Click Bait Fate 1

Click-bait is a web page link designed to entice users to go to a certain web-page or video. Click-bait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content. – per Wikipedia.

The Setup

Jack was an unmarried recent college graduate with a degree in corporate finance and a minor in Social Media. He was in his first year with a Big Ten accounting firm and was working towards an MBA. His future looked bright. He was active with social media postings, tweets and blogging. He had accounts with Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google +, and several other web based outlets; he was a frequent participant. He also was an extremely proficient, but discreet, cross-dresser.

Jack first became aware of his feminine side at age ten. More than twelve years later he had a complete ‘Jackie’ wardrobe and indulged himself as often as possible. He was adept at makeup with emphasis on the eyes. He had his ears pierced at age 13. His makeup collection was complete. Being single he never slept in pajamas; always a baby doll or chemise. His robe was a silk kimono; his slippers were fur trimmed mules with a two inch heel. His natural hair color was brunette. ‘Jackie’ was his chosen femme name.

In the privacy of his condo he routinely web-surfed cross-dressing web sites and had his favorite sites book marked. Some sites were stories, one was for social conversations, advice, and idea exchange relating to the CD/TG community, and another was videos and photos of cross-dressers. Some of his bookmarked sites were porn.

Jack had recently become enthralled with male-to-female photo morphing sites. He liked the fact that he could try a variety of makeup, hair styles and looks and not having to go to the trouble of makeup application, removal, reapplying, etc.; it was all virtual. Just upload a good selfie head shot and play around with no hassle; find a look, hair color or style he liked and then click and save. He had a special computer file labeled ‘Jackie’ where he saved and stored his better looks. His digital photo ‘saves’ didn’t totally disguise Jack. You would think it was Jack’s beautiful twin sister but there was no mistaking or hiding the innate ‘Jack qualities’. He made a very pretty woman.

Trans Form You

Trying to find a better male to female morphing site he stumbled into that would, in addition to hair and makeup head shots, give you the option of selecting body shapes, breast size, and cleavage options. It also had a clothing, jewelry, shoes and lingerie feature where you could try these items on your virtual body. A finished effort through, TransFormU, would have your perfectly made up, feminine face, on a beautiful woman’s body, dressed or undressed to your specifications. was perfect in many ways.

Jack was enthralled with making Jackie look and dress beautiful and therefore he was enthralled with the TransformU website. The site offered many options not found on any website that Jack had ever found. Once you had your basic image selected and ‘saved’ you could simply click on what look, image or profession you wanted to look like. With a single mouse click you could be dressed to look like a cheerleader, bride, rock star, a domination mistress, school girl, a nursing mother, etc. There were anime, adult baby, sissy, and biker bitch options. There even was a ‘slut-me-up’ button.

Another unique feature was that once you had the look you wanted you could have your femme photo placed with a background that matched your outfit. The selections were amazingly real world in appearance; if you were in a swim suit you could be shown on a beach, in a wedding dress you could be in a church, as a cheerleader you could be on a football field, as a biker bitch in a bar… just click and choose. The effects were endless and all were fantastically real looking.

Jack had visited the TransFormU site twice, trying to become familiar with how to use the many features. It was on his third visit when he found the site had added a new, adult, feature. It was a beta feature. Once you had selected your complete ‘look’ you would click on the ‘slut-me-up’ options and, for a small $50 fee, the site would put you, in your chosen image, into a two minute computer-generated imagery porn movie! $200 got you five vignettes. A finished movie looked exactly like the real thing. A person could experience, virtually, the desires, impulses and sex acts that they may have thought about, or even dreamed about, but which they would never actually do or act upon.
‘Be the slut you yearn to be’ without the fear of STDs, societal scorn or family drama.

A practical aspect of was the ability for you to work on several projects concurrently, save them all on the site, and add new features to them until they were complete before saving and downloading them all at once. Among the still photos Jack had already saved was Jackie as a long haired blond with a 40D breast, impressive cleavage, nude, wearing high heels and made up like a runway model. He added scarlet lipstick and finger nails for the effect he liked.

Saving and building on this basic virtual image Jack clicked on ‘lingerie mode’ placing Jackie in matching red garter belt and panty set, black stockings, a black and red pushup bustier (with lace trim) that emphasized cleavage. Jack added black four inch pump heels, sexy gold chandelier earrings, show girl makeup and long brunette hair. For a background he had Jackie standing, with her hands on her hips, at the foot of a magnificent bed in a beautiful boudoir setting.

Jack also refined the classic cross-dressers fantasy of wearing a wedding dress. For a background he opted for a soothing mountain meadow setting. Jackie made a beautiful bride. Finding a ‘waif’ option Jack added this look giving Jackie a more provocative, pouty, look. Just one click of his mouse made it happen.

Another effort for Jackie was the bikini swim suit option. He swapped her into a red hair pixie cut hair style, increased the feminine arch of her eyebrows and opted for a skimpy pushup top that gave Jackie an outstanding cleavage. The string bikini bottom was barely there and was erotic for him to look at. He selected a Laguna Beach setting to complete this fantasy. Jackie looked hot!

The final scenario Jack created was that of the perfect Sissy. Black patent leather Mary Jane shoes and white leggings were easily added. His Sissy dress had a large bow in the back. And of course his face was perfectly made-up. Let your imagination complete your mental image of what this entailed.

Developing each image took a pleasant toll on Jack and his arousal increased the more he explored what he could do with Jackie and TransFormU. He had all his virtual creations ‘saved’ and ready for download to his laptop. Yet there was one additional feature of TranForm he wanted to use; the ‘Slut-Me-Up’ option. Before attempting this he wanted to switch to Jackie mode; it would fit with what he was about to do.

A repressed and tightly controlled fantasy for Jack was having a sexual relationship with a man. It was a fantasy that he doubted he would ever act on. He was, he thought, very much in control of his desires, impulses and fantasies. What would it be like to be on the receiving end of a steamy, same sex, relationship while in full Jackie mode? There were tastes, sensations, and lusty feelings he secretly yearned for. He was curious.

Before trying the beta ‘Slut-Me-Up’ feature Jack went to his kitchen and mixed himself a Tito’s vodka and Sprite. Taking his drink to his bedroom he swapped from his male clothes to Jackie clothes. This didn’t take long as he had been wearing lingerie under his pants and shirt all day at work as he usually did. He slipped breast forms into his bra, pulled on a pair of lacy peach shorty pettipants (for tactile reasons), donned a cute, flowered, romper and inserted 2 inch gold hoop earrings into his waiting ears. He already had his garter belt and cinnamon stockings on which made slipping into his black ballet style shoes easy; they were well broke in.

Jack went to his vanity, sat down and applied some facial make-up, eyeliner, a bit of eye shadow and mascara. His hair was long enough that he could easily backcomb it a bit and shape a believable pixie hairstyle. A blast of hairspray maintained his femininity. Finding his favorite shade of lipstick he expertly enhanced his lips. He gave himself a spritz of perfume and was ready to try the ‘Slut-Me-Up’ option on TransFormU. He wanted to be a bit naughty when he made virtual Jackie naughty.

The growing bulge in her French cut panties urged Jackie to lie down on the bed to relive her building lust. Jackie had a pressing date with TransFormU and didn’t want to take the time so she folded some tissues and placed them in her panties to soak up the pre-seminal oozing. Grabbing her purse, that held her credit card, Jackie went back to her lounging chair and her laptop.

Sitting back in her chair Jackie took another swig of her drink, retrieved her credit card, logged into TransFormU and prepared to get slutty. She was weighing which version of virtual Jackie to make “slutty”. ‘Lingerie Jackie’ or ‘Bride Jackie’? They both seemed like exciting and very worthwhile options.

Jackie carefully entered her credit card number, and when prompted, selected Lingerie Jackie. She had a couple more criteria to click on. For ‘select a place’ (for her movie to take place in) she chose the ‘bedroom’ option, and for the ‘with who’ drop down menu she clicked on ‘two men’, making a promise to herself to next time try the ‘man + woman’ scenario. Her final choice was ‘voluntary or rape’? Jackie wanted to be a willing participant in whatever would be depicted. She smiled as she thought about how the final product would play out.

Before clicking on the ‘Slut-Me-Up’ icon Jackie modified her ‘self’ by switching to long platinum blond hair, added bangs and ultra sexy, vixen looking, eyebrows; it completed the look she was trying for. Taking another sip of her drink Jackie took a deep breath, exhaled, and clicked on the ‘Slut-Me-Up’ icon. A notice appeared on the screen indicating that the process could take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. She leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, tried to relax and waited.

Her mind was racing even though her eyes were closed. There were so many ways that she could be slutty! As she considered the possibilities her penis began growing and throbbing in anticipation. With eyes still closed she rolled up the leg of her jumper and was able to feel and stroke the bulge in her panties. She hooked her right thumb onto the elastic band at the top of her panties and pulled them slightly down. Using her right index finger she pushed aside the tissues she had placed there earlier.

Jackie began a slow circling of her cockhead, making an effort to spread her natural lubricant around and around the tip. Using the same finger she spread her slippery pre-seminal fluid down and around the corona of her penis. The mental images she was envisioning, as she waited, combined with the copious amount of pre-cum she was producing, were overwhelming and would soon need to be dealt with. Before she could take matters into her own hand her laptop beeped her back to the present. “Done” was the one word message overlaid onto the TransFormU opening screen.

Jackie licked her wet fingers out of reflex and pulled her panties and romper back into place and leaned forward to pick up her mouse. She clicked the ‘preview’ icon and leaned back again.

The Preview

The two minute, $50 mini-porn movie was just that; very graphic, very erotic and very XXX rated. It was well worth what Jackie had paid. Watching the preview, prior to downloading, was like living the experience without actually having to get down on your knees in front of your lover. Jackie watched herself pull a man’s penis from his boxer shorts, kiss the head and suck and swirl him with the timing of a pro. The moment of her ‘boy friends’ ejaculation was graphically captured; dribbles of cum were seen running down her chin as she tried to swallow. Her rigid penis was clearly visible.

The second man she had requested showed up half way through her two minute performance. Jackie could be seen eagerly bringing ‘man 2’ to a firm erection with her mouth, returning to her in-progress blowjob on ‘man 1’ while guiding ‘man2’s’ penis to her rectum and pulling the first two inches of ‘man 2’into her rectum. Very slutty! The close-ups were amazing in their detail.

Jackie had clearly been ‘slutted-up’! ‘Man 2’ could be seen giving Jackie a reach around as he plowed her ass. One of the more graphic scenes has Jackie with her legs over the shoulders of ‘man 2’ while being slow fucked, bare back, by him… she was clearly enjoying it. Another scene had her up ‘man 1’s’ ass all the way up to the base of her shaft. And then the mini-movie was over. Computer-generated imagery (CGI) has cum a long way.

Jackie found herself extremely aroused by watching her ‘movie’ and was panting like a dog in heat. The movie was all she had hoped for. It definitely was for personal viewing only. It was NOT ‘work place safe’.

Jackie adjusted her panties and romper to one side, gaining access to her throbbing penis. She picked up a box of tissues from a side table and hit the replay button. Before her personal porn video had played through to the end she had found extreme, and messy, release and self gratification. She was going to have to wash her romper. It was a memorable and joyful orgasm!

Having cleaned up and composed herself Jackie leaned over to ‘save’ her movie and four still images (bride, sissy, lingerie, and biker bitch) that she had just ‘previewed’. She clicked on the download icon. While they were downloading Jackie picked up her soiled tissues and went to change into a clean outfit. She tossed the tissues in the trash and decided to get more comfortable. After all it was a Friday evening and she had no place to go until work on Monday.

She got nude and selected tap pant underwear, a sleep bra and her silk lounging kimono. It felt good to be free of her normal bra, stockings and suspender belt. She lightly scratched her belly and breasts, walked to her vanity and changed to a lighter shade of lipstick. Smacking her lips to evenly spread her lipstick she looked in the mirror and said out loud, “Jackie, you’re such a very naughty girl. A virtual slut! And I have the video to prove it!” She blew a kiss to herself, winked, laughed and went to make herself another drink. Jackie liked her Tito’s.

She squeezed a lime into her vodka and waited for her downloads to finish. Jackie turned on some soft background music and sat back into her chair. She checked and made sure her new creations were properly in the ‘Jackie’ file on her laptop. They were. She sipped at her drink and decided to go through some emails.

The first email she read was unsettling. It was from Bob in the mail room at work. It read:

“Dearest Jackie, Thank you for trusting me to the degree that you would share your ‘special’ photos and video with me. I feel honored. Your secret is safe with me. I too have a feminine side but am too insecure to let it out. Your garter belt in your video is so yummy-sexy! And what you did to that man was very hot. If you would like to try someone new please give me a call. I’ve attached, in confidence, a picture of me in my favorite dress. Best wishes and hugs! “Diane” XOXO

Jackie’s jaw dropped. Her brain struggled to comprehend how “Diane” knew about Jackie and her movie. She refocused her eyes and read the next email:

“Miss Jackie, You are so incredibly hot! Seeing you at work I never would have expected that you could fem up so well. I had noticed that you had pierced ears but never guessed your secret. I’d like to take you on a dinner date to the Sycamore Inn sometime. I’ll leave a tube of L’oreal lipstick, with my phone number, on your desk Monday. I think the shade will look perfect on you! We have the same skin tone and it looks great on me. Call me. Yours truly, Jonny”

Jackie’s heart was pounding and her hand was shaking. How could this be happening? The numbers of unread emails were stacking up. Jackie logged back into TransFormU and immediately went to the settings area. Quickly going to the download setting Jackie gasped and slumped back into her chair. The problem was glaringly obvious; a real bone-head, amateur, mistake.

Still slumped into her chair Jackie took a large gulp of her drink and sat staring at the screen of her laptop. In the ‘download’ settings she had quickly selected ‘save’ and had left the ‘setup’ area. Looking at what she had done she saw that she had clicked on ‘save & share’! She had only wanted to ‘save’ her projects. In error she had ‘shared’ her movie and images with her entire ‘friends’ portion of her email address book. “Oh, my God… what have I done?” Life was about to get very complicated.

It could have been worse. The ‘share with’ options that were not checked included Facebook, Pinterest and several other options. In that regards Jackie was fortunate. The other piece of good news was that her email ‘friends’ has only forty entries. Some of her ‘friends’ were coworkers. This explained why Bob and Jonny had commented on her ‘movie’, so far. Thankfully the email addresses for ‘family’ and ‘work’ had been spared.

It was 9 PM Friday night and her movie had already set off a flood of emails. Some were not very nice. She only had two days to fabricate a believable explanation before reporting for work on Monday. That also meant that there were two days for more emails to roll in. “Oh, my God.”

Awakening Saturday morning Jackie lay in her bed, clad in her feminine sleep attire. She slowly stretched as she began to wake up. It had been a deep, relaxing sleep and she was enjoying the solitude and comfort of a lazy morning. And then the debacle of the night before hit home.

Jackie bolted upright in her bed and her mind began racing. “What the hell am I going to do!” she blurted out. She swung her feet over the bed, slipped into her fur trimmed mules, glanced into a mirror and fluffed her hair and went to the kitchen for coffee. She flipped the switch on the coffee maker. Glancing at her laptop she was glad that it was closed. ‘I’ll deal with that later’ she thought. Picking up her cell phone she saw that she had four messages. Setting the phone down Jackie snuck a cup of fresh coffee while the coffee pot was still brewing.

Adding a splash of milk and two teaspoons of sugar she pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down to think. ‘What the hell am I going to do?!’ she thought.

Finishing her second cup of coffee Jackie decided to shower before doing anything. Her cell phone rang and she let it go to message as she adjusted the water temperature in her shower. Whoever it was would just have to wait. Hopefully it was not her job telling her to not bother coming to work Monday. There were a few more coworkers in her email ‘friends’ that she had not heard from… yet.

The warm shower felt great and help to clear her head. Grabbing her razor and shaving foam she made quick work of making her legs nice and smooth. She shampooed and conditioned her hair, turned off the water and stepped out of the stall. She toweled her hair and patted her legs almost dry. She applied some coconut oil moisturizer to her legs and set some skinny curlers in her hair while it dried. Jackie liked the body and waves the curlers gave her.

Because it was a Saturday she pulled on a pair of French cut panties and a pair of low cut white shorts with a three inch inseam. The rolled cuffs made her shorts cuter as did the embroidered humming bird on a rear pocket. Opting for a teal colored push up demi-bra she inserted her breast forms and selected a yellow blouse that had a small white flower pattern. She buttoned a couple buttons and then knotted the shirt tails into ‘island style’. Opting for minimum makeup she chose a coral lipstick, blush on her cheek bones, and her usual black mascara.

Switching from the gold hoop earrings she inserted some cute pearl studs in her ear lobes, added several bangle bracelets and two rings. A few well placed dabs of perfume on her wrists and throat and she was ready to face the day. Slipping into a pair of leopard print flat sandals Jackie went to the living room. Looking down at her feet Jackie smiled and was glad she had recently painted her toenails a dark blue. The silver toe ring completed her. She opted to not wear her anklet. The curlers would remain in place until her hair dried.

Jackie made herself a toasted English muffin, with peanut butter and honey, and went to her laptop. She flipped open the laptop and turned it on. Her new emails were waiting.

“You disgusting pervert! How dare you send me those disgusting photos? I will have the police on you if do it again. Get some professional help.”

“I found your unsolicited images were very interesting but totally inappropriate for email. If you’d like to share your photos let me know and we can share them at my house. (You make a stunning blond.)”

“Damn, you are one hot mama! Why did you send them to ME? I’m in a relationship at present but if that changes I’ll let you know.”
“Whew”, Jackie thought, “the response isn’t as brutal as I thought it would be. Maybe there’s a way to fabricate a plausible explanation, keep my friends and my job.”

Taking a final bite of her muffin Jackie drank the last of her coffee. She reached up and felt her hair. ‘Almost dry’ she thought.

Jackie walked to her vanity, carefully removing her curlers as she walked. Using her separated fingers she slowly combed her hair upwards one time. Grabbing a can of unscented hair spray she bent at the waist, and let her hair hang down. She gave her hair a liberal spray and waited 20 seconds for the spray to firm up. Standing up she shook her head left and right a few times and checked her image in the mirror. Her hair was almost perfect. Using a brush she quickly had it the way she liked it. A final spray and she was done; a cute pixie cut in less than a minute. As long as she was at the mirror she reapplied a new fresh coat of lipstick.

Returning to the task of reading the email responses to his accidental emailing his en femme images and porn video Jackie began clicking through them.

A few replies were very negative, a few were accepting of Jackie’s hobby and a few wanted Jackie to ‘make’ them paint their nails and dress as women. And then there were some that wanted to have sex. “So far, so good” Jackie thought. And then she opened the next email.

“Jack – A copy of your video and photos were forwarded to me. They, and therefore you, reflect negatively on the corporation. Before I forward your video to HR I want to speak to you. I will call you at 12 noon Saturday. If you do not answer do not bother coming to work on Monday. If you decide to answer perhaps we can arrive at a solution.” – Mike Spence, CEO

‘Oh, my God… what have I done? What the hell am I going to do?!’ Jackie thought.

Precisely at 12 noon Jackie’s cell phone rang. On the second ring Jackie answered and stood up.

“Hello, this is Jack.”

“This is Mike Spence. Put Jackie on the phone.”

Taken aback by the request and the stern voice Jackie replied (in the same voice), “This is Jackie.”

Mr. Spence began: “Have I made it clear about how you and your video are an embarrassment to the corporation? Are you aware that your career and future are hanging by a thread… a very thin thread? And that I hold that thread.”

Jackie’s heart was pounding and her palms were getting damp. “Yes, I understand” she replied.

“Good.” Mr. Spence said in a terse tone. “We both understand your situation. Before we speak further, answer my questions. It’s obvious that you enjoy your female side. Why?”

“When I’m Jackie I feel very special. I love the taste of lipstick and the feel of nylons and lace. I find lingerie so much nicer than boring men’s clothes… you know, the usual.”

“Do you like your job? Do you want to keep your job?”

“Yes sir, I like the company and I like my job. I hope to advance to a more responsible position.”

“How far have you taken your cross-dressing? Do you shave your legs? Have you had sex with men? Your video says that you have.”

“Yes, I have shaved my legs for many years but I do no harm to the company by doing so. That video was all done with computer software. It’s not me. I’ve fantasized about sex with men before and that’s why I made the video. By mistake my images and video were accidentally sent to several people. I apologize.”

In a softer tone Mr. Spence replied with “Hmmm. Maybe there’s hope for you and we can reach a mutually beneficial arrangement. Of those photos which one do you like the most?”

Surprised at the change of tone of the conversation Jackie did not hesitate and replied, “I like my ‘lingerie mode’ first and then it’s a tie between the wedding dress and Sissy mode.”

Equally quick in his response Mr. Spence said, “I really like the ‘lingerie mode’ but I find the Sissy option is… shall we say, pleasant to consider. Your nude version is also pretty nice.”

The phone went silent. Jackie dared not say anything. She thought she could hear barely audible heavy breathing.

Mr. Spence broke the silence with “I have a proposal that could be beneficial to us both. I’ve already arranged for two days of sensitivity training at the office. You are off work, with pay, until Wednesday. You won’t have any problems at work from then on. The rest of my offer, and your career, depend upon you and your complete secrecy. I’ll have a non-disclosure agreement prepared and you will sign it.”

There was a pause and Jackie could hear ice cubes tinkle as Mr. Spence took a sip. Spence continued.

“I’ve viewed your video several times and it has awakened some very real needs and desires that I must deal with. I also like wearing lingerie and feeling slutty. It makes me feel very alive and… and very horny. To put it bluntly, I find you very attractive and I want to have sex with you. Not just once. I’m looking for a longer commitment. A one year agreement to begin with, subject to extension after six months. You would be well compensated and I’d guess that a person with your, shall we say, special ‘talents’ would need a better assignment and an office… there would be special projects that might take us out of town periodically. I have a mountain home that’s very secluded.”

Jackie was sitting in her chair, saying nothing and taking this all in. It seemed so surreal. She sensed a shift from being on the defense to being the dominant negotiator. She had something that Mike wanted very badly. He had tipped his hand. Lust can do that to a person.
“Are you there Jackie? Do you understand what I’m suggesting? It’s a win-win situation. What are your thoughts on my proposal?” There seemed to be a plaintive tone to Mike’s voice that bordered on desperation.

Hesitating a moment for effect Jackie softly replied, “It does seem like a mutually beneficial arrangement, doesn’t it?” As the proposal sank in Jackie could feel the start of an arousal. Having sex with a man AND being paid. Would that make her a whore? It didn’t really matter. It seemed like a wet dream come true.

“So what do you think, Jackie? Monday is the day after tomorrow. You’re running out of time and options. Your emails stirred up a lot of problems that the company doesn’t need. Say ‘yes’ and I’ll come to your condo tomorrow at noon. We could, if you will pardon the pun, consummate our agreement. I want you to be in the outfit I see in your lingerie photo. Is it a deal?”

Jackie smiled as she realized that she was in a position of power. She pulled the zipper down on her shorts. Holding the phone in her left hand she slowly began running her finger up and down her hardening cock. “Mr. Spence, you know I’m really a brunette, right? And in my video I’m a platinum blond, right?”

“Well, I’ll bring you a long, blond wig. Please, call me Mike.”

Jackie replied “Platinum blond, human hair, Mike.”

Dropping her voice and trying to sound sultry, Jackie added “You know Mike, sometimes I like having black hair; Sapphire black, shoulder length.”

Mike responded with “Ok, I’ll bring you two wigs and a bottle of Tito’s. Is that ok? Is there anything else?”

“Yes, there are just few things more. Don’t wear underwear, bring your favorite panties, and bring your nylons and a box of sheepskin condoms. I think you’ll like they way I feel when I’m deep inside you.”

Jackie was sure she heard a gasp from Mike who was breathing heavy like a man in lust. Continuing Jackie said, “I’m sure I have a bra that will fit you. I hope you like lace, Mike. I do.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. By the way, I’m a 38 B.” Mike hung up.

Jackie put down her phone and giggled at the turn of events. Her future was looking brighter.


Note to readers:

It’s the age old conundrum. There’s probably enough story left for a second chapter. But should there be another installment? I’m curious as how Bob (aka ‘Diane’), in the mail room, will interact with Jackie and I’m wondering if co-worker Jonny will actually leave Jackie the tube of lipstick he promised to leave on Jackie’s desk. Will there be other gifts left? How will the accidentally sent photos and video be resolved? And, of course, how will the arrangement between Mike and Jackie go? Will there be a trip to the mountains? A business trip to Miami or…?

"Writers must recognize the stop signs in their… stories."

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