Anchors Aweigh – 31 The Shape of Things to Come

Anchors Aweigh – 31
The Shape of Things to Come

By Jessica C


My Father commented, “Well now you can get on with being a girl and get over this LGBT stuff. It’s not that they’re bad people, but you’re no longer one of them.”

“Mom, can you get after Dad for being so rude? …Dad, I’m not over my change by a long shot. There is so much more to my change than the disappearance of what was between my legs. ‘It's not that they’re bad people; I can’t believe you’re still saying ignorant things like that.”

Dad started to get angry, “I will not have you speaking to me like…” Mom interrupted him, “She’s right, that was bad even for you. I have grown and I was thinking you were growing as well.”

“If you don’t see Rose and her friends as normal, maybe you and I have a bigger problem.” Dad pulled our vehicle to the side of the road. We could tell he was frustrated and wanted to talk, but mom encouraged him. “Let’s not talk about this on the side of a road. We can go home and talk things out there. It might be good for the two of us to talk first.”

I was thankful that Sierra was driving her car and that Anne wasn’t with me.

I had Hanna’s phone number and I text her. “Thanks for your gift, it wasn’t expected. I think it is wonderful. I’ll enjoy wearing it.

“I need to ask about your comment. Did you see part of a girl in me when you were my teacher?”

Before we got home, I got a text back. “Please stop for tea or water sometime then we can casually talk. Your friend, Hanna.”


When we got home my mother and father went to talk alone. I knew the conversation got heated and then I heard a moan from my father saying he was sorry. It sounded like he could even have been crying. I was in our finished basement, where Sierra turned up the volume on the television.

She asked me, “You would be staying with Mom if she and Dad separated wouldn’t you?” I knew Mom was favoring me more the past eight months. Sierra said, “Mom’s been going to counseling for a while. I guess she too is getting strong enough to stand for her herself. If they would separate or divorce. Mom wants you to know it is not your fault. She told Shannon and me that it is that she is now strong enough to be her own person and can stand up to what dad says or does.”

Things actually calmed down and the rest of the evening; it didn’t seem like there was any problem. Friends called and wanted to come over, but I talked to them over the phone or messaged them. I did find out that Anne had stayed home and not gone with her folks to see distant family.

Scott texts me to say he had gone away. He didn’t say there was a problem between us, but I sensed he was pulling away. I had been expecting the past month he would ask me to his prom, but it hadn’t happened. If he wanted to go with someone else, I just wished he would say it and be done.

I was going to tell him, ‘If you want; I’ll stop seeing you and you can go with someone else.’ But tonight, I just couldn’t do it.

I would be staying home all week and not venture out. Mom and Sierra came in tonight to help change my bandage before I went to bed. They had my cosmetic mirror where I could see my surgery area down there. I thought it was already beautiful. They both repeatedly told me not to worry that it was going to look much better when it was all healed.

We openly talked about whether I would have much in the way of pubic hair or hardly any because of the surgery. Sierra laughed saying if I wanted to wear a bikini then I’d have the problem of shaving a bikini cut. Mom volunteered to show me how to do it once.

The week of spring break passed by rather quickly. I did go to the botanical garden where I hadn’t been to since second grade. I went for two nights to stay with Sierra. She had a couple of lecture size classes that I got to sit in on.

Their cafeteria was different in that they served three meals a day. I met Sierra’s close friend Camille, Brigid her roommate, and Travis another close friend. Travis turns out to be closer than Sierra had mentioned. My second night there they showed two movies both recent films.

The second movie had distractions after someone mentioned I was a new girl. The discussion elaborated upon what it meant for me to be a new girl. One freshman girl came over to me. She had been on a basketball team from a rival school and knew who I was. She and I left where they were showing the movies and found a smaller lounge where we could visit.

Patti and I exchanged information. She told me that she had been afraid in high school of letting people know that she liked girls. She asked me if I liked girls just because I was seen as a boy before. I thought it was a good question.

I said, “I’m not really certain; the first girl I liked was my best friend growing up, and we just saw it as normal. I like boys, actually, I like being liked by them. That wasn’t so before when I saw myself as a boy.

I was feeling an attraction to Patti. She was attractive and it was nice talking to her. I said, “I can see how another girl could be attracted to you. It is just not a good time for me.” We talked longer until Sierra came looking for me. We gave each other a hug and Patti complimented be on being a regular girl.

The last day at the university I met with people from the Admission office. They toured me around the university, but it wasn’t like one campus. One of the admissions people went out of their way to introduce me to their LGBT and the Women’s study programs. They also introduced me to people in their cheerleader program. Their emphasis was cheering for the football team, where the women were often team with a man who would lift them high in the air.

It was fun being shown around and treated like someone special. The one thing it achieved was getting me to think more about my future and what I wanted to do. I enjoyed being around college students and knowing Sierra’s friends there.


The ride home with Sierra got me thinking about getting my driving permit.

When we got home, it quickly became obvious that mom and dad had gotten upset with each other. That upset me as I didn’t want to be the reason for them possibly getting divorced. They sat Sierra and me down. Dad was the first to speak. “The first thing everyone needs to know is that the problems we’re having are no one’s fault. The second is, that I don’t want what I say now to leave the house. Do you promise, that what I’m going to say is not to be told to anyone?”

I was hesitant, not because I would tell anyone. But because it they were getting divorced I was going to cry. I knew I’d cry at times around my friends. But Sierra and I both promised.

Dad said, “Many doctors at this point in their careers are carrying too much stress. I’ve decided it is time for me to get some counseling. I will be going to see some professionals I know and I’m likely to be away one or two nights each month. We don’t want you to worry as this is a healthy thing to do.”

Mom scooted next to dad and even gave him a hug, but it wasn’t very affectionate. Mom talked and so did Sierra and me. We told Dad we were supportive of him. I wanted to ask if he was sure I wasn’t partially responsible. I was sure, he’d say ‘no’ even if I were.

Sunday evening, we watched movies, chatted with others, and did things together. Even Sharon Moore had been over. She and Anne were both wanting to know how I was healing.

It was at 7:30 that Mom helped me to change my bandages and clean my surgery area. Mom looked first before getting the mirror for me and I allowed my friends to see me there.

Sharon had taken off her panty from under her skirt. “Oh my, Rose that looks pretty good to me. Those stitches are so small; it looks like most of them are where your regular skin and the tissue on the inside come together. I’ve seen similar results on the internet.”

She paused, sat down on a chair she put in front of me, “Would you like to see me down there?”

Mom was beginning to say, ‘No.’ But Sharon was already pulling her skirt up and leaning back. She pointed up near the top of her slit, she said, “That’s the most sensitive area. But if you’re going to touch yourself there, you need to make sure your hands are very clean. You infect down there, it is no fun for a girl.”

Mom did cut in at that point, “That’s more than enough to share Sharon. Please stop there.”

Anne asked, “Rose, it is time to tell us what it feels like to become a girl in your experience.”

“I love being a girl and I am thankful to have so many friends and family who help me be me. I enjoy waking up and finding that I am truly a girl. I enjoy dreaming about what I will yet experience in being a girl. That will be true tomorrow and the next day and a month after that.”


I didn’t go to school when it started after spring break. I needed to until I saw Dr. Connie Tuesday afternoon. She needed to take out my stitches and release me to return to school.

Monday after lunch my mom took me to St Ive's Boutique. I had a thank you that I wanted to personally give to Hanna Cooper. Mom had already taught two classes at the community college.

I had called the boutique so it wouldn’t be a surprise. Hanna was ready when we showed up. She had some tea ready, scented candle lit and we had bought several scones. I had even worn the skirt that Hanna had sent to the hospital for me.

When I asked about ‘the girl’ that she said she had seen that we were encouraged to sit and talk. “Rose, please remember I was a young teacher and what we know now was thought to be strange and not about little boys. It was when you came to school with your fingernails painted that I first saw it as something you liked. It didn’t show, except for how light reflected off of the nails. They were done too perfect for a little boy or girl to have done them.”

“When I asked you about them the second time, you became afraid. I think you were afraid of getting your sister in trouble. You reminded me of me and my little brother. He too didn’t think it was bad to identify with his big sisters.”

“When I heard about you a year ago; I wondered and prayed about the girl I had glimpses of years ago. I am happy to see the young woman you have become. I’m sure it hasn’t been all easy and glorious.”

I said, “That bugs me that people think being a girl is easy. And I don’t like everything sparkly and colorful.” I hugged Hanna and sat down again.

Hanna showed me pictures of her son and daughter; they’re now seven and five, so after I had her as a teacher. “I first worked here part-time; it was last year I became a manager and then owner. It has been hard work to get teens and college-age girls to come here.”

“Did Shannon tell you; she’s selling some clothes for me over the internet? I talked to her after she was here and went back to college. It seems each of your sisters is strong-willed, liking to be somewhat independent. I’d have thought being doctor’s kids you would have all been nice obedient girls.”

I said, “There is some sugar and nice, but there’s also a lot more. Sonja’s Daddy’s favorite, but Shannon and Sierra are equally as smart. Sonja followed in their shadows until she fell in love with medicine and science.”

She asked, “So what is it that you want to do?”

I rolled my eyes; I keep getting asked that question and I don’t know. “I’m good at math and I think it would be nice to be a teacher like my Mom. I might have liked dance but I didn’t take enough lessons as a small girl.” Oops. I looked at Hanna and she caught what I said.

“So you wanted to be in dance when you were little?”

“No, I went out for gymnastics. I was a boy and I was afraid of being seen with girls. …Well, I guess; I wanted it a little.”

Mom had left and came back and soon we went home before school was out for the day. On the way home, Mom said, “It seems you like visiting as another girl?” She asked what we talked about. She was surprised I might want to be a teacher.

“Mom, Sierra says, you’re much like Miss. Stafford. You make learning interesting and fun where possible. I’d like to know enough that I could challenge students to learn and ask questions back. Maybe not just ask questions but say what they’re thinking. I know that’s not popular. And I’ll probably never be that intelligent.”

“Wow, Honey, that is marvelous. You’re right, it would take a lot of learning. But I think, you already have that encouraging spirit to motivate someone to think for themselves. You are a very intelligent young woman. But you’ve always had trouble following your sisters.”

I didn’t tell Mom or Dad about Shannon selling clothes via the internet. I thought that was Shannon’s responsibility. I did call her, but instead of talking about her selling clothes, she wanted to talk about me.

She asked, “Did you remember last year we convinced Mom and Dad that you should get to enjoy one Easter as a girl? You were still acting like being a girl was temporary.”

I said, “I didn’t want it to be. But I didn’t think Dad would ever let me be me.” I asked Shannon, “I hope I can be a normal girl from now on.”

Shannon asked me, “I’d like you to come to my school for sister’s weekend the week after Easter. A boy named Dan would like to meet you if you’re okay with that. His name is Dan Hornsby and his Mom is the Director of Admissions. She says Fordham would be a good match for you.”

“You’re confusing me. You just talked about a Sister’s weekend; a boy named Dan; and his mother the Director of Admissions. Is this a multiple-choice question?” Shannon giggled as she usually thought I was the confusing one.


There were no new dresses this Easter, but we had more than enough clothes to choose from. It was more fun this year talking with my sisters, Anne, Therese, and other friends. Fussing over things with makeup, hair. I even found out that some churches had a special service on Saturday evening.

Come Saturday morning, Audrene Trullo called me saying her one-year-old was sick. She wasn’t going to be able to take Marie to an Easter egg hunt. And before she could ask me to help I volunteered to take her Marie.

The cheer team helps at the egg hunt, so I got a small set of pom-poms for Marie to have. We went a little early and we had to stay. Marie loved all the attention she got.


Anne and I went shopping for prom dresses simultaneously so we could compliment each other. Her gown was beautiful with a shimmering blue full shirt, it hugged her upper frame with lace over the upper portion and tooling. The slit coming up her left leg up the thigh made it dazzling. Having three bow loops over the top three pairs of buttons gave it dignity.

We agreed on a beautiful pink and white dress for me. I was surprised at how many people made an issue out of me in pink and her in her shimmering blue gown. I stopped my Dad in the middle of his comment… I said, “Don’t go there, Daddy.”

On the morning of the prom, Anne and I had appointments at two different salons. We wouldn’t see each other until Anne picked me up to go to the prom. It was the first time my hair was long enough to fully be curled and fully piled higher on my head. Shannon and Sierra had helped Mom to choose a necklace, earrings, and bracelets that went together beautifully. The dainty three silver strands laid around my neck and took my breath away the first time I saw them. The earrings and bracelets completed my look.

I couldn’t wait for Anne to be let in; it was I who opened the door and greeted her. When the door opened and we saw each other. It was like we never seen the others before. “Oh my Rose, you are prettier than I could have dreamed. You’re my princess, but look at how wonderful you are.”

I heard her words, but I felt pale in comparison to the elegance of how Anne looked. She looked more mature like my sisters in their twenties. Anne got close enough to whisper, “No kissing and spoiling how we look, not until I ravage you later.”

I said, “You won’t will you?” Anne was silent as others were now quiet wanting to know what she said.

I was ready to leave when Shannon came with a small panty scrunched in her hand with a panty shield. “Tuck this away, you might need them. Clean up properly and don’t mess up your gown.” We exchanged air kisses as I hooked arms with Anne to leave.

Two senior girls were ahead of us in line to be introduced going into the prom. Anne turned to me, “I think it will be good that there is at least one other couple like us.” We found out that there were three couples like us as well as two guys that came together. =^_^=
Principal Amanda Evans, we were told, received complaints about us. We could tell those complaining were disappointed with whatever Principal Evans’ said. I did see one girl whose parents told her to go home, but she refused. Seemingly, one guy, Henry, did go home, but his date chose to stay. Henry passing by me said, “This is your fault. I don’t understand why I’m the one going home.”

I was ready and calmly said, “I’m not the one causing you to leave. The prom is big enough for all of us.” His dad needed to pull him to follow him.


The prom went until midnight and Anne said we were to join Sharon and her date at her Aunt and Uncle’s cottage. “Rose, when we get there you just need to phone your mom and let her know we arrived safely. She doesn’t expect you to be home until after breakfast.”

Sharon said they were there minutes before us. There were four glasses of champagne, one for each of us. “Rose, you get the glass half-filled.” Nate already had his jacket and shirt off, and I could tell Sharon’s gown was partially undone in the back.

I became very passive as Anne gave me my first kiss and then as I felt the first of the buttons of my dress come undone. I was sipping my glass and feeling like a naughty girl. We were not quite to our room when my dress fell to the floor. I looked behind me and Anne was very happy with herself. I was glad as neither Sharon nor her boyfriend was there.

I lifted my dress enough to safely pull it into our room. The bed was not fancy, but the cover was pulled back, and rose petals were on the sheets. When Anne turned her back to me; I unhooked the top of her gown, and unbuttoned a half dozen buttons, and then kissed the back of her neck.

She was amused when I picked up her gown as she stepped out of it. I was hanging it up, when Anne said, “Let that dress fall to the floor and get over here.” She was down to her panties and taking off her bra. She pulled me into a passionate hug and kiss.

I was soon lying back on the bed with my panty being taken off. I thought I was going to be embarrassed, but Anne soon said, “Look, how beautiful you have become. Even your pussy is beginning to take shape. Oh, and it feels so soft.”

She could tell as she touched me that I was already getting excited. She lied down on top of me and each of us half curled a leg around the other. Pressing ourselves against the other felt normal. I knew feelings were growing within me and shooting out sensations that I had never felt before.

It seemed like a short time that we were each having our second or was it the third orgasm? Soon Anne’s phone was chiming, and she said, “It can’t already be 5:30?”

I was sure it was three or four, but no, it was five-thirty. “We need to shower and get dressed. We’re supposed to meet the others for breakfast at 7:00.”

I replied, “There was a time I could be ready in half an hour.”

“You weren’t a girl then. Those days are gone forever.” We had one last loving embrace that had to do until we were in the shower. It was strange as we were drying off in front of the bathroom mirror. There were the bodies of two girls with only hairy knolls between our legs. Everything was sending tingling sensations through my body.

Getting dressed in my gown was not hard to do, but I needed Anne’s help to comb and brush out my hair. It was very presentable but also very different from last night’s style.

Most of us girls didn’t fully have our appetites back, but the guys were very hungry.

My phone went off and Shannon was calling. “You know there’s a tradition in our family and church for the girls to go to the church and show off their gowns one last time.” I looked at Anne as she listened in on the conversation.

Anne quickly asked the others and out of twelve of us, eight of us decided to go. Most of the eight went to my house as there were three bathrooms and three bedrooms with mirrors we could use together. Fortunately, the service time gave us enough time to get ready and most of us stayed awake until it ended.


We were three weeks from the end of school and I was now heart, body, and soul a girl.

The end of the beginning

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