FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

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FPI -- Frilly Pantied Investigator / Chapter 1

Copyright 2018 by Heather Rose Brown

I had the idea for this story a long, long time ago, and it's one of my favorites! I still don't have an ending, but I do finally have an idea where it might go, so I rewrote the beginning here, and am working on adding a few more chapters. Enjoy!


I had spread a brand new box of crayons around my coloring book, and was trying to decide if My Little Pony's mane should be orchid or lavender, when I heard the faint, unmistakable scritch of the lock to my apartment being picked. More out of instinct than any specific plan of action, I rolled towards my bedroom door, slid into a standing position, flattened myself against the wall, and switched off the light.

The almost imperceptible hiss of a muffled mini-saw slicing through my deadbolt with a well lubricated whisper blade told me I wasn't dealing with an amateur. Reaching under my skirt, I silently swore at the layers of lace before I found my weapon in the holster strapped around my carefully shaved thigh.

On the one hand, wearing a gun under a frilly, baby blue party dress felt odd ... even odder than wearing the dress. On the other hand, years of service in the Bureau had made carrying a weapon second nature to me; I felt naked without it. Before I could start getting seriously bitter about my forced "retirement", the sharp snick of a chain being cut snapped my attention back to the present.

The door creaked noisily as it opened. It was a creak I had purposely fostered for such an occasion. Light flooded the entry hall, followed by a shadow, which was my uninvited guest's first real mistake. My heart thumped under my ribcage as the shadow approached. An ancient floorboard in the hallway let out a low groan, and the shadow froze outside my door.

I held my breath, and hoped the thunder of my pulse could't been heard. The mother-of-pearl handle of my firearm was beginning to feel slick in my sweaty grip. After wiping a palm as quietly as anyone can on a starched linen apron, I shot an arm around the door frame, grabbed what felt like a handful of collar, and yanked hard.

Before he could react, I slammed him against the door, and shoved my weapon in his face. Yes ... I said he, him, and his. The hair and body language suggested female, but the general shape I could see under his heavy overcoat said male. At that particular moment, I was too pissed to be politically correct.

"Okay buddy," I said in a hoarse whisper, "you're seriously cutting into my playtime. Tell me who you are, and what you're doing here, before you're neck winds up enjoying a pleasant breeze."

My captive mumbled incoherently around a mouthful of steel. Realizing my mistake, I pulled the muzzle back a few inches. "Okay, try that again."

"Richard ... is that really you?"

I lifted the muzzle and pressed it against his forehead. "I'm the one asking the questions. So lets try this again. Who are you?"

"D-Don't you recognize me? It's your old boss, Barry."

I took a second look, and realized he was telling the truth. My former supervisor went cross-eyed as I released the safety. "You're not giving me a very good reason to not blow your head off."

"Please, I n-need your help."

"After the crap you put me through, you've got the nerve to come asking for help? Why the hell should I?"

"J-just. ..." Barry paused and closed his eyes. "Just open my coat. It'll explain everything."

I undid the top two buttons. Underneath, I found a pink peter-pan collar trimmed in white eyelet lace. "Okay," I said as I reset the safety and took a step back, "you've got my attention."

A sharp, hot pain blossomed at the back of my neck as he opened his mouth. If he said anything, I never heard it. I was too busy cursing the stupidity of leaving even part of my back exposed to an open door, and too numb to feel anything when I collapsed like a sack of majorette batons.

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think the word you were looking for

Maddy Bell's picture

Is amateur!

Not sure where you are thinking of heading with this, I shall await part 2.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Got the typo fixed. Thanks for your help! :)

Gumshoes in Mary Janes

laika's picture

It's great to see you back, Heather! I loved this one when I read it all those years ago and it's just as fun this time. Can't wait for the next installment.
~hugs, Veronica

Oh, and definitely lavender, especially if it's Fluttershy
(You can probably guess who my favorite Pony is-
"YIPPIE! Zoink! Wacka wacka..." etc.)

"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."

It's great to be back!

I've had a really long dry spell, and it feels wonderful to be writing again. I think Fluttershy is my fav' too!

{{{huggles back}}}

ThE ZeN oF SiLLy

laika's picture

Actually I meant Pinkie Pie was my favorite pony from that series,
which isn't really my favorite cartoon but I love her + her attitude.
She might well be my Spirit animal. And that's what I meant
by "YIPPIE! Boink! Whahoooooo!" and all that...
~manically, Ronni (65 going on 13...)


"You can either fly Over the Rainbow or Under the Radar but you can do both..."


MsPatriceA's picture

Well descriptive unique storyline Looking to the next chapter

Chapter 2

... is mostly done, chapter 3 is developing in interesting ways, and my muse has been bubbling with ideas for future chapters. I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter. :)

That was an attention getter

Jamie Lee's picture

This first chapter sure was an attention getter, what with the crayons, the intruder, then him getting darted. Guess chapter will explain a whole bunch more about what's going on.

Others have feelings too.