It was the hummingbirds fault - (Hummingbird tattoo)

Jack had an extensive feminine wardrobe stashed in his condo but he was very discreet about letting anyone know. He acknowledged his latent femininity by wearing nail polish and panties when not competing in sports. His panties today were a bright red. Jack had been considering getting a ‘cute’ tattoo for a long time

Night Watchman’s Lament: Outed by a Hummingbird Tattoo

LazArt had just invented the first color henna tattoo machine. Jack was a college senior working as a night watchman at LazArt Incorporated while attending college. Jack was a Physical Education major with hopes of teaching high school Physical Education for awhile before moving into a coaching position with a professional sports team. His favorite collegiate sports were volleyball and swimming. Jack’s slim, lithe body helped him excel in these sports. It also helped him with his secret ‘hobby’: cross-dressing.

Jack had an extensive feminine wardrobe stashed in his condo but he was very discreet about letting anyone know. He secretly acknowledged his latent femininity by wearing toe nail polish and panties when not competing in sports. His panties today were a bright red.

Jack had been considering getting a ‘cute’ tattoo for a long time but was conflicted by the permanency of a traditional ink tattoo. He wanted a tattoo that would be gender neutral. With so many designs available henna seemed his best option. With henna you have the opportunity for ‘do-overs’ if you became tired of the tat; it would wear off eventually. Jack wanted a silver dollar sized shoulder tattoo of a colorful hummingbird as it reflected the way he seemed to ‘float’ while playing volleyball. Any tattoo he would get had to be slightly feminine but not ‘flamingly femme’.

Working the night shift at LazArt gave Jack plenty of free time to read all the company literature on the Henna Color Laser 1000, and to educate him on henna and the HCL process. Jack also had plenty of opportunity to thoroughly inspect the HCL 1000 during his shifts.

In a nutshell the module looked like a compact walk in closet, maybe eight feet long, with what looked like several skinny, elongated tubes and sensor wands inside. The body scanning wands were about the diameter of your little finger to accommodate the henna dispersal tubes. Wand segments could fully articulate via a series of gimbals, universal joints and pivots; they could reach, bend and extend anywhere. These wands held sensors and micro spray nozzles. It reminded Jack of how a bakery can scan a photo and put a frosting image of the photo on a birthday cake.

A Henna Color Laser 1000 module sat behind a large curtain in the back of the company show room awaiting inspection and maintenance. The unit was just back from a successful week at the annual Adult Entertainment & Tattoo Trade Show Expo in Las Vegas, NV where it had been greeted with rave reviews and hundreds of happy customers wanting to experience vibrant, but temporary, tattoos.

LazArt had developed the world’s first henna color tattooing process. Unlike typical henna tattoos, which are monochromatic shades of black and brown, LazArt had developed a full spectrum of vibrant henna colors that are automatically applied perfect high definition body art images via ground breaking epidermal protocols and a revolutionary computer process.

Another key difference between normal henna tattoos vs. the HCL 1000 is that traditional henna tattoos typically last 1-3 weeks on average before they begin to fade. Fading is determined by how fast your skin sheds. LazArt had developed a method to slow down the sloughing of skin and which they had incorporated into the HCL 1000 process. LazArt henna tattoos last seven to nine months before fading begins. If you liked your body images you could have them reapplied again and again by simply ‘saving’ your images to a computer file for future use. The process was painless. LazArt had the temporary color tattoo market cornered.

The LazArt marketing brochure stated: “Our revolutionary Henna Color Laser 1000 body art/tattoo module is the world’s first whole body, computerized, temporary tattoo device and is the ONLY henna based color inking unit in the world.”

“A LazArt computer tablet provides the client with a menu for selecting and positioning the chosen art/tattoo on their body. The only body areas excluded from receiving our body art is your head, neck face, and genitalia. Regular henna tattoos are not in color; our tattoos are in beautiful vibrant colors.”

The entire tattoo process of the HCL 1000 takes 8 ½ to 10 minutes. A person with a 30 minute lunch break (like Jack) would have no problem in getting a tattoo or two during lunch and easily be back to work by the end of lunch.

For the umpteenth time Jack read the instruction to be sure of what he was about to do.

Henna Color Laser 1000 body art/tattoo module instructions state:

“Step in to the future, step in to color: Step in to the Henna Color Laser 1000!”

The entire process only takes 8 ½ to 10 minutes.

1 - Remove ALL your clothing, watches, jewelry, etc. Use the provided self adhesive modesty cloth to cover and protect your genitalia. Cover your eyes with the light canceling protective goggles provided; you don’t want to get any spray or mist in your eyes. Step into the HCL 1000.

The Henna Color Laser will beep and prompt you through each step of the process. Remain as still as possible while the HCL 1000 does its job

2 - Stand with your feet in the foot prints found on the floor of the HCL 1000 - (approximately 2 feet apart)

3 - Press the Calibrate button on the control screen and immediately put on your protective eye shields

4 - Stand and grab the adjustable overhead stabilization bar

The Henna Color Laser 1000 will auto calibrate for height, weight, body shape, skin color, skin texture, length of limbs, torso & feet

5 - The HCL 1000 will do an initial tracing of the outline of your body while maintaining its sensors and henna precision spray nozzles ½ inch from touching you. This scan insures a uniform tattoo image on all body parts. Remain still. These sensors also hold our high precision proprietary henna color spray nozzles. All body hair that may reduce final image quality will be laser removed; a smooth surface is essential for high quality results. This first scan should take two minutes. There will be a single beep when this part of the process is done. Remain still.

6 - Following this initial scan the HCL sensor nozzles will prep your skin with a light, quick drying, misting of a proprietary “epidermal primer” that will make your skin more receptive to our very high quality, long lasting Henna Color Laser tattoo. This second scan should take about 90 seconds. There will be another single beep when it’s been completed. Remain still.

7 - Special wavelength UV rays will be shined on the body area where the image(s) will be applied. The UV rays will stimulate your skin and allow a deeper penetration of the HCL colors when they are applied. You must keep the protective eye goggles on. This element of your session takes one minute. There will be another single beep. Remain still.

8 - The next step towards beautiful body art involves the application of the tattoo images that you selected before entering the HCL 1000. Continue to hold on to the overhead stabilizer bar. Remain still while the HCL 1000 provides you with high resolution beautiful body art. This can take from 3 to 5 minutes.

Upon completion of the tattoo application process the control panel will beep twice. You may relax and lower your arms, shake them out in preparation for the final step; application of a body art/tattoo “epidermal sealer”. Keep the goggles in place.

The control panel will beep three times and you are to grab the overhead stabilization bar and hold still.

9 - A final mist of epidermal sealer will be applied. This will revitalize and nourish your skin as well as seal and prolong the beauty of your new body art. This final process should take one minute. There will be five quick beeps to signal completion of your LazArt session.

After this last step exit the HCL 1000, leave the goggles on the control panel, exit the module and get dressed.

Please refrain from bathing or showering your body art for 24 hours. Remember, your body is a canvas for art. An 8x10 print out of the tattoos you selected will be available to you upon exiting the HCL 1000 module.

Thank you for experiencing the Henna Color Laser 1000.

The Henna Hummingbird

Jack stepped behind a privacy screen, removed all his clothes and his red panties; the panties were emblazoned on the back with “Jackie” in gold letters. He placed his items on a nearby table; the panties folded neatly on top. Jack stepped into the HCL 1000 and glanced around the interior of the tattoo booth to familiarize himself with the unit and its computer control screen. There was an icon of a hummingbird already on the screen. And it was the exact hummingbird design that Jack wanted.

Making sure that the overhead support pole was at a comfortable height Jack picked up the eye protection goggles and placed his feet in the foot prints located on the floor of the module. Jack found it odd that the foot prints required him to spread his feet so far apart.

Jack reached over, touched the hummingbird icon on the computer screen, fitted the goggles to his face, grabbed the stabilization bar and waited. The module counted down “5-4-3-2-1”. A subtle low hum began as well as what could be best described as a light breeze. Having read the instructions several times knew what to expect; the breeze was the tattoo being applied and the hum was from the tattoo spray wands circling his body several times. Jack held still.

He heard the final five quick beeps signaling completion of his LazArt session. He took a deep breath and released his grip on the overhead stabilization bar. Jack removed the goggles and put them back where he had found them. He was looking forward to inspecting his first tattoo in the full length mirror conveniently placed outside the module.

Looking downward, as he opened the module door, Jack noticed what he first thought was a colorful stain on his right foot.

Looking outside the module Jack saw his reflection in the full body mirror; he did a 360 turn. He gasped and had to grab hold of a table as his knees buckled at the sight of his newly tattooed naked body. Jack began to tremble.

Expecting to see only a hummingbird on his shoulder Jack stared in disbelief at multiple colorful tattoos that covered his entire body. “Oh my god” he inwardly screamed. “WTF went wrong!? I only wanted a hummingbird tattoo!”

His eyes slowly made their way up his reflection slowly taking in eight fresh tattoos. Yes, he had the hummingbird tattoo he wanted but he was literally dumb struck at the other tats. He slowly turned in front of the mirror and confirmed to his horror all the other, unexpected, “body art”.

Jack picked up the post tattoo session LazArt print out that automatically printed upon exiting the module. It was a ‘thank you’ note from LazArt that listed and showed all the lovely tattoos that he had just “ordered”. His hands trembled as he read.

The LazArt post procedure thank you printout read:

Thank you for ordering LazArt’s Hummingbird Special bundle of body art!


It seems that Jack was the recipient of a special LazArt Trade Show “bundle” of color tattoos. All were very feminine. There were front and rear thong tattoos, a low back tramp stamp, very pretty and detailed garters on both thighs, as well as what looked like a pair of seamed nylon stockings (with pretty bows at the top) running down the back of his legs. These tats were amazingly sexy looking!

The top of his right foot had several colorful butterflies (his blue toe nail polish accented the butterflies perfectly!) and his left ankle had a delicate anklet image with several dangling red hearts. And of course there was the hummingbird image that had started it all on his right shoulder. It was the hummingbirds fault!

Jack laid the printout next to his clothes and returned, still nude, to the full length mirror. He stared at his new tattoos and smiled. The colorful images were very pretty and made him feel very sexy and slightly naughty. It also made him very horny. Jack’s penis was beginning to swell. He slowly turned around so he could glimpse the bows and seams of his faux nylons. Jack stood on his tip toes to simulate how his legs would look if he was wearing his black patent leather pumps that were at home. His smile and erection got bigger as he viewed his realistic looking girly tats.

Grabbing his penis firmly, Jack circled the head of his penis with his thumb and middle finger and slowly slid his grip backwards from the tip of his penis to the base of his shaft while staring into the mirror; a glistening drop of pre-cum emerged at the tip of his penis. Jack was very adept at pleasuring himself and he repeated that move many times, stopping briefly to grab a wad of tissues. Jack resumed his masturbation and eventually ejaculated copiously into his tissue filled hand. His penis continued to have a few involuntary post orgasm twitches and was still pointing toward the ceiling. Jack yearned to see his tattooed image while wearing his favorite bikini and heels; he would have to delay that pleasure until he got home.

Releasing his member Jack took a couple of deep breaths and struggled to compose himself; he tossed the soggy tissues into a waste basket and licked his wet fingers. He had to get dressed and figure out what the heck had happened. Although initially shocked by his unexpected tattoos he was extremely pleased at how they looked and how feminine they made him feel. IF he was more confident in his alter feminine ego of “Jackie”, and IF he had the courage, these tattoos were exactly what he would have ordered for himself. They were perfect!

Jack slipped into his panties, got dressed and went back to check the LazArt computer in an effort to find out what had happened. A few keystrokes later and it was perfectly clear how this ‘mistake’ occurred. The last person that used the LazArt at the trade show had ordered the same bundle of eight tattoos that were now on him. There was a file named ‘Trade Show Hummingbird Bundle’! No one had deleted this previous selection of body art from the computer.

When Jack had started the LazArt unit by pressing the hummingbird icon on the computer screen he was given the same bundle of images that someone in Las Vegas had ordered. Somewhere in the world there was another person that shared the same tattoos that he now had. How ironic he thought.

Fully clothed, and with the mystery solved, Jack made sure to delete any evidence that he had used the HCL 1000 module.

Unauthorized use of company resources would result in immediate termination. His boss was a no nonsense strict company vice president. No one tangled with Miss Blackwell and kept their job. She was unmarried, perpetually cranky and exuded a no nonsense domme attitude. She was the boss and she wanted everyone to know it.

With 90 minutes left on his shift Jack continued his rounds while pondering how he was going to cope with his new fashion statements. They were going to be with him for at least nine months. How could he conceal them? One thing was certain… due to the skimpiness of his volleyball and swim trunks he was temporarily retired from participating in those sports until his ‘canvas’ shed his body art. That would be almost a year; a year where he must wear pants, shoes and socks to avoid detection.

Jack completed his shift and drove home. The events of the night had taken their toll and he was completely drained. He did have enough energy (and curiosity) to slip into his black bustier and black pumps in order to see the total effect of the combination of his lingerie with his pretty tattoos. The combined look was ‘stimulating’ to say the least. Jack grabbed some Kleenex and did what was needed to find relief from the tensions that had begun at work. Jack changed into a comfortable chemise and went to bed. He slept well and awoke with a smile.

In the morning Jackie remained in bed a bit longer than usual going over the events of the previous night. What bad (yet good) luck. He had mistakenly gotten several extremely sexy feminine tattoos and hadn’t been caught. His only concern was how to keep his new tattoos hidden and undercover for nine months.

Jackie slid out of his gold colored Mulberry silk bed sheets and into a pair of open toed slippers. His hearts anklet and foot butterfly tattoos looked very nice with the slippers. They complimented his dark blue toe nail polish quite well. He pulled on a beautiful flowered silk kimono over his cobalt blue chemise and tied it with a sash and made his way to the bath room. Completing his morning ablutions Jackie brushed his shoulder length hair into a feminine coif while slowly turning and admiring his new body art in the vanity mirror. He was in no rush because his shift didn’t start for nine hours.

Jackie inserted a pair of two inch hoop earrings and had just applied a coat of his favorite lipstick, Rosebud Blush, when his phone rang. Caller ID indicated that the call was from LazArt corporate offices. It was Mark Blackwell! Jack’s heart skipped a beat and his mouth went dry.

Picking up the phone Jack (J) offered a meek “Hello, this is Jack”. Mark Blackwell (MB) had the reputation of being a real ball buster that had fucked, bullied and blackmailed his way into management. Office gossip said he was gay. Intimidation was his specialty.

MB – “This is Mark Blackwell. I’m Director of Marketing for LazArt. Put Jackie on the phone.”

J - “What do you mean? There’s no Jackie here.”

MB - “I want to speak to the tattooed bitch with red panties that used my tattoo booth last night; her photo showed up on my office security hard drive this morning. She should be very easy to identify as the video images are high definition; blue toe nails, eight stolen company tattoos, an impressive erection and her name embroidered on her panties. I’m sure you know exactly whom I’m talking about Jack. Except what she licked off her fingers the waste basket had a lot of her DNA. The next voice I want to hear better be hers. Put her on the phone NOW ”

Jack’s heart was pounding. He hesitated a moment and sat down with the phone still pressed to his ear. It had never occurred to him that there were security cameras in the section of the office where the HCL 1000 was. He was obviously busted.

MB - “Didn’t you hear me? I said put Jackie on the phone immediately!”

With no change in his voice Jack quietly said, “Yes, this is Jackie.” His voice was quivering.

MB - “I’m pleased to see that Jackie knows how to take orders. I have a very interesting video of you stealing company materials. Eight tattoos to be precise. My video also clearly shows you jacking off; I’m glad that you had the self restraint to keep from soiling the floor. What do you have to say about these very serious matters MISSY?”

Taking a sip of water in order to be able to speak Jackie began:

J - “I only wanted a single tattoo of a hummingbird. I’m very sorry. It won’t happen again.”

MB - “Indeed, it won’t ever happen again. Your days as a night watchman are over! I have other plans for you, Sweetie. Tell me again what your girl name is?”

J - “Jackie. My femme name is Jackie, Mr. Blackwell. Could you please let me off with just a warning? I really need the income. Please let me keep my job. I’ll do anything!”

MB - “Very well my little Twink, I like it when people beg. I must commend you on your new body art and your obvious virility; it took a lot of tissues to sop up your excitement. Even though you stole them from the company the tats do look very pretty on you. I particularly like the front and rear thongs, don’t you? They make you look very girly; I find girly-boys to be erotically intriguing. Is that what you want Jackie; to look girly?”

Mr. Blackwell’s comments were an unintended ‘tell’. I detected a way that I might be able to keep my job.

J - “Yes, Mr. Blackwell I like to look girly; I want to look girly. I’m very sorry. May I please keep my job? Please!”

MB - “I have the lovely video from last night and I may release it to a few specialty porn websites and maybe to your college too. I’m positive that video would end your dreams for teaching, professional sports and many other jobs. And I’m also sure your parents and friends would find your actions difficult to tolerate or understand. Don’t you agree Jackie?”

Before continuing Mister Blackwell paused a moment so his words would sink in.

MB - “There may be a few options that would allow you to continue to work for LazArt that would be beneficial to us both.”

J - “Yes, Mr. Blackwell. I agree. What options are you talking about? I would do whatever it takes to keep my job.”

MB - “Well my little ‘poof’, your days in security are over but I have a couple of ideas that, like I said, could be beneficial to us both. Do not report to work today. Instead I want you to report directly to me tomorrow at 10 AM for a job interview for a special job with the company. Is that clear?”

J - “Yes, Mister Blackwell. I fully understand. I beg you to please keep the video secret.”

MB - “We’ll have to see how your interview goes tomorrow. I’m sure we can come to a mutually satisfying arrangement; your long hair may work in your favor. Let me give you a couple of things to consider. The company is launching an ad campaign and we need a femininely androgynous male model for photo shoots, runway events and public appearances.”

“Our model will be required to have shaved legs, wear mini-skirts and high heels in order to show off our product line of henna tattoos. Other than skirts, pumps and tats the only thing our model will be wearing is fashion glamour makeup, earrings and a smile. I notice you’re flat chested; would you object to having your pectorals plumped up to a nice “C” cup and having to wear a bra, Sweetie?”

J - “No sir, I wouldn’t mind at all.”

MB - “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d mind. Do you shave your legs Missy?”

J - “Yes, I shave my legs, armpits and other areas too.”

MB - “Do you like chandelier earrings Sweetie?”

J - “I prefer hoops.”

MB - “I thought so. You look a bit femme already but do you want to look more girly for me? I like girly-boys.”
Jack made a mental note of Mr. Blackwell’s second reference to liking effeminate men.

J - “Yes, Mister Blackwell, I want to look girly… for you.”

MB - “There’s a second option. I have a need for a Personal Assistant at work and an ‘escort’ after hours. And when I say ‘escort’ I mean someone that would willingly serve me in any intimate activity that I specify. The erection you were stroking in the video last night was impressive as was the volume of your ejaculate; the way you stood on your tip toes to simulate heels was particularly revealing about your feminine leanings. You’d still need to show off your pretty legs and all your tattoos. Am I being clear Jackie dear?”

J - “Yes, Mister Blackwell.”

MB - “You have a lot to think about before your job interview Jackie. When you arrive tomorrow morning I want you dressed for womanly success… even if it’s under your normal clothing. And if I ask to see your toes they damn well better be painted! Do you understand what I expect Missy?”

J - “Yes, sir. I understand completely. I’ll be as girly as you want; I won’t disappoint you.”

The phone went dead. Jackie remained motionless for a moment and then hung up his phone. There were so many things to consider. Quitting his job was not an option. He had substantial financial obligations and he needed steady income. Being outed, exposed and jobless wasn’t an option. The options that Mister Blackwell presented began to look more attractive.

Jackie took another drink of water and stared off into space as she contemplated what she should wear tomorrow. Since the interview is for Jackie perhaps pants weren’t a wise option. Reaching for her blue nail polish Jackie began carefully painting her nicely shaped fingernails. ‘I wonder if Mark kisses on the first date’ she thought. A sly smile formed on her face.

The end (?)


Dear readers, Jackie is in a very awkward predicament with only two options. 1 – Take the modeling job or 2 – become a Personal Assistant to Mister Blackwell. Both arrangements would allow him to indulge his feminine side in ways they he could never have dreamed. Which option do you think is the correct decision? If you have a third suggestion we would love to hear what it is. And WHICH tattoo do think is the best?

Jackie and I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

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