Robert and I couldn't possibly be more excited. The doctors don't know if its a boy or a girl yet, but I honestly don't care. As long as I have my boys, my girl, and my man, I'm happy. That said, if its a boy, I'm sure he'll love growing up in our testosterone fueled house but if its a girl. Well. I know a girl who's dying for a little sister sister.


Jonathan Epilogue

I gotta be honest, now that I'm a boy I have no idea how I ever lived as a girl. Being a guy is the best.

I never have to wake up early to do my hair. It just looks great when I wake up. I don't feel anywhere near as self conscious about what I wear now. I just wear what I like and what's comfortable. Best of all, guy friendships are better than girl friendships. The connection I have with my boys is so much better than any of the friendships I had with the girls I tried to impress when I was a girl.

Things are great for me. Mom and Robert got married so Adam and his brothers moved into our house. Me and Adam shared my room and we liked it so much we told Mom and Robert we wanted to share a room in the new house. The only downside to sharing a room was we had to share a bathroom with Tiffany. She was always leaving her hair products, her moisturizers, her make up out and then she'd complain like a little bitch about the smell. My brother, who used to intentionally fart in the car when we were little to gross me out, would come into our room in her little nightgowns and whine "the bathroom stinks and why is the toilet clogged again?" Plus the lock on our side of the bathroom broke so we were always accidentally walking in on Tiff on the toilet or Tiff shaving her legs or Tiff playing with her developing tits in the mirror. She hated it but I thought it was kind of funny and that's how I know that she, pees sitting down (as she should), is eager for her boobs to come in (most girls are), and has a penis about the size of mine (and I don't have one yet.)

I am on hormones and feel great. I feel stronger, faster and more athletic, My voice has changed and I've got a bunch of leg hair and even some armpit hair!

Anyway, now me and Adam have our own room and our own bathroom. We even got the biggest room, which Mom and Robert were gonna give to Tiffany, but her room has a bigger balcony and a bigger bathroom and even though we're not right near her anymore, we can still hear her singing when she dances around her room singing Taylor Swift. I love our new house. We have a screen room, a tennis court, a small home gym with a few weights and a treadmill, a game room like Carter and Gabe have, and even a man cave with a couch and TV that Mom and Tiffany aren't allowed in to (Tiffany sometimes gets kind of pissy about it.) But the best part of the new house is the huge yard. Me, Adam, Mason and Eli all play football and soccer in the yard a bunch. Tiffany tries to play sometimes and we let her but don't go too hard when she does so we don't hurt her.

Just generally having a house full of other boys is great. Robert is a great guy. He's made my mom really happy and I love hanging out with him. He taught me how to fish so some mornings we wake up early and hit the water. I also love having little brothers more than I'd ever imagined. Mason and Eli are both really great kids. I even started assistant coaching their soccer team.

Me and Adam have gotten really close. He's my brother and my best friend. It's like everyone's dream. Our soccer team won almost won it all last year but lost in the finals. Now we don't play on Tyler's old travel team anymore because we play for school. We both made varsity as freshmen. Soccers my main sport but I'm also looking forward to basketball season. I started playing basketball after soccer season ended last year and I'm actually really good at it. I took Tyler's old spot on the team and all the guys said I'm much better than she was. I think I actually have a chance to make varsity which would be extra great because Tyler's a cheerleader and I'd love to see him cheer for me at the basketball games.

Which brings me to Tyler, or Tiffany as she's now known. She's a total girl. She acts like a girl, walks like a girl and talks like a girl. How much of a girl is she? Well, her yearbook superlative was "most ditzy" because I made the yearbook committee change it from "most likely to open a lingerie shop" (a joke about her tendency to wear brightly colored bras, because like i said she has tits now, that are clearly visible through her shirts, that the boys in yearbook all thought was hilarious) and she happily came in to be photographed for the superlative making a "ditzy" face and while laying across three boys.

She's still dating Scott and is really in love with him. She sits in his lap so much that for our birthday I bought her a pair of booty shorts with "property of Scott" written across the butt. She actually wears them too! To mess with her a few weeks ago I told her he told me he thought another girl was cute and in true girl form she flew off the handle worrying that he was cheating on her until I told her I was joking. He did pretty well on the girls volleyball team and tried out this year and made the girls HS JV team, which is why she has time to also be a cheerleader. I guess if she makes varsity basketball she wouldn't be a cheerleader for me but I don't think that's going to happen.

The nice thing about having a twin sister is her hot friends are always coming over to the house. I've hooked up with 4 of her friends and I'm pretty sure she only knows about two of them.

Sometimes she acts like she wants to still be a boy and asks if we'll call her Tyler which we do, but not cause she's boyish. When she gets really bent out of shape about trying to show she can still be somewhat manly (which she cant) I call it her time of the month because it happens about as often as her period would. Its funny cause she's still Tyler under the make up and will sometimes do boyish things. Like her dream date is just sitting in Scott's lap playing Maddden. And she still likes boyish shows and movies but when asked she seems almost embarrassed about it. The other day she burped really loud and gave a dumb smile like Tyler would but when he saw me looking he blushed. Its almost the reverse of when she was embarrassed about her girly habits when Mom first made us swap. And when she tries to be guyish to prove to herself she still can its so forced and about things she never used to care about as a guy like cars. She's literally just my dumb brother as a dumb girl. Now, instead of giving him a football or basketball to entertain him or cheer him up when hes down, you just have to give him a make up kit or cute strapless minidress. If it ever gets out of hand I tell her to put her robe on and I give her the old at home spa treatment because she's my sister and I love her and I'm the worlds best brother and that always calms her down and leaves her feeling happy and feminine.

That said Me and Adam mess with Tiffany so much. We tease her for everything from her outfits to her voice, make fun of her prissyness and the fact that her and Scott are constantly all over each other, fart in front of her just to see her react and call us gross, and tease her for her YouTube videos, but we don't let anyone fuck with her at school. Only we get to fuck with our sister. She's a good sport and kind of gets it but reacts like any teenage girl would.I feel kind of protective of her honestly, not that I have to worry much because she's almost always with Scott but I still like to make sure she's ok. I don't think her and Scott have fucked yet, but wouldn't be shocked if they had. I'm sure she's blown him.

Lastly, besides the 4 of Tiffany's friends I've hooked up with 6 total girls since becoming a guy but I don't really wanna have a girlfriend. I'd rather just have fun and Adam is a great wing man. I honestly feel like I'm finally living the life I wanted to live, and all because Tyler used to be a little dickhead.


Tiffany Epilogue

My last few months have been honestly so crazy.

I'm kind of a girl now but its ok. Last school year actually wasn't bad at all. I actually really loved being on the volleyball team. We had a really great season (even though coach Avery calls me Little Tiffany) and I made some really good friends. Me and Jessica are like best friends now, we hang out all the time and she's really helped me adjust and made it a lot of fun for me. It turns out being a girl is more fun when you have friends. We're both on the JV volleyball team now which at first really bummed me out because I wanted to make varsity, but then Jessica talked me into becoming a cheerleader with her (which I couldn't had done on the Varsity team because of the practice schedule) which works well because Scott is on the football team. It's actually been really fun. The girls are really nice and I kind of like the outfit. There are all kinds of cool cheerleader traditions that I didn't even know about. Like before one home game the players girlfriends wear their jerseys at school, and before another I decorated Scott's locker the day before the game. Next week each cheerleader is getting escorted out on the field by one of the players and I'm really looking forward to it. The other cool thing is those fifth graders I sat with that one day at lunch when I was hiding from Scott have really taken a liking to me and really look up to me. Its cool to have a group of people who look up to you so I try to eat lunch with them at least once a week. Its always really fun. We talk about boys and clothes and TV shows and stuff just like I do with my real friends but they listen to every word I say with crazy enthusiasm. They're in 6th grade now and I realized I'm a lot more like a 6th grade girl than a 9th grade girl in a lot of ways. I didn't have those middle school years where you find your footing with boys and start generating your own fashion sense so its almost like I'm having those years through them and thats fun. I love how they look up to me. And their friend Nate has a huge crush on me which is kind of sweet. For my birthday he gave me a coupon for a free hug and kiss from him and for his birthday I used it, and let him kiss me on the cheek. I even gave him a cheek peck back. It made his day.

I'm also really looking forward to basketball season. After volleyball season ended, I played for the girls basketball team and had my best season yet. I wasn't the top scorer but I was one of the best players on the team and started every game. I've been working really hard to get ready for this season. Scott, Jonathan and Adam have all been helping me practice. I even almost beat Jonathan in 1 on 1. Scott thinks I really have a chance to make girls varsity as a freshmen and if not I'll make it next year. I'm easily one of the best girls in the grade at basketball but I'm a little undersized.

Robert came to all of my games. He's a really nice guy so I was really happy when Mom and Robert said they were getting married. We spent Christmas with them and I kinda realized they were gonna get married then. Robert is a great step dad. He comes to all my games and has actually taught me a lot about cooking. I really started to enjoy cooking and even though I'm way busier than I used to be, I still try to cook dinner for everyone once in a while. The boys LOVE my cooking. Its fun having them as step brothers even though they had no idea what to get me for my birthday so they all got me Justin Bieber stuff (concert tickets from Robert, another poster from Adam, a t-shirt from the twins.) Scott took me to the concert and it was really fun (Scott by the way got me an necklace with our names engraved on it.)

Mom and Robert got married this summer and that was really cool. Mom chose me as her maid of honor which means I got to chose so much stuff with her including the bridesmaid dresses. I chose these really nice pink ones that went great with my favorite shade of nail polish. The wedding was really beautiful and Mom looked amazing. Scott and I even slow danced for the first time and theres this really amazing picture of me and Scott dancing where I look amazing and he looks so hot. Its my profile pic now and has like 300 likes.

Mom is a lot more laid back now. I think she's a lot happier. We moved into a new house with Robert and the boys and its really exciting. Its massive, its 3 floors plus a basement and has like 100 rooms. My new room is so nice. Its decorated a lot like my old one (Jillians room) but its bigger, has a TV and a new PS4 (Mom got me a new one), a few of my old boy things (I like that my room has some of my old stuff), and a balcony. Plus I have a wall covered in pictures of me and Scott! Plus I have my own bathroom with a huge bathtub with jets!!! I kind of have a fantasy about taking a bath with Scott, leaning back onto his shirtless chest in the warm water, but Mom isnt ready for that and would freak out if I did that, I'm not sure Scott would even want that until I'm really a girl. But when the time is right, we could have a really romantic soak in my new bathtub.

The other exciting thing is I've really grown Jillians old YouTube channel and have almost a million subscribers. He made a video with me where he officially gave the channel to me and said goodbye to his followers and I took over. At first I did the same stuff she used to do but then I got bored with it and started doing more vlogging. I still do some fashion and make up videos. I have a series of makeover videos where I make over my friends and family. I've done makeovers of the guys in my life which is really fun. My video dressing Adam up like a girl, which he was a really good sport about, got him so many comments from girls who thought he was cute. He rocked the outfits and looked kinda pretty he still looked like a dude with girly stuff on. On top of that my video make over of Mason and Eli reached 2 million views (probably because they're adorable.) I've also posted a few videos of me singing. I kind of like singing but I never wanted to tell anyone but I was sleeping over at Jessica's one day and I was in the shower and she heard me singing and was like "you have such a pretty voice" and convinced me to post a few videos of me singing which have all gone really well. But mostly I post videos of me and my friends goofing around or me and Scott together. My subscribers LOVE Scott. My favorite video is this video of me and Scott reenacting a Taylor Swift music video. He didn't want to do it at first but I'm so glad he did. Its so cute.

Me and Scott are still together and stronger than ever. I know I'm still young but I love him so much. Lots of guys would probably have thought it was weird if their best friend was in my position but Scott has literally been so supportive. He's really helped me feel more happy and confident in myself. We still hang out and play video games and play sports and mess around the way we did as boys. Its just now I care about looking cute around him too (even though he's seen me looking so ugly and doesn't care.) I'm glad our relationship hasn't changed but just grown. Its made the whole thing easier to have him has my "bro" while we've become a couple, and we are a couple, even if we act like bros sometimes.

Speaking of bros I still hang out with him and the guys sometimes and while its a little different and I have to deal with all the "whats it like to have tits?" and "can I touch em" questions, I'm glad my guy friends don't think I'm a weirdo, and Scott had a lot to do with that. They even came to a few of my volleyball games which was really sweet. I'm definitely the girl of the group but they don't even really treat me differently. I'm honestly surprised Scott wasn't concerned they'd think he was a freak for dating me but they don't. They don't think of him differently at all and they just think of me as a cool girl.

Being a couple is fun. I'm not that high maintenance a girlfriend but Scott takes me out a good amount. While I like getting dressed up and pretty every once in a while, I honestly prefer staying in and just hanging out with him. I still kick his ass in FIFA and fuck around and curse and laugh with him. Just now I also kiss him and let him hold me and cuddle me. Its honestly great. I know I'm going on and on about Scott but I can't help it.

The one bad thing about the move is now I don't live a minute away from Scott anymore and even though we're only like 10 minutes away, it feels like longer. Mom has let Scott sleep over at the new house but she wont let him sleep in my room and I'm allowed to sleep at the Kingsley's but I have to sleep in Hannah's room. I've actually gotten kind of close with Hannah but I'd still rather be with Scott. I didn't tell my mom but last time I slept over me and Scott were watching a movie and I just fell asleep cuddled up to him in the living room. I could honestly talk about him all day. He's just really cute and hot and sweet and funny and I like when he smiles at me and teases me and kisses me and looks at me and how he screams in excitement when he makes an interception and I'm going to stop because Jonathan says I get annoying when I go on about him too much.

Its just he really means a lot to me. It wasn't like everything got perfect for me at school after I started dating him. I'd still have tough days and think I hated being a girl but I'd call Scott and he'd come over and as cliche as it sounds, he'd hold me and cuddle me and tell me he loved and cared about me and I'd realize things weren't so bad.

I miss being a boy sometimes, and even though I know thats not who I am anymore. I like having all my old trophies in my new room. I keep a few old articles of clothing and equipment and stuff under my bed. Plus Scott likes how my boobs look in my old basketball jerseys. I sometimes like being called Tyler, only at home though. It just sounds comforting and makes me feel good. And sometimes Scott still calls me Ty which is really sweet and he's been doing it a lot because he knows I like it. Its just nice to hear sometimes even if I'm becoming more like a girl every day because of the hormones.

I actually have legit boobs now, which is kind of hard to get used to, and Jonathan's voice is deeper than mine. Jonathan loves being a boy and we get along way better than we used to. Its hard to believe he was ever a girl honestly. He even hooks up with girls now. I'm also shocked at what a good athlete he is. Jillian never played sports but if she did she would have been sick.

Jillian has also really embraced being a brother not just to Adam and Mason and Eli but me. Even though we're twins, he's started calling me "little sis" and is sometimes weirdly protective of me. Mom says its normal for brothers to be protective of their sisters so I take it as a compliment. When I invited the 6th graders over to hang out (it wasn't supposed to be a sleepover but it turned into one) he introduced himself as "Tiffany's older brother." It was kind of weird but I didn't say anything until the girls left and when I did Jonathan told me not to "worry your pretty little head about it."

Sometimes I look at old pictures of me and think, I wonder what that kid would think if he could see me know. Sometimes I get kind of bummed out thinking about it. I think about who I used to be and who I am now. But then I look at a picture of me and Scott or me and Jessica and forget about it. I'm a girl. I'm way better off as a girl. There's no point in fighting it.


Tyler and Jillian before the punishment and Tiffany and Jonathan after the punishment
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