Anchors Aweigh – 2 On Board

Anchors Aweigh – 2
On Board

By Jessica C

Robert decided to take revenge on his nemesis, Dane...
Twice in the same day, girls were hurt the most, not by Dane, but Rob...
To avoid suspension he agreed to become a mascot for the Girls' teams.
He was not just a sailor but as a woman sailor.

During the morning Rob was quite noticeable in the office. Word was not completely out about his punishment. His mother did return to the school with an old pair of girl’s shorts as well as a top for practice. Fortunately, the cheer coach requested that he and others plan the new uniform, It was to be in accordance with what Dort, Dorothy of the Destroyers should represent. Dressed in a navy sailor's outfit, using the blue and red, of the school colors, she would assist in the Pledge of Allegiance and salute the flag.

People weren’t sure of the name ‘Dort or Dorothy’ but it was the best they did with short notice. They’d change it if people complained, or decided on something better.

It was decided as the mascot Dort could retrieve basketballs during warm-ups, and assist in cheers. Rob, Dort was to learn the cheers and things like how to jump, kick up her legs, and wave the pom-poms like a cheerleader.


I found myself saying yes to all of this. Having had some dance and gymnastics when I was younger; I knew I could physically do cartwheels, kicks, and more. But neither they nor I were comfortable as a boy doing all this as a cheerleader/mascot in a skirt. I needed to look like a plausible girl. It was decided it would be easier if people saw Dort as a role I would play as part of my discipline. I was to help with behind-the-scenes activities of giving recognition and support to the players and the cheerleaders. That included name signs on players' lockers, sometimes at their homes, for the traveling bus, and more.


Come seven o’clock the next morning I was to meet with Sandy and Sharon two co-captain cheerleaders. The purpose was to begin learning cheers and how to move, including cartwheels. Sharon served notice that I would be getting more limber the more I practiced. I saw that as a challenge as I had thought I was plenty good; especially enough for being a cheerleader which I discounted. Later, watching their moves, flexibility in how they did it with timing; helped me to see there was more I had to improve on.

I thought I had a neat idea, and I had written on my own to several of the destroyer ships based in the Atlantic Ocean about our girl teams representing their ship.

I thought it would be three or more weeks before any reply would be received. Thinking there would be many rejections of the idea as being silly. I decided that I should wait before saying anything.

It was the next Monday when the first mascot uniform was ready for me to try on. Coach Alexis House's Mom took our few ideas and designed Dort's outfit from it. My prayer for it to take weeks was not answered. With that and Sandy, Sharon, and the Cheer coach being satisfied with what I had already had learned, decided, I could help do a limited number of things at Tuesday’s home basketball game.

Word of my participation and wearing the cheer uniform for the basketball game helped to bring out a larger crowd. Co-captain Sandy spoke to me before the game. “You have practiced enough to do the few things you’ve been asked. More important is what I’m asking now: Do not lose your cool, shrink away, or begin crying. It will be mostly boys who will be crude in teasing you that should not surprise you. Don’t be surprised how crass some girls can be.”

“If you can’t do something, freeze at ease or attention like for the flag. Do that as you’re not a trained cheerleader, so we’re not expecting too much. The Wildcats are good rivals don’t embarrass us or yourself with them. Their teasing is usually good-natured. Don’t be surprised if they give you a feminine hygiene product or something else in being humorous. Be forewarned.”

Sonja had me practicing a feminine voice since day one, but it’s hard to sustain in cheering. Coach Alexis’ mother was the one who transformed a navy dress uniform into the mascot uniform. It was three inches longer than the regular cheer outfit but shorter than the Navy's actual uniform. If Dort does a cartwheel the length will be insignificant. It would be the panty showing or the skirt riding up that I feared most.

Thankfully, I will not usually be with the cheerleaders, instead, I’ll standing next to the team bench. That is in part to limit direct contact with the crowd.

I could see Dane was in the crowd and chomping to gross me out. Principal Evans, however, was visible and watching him and other boys who are known to be rowdy.

Scared nervous, I made it through saluting the flag, and during the anthem, I was out two times with the cheerleaders. Then the third and last time in the first half, I heard Dort’s name being cheered.

I had to take part when the cheerleaders met with the Wildcat Cheerleaders at halftime. It is a kind of courtesy and a good sports gesture. Everyone exchanges names. Their Captain, Teri Struthers does give me a gag gift of tampons. She whispers, “For when you lose your balls cheering.” Sandy grins at me, hoping I will giggle or at least not lose my composure

The Wildcats were rated higher and expected by most to win the game. The Destroyers, however, played well and seemed poised for an upset. Then with three minutes to go and a good lead, panic set in. The lead quickly was down to three points. I don’t know why but then as Dort I felt I needed to do something special. The cheer was short but I decided to do one flip and it was when I went and did the second flip totally in the air that brought the hometown crowd to their feet. Inspired, they continued cheering for the team. They scored the next two baskets re-establishing a seven-point lead. There was now a minute remaining and it was the Wildcats who folded.

My sister Sonja was going to give me, her brother, a 6.5 score for my first game as the mascot. But it was soon crossed out with a 9.0 next to it.


I was not planning to stay for the boys’ game, but Sandy said otherwise. “The boys’ cheerleaders were here for our game, we’re all staying for their game.”

I asked, “Can I at least change out of the uniform?”

Anne overheard and asked, “Does Dort have other clothes here?” She paused, “I brought a long navy blue skirt. If Sandy says yes and it fits I’ll let you wear it.”

Upon Sandra and the Coach agreeing, I was escorted to an empty women’s restroom on the third floor. Anne insisted, “Dort needs her lip gloss renewed and to wear some more makeup.”

I was starving and thirsty from all the cheering. I went to stand in the snack line to get refreshments. I was told that the cheer team has sandwiches and drinks, but I had forgotten. It was pleasing to hear Dort being praised along with receiving a hard time. The cheerleaders and I were permitted to leave after the third quarter, but most of us stayed.

I had read two chapters of an assignment during the boys’ game. That was something I never would have been disciplined enough to do before.


With Anne being a friend, I finally confided with her about my having written to three Destroyer ships and crews. The fact I had gotten a reply addressed to Roberta, brought laughter from Anne. “You’re correct Coach Alexis as well as Principal Evans won’t be pleased with your writing without permission. What will save your pretty buns hopefully it’s a great idea. That someone responded will be a bonus for the school.

I gave the letter to her to read: It ended up only being ten days before a reply came from Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG) Fields.
Dear Roberta,
You acting as Mascot Dort sounds like a wonderful challenge for the women Destroyers at your high school. We’re on an Arleigh Burke Class destroyer, it is well designed and crewed for present-day needs. Ensigns Kayla Bowen and Deb Triens will be helping to keep track of our correspondence with you. We’re based out of Norfolk, Virginia, but are in other east coast ports on occasion. You may know when we’re out to sea, but not necessarily know where or what we’re doing or the duration or purpose of a voyage.

Please let us know if this is okay. We have communicated to some of the other destroyers and it was decided for us on the USS Cook to relate to your school.
Respectfully, Lieutenant JG Fields

The fact I didn’t have permission to send such a letter and I knew it was unorthodox, might have gotten me in more trouble. Coach Alexis, come the next morning, escorted me to the Principal’s office. Come Friday morning the Volleyball team and Girls’ Basketball were in their home uniforms for team pictures along with the cheerleaders and me as Dort.

Sonja insisted that I dress as a girl for school and then as Dort for the pictures. I agreed that it made sense but I continued being upset. I didn’t have to like it, but somehow after my little heroics, I did like it a little.

It was the first day for Rob to dress as Roberta and to wear Dort’s uniform for the rest of the school day. I was more concerned with what I’d look like in the team photos than what other guys were going to say. “Thanks, Sonja for allowing me to wear the satin blouse. I think it will make the uniform better for pictures.”

It was right after the pictures that I became concerned about what other boys would say. I was surprised when Brady Thomas came up to me and asked, “Would it be okay if I walk with you to your locker and then homeroom?” He told me, “Anne asked if I’d do it to make sure you got started with no trouble.’ Dane’s friend Tom Junkins tried to bump Brady out of the way. Dane wanted a shot to mess my outfit as well as to hurt me big time.

Fortunately, Brady was able to strong-arm Junkins into Dane’s path. The Vice-Principal was there. He tried to blame Brady for starting the trouble. I responded more as Dort. “Thanks, Brady, I see why Anne had you helping me.”

Someone had correctly guessed Dane was out to cause trouble and had a video of the incident. She even caught Dane’s response to being knocked down. “F* you, Brady, for interfering! Why are you f*-ing protecting the sissy? I didn’t take you for one of them.”

It was Therese with the video and she waited until Vice-Principal officially cited Brady Thomas before causing trouble. She had sent her video to her Uncle as well as the Principal’s office. Dane and VP Miller were soon in trouble with Principal Evans.

It became the second reprimand to go into VP Miller’s file already this school year.

Therese and another girl had hurried me to the next class and got permission to take me to a girl’s room. I hadn’t realized I had cried and messed my makeup. Even my clothes were messed a little. Therese introduced me to Bree and Halsey. All three were nice to me saying, “You should come as Dort more often.”

Brady had numerous guys helping him; many were sick and tired of Dane getting away with things. They decided Dane was to have an accident by lunchtime. It happened there was one hallway still without a working camera and that was where his accident happened.

I was surprised over and again that students were supportive and interested in me as Dort. Principal Evans checked on me in the afternoon. “You know you have practice after the closing bell. I wanted to make sure you’re staying around for the cheer team making banners. Please don’t stop now when what you’re doing is having such a positive impact.”

“But I want out of these clothes, and I have homework to do.”

“There will be a smock to protect your clothes, I expect you there. Your homework is no more important for you than the other girls on the cheer team. Like them, that is your responsibility.”

"Did you hear Dane is being suspended for what he did today?"


Sonja’s in the Pep Band and checked on me after their practice. “You’re getting a better brother. Call me, if you’re out earlier than six o’clock and I’ll pick you up. Anne said you're to ask if she might give you a ride after the game.”

Nothing special happened as the girls won their game. I had helped paint the halftime banner that the girls ran through. Trish, Kaylea, and several other players slapped my backside. They said it was for luck.

After the game, Principal Evans apologized to me saying, “The girls were wrong for patting you the way they did, especially since they hadn’t asked you first.”

Without a pause or thought, I said, “But they did. I guess it was like one of those navy movies I saw. I saw it as a good luck thing. If it were a guy, I’d have seen it as degrading. Being superstitious, they might want to do it until their winning streak ends.” Principal Evans agree and would tell the team, but it was to be out of sight from the public.

As Dort, I was invited out for pizza with the basketball team after the win. I was embarrassed, I never had been invited to take part in anything like that. I went and found myself as one of the girls. Like, two other cheerleaders, I was invited to sit on a basketball player’s lap when all the chairs in our section were full.

I was embarrassed the following week when two pictures from the game of me made our small weekly newspaper. By that time our team had five wins and were ready to play our archrival. Both teams were undefeated so that would change for one team. But the Chiefs are a bigger team, in a higher bracket from when the rivalry had started.

Once again the Destroyers were expected to lose the game and their perfect record.

I got a FB message from our Destroyer’s women. “We’re cheering for you. Remember a destroyer often battles against larger foes and we win. Let them know you mean business and things will take care of themselves. DON’T BACK DOWN!

I got patted plenty as they came out for the game and it was a close game all the way through. No one got ahead by more than five points. It was the fourth quarter when Kinsey went to swat a ball back in bounds and she ran up three rows into the bleacher.

Our team recovered the ball and everyone went back down the court ahead of Kinsey. She tripped and spun falling. I was sure she was going to hit her head so I reached out to catch her. Her ankle was twisted so she’d need attention. When I yelled for help, I received a foul for being on the court.

I tried to explain, but one official said, “You being on a cheer team should know the rule. Excuses don’t change what you did.” I guess it was a technical foul that permitted them to gain two points as well as keep the ball.

We went from being in the lead by one to being behind by three points. It was the next time out that Sandy said, “At the end of the cheer I want you to run and do your flips and if you can try a split.”

The cheer was simple, “Two bits, four bits, six bits…” as they were saying “eight bits a dollar. All for the Destroyers stand up and holler!!!” I was running, and hit the first flip and then the second flip. Then I was going into a split.

It’s not so easy for a boy and I was no exception. I got up as quickly as I could and people were still cheering. I knew I hurt myself but there was no way I was showing where right then. I went back to standing next to the team. 'it was Kaylea who told me, “Girl, get in the locker room you’re bleeding. Hurry up before it shows. I’ll make sure you get some help.” I did and the Physician-Assistant Meredith Roberts was soon there to check on me.

She checked me, “You’re hurt, but you’ll get over it without much medical help. …The funny thing is you might want to wear skirts this coming week. A pair of pants rubbing up there may cause a sore to develop and make everything take longer to heal. Would you want me to tell the school nurse or your principal, so they allow you to do so?”

We heard a big cheer, but then the crowd became silent. Both of us wondered what it meant. Meredith said with our luck and you not being out there, we probably took the lead, but had a call went against us.’

One of our players Trish has a knack for stealing the ball but like tonight she sometimes gets called for a foul. The person made the first shot but missed the second and Thyme Daly got the rebound. It was thrown down the court and Kristyn was fouled as she shot and made the basket. The extra point was the last point as time soon ran out and we won the game.


I was bandaged and had to put on a new set of panties before I could go out. Just as I was ready, the girls’ team was coming back screaming. They had beat the Chiefs by two points.

Half the players had their shirts and shorts soon off. Now embarrassed I was caught in there, at the end of the game. The players grabbed hold of me taking and pushed me into the showers. I didn’t think they were showing but one girl says, “You have nice panties for a boy.”

I said, “You can’t see my panties!”

Kaylea says, “You have to be kidding. We have sharp eyes and can see what we’re looking for at a good distance. Please don’t be offend we like you.”

Kristyn, our leading scorer, and Trish who made two crucial three-point baskets, and the foul shots weren’t saying anything. That was until I was walking out, kind of hurt. Kristyn said, “Dort, you did us proud when you stepped in there to help Kinsey not get hurt more severely. The worst foul would have been to let her fall like we don’t care.”

Trish said, “It’s you, not the panties that show your spirit. You can’t undo the mistake you made, but you’re showing that you learned from your mistake.” Trish puts an arm around Kristyn, “We believe you’ve brought a new spirit to being a Destroyer woman. …We would like it if you could get us some email addresses to write the women of the USS Cook. And we wouldn’t mind knowing some of the other sailors.”

I don’t know if any of them realized how much it meant to me that they spoke up.

Kris says, “It might not be right but in place of Dort, but I would like Roberta to go get pizza with us. We don’t have to worry about school tomorrow?”

I stepped out of the locker room again not taking their offer seriously. Anne had already talked me into being in girl mode when she took me home. Anne saw my blue skirt and a printed blouse. “So do you want me to take you over to where the team’s eating pizza tonight?”

I said, “How did you know? You don’t seriously mean I’m invited? But how will I get…”

“Stop already! We’re not calling you Bobbie Jo. And yes, seriously you’ve been invited. If you didn’t feel like you’re part of the cheer team before or respected by the players, you should now!”

“Is it okay to call you Roberta as Lieutenant JG Fields did?” Anything was better than Bobbie Jo and somehow Roberta worked for me, better than Robert dressed like this. Anne put down a black pair of shoes with a 2” heel saying, “They like us to wear 2” heels when coming from representing the school.”

I slipped in one foot not expecting it to fit, but it did. It was different enough to cause me to step a little differently. Sandy handed me a purse with a long strap, saying, “Wear it, hanging from your shoulder.” I did but I also held the side of it to Sandy’s car. Anne and I were riding with her.

I sat down with the team, having forgotten that we usually served the team first. Kristyn and Trish sat on either side. Trish asked, “Was the tear to your bottom bad? I could tell you had gymnastics before, but I thought the split was still a bit daring for a boy. Had you ever tried that before?”

I tried to be quiet and act like I didn’t hear Trish. But felt poorly for Trish when she started to apologize. “I’m sorry, I guess I shouldn’t have asked. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

I said, “You didn’t embarrass me. And I want to thank you and Kristyn for speaking up for me in the locker room. It meant more than you understand.” Trish leaned over to squeeze me with a hug. “I think we can.”

“We’ve been playing good basketball since late last year, but it took your help to get the media's attention. …Did you know tonight was our largest crowd in over two years? The past two weeks people came to see you. Some hoping you did poorly so they could give you a hard time. Tonight they came to see you and us both to do well. They were cheering for us. We want to say thanks for your help."

I didn’t realize I’m keeping my feminine voice when I say. “I’ll admit I didn’t expect to like girls’ basketball either. But I like how you play and do so well as a team. You’re playing much better than the boys’ team this year. Hal Thoms even agrees with me.”

I took my time eating one slice of pizza and drinking a diet drink and water. Kristyn asks, “Why aren’t you eating more? Don’t you like pizza?”

“It’s not that. I need to lose some weight to stay in the uniform. I’m weighing more than I should for my gymnastic moves.”=^_^=~
Kristyn asks, “Would you mind if we have you go shopping with us tomorrow. You really should get a couple more outfits if you’re going with us to the holiday tournament December 28-30 in Cherry Hill.”

I had heard about the tournament. It is an invitation-only tournament. Someone must be thinking highly of this team. Kristyn said, “Our win tonight over the Chiefs should have solidified our invite. I don’t think we’ll want to go without you. We heard our ship might even be in New York or Philadelphia for the great ships on New Year’s Eve.”

“We have two games before Christmas and our exams. With Elle coming back from her injury we should be even better.”

I ask, “But why can’t I just be Rob when you’re not playing?”

Sandy says, “Actually you can, but the team doesn’t like the distraction of a guy tagging along with them. If it’s Rob you’ll pretty much be on your own other than the games.”

I say, “You don’t think I’ll be and embarrassment as Roberta or Dort?”

To be continued…

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