The Play Chapter 4

Leaving the Victoria's Secret in my boy clothes made me feel even more confident. Somehow I felt more manly now. Hearing that Ally liked me more in boxers than in panties had me feeling better about the whole weird day. Austin was right. We were just messing around. Why'd did I take it so seriously?

Ally waited for me in the changing area and we met the other girls outside the store where Erica and Nora were each holding a pink Victoria's Secret shopping bags while Vanessa was holding four. She handed me two.

"Its your stuff." she said kind of coldly for someone who had just bought someone else multiple items of clothing they didn't want.

Walking through the mall I realized that some people probably thought I was holding the stuff for the girls and that I had spent the afternoon hanging with four hot girls and had just seen them try on all kinds of sexy Victoria's Secret products. I smiled at the thought.

Or maybe they thought I was their gay best friend. Maybe that was closer to what I actually did.

I pushed that thought out of my mind. Ally had basically told me she liked me. Did she want to hook up tonight? Maybe we'd hook up at her house.

Ally's mom had her minivan parked in front of the mall.

"Ohhhh you girls are growing up" She said when she saw the bags. "Victoria's Secret! Looks like you had fun though!" she said to her daughter.

"Yeah we did. By the way, Mom, this is Trevor, the boy I told you about." Ally said introducing us.

Her mom smiled and greeted me. "Of course, hi Trevor, nice to meet you. Wasn't there another boy too?"

"Trevor's friend had to go." Ally told her.

"Oh that's a shame. Probably for the best honestly as I've already got your brother in the car so its going to be a full car but we can fit everyone! Three in the very back, two in the middle back. By the way honey" she said looking at me "its so sweet of you to hold their stuff. Here, you can put it in the back." she said opening the trunk.

"That's not our stuff Mrs Haines. It's Trevor's." Vanessa said smiling. "Trevor got way more at Victoria Secret than any of us did."

I heard laughter from inside the car but Ally's mom didn't hear her as she closed the trunk.

I followed Ally in. The girls had sat in the very back so I sat behind the drivers seat while Ally sat behind the passenger.

"This is my brother, Jackson." she said gesturing at the teenage boy a few years older then me in the passenger seat. He was broad shouldered and good looking and was wearing a Lacrosse sweat shirt. "Jackson, this is my friend Trevor."

"Hey man." He said looking back at me and nodding. Then after a pause he said, "So...I hear you shop at Victoria's Secret." He gave a dumb grin.

I forced a laugh, unsure of what to say, and Ally kicked his seat.

"Alright girls, and Jackson, buckle up!" she said as she reentered the car. "And Trevor." she added as the girls giggled. "Girls, Jackson and Trevor."

"So Trevor, you go to Corrigan?" Ally's Mom asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

Jackson looked back at me.

"All boys school, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You like that?" He gave me a grin.

"It's fine."

"Oh stop it, Jackson!" Ally said suddenly.

"I'm asking him if he likes his school!" Jackson said defensively. "

"Your actually the worst." She shot back.

I was used to jokes about going to an all boys school and obviously it'd be nice to have some girls around but I'd gone to Corrigan since I was little so I was used to it and I didn't mind it or care about the jokes.

"Stop it you two." Ally's mom said sharply. "So Trevor," she said in a much softer voice. "Do you play any sports?"

"Yeah." I said, deciding it was better to ignore the shit Jackson was giving me then give him shit back. "Soccer and baseball."

"I hate soccer." Jackson said looking back at me. "All the soccer kids at my school are douches. The whole sport just kind of rubs me the wrong way."

"Trevor's actually really good. He's captain of the Soccer team." Ally said to her mom, ignoring him and smiling at me.

"And the baseball team too." I added.

"Wow! A real jock! Jackson plays baseball too!" His mom said.

"Hockey's my main sport though." He told me. "You skate?"



His mom laughed. "Don't be rude, Jackson." she chided before moving on the ask Erica how her parents were. We arrived at Ally's house about 15 minutes later.

"Don't forget your stuff in the back girls. Don't make poor Trevor carry it all for you." she said to the back of the car.

"Most of it isn't ours, Mrs. Haines. Its Trevor's." Vanessa said in a bratty way that made me want to punch her.

"Trevors?" She, hearing it this time, gave a puzzled look. "The Victoria's Secret stuff?"

"Yeah. Its Trevor's." Vanessa repeated.

Ally's Mom turned around and looked at me.

"He looks so pretty in it." Vanessa added unnessarily.

There was a pause while Ally's mom processed this. I didn't know what to say. Vanessa was acting so strangely. Jackson was almost shaking with silent laughter. Ally looked like she wanted to murder Vanessa.

"Well that's neat." Ally's mom said finally. "I think thats great actually. I would never have thought you would be the type of..." her voice trailed off "I support gay rights and trans rights and all of it."

I blushed. "I'm... I'm not gay or trans. I just..."

"No I really do." She insisted. "I think anyone should be able to..."

I interrupted, "I'm really not gay or trans though its just..."

"A joke!" Ally finished for me. "We were joking around. Its not a big deal."

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Ok" Her mom said. "But I do support gay righ..."

"Ok we get it Mom." Ally said as she got out of the car. I followed her before remembering I had to get the bags from the back of the car. I walked around the the back of the car and found Jackson opening the trunk. The lights of the car turned on and I saw his hockey bag surrounded by the six Victoria's Secret bags. The contrast was almost funny.

He picked up one of the Victoria's Secret bags. "Yours?" He asked me.

I took it from him. He looked at the other bags.

"What'd ya get?" He put his hand in one of the bags and pulled out the pair of lacy pink panties I had worn when trying on the baby dolls earlier. He smirked as he held them up.

"Pretty." He said with a sneer.

"Look man, I don't know what your problem with me is, but if you..." I started but he cut me off.

"I don't have a problem with you." He interrupted smiling a little. "I just think its funny. Here I thought you were some Corrigan soccer douche who wanted to get in my sisters pants when really your just a little fairy who wants to try on panties with her."

This caught me off guard so much I laughed a little. I didn't notice him continue to go through the Victoria's Secret bag until he pulled out the teddy.

"Wow." He said holding the pink teddy up. "Some dudes at Corrigan actually wanna see you in this?"

I mastered the instinct to take a swing at him and shot him a glare and shook my head. Getting into a fistfight with Ally's brother in her driveway would not be a great look and it would almost certainly get me uninvited from dinner at her house and kill my chances of hooking up with her tonight.

"I bet you're a hit in the gay ass Corrigan locker room, aren't you. Cute little faggy ass, Corrigan, soccer douche. Dancing around in panties for the boys."

I couldn't keep myself from laughing at his weird attempt to intimidate me so I put my hand over my mouth. He didn't seem to notice.

"What else did you buy?" he looked down at the bag.

"Dude, its cold out. We really don't need to go through all the shit Vanessa bought." I said impatiently.

"Ok. Ok. Keep your tampon in." He said handing me the bag.

He looked back at the trunk and picked up his hockey bag. "This is mine." he said throwing it over his shoulder, "and this, and this, and this, and this, and this" he said handing me all the Victoria's Secret bags, "are yours."

He smiled at the sight of me, with three bags in each hand, because Erica and Nora hadn't gotten their stuff out of the trunk. "Damn. How much lingerie does one boy need?" he said with a laugh.

I bit back the impulse to tell him to fuck off and followed him up up the path and through their front door. I got into the house set the bags down on a table near the door. It was a nice house, a little larger and fancier than mine, and a little more old fashioned.

I followed Jackson into the dining room which was a large, warmly lit, room with a giant wooden table, where his mom was setting up plates and silverware.

"The girls went upstairs, Trevor." She told me. "Jackson can you show him Ally's room. Although dinner will be ready in a second. Your father made those meatballs you like. Why don't you guys just stay down here."

"You need any help?" I asked.

She smiled. "Oh your so sweet but no I just finished." She raised her voice and turned shouted "GIRLS! DINNER!" and the shortly after the sound of footsteps came down the the stairs and Ally, Vanessa, Erica, and Nora entered the room.

"You're stuff is by the door." I told Erica and Nora.

"Oh, my bad. Thanks for bringing it in." Erica said.

"Watch out, its hot!" a man shouted, as he walked in carrying a steaming bowl and set it on the table. He was tall, grey haired, and handsome and looked a lot like a kinder, older, Jackson. He smiled brightly. "Shall we eat?"

"Tim, have you met Trevor?" Ally's Mom asked.

"Trevor?" He said, squinting in confusion.

"This is Trevor." She said gesturing at me. "Ally's friend. That's a boy. Remember."

"Of course, of course." He said stepping toward me and shaking my hand warmly. "Nice to meet you Trevor. I've heard very little about you but its been all good things." I laughed and he looked at Ally who blushed a little.

"Did you know Trevor likes wearing women's clothing?" Jackson asked and I saw Ally give him a horrified look and Erica's mouth drop open.

Ally's dad looked surprised but he regained his composure quickly. "Well a boys got to have a hobby, right?" He laughed. "I'm more into the guitar myself."

I laughed and saw Ally relax a little.

"I'm don't actually like, you know, crossdressing. I just have to for a play for school." I said lightly.

"All boys school?" he asked knowingly.

I nodded and he smiled.

"I went to all boys school myself until sixth grade. You know I..."

"Can't we talk over dinner" Ally's mom interrupted, patting her husband on the arm.

"Of course!" he said happily and we all sat down. I sat in the corner next to Ally and across from Jackson, with Mr. Haines at the head of the table. "Lets eat." he said happily.

The spaghetti and meatballs were quite good and Ally's dad seemed intent on making conversation with me.

"So you go to all boys school. Do you go to Corrigan or Turner?"


"My nephew goes to there. Do you know Blake Edwards?"

"Oh yeah. Blakes on the baseball team with me. He plays center field." I said. Blake was a 7th grader. He was small but really fast. "He's a nice kid."

"You're on the baseball team?"

"Trevor's the captain of the baseball team." Ally said, smiling at me.

"I went to one of Blake's games last year. Against Marymont." Her dad said. "So I guess I saw you."

I laughed. "I pitched that game!"

"Oh that's so funny!" Ally's mom said from the other end of the table.

"I used to play baseball my self." He said happily. "Catcher. Won the league championship 3 years in a row. Went on to win states twice."

"Wow, that's cool."

"Yeah, I've always wanted Jackson to get into baseball."

"I play baseball." Jackson said, sounding annoyed.

His father smiled at him. "No, I know but you love hockey. That's your main sport. And that's ok. By the way how was your game?"

"We lost."

"Ah, I'm sorry. Score?"


He redirected the conversation to his HS baseball career again and we talked about that for a while. I could tell from how he spoke that he was really into it in high school. He asked me what pitches I threw and where I played besides pitcher and I actually started to really enjoy it. Sure, I was talking more to Ally's dad than Ally but Ally seemed happy to talk to Nora who was on her other side.

When dinner was over we helped Ally's parents clean up and after we were done, Ally's dad patted me on the back.

"Well Trevor" he said brightly, "it was truly nice to meet you. I need to get to sleep, I have to catch a flight to Chicago tomorrow morning. And I'm sure you'd rather spend your night with Ally then me."

I smiled back. "Nice to meet you too, Sir."

He laughed. "Call me Tim. It's not the 1970s!"

I laughed.

"Wanna go upstairs, Trevor?" Ally asked from behind. I turned around.

"Good meeting you Tim!" I said waving at him as I followed Ally to the stairs.

Jackson and the other girls had already left the dining room-kitchen area.

"Wow." Ally said as we headed upstairs. "My dad LOVED you."

I laughed. "I'm very cool that way." I said grinning.

She led me into her room which was very large, painted pink, and perfectly neat and organized in a way that my room could never be. The bedspread matched the walls which matched the bed frame which matched the carpet. Nora, Erica, and Vanessa were each stretched out on the floor with sleeping bags and still everything seemed to be in its perfect place.

"So is he sleeping over?" Erica said when we entered.

"Oh! I forget to ask!" Ally said rolling her eyes with frustration. "I'll be right back." She left but poked her head back in a second later. "You can sleepover right?" She asked me.

I paused. Obviously I'd be insane not to want to sleepover with this incredibly hot girl who was into me just because she had me wear a couple bras, right?

"Yeah." I said smiling at her. "Of course."

She returned a few minutes later. "My parents want to talk to you. I think they're going to let you though!"

I followed her out and back downstairs to the living room.

"Just give me a minute with Trevor alone." Ally's dad told her.

Ally left and I heard her go back upstairs.

"So Ally wants you to sleepover and that's fine with me. I know what its like to be young. You're a good looking kid. She's a good looking girl. I'm not a dictator. I'm not trying to rule her or you with an iron fist. I like you Trevor. You seem like a nice kid. You've got a good head on your shoulders. You seem to like Ally. So I'm just going to tell you this." I held my breath, hoping whatever he said didn't make it harder for me to get with Ally.

"Don't give me a reason not to like you. You understand?"

I nodded and he continued.

"So don't try to do things that 13 year olds should;nt be doing, ok?"

I nodded again. "Yeah, of course."

"You're young. She's young. I know how it is. But you're both too young for," he looked at me and gave me a look that said sex without saying the word "you know... Ok?" He looked up at me.

"Yeah, yeah of course. No I wasn't... yeah... thats cool with me." I said, surprised he thought that was even a possablity.

"Great then!" He said, his energy back up. "Have a good night then kid. I don't know how you managed your way into a girls sleepover but well done I guess?"

I laughed. "I honestly don't know either. Its kinda crazy."

"Alright, have a good night kid. If I know my daughter and her friends and they're sleepovers you'll have pink nails by the morning but I'm sure you'll have a good time. That's how girls are. Tell Ally to come down to say good night to me. I doubt I'll have time to see her tomorrow morning before I leave."

I heard them talking about me as I left.

"I like him, he seems like a good kid." Her Dad said.

"He's really sweet. She could be hanging out with a lot worse." Her Mom said.

I smiled and I went back upstairs feeling pretty good. I didn't know what I was expecting but I was excited. I certainly wasn't expecting what I saw when I got to Ally's room.

The girls were all still on the floor, lounging or sitting cross legged, but now they were each wearing fairly sexy nightgowns.

"Whoah!" I said, stunned and they all laughed.

"C'mon," Vanessa said with a jokey lilt, giving me a look "get yours on. Girls only."

I rolled my eyes and the girls laughed. I shook my head and sat down next to Ally. "Your dad wants you to say good night or something." I told her.

She popped up and left and Vanessa turned to me at me.

"Seriously, though all jokes aside, this is a girls night. So I'd feel a lot more comfortable, as a girl, if you changed into something more appropriate for a girls sleepover." She said, sounding less jokey. "It takes the edge off all your toxic manliness."

"What..why...what do you even mean by that?" I asked, confused.

"I mean right now you're a normal dumb gross boy. Toss on a bra and panties and you're sweet, girly and less dumb." She smiled as if she was complimenting me. Erica laughed a little.

I looked at Erica. "No comment." she said and went back to going through Ally's jewelry box.

"It's a girls sleepover," Vanessa insisted. "C'mon, just do it! You're barely a guy anyway. Don't be such a vagina."

"Why are you always trying to make me dress as a girl?" I asked her.

"Look, its not my fault you look pretty in pink. Besides isn't it kind of awkward, you in your boy clothes and us like this?" She asked.

"Wouldn't it be kind of awkward to have me dressed like you girl?" I asked.

"No honestly, I think it suits you." She said.

Ally came back in and Vanessa looked at her.

"Trevor doesn't want to get changed." she said like she was tattling.

Ally rolled her eyes at her and looked at me. "Don't harass him about it."

Vanessa looked betrayed. "Come on. Don't you want him to do it?" She said.

I looked at Ally and she smiled. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to." She told me, smiling at the ground. " would be kinda fun if you did though. Try on the stuff. I mean you do have all that stuff. And we are all also wearing revealing slips. And I do think you look cute like that. And its just clothing."

I sighed. "Maybe I should just give you all some girl time tonight."

"C'mon, stay. Its not a big deal. We can still have fun. Besides, you have to wear a bunch of girly stuff for the play anyway. It'll be good practice. Help you bring out your inner girl." Ally smiled. "You didn't bring a sleeping bag or anything right?"


"Well, I'm not sure how my mom would feel about a having a jockish baseball star like "boxers Trevor" sleep in my bed. But I bet she wouldn't mind if I let sweet little "panties Trevor" crawl in bed with me."

I grinned.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes. "It's not that big a deal I guess."

"So what's it gonna be?" Vanessa asked kind of nastily.

"I'll do it." I mumbled. "I'll go get the stuff."

"No need." Nora said brightly pulling out the four Victoria Secret bags from behind the bed. "You brought our bra's in from the car. We brought yours upstairs."

I laughed at how odd it was to hear her refer to my bras.

"I'll... uh... change in the bathroom." I said grabbing the sheer pink baby doll that I remembered Natalie calling the "Dream Angles Lace Babydoll"and heading toward the bathroom.

"Don't forget these!" Vanessa said, holding up the pair of panties that Jackson had dangled in front of me a few hours ago. I shut the door and stripped off my clothes. Why did I let myself get roped into this. For sleeping next to Ally? Would that be worth it?

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked kind of pretty, certainly dainty. My torso looked feminine in the baby doll but my legs, while not grossly hairy like Julians, were hairy enough to look a little out of place and reassuringly boyish.

I walked out of the bathroom and realized that my baby doll slip was way skimpier than anything the girls were wearing. My slip didn't even hang past the bottom of my panties, which were fully visible through the slip, and so was my entire stomach. The girls reacted as they had all day.

"Awwww, you look so sweet."

"Little miss sexy over here."

"Should I call Jackson?"

I blushed at the thought of Jackson seeing me like this. "I'd actually kill you." I said to Erica jokingly.

"See you look great." Vanessa said. "Much better, much more appropriate than before."

I sat down next to Ally, crossed my legs and then, realizing that doing so made me somehow more exposed, crossed my arms so that most of my body was blocked by my arms.

"Awww, feeling shy Trevor?" Vanessa asked.

"You'd feel a bit shy too if you were basically naked." I shot at her.

"I think you look hot." she looked me up and down. "Although your legs could use some work."

Ally put her head on my shoulder. "I think your hairy legs are cute."

I smiled. "So what do we do now?"

Vanessa smiled too. "Well, usually just talk mostly. Makeovers, truth or dare maybe. Just have fun. Have some girl time. Talk about about boys." She looked at me and smiled. "Real boys."

"Here, I'll do your nails!" Ally said smiling. "Pink? Purple? Red?"

"I don't care." I told her and I was reminded of what her Dad had said when she told me to put out my hand and started painting my nails hot pink.

"Well let's start with you Trevor." Venessa said smiling. "Since your so curious about what we do, why don't I ask you first Trevor. Are there any cute boys at Corrigan that you're into?"

I smirked. "No."

"Don't you have to kiss Dylan for the play?" Erica asked curiously.

I nodded.

"That's gotta be awkward." She said sympathetically.

"Yeah. I haven't really thought about it that much though. It's not like we need to make out or anything. I think its just like a small kiss or something like that." I said. I hadn't thought about kissing Dylan much. Every time we got to that part of rehearsals Mrs Cato would just say "And then the kiss" and we'd move on.

"I can't wait to see it." Vanessa said. She looked at me. "Your going to be an amazing princess. Honestly, you already are, basically. I can see why they cast you as Belle." She laughed and turned to the girls. "Truth or dare?" she asked.

We played truth or dare a while. Vanessa basically dictated all the truths and dares and the girls only ever chose truth which meant most of the questions were about boys. After about 30 minutes I was an expert on each of their romantic histories.

My questions were mostly about the various girly outfits I'd worn and generally just seemed like Vanessa trying to get me to say I liked dressing like a girl while Ally and the others giggled.

Eventually the girls seemed to get as bored with this as I was and Ally suggested they do makeovers.

"Yeah! Who should go first?" Erica asked.

All four girls instantly looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

Next thing I knew all four girls were working on me, applying foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, mascara and a thousand other types of make up I'd never heard of. Nora painted my toe nails to match my pink finger nails.

"Trevor is gonna actually look so pretty when we're done with her." Vanessa said excitedly.

"More like Trevorina!" Erica said with a laugh as she finished combing the knots out of an old wig they found in Ally's closet and carefully placed it on my head.

"Oh my god you look amazing! You totally look like a girl!" Ally squeeled. Now, Trevorina, pucker up!" Ally instructed, holding a tube of lipstick.

I did and she started applying it to my lips as the other girls giggled and admired her work. Suddenly the door opened and we all spun our heads to see Ally's mom poke her head in.

"Hey!" She started. "I just thought I'd... oh my... um... wow..." she said once her eyes saw me, fully made up and wearing a baby doll and a wig. "Trevor... you look... very pretty. You... you make a lovely young lady. Um... I was just wondering if you uh girls wanted some snacks." She emphasized the world girls oddly as if you was trying to make a point.

Ally shook her head. "No thanks mom."

"You really do make a lovely young lady, Trevor." Her Mom said again, kindly but somewhat awkwardly.

"Uh thanks." I said trying to sound masculine but appreciative.

Ally's Mom told us she was going off to bed and left, and Ally got back to my lipstick. When she finished she led me to the bathroom to show me the results of all the make up and effort.

I couldn't believe what I saw. I actually looked like a girl.

"Don't you look pretty?"

"Yeah." I laughed a little. "This is fucking crazy."

"Have your nails dried yet?" Vanessa asked.


"Great. Then try on the rest of your stuff." She said bossily handing me the Victoria Secret bag.

I looked at Ally who smiled at me. "C'mon, its no big deal. Its just us." She patted me on my exposed shoulder. "Besides, you look amazing. Here I'll give you some privacy."

She left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I looked at the two remaining teddies I hadn't yet tried on the the four bikinis, I hadn't tried on at all. Which should I go for?

"Lets see Trevorina in a bikini this time!" Vanessa shouted through the door as if she heard my thought. I sighed. I grabbed a light pink fairly standard looking bikini. The others weren't pink but they were all more elaborately designed which felt more feminine somehow.

I stepped into the bikini bottom and after a little effort managed to get the top on too. I looked at myself in the mirror again. My bulge and lack of boobs made me not look exactly like a girl, the way i did in the teddy, but i still looked basically like a girl. There was something about a bikini top that felt even girlier than a bra. I caught a glimpse of my ass in the mirror as I turned around and couldn't help but think it looked kinda good. If I saw myself as a girl on the beach in a bikini would I hit on myself?

I chased this wildly weird thought out of my head, adjusted the top and walked out.

"Oh my god!"

I jokingly strutted around as the girls laughed.

"Damn girl!"

"Look at that ass!"

"He's, I mean she's ready for the beach."

"The boys would love her."

"We gotta take you to the beach like this some time."

I laughed "Fuck no."

Ally, Nora, and Erica laughed too.

"Um, Trevor. Would you mind picking up that bottle of nail polish?" Ally asked, pointing at a bottle of nail polish right in front of her, grinning oddly.

"That one there?" I said, a little confused.

Her grin widened. "Yeah just bend over, and pick it up."

I laughed, realizing what she was doing. "So you want me to bend over right in front of you and pick up that bottle of nail polish?"

She giggled and nodded.

I playfully strutted over, gave the girls a faux sexy look, bent over slowly as they all laughed, and picked up the bottle, my bikini clad ass right in front of them.

"How was that?" I laughed, handing Ally the bottle.

"Sexy." She said smiling and grabbing my butt.

"Alright lesbos. Save it for when your alone" Vanessa said. She turned to me. "C'mon I wanna see Trevor rock that floral one."

I spent the rest of the night trying on various Victoria's Secret products, jokingly strutting around as the girls made each other up and commented and laughed at my various wardrobe changes, then changing into the next outfit and doing it over and over and over again.

"Can I stop now?" I asked finally.

I was wearing a red, lacy bra and panty set.

"No" and "of course" Vanessa and Ally answered respectively at the same time. "Of course, you can" Ally said firmly while Vanessa rolled her eyes. Erica was already lying down on her air mattress and Nora was already asleep.

"I wanna see him in the rest of the stuff." Vanessa said stubbornly.

"Don't be such a bitch." Ally said, sounding a little annoyed for the first time. "I'm tired anyway. It's like 2am."

"It's 2am?" I said surprised. "I've been trying this girly shit on for 4 hours?"

The girls all smiled. "Yeah." Ally said. "Time flies when your having fun."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you change into the slip you liked best." She suggested.

"Sure." I said sleepily. I was kind of excited to go to sleep. I'd never slept in bed with a girl before like this. I didn't really think anything was gonna happen but there was still something kind of exciting about it. I went back into the bathroom, scrubbed off the make up, and, after going through all the new products, reluctantly settled on the pink chantilly lace baby doll I had tried on earlier, which was by far the softest and most comfortable. I wasn't sure if girls usually went to sleep in their bras but so I slipped the baby doll on over the bra and gave myself one last look in the bathroom mirror.

Clearly I had taken longer to get dressed for bed then I thought I did because when I got out of the bathroom Erica and Vanessa were already asleep. Ally in bed, sitting up, looking at a magazine. She smiled when she saw me and patted the open spot on the bed next to her. I smiled back and headed toward her.

"You do look really pretty, Trevor." She said, beaming as I climbed into bed next to her.

I blushed a little. "Thanks." I paused and then decided to ask her about the bra. "Um should I sleep in the bra or what?"

She smiled sweetly. "You don't sleep in your bra Trevor. Here lemme help you take it off."

I turned around and she unfastened my bra, pulled it out and tossed it on her floor, giggling softly. I couldn't help but laugh too.

She adjusted the blanket so it covered us both evenly and turned toward me, putting her arms around me, spooning me. "I can't believe you thought we slept in bras, Trevor." she whispered.

It felt weird, being the little spoon as Ally rested her head behind mind, her arms still around me, but it felt really nice. It was almost like being held and it made me feel good. Who cared how it looked?

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, her arms still around me.

I had a really weird dream that night.

I was getting married but I was the bride. Ally, Erica, Nora Austin, and Jason were my bridesmaids and Dylan was walking me down the aisle in my giant white dress. I looked to the front of the church. Vanessa was officiating the wedding and Blake Edwards, Ally's cousin who I play baseball with, was my groom. Dylan lead me past Mrs Cato, who smiled and reminded me to grab the front of my dress like a lady, Cameron, who winked, Natalie from Victoria's Secret, who was only wearing a bra and panties, Ally's parents, her dad smiled patted me on the back and said "all boys school thing? I get it, I'm sure my nephew will treat you very well" Abby, who made a heart with her hands, Julian who smirked, and my parents who were both crying, to the front where Ally, Erica, Nora, Austin and Jason, all wearing matching pink strapless bridesmaid dresses, beamed at me.

I took my place opposite blake and Vanessa said "Do you, Blake Caleb Edwards, take this woman, Trevor Ashley Layton, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" That's weird, I thought. That's not my middle name.

"I do."

"And do you, Trevor Ashley Layton, take this man, Blake Caleb Edwards, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Blake leaned in, his lips puckered and kissed me. "Trevor?" He said. "Trevor?" His voice was getting higher. "Trevor?" he said in a kind of girly voice. "Trevor?"

I blinked.


Ally was nudging me gently. I was still in her bed wearing the babydoll but Erica, Nora, and Vanessa were gone.


"Yeah, I'm awake." I said groggily, still weirded out from the dream.

"You've been sleeping for a while. You must've be really tired."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"11:00. You want any breakfast?" She asked. My mom made pancakes."

"Oh sure. I just gotta change."

"You don't have to. She saw you last night. And my dad left. And Jackson's at hockey practice."

"Ok whatever."

I followed her downstairs, feeling weird about still being in the slip and found Erica, Vanessa, and Ally's Mom sitting at the kitchen table.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty!" Vanessa said brightly.

Erica laughed.

I smiled but, suddenly conscious of how much of my legs were visible, sat down quickly next to Ally.

"Pancakes Trevor?" Ally's Mom asked.

"Sure, thanks."

"You look lovely."

I blushed. "Thanks."

She smiled "Honestly, you do make a lovely young woman. If you ever want any of Ally's hand me downs you could..."

"Trevor has a big sister." Vanessa said, cutting her off.

"And I don't really wear girls clothes." I said a little embarrassed at how far this had gotten. Somehow the next morning it was less goofy fun and more just tedious. "Its just I have to play a girl in this play so they were helping me."

"Of course, of course" she said, as she tied a trash bag but I could tell she didn't believe me. "I'm sure you'll do great. Very very convincing as a girl. Very pretty." She left with the trash bag over her shoulder and as if on cue Jackson came in, drenched in sweat from practice, smelling like hockey pads.

He looked at me and laughed. "Yes, very pretty." He smirked. "This is so cute. Corrigan soccer douche makes a perfect little girly girl. So what, you've got a crush on some dude and this is the only way he'll be with you. I know some Corrigan boys have a thing for trannys. Or is this kind of crossdressing just normal for guys at Corrigan?"

"Shut the fu.." I started but he cut me off.

"Honestly, you look kinda hot. Clearly you've had practice wearing a dress. I'm sure you're very popular with the boys, aren't you. All the guys want a piece of your girly ass?" He leaned down. "Are your nails painted? How adorable. Just one of the girls." He looked at my hand and then suddenly grabbed it and kissed it. I was stunned. I couldn't move. "Did you like that?" He asked.

"What are you doing Jackson?" His mom had walked back in.

"Nothing, nothing. Just having a little fun with Trevor here." He kissed my hand again and as if on impulse I slapped him. He looked at me surprised.

"Whoah there." he said sneering. "I know your a bitch. No need to bitch slap me."

"That's enough Jackson" his mom said loudly.

"Wow," Jackson said, ignoring his Mom. "Slapping someone is by far the girliest way to defend yourself. It suits you. Like this little nightgown thing."

He flicked the hem of the slip as he passed me and then grabbed my butt.

"Fuck you!" I spat. I turned around and swung at him. There was a lot of yelling and confusion My punch connected right in his cheek and he grunted in pain and grabbed his jaw. I got a few more shots in before he grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground, my wig flying off in the process. We tussled on the ground for a few seconds before the girls and Ally's Mom finally broke us up.

"Go upstairs!" his Mom yelled at him. He shot me a look as he skulked away. Ally's Mom turned to me. "Are you ok?"

"Fine." I said still staring at Jackson as he defiantly marched up the stairs. The slip had been stretched so the the hem line was torn, one of the straps had snapped so the whole thing was barely staying on my shoulders and my lip was bleeding even though he hadn't really landed any punches.

"Ally can you go help Trevor clean up?" she asked her daughter.

"Yeah of course!"

Ally lead me to the downstairs bathroom and helped me wash my face with a washcloth. I looked absurd. There was a little blood on my face and the slip was badly stretched. My hair was flat down on my forehead.

"I'm sorry about that." I said quietly as she dabbed my face. "He was just..."

"Its fine." She said cutting me off. "Honestly I thought it was kind of hot." She flashed me a mischievous smile.

I smiled back, caught off guard. "You did?"

"Yeah." Ally smiled. "I'm weird, I know, but this is like the hottest you've ever been to me."

I smiled broadly.

After I finished washing up, Erica brought down my real clothes and I changed back into them. It felt good to be back in my normal clothes. It felt good to be me again.

I ate quickly and said goodbye to Erica and Nora, who both hugged me and told me how amazing and cute I was and how excited they were to see me in the play, Ally's Mom, who apologized again for Jackson and Vanessa who just kind of nodded at me weirdly and Ally walked me to the door.

"Thanks for coming, Trevor." she said smiling cutely at me. "I hope it wasn't too bad."

"No problem, it was kind of fun." I said, half lying, but meaning it as I said it.

"I had fun. You're really cool." She paused. "I'm sorry about my brother. I...I really do like you."

I grinned. "I like you too. And I dont care about..."

Suddenly she leaned and kissed me. Not a full make out. Just a soft kiss on the lips. "See you soon."

"Yeah." I said faintly. "See ya."

I walked outside still floating from what had just happened. She had kissed me. I wasn't even thinking about kissing her. But it wasn't a long kiss. I wouldn't even say we made out. It was just a kiss. So it wasn't everything but it was something. Was it something? It was definitely something. I wasn't sure if I had walked 10 blocks or 10 steps, when my phone rang. It was Dylan.

"Yo dude, what time are you coming over."

"Oh right." I said having forgotten that it was Sunday. "I'll be over in like an hour."

"Ok, Austin's already here but take your time."

"I'm on my way over now. Dude, I need to tell you guys about something, I just had the weirdest night."

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