Anchors Aweigh – 11 Would You Believe

Anchors Aweigh – 11
Would You Believe

By Jessica C


We were halfway there when I had to move forward and face the front as the girls on the Cheer squad began changing into their outfits. Jana our bus driver would let the girls know when we were going to be passed by a semi-tractor or another vehicle where others might look in.

When they were finished changing, Anne came to get me to come back. Sharon Moore called me to visit with her. “Rose, when Mary zapped you with that little zinger. She noticed you weren’t wearing your protective cheer panty. I would you to begin limbering up and stretching well. Sandra talked Coach House to let us do a trio of running jumps with somersaults, flips, and cartwheels. Each of us is to do one of each if we’re ready or an extra cartwheel if not. Do you think you can handle that? Sandra would go first, me second and you third.

“That’s fine but where am I to change my panty?”

Sharon said with an extra big smile. “You can do it out here as we did. Shannon told me you have your natural-looking gaff on so you’d look like any other girl. Besides we have no interest in looking?”

I said, “I want the back corner seat for optimum privacy.” I was a little upset that I had become so familiar and like one of them that no one worried about me. My sister Shannon did come back to be with me. Between the high backs of two seats and Shannon standing there, I had some privacy.

We were soon minutes away from the Colosseum and we were going through the cheers to get our voices warmed up.

Each team would play one game today, two tomorrow, and the consolation and championship games beginning in the afternoon Saturday. Our game was originally set for noon but had been moved to be one of the prime-time games this evening. There was set in our place of the noon game a showcase of the cheer teams. Each team was to do a set of three cheers.


We got there at 10 o’clock and had warm-ups in the gym a little after 11:00. Coach Alexis House huddled us together. She picked the three cheers. The third would be a combination of the cheer team cheering and introducing our nine basketball players. One for each time Sandra, Sharon, or I would do our running jumps. We would begin with the reserve players for once and build to the starting players.

I was glad we were doing it now rather than a month ago. My strength and stamina were a lot better with over a month of practices and games behind us.

We had a moment to get a drink and greet people before we needed to be back. I was kind of relaxing when I heard Therese call my name. “Dort, you have some fans who would like to meet you!”

I was walking toward her, it first looked like a group of junior high girls with their moms. Once I was closer, it was easier to tell two of the four were boys dressed as girls.
Hadley introduced herself, “I’m a seventh grader and I want to thank you for making it easier for us to come out. We are in a support group that covers a larger district of area schools.”

I was going to start by saying, I wasn’t transgendered but was sensitive to the fact it might sound like discounting or not wanting to be associated with them. Tina asked, “Have others told you, you’re a role model?” Truthfully, I hadn’t even thought of that possibility.

With a closer look, I surmised they were all either transgender girls or crossdressers. I smiled and quickly said, “I guess we’re all at different places on this continuum. I would be willing to meet you later but right now I need to get back to my cheer team. I tried to give high-fives, but they were geared to give hugs.

Several cheer teams wanted to hurry and be done with this part. But the crowd was murmuring, wanting to see better performances. The Plainfield cheerleaders were up for the challenge and put on a nice show; leaving the remaining audience wanting more. Each cheer team after that were wanting to give a good showing of their group. And by the time we were ready to perform; there were only two teams after us. My voice blared out a cadence as we made our way onto the court. There were positive negative comments made aloud about me. I didn’t respond one way or another which seemed to gain the respect of most people. I yelled again. “Destroyers be ready to do the sailors of the USS Cook and our Destroyers proud. Sandra and Sharon began with the others right with them. They were loud, in sync, and got the precision of the first cheer was nailed excellently. I handed off my flags to Jayne, slipped off my navy jacket, and joined the cheer team. The second cheer began to win over more of the crowd.

Our basketball team joined is for the last cheer of introducing them. We rarely had the players step forward as today, but it was a good touch. Sandra and I were at one end with Sandra starting. When Sandra started running the crowd had little expectation. But after her tumble, she finished with a high forward flip. We each did the first round like that as the introductions continued and Trish Dunlavy was our traditional sixth player in was next. This time Sandra started with a cartwheel and two forward flips. Sharon and I followed. The cheering and the jumps were happening in rapid succession. We were now introducing the last three starters with only one being a senior. On my last jump, Coach Alexis asked for me to do a cartwheel, two backward flips, and if possible to end with a split.

I had worked on this and while it was possible, it was always possible. The second backward flip in the air was often disorienting as my body was nearing fatigue. Anne is leading the cheer on this one. I had kept my breathing as desired and set out running. The cartwheel was routine, and once I started the first backward flip I was excited. The jump was high enough to complete the flip and to land in a good position to begin the last flip. The backward jump was high and the crowd was excitedly cheering. But my focus had me listening only to our cheer. The landing was good and as I moved to the split, I could feel my legs and groin stretch. Any pain was covered by my elation.

Coach House was quickly over, as were my teammates. Alexis helped to pull me up and give me a huge hug. “You know Rose, you are better than most male gymnasts. I am proud of you and the whole school should be proud as well.”

Trisha’s mom, Mrs. Caroline Dunlavy quickly told me, “I videoed it with my smartphone. I’ve already sent it to your Mom. If someone could give me one of the sailors’ emails or phone I could forward it to them.”

I said. “They’ve seen me do something like it before.”

Anne said, “They haven’t seen you or the others do all that.” Anne asked. “Mrs. Dunlavy did you get the whole routine including Sharon and Sandra. If so I will give you that information.” When the last group’s routine was done those there loudly applauded.

Most of the cheerleaders went and greeted one another. Some of us sat down on the floor and visited. I smiled as the girl sitting across from me looked for signs of Robert until she saw I knew what she was doing.

Later she came up and apologized to me. “I am truly sorry and ashamed of my behavior, but there is little showing that you’re anything but a boy.”

I said, “That’s a sad commentary on me, isn’t it?” Sheryl introduced herself and said, “Absolutely not, I could think numerous a girl wouldn’t think so.” She blushed, “I’m sorry you might not want to hear that.”

Anne was there and said, “I’m not saying you’re wrong but I would like to know how you think some girls see Dort?”

Sheryl said, “Let me see, and where should I start? I heard you call Dort Rose. I think Rose would be a nice date to go shopping and to visit. I bet she/he is more tender and understanding than other guys. I think a girl could go out with him as a guy or another girl and be comfortable with him.”

“I’m from the Brunswick area, I wouldn’t mind sharing phone and email information with you, Rose. That is if the cheerleaders wouldn’t get angry with you.”

“I’ll think about it. We can look for each other later.”

We had time to check into the hotel, freshen up, and make a change of cheer clothes. Therese called me and said, “Hey, I’m back at the basketball tournament and your fans are back, saying you agreed to meet with them.”

“Give me ten minutes and I’ll be over.”


I saw Coach Alexis House as I went over. She said, “I hear you have a unique group of fans who have come to see you. Please make sure you do not embarrass them by being disrespectful.” While I wasn’t sure what I would say; I assured her I would be respectful.

I was looking around for Therese when now seven would be girls rushed up to me. One of them, Dawn, bemoaned the fact that he had a very deep voice. “I said, we have the problem like any other girl in living up to an image of what we think we should be. I think there are things you can do, but after all, is said and done you need to be happy being you.”

“I didn’t intend to be dressed as a girl and on our cheer squad. But I decided I needed to do something not to embarrass me or others. I’ve focused on those who are nice to me, and I asked girls to help me. I was surprised when I was able to pass as a girl.”

Hadley asked, “Could you eat with us and be our friend?”

I recognized Hadley from earlier and I asked, “Which of you women is her, mother?” A woman stepped and introduced herself as Janene. “Can I please talk with Janene and Hadley and in doing so, I hope to answer many of your questions. I have some time now to talk, but for the rest of the tournament, I can’t promise anything. I’m subject to my coach’s requests and being here for the basketball team.”

“Hadley and Janene, I am asking so not to presume. Hadley, do you see yourself as a girl in a boy’s body, or do you like dressing up in girls’ clothes,” I asked?

Hadley said, “I’ve been trying to dress as a girl at least since I was six, so I guess that makes me a transgender girl.”

I asked, “Mom how do you see Hadley?”

“We tried to have him do all the boy stuff. We kind of forced some of it thinking he needed to learn and play with other boys. He was nine almost ten when he got in an argument with us. He was helping to fold my laundry items and I thought he was too friendly with some items. We were punishing him, but he stood his ground and ‘insisted he wasn’t changing…’”

…I said, “It sounds like it was a process, with some difficult times. I think that is why it’s wise you folks are together. I’ve heard from people my grandparents’ age where they said it was rougher for them. We’re not living then. It is enough of a challenge now and it is your life that you need to focus on.”

One woman said, “I try to be supportive, but I still feel guilty like it's wrong and we’re making a mistake.”

I said, “I’m not a counselor, nor do we have the time to work through it if we could. But I’d said if you need to, be around your supportive friends more. People in both groups can be very adamant about their views and that can be hard on her and your family both. I hope your parents have a support group as well.” Looking around, I realized the parents didn’t.

We were ready to go our different ways when a woman in her twenties came over waving her hand. “Good, I see they found you I’m Tanya the county coordinator.” I did greet her and dared to speak up about them not having a group with parents and other supportive friends. Tanya said, “They tried that five, maybe seven years ago and adults didn’t want it.”

I said, “From what I gathered, the atmosphere has changed in just the last two to three years. Adults, as well as the young people, might we interested. This could be your core group if they’d be willing… I’m sorry but I really need to go now.


The afternoon had the higher rated team winning their game, which didn’t bode well for our team. It looked like the Championship Bracket and the Consolation Bracket was going to be big schools for the championship bracket and smaller schooler to be in the second tier.

The crowd for our game was immense with a lot of local fans. We had a good crowd of our fans but they were probably half the size of the hometown team. It was just before the game when the cheer team took to the floor that we found out there we were others who were cheering for our team as well.

Rosemary, though slightly shorter outjumped their center and the ball was ours. Kaylea wasted no time in sinking a three-point basket. The team’s full-court press surprised everyone including us and our fans. However, it caused a turnover and we were soon leading by five. Our team jumped to an early 12-4 lead as the Cherry Hill team became frustrated.

Early in the game, I experienced taunting by some of the opposing fans. While I wasn’t surprised or disheartened by that. Some of the crowd were upset that Cherry Hill fans didn’t object to such behavior.

It was at the end of the first quarter that Naval Officer Megan Hart came down to stand with me. She was a recruiter for this area. She was known by many from the schools in this area. Though she was there for only five minutes, she affected the crowd and hecklers.

Our basketball coach, Coach Daley went back to the full-court play in the closing minutes of the first half and our team extended its largest lead from 37-25 to 43-27 as the half ended. I was incorporated into our last cheer of the half. I did nothing special but it freed team captain Sandra to showcase her abilities. I was amazed because I could have done the jumps but I didn’t have her grace and finesse. How much I wanted at that moment to be a graceful girl.

I helped to lift Sandra in celebration when I got a surprise of my own. Sharon came up to me and along with Sandra, they said, “We see you were jealous. Are you willing to do more to become one of us?”

I didn’t know what they meant, but I did say yes. During halftime, both Sandra and Sharon came with one pill each. “This won’t cause you to physically change, but they should help you to at least feel more like us. One of your sisters gave us this, saying she reported hers lost and got a new one.”

I took the two pills with my bottled tea, no questions asked. Sharon said, “Now when you jump, don’t worry about running so fast and hard. You’ll still have enough power but focus on your body twirling as you’re in flight. Don’t be afraid of the crowd seeing you as Dort.”

The Dort’s that follow you shouldn’t expect out butch you. If a guy steps forward to cheer for the boys’ teams that would be another matter.

I wasn’t anxious about being seen as a girl, but I understood the importance of what they were saying.


I went to get a drink and some chips to settle my stomach and I saw that Dawn had become separated from his/her group. She was now being teased by some young teen boys.

“If you want to pick on someone try me.” Dawn came and hugged me and was feeling safer. I saw an attractive girl and her friends from Trenton and asked her. “I need to get back to cheer, could you help my friend Dawn find her friends. I want her safe from the likes of these twerps.”

One of the young jocks said, “Who are you calling a twerp?”

Then one of the high school girls said, “I’m Tiffany, and I think you’re a ‘twerp’ and we can handle you if you cause trouble.” The guys backed off and Dawn went to Tiffany saying thanks.

Tiffany said to Dawn, “I have a friend who has a low voice like that. Since she’s relaxed about it, she has a lot more friends. We were talking that you’ve done well with your makeup and selection of clothes.” I kind of hated stepping away and going back to cheer.

Another girl followed me back to the court. “We’re happy to see Cherry Hill being humbled, but they’re nice too.”

It was a good reminder if our girls held onto the lead, we’d not want to go overboard in being hard on them. I was still very much the old Robert deep down inside. I was glad when Sandra reminded the cheer team. “Remember we’re the advocates for good sportsmanship. Do your cheers well, but not butt swaggering.”

I giggled to myself and ‘made a note to watch if girls ever did that.’ Their team worked their hardest to get back into the game.

Coach Daley rotated more of the team into the game to run the Chargers into exhaustion. They used their five starters all through the third period, trying to get back into the game. The progress they first made was lost as they became exhausted as the quarter ended. We went back to playing our best six as usual in the last period. We were leading 59-48 by that time.

We felt for their cheerleaders and basketball players as their fans led by some parents became nasty in how they were yelling at their own team and coach.

We ended up winning 79 to 65. We were more than a little upset when the media didn’t focus on how good our team was. Despite playing the late game we were still scheduled to play a 10:00 a.m. game.


Shannon came and found me and insisted I didn’t stay up late but get ready for bed. She wasn’t upset when Anne and Therese showed up to talk. I hid my new pills from Shannon. I was fairly sure, she wasn’t the one who gave them to me.

Anne commented on how I had mellowed out and was acting more as a team member. I said, “I thought I was cheering as hard as ever. I was just trying to play Dort’s role.”

Shannon said, “I think that’s what they’re saying. Whether it is Dort or Rose; you’re not trying so hard to be Rob. It is like the new cheer team with you is coming together. That’s a good thing.”

I said, “But it isn’t what my ego wants to hear!” I was also upset because Anne and Therese were there and I didn’t feel that excited by seeing them.

We kicked them out of our room at 11:30 and I had a short visit with my sister before falling to sleep. I felt her hand brush my hair soon after I closed my eyes.

I thought to myself, ‘Would I rather have this?”

To be continued…

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