The Play Chapter 2

At last, here's chapter 2 of "The Play!" I know a lot of you wanted this a few months ago so I hope you enjoy!. Let me know what you think with a comment!

I didn't tell my family about my role that night. I probably should have. I know putting something your worried about off doesn't help but I don't really care and I do it a lot anyway. My family also made it easy by not asking about it, instead asking Abby about a presentation she gave in her history class which somehow transitioned into a conversation on Trump.

The next morning I wasn't nearly as concerned about going to school and I didn't mind when Dylan asked me what Mrs Cato wanted last night.

"She wanted us to get start getting used to wearing dresses and heels." I said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Awwww Trevvvv!" he said putting an arm around me playfully. "Did you feel prettyyyyy?"

"So pretty!" I said laughing.

When I got to school I noticed a lot of people looking at me.

"Sup Trev" Cameron said, walking up to us and giving a little twirl.

I laughed. "What was that dude?"

Cameron smiled. "Just a little twirl. I saw you twirling last night."

"What?" I said confused. "How?"

"Jason Spires' story." He said. "Its not a big deal." he added quickly. "Its a funny video. You rocked that dress, dude." Seeing my face he added, "I bet no one cares. It was just a joke."

"I'm not upset." I said semi truthfully. "I just didn't know Jason posted that."

"I bet no one saw it." he said.

He was wrong. Throughout the day a bunch of people came up to me. Some people gave a little twirl like Cameron. Some said something like "looking pretty last night Trevor." Some would do something as small as holding open a door and saying "ladies first." When I finally saw Jason, before play practice, I asked him why he posted it.

"It was funny. Its not a big deal." he said smiling at me. "Don't get your panties in a bunch Trevor." he smiled. "Ok that was a cheap one. But seriously. I wasn't making fun of you. You me and Austin were all wearing dresses. It was just funny. We were messing around. That's what you have to do. You have to have fun with it. Did you watch it?"

I shook my head and whipped out his phone and showed it to me.

He was right. It just looked like a bunch of guys fucking around.I was being stupid I thought and I relaxed.

Play practice was kind of fun. We started going over some of the songs and they're actually pretty good.

Even though I'm not really a performer I like singing. I sing in the car, I sing in the shower, when I'm bored I sing in my room. I sing while playing Xbox. I sing while doing chores around the house. Sometimes I sing when I do homework. So if play practice is mostly learning songs, it could be a lot worse.

We even had fun with the dresses after. I didn't mind Jason snapchatting.

"The paparazzi's always following me." I said joking to Austin.

"That's the life of a princess, dude." he said laughing.

"Yo!" Jason said as we changed out of the dresses 15 minutes later as he picked up his phone. "I've got mad snap chats."

I smiled, slightly nervously. "Who from?"

"Dude. Girls!"

Me and Austin moved toward him quickly, still in our underwear.

"Vanessa Wallace says 'you guys are cuties!'" he read. Vanessa was one of the hottest girls at McCauley High, the nearby girls school. He pointed his phone up at me. "Trev, look at me." I held up to fingers and made a face. "Look at that dude." he said showing me the snap. "So cool. Barely dressed. Kinda skinny tho." I grinned at him as he sent it to Vanessa. I kind of liked the idea of girls getting casual snaps of me in my underwear but would never be ballsy enough to send them myself. I have a pretty decent body even if I am kinda skinny but girls don't mind I dont think. Better than being fat.

"Erica Stephens says we all look pretty. And, Trev! Ally Haines says you look hot in a dress."

"Don't fuck with me dude."

"Straight up." he said showing me his phone where I saw "Tell Trevor he looks hot in a dress" over a snap of Ally smiling.

I grinned. Ally was one of the hottest girls at McCauley and we kind of liked each other but hadn't gotten together even though she apparently liked me. I first met her when when she moved here this year because she knew my buddy Craig. Craig was trying to introduce her to some of his friends so he invited me and some other people over. She was really nice and really hot and that night she texted him after she left and asked him "who was that skinny kid with the hot jawline and the spikey brown hair?" and he said "trevor?" and she texted back "i think so" and he texted back "why" and she texted back "hes cute." Craig had screen shotted the conversation and sent it to me. So I knew she liked me. It just hadn't happened yet.

"Ohhh Trev. I think she wants to get into your panties." Austin said laughing as he grabbed me from behind, shaking me a little.

"Yo Austin, lean in." Jason said as he lifted his phone up so me and him were in the frame and Austin did. We each made a cool face and Jason sent it to Ally.

I continued changing and a few seconds later Jason laughed.

"Trevor, dude, Ally is totally into you. She just said straight up "send more pics of Trevor in his underwear" She wants you man. You wanna give her another one?"

I smiled and stopped putting on my jeans. Should I pose for a pic in my underwear for Jason to snap to Ally. Snapchats delete after a few seconds anyway. And it sounds like she was into me. I took my pants off and ran my hand through my hair to make look like I gelled it.

"Yo Jace, knock yourself out." I said, tossing my pants behind me and striking a goofy pose in only my American Eagle underwear, giving an equally giving expression.

"Fuck, stop being so hot." Jason laughed as he took it.

"You better not save that." I joked. "I don't want you jerking off to me."

He smiled. "No promises."

When I got to school the next morning Jason found me almost immediately.

"Dude!" he said excitedly. "Ally, Erica and Vanessa wanna come to play practice. Or the thing we do after play practice when we try on the dresses."

"What?" I couldn't believe it. Was wearing dresses low key a chick magnet? "Thats awesome. Wait, can they come? Would they be allowed?"

"We'd have to ask Cato, or try to sneak them in." he answered. He'd clearly had the same thought. "But I don't see why she wouldn't. We could say they're helping us. You know, like research. Being with real girls helps us play girls. I dont know. She might buy it."

"I don't know." I said. "She might think we're trying to mess around with them. Which, I mean, we are."

He smiled. "We could try to sneak them in. Let them in the back door."

"I dont know."

He put on a girly voice. "Ohhh Trevor, you look so cute in underwearrrrr. I wonder whats under it. Lemme take that off for you..."

I grinned. "Ok, ok. I guess its worth a shot."

It turned out sneaking them into school was really easy. Jason set it all up. After practice when we usually went to the room to change we snuck to the back door and let them in. We each got a hug from each of them and then led them to the backstage room at the theater. It was cool walking them to the backstage room. I felt kinda badass even though every time we saw an adult I thought they were gonna ask us why we were with girls. I talked to Ally as we walked. She was really nice and so fucking hot. Her skin was perfect and he straight brown hair was somehow shiny. She laughed a lot and her laugh was so bright and cheerful. I almost forgot what we were doing until we got to the theater. When we finally got there, there was an awkward moment where I realized that at this point we basically had to strip and put on dresses but when I looked at Austin, who was casually undressing while talking to Erica, who was laughing as Austin goofily threw his clothes behind him, I decided to just go for it.

"Get ready." I told Ally, fake dramatically taking off my t-shirt and joggers and tossing them to the side. She giggled. I gave her a fake model look and she laughed more. Jason was in the corner now, allowing Vanessa to undress him as she giggled at his costume. When he leaned in and kissed her, I started looking for Austin and Erica, who were gone suddenly. I wondered where they went for a second.

"Your so funny, Trevor." Fuck where they went. Ally thinks I'm funny.

"So you wanna see me put on the dress? Or you wanna see me like this a while longer?" I ask, trying to succeeding in getting her to laugh again.

"Lets see your dress, Princess" she said smiling.

I kind of was hoping she wouldn't want to see me in the dress. There was something cool and confident about her looking at me in my underwear. A princess dress didn't feel cool or confident. I went to the rack and noticed Austins outfit still on the rack. Who knows what they were doing? I grabbed the big yellow dress and returned to Ally.

"Ooooohhh. Pretty." she said smiling as I stepped into the dress. She helped me with the back and then stepped back and smiled. "Awwwww. Look at you."

I did a little twirl and she laughed. I liked making her laugh. I liked hearing her tease me.

"Wow. Your actually so pretty in person. I'm not just saying that to joke around. You look so pretty in that dress. But your move like such a boy."

I laughed again. "That's means so much to me." I joked as I walked toward her.

"Are those heels yours?" she asked pointing to the heels still under the rack. I hadn't put them on.

"Well their not mine but yeah, I'm going to have to wear them in the show." I smiled slightly embarrassed.

"Well I wanna see the full look." She walked over to them, picked them up and brought them over. "I wanna see the full Princess Trevor." she said laughing as she bent down to help me put on the shoes and I lifted my dress. "

"You have such dainty feet for a boy!" she said as she slipped the heels on me. "Not that its a bad thing" she added as she saw me redden. "I was just surprised you fit in those shoes. You look really pretty Trevor. I mean, you look like a boy but you look great. You're a good sport." she finished nervously smiling as she stood back up.

I smiled and put on the fake girly voice I use when messing around with Jason and Austin. "Oh my god your soooo sweet." I said and she laughed a little and moved closer. She lowered her voice.

"Its really cool when a guy feels comfortable enough with his own masculinity enough to do something like this." She started leaning toward me. Were we about to kiss? Should I be leaning too. I'd kissed girls before but never one as hot as Ally.

Suddenly the a door opened and Ally turned around as Austin and Erica emerged from the bathroom. Erica was dressed but her hair was everywhere and her lipstick was messy while Austin was only wearing underwear.

"He guys." Austin said, flashing a slightly embarrassed smile, unaware that he'd just kept me from making out with Ally. "Lookin' good Trev."

Me and Ally shared a look. "Thanks." I said forcing a grin at Austin, trying to look proud of him for getting so far so quickly.

"I better get changed." Austin said, then turning to Erica added, "you came for the maid dress didn't you."

"Nothing I want more than to see you in it." she said laughing and grabbed the hanger off the rack. "Although I doubt you can pull off your dress as well as Trevor does his."

Austin smiled. "Well not many people can pull off a dress as well as Trevor." I laughed.

"Fuck you!" I shot at him.

Austin grinned as he stepped into his dress. "Like Trevor probably looks better in most of your dresses then you do." he said smiling at Erica who laughed.

I threw a tissue box at him which he ducked.

He walked over to us, his dress now on, jokingly jutting his hips out like a model.

"So pretty." Ally laughed.

"Wow!" Erica agreed.

Austin put an arm around me and I put mine around his. "How does it feel," he asked the girls, "to know that you'll never be as pretty as either of us."

The girls laughed.

"Will anyone?" Erica asked laughing. "Wow, Austin it even looks like your wearing lipstick, from when we..." her voice trailed off.

"Oh Trevor!" Ally said averting the awkwardness. "You should put on lipstick. You'd look so cute. I'll let you use mine." She grabbed her lipstick and approached me before I could say anything. "Pucker up." she told me. I did, trying not to seem disappointed that in a few minutes I'd gone from almost locking lips with Ally, to having her applying my lipstick.

I'd never worn lipstick before but always wondered how girls got in on their lips without getting it in their mouths. It turns out they don't really. When she proudly told me she was done, I got a good taste of lipstick as I relaxed my lips. It somehow tasted good and bad. I grinned as I saw Austin laughing.

"Wow Trev. Wow." he laughed.

"Your just jealous." I grinned back.

"I'm starting to think you guys are at the wrong school." Erica said with a friendly smirk. "Maybe you guys should be with us at McCaully. You could both pull of the school skirts."

Me and Austin both started messing around with the skirts on the dresses we were wearing.

"Hold still, I'm trying to take a snap." Ally said.

I smiled and flexed my fairly thin biceps and looked at the camera while Austin made his "cool snapchat face," put an arm around me, and help up a few fingers for a pose.

"Wow." she laughed. "You're such boys."

I grinned.

"Yeah nothing says boy like flexing in a princess dress." a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Jason grinning at me. Apparently Jason and Vanessa had finally stopped their make out session in the corner.

I laughed.

"Honestly this is like..." Ally was cut off by a knocking at the door. We hadn't told Mrs. Cato that the girls were here!

"One sec!" Austin said shouted, as the girls shuffled into the bathroom. Once they were all in he called "come in!" and Mrs. Cato entered, smiling kindly at us.

"I swear I heard a girl in here." she said, in an airy but not accusatory way.

Me and Jason looked at each other nervously but Austin responded quickly. "That's weird. It's just us. No girls in here, unless you count Trevor." He grinned at me.

She smiled."Well you guys look great!" she said happily. "Are you getting comfortable in the costumes?"

We all nodded.

"Well you guys can head home. And by the way, you don't have to do this every day. If you could just swing by once of twice a week so you stay comfortable in the costumes till we start dress rehearsals that'd be fine."

"It's fine." Austin said smiling. "I think we kind of enjoy it."

"Not the dresses." Jason jumped in as Mrs Cato smiled, "but just like the hanging out like this. Its kinda fun."

"Yeah." I agreed without having anything to add.

"Well alright then. I'll see you boys tomorrow." she said.

The girls piled out of the bathroom and we changed back into our normal clothes (Jason helped me out of my dress and I helped him out of his) and once outside Jason crossed the street and went home, the girls went one way, and me and Austin went the other.

"That was pretty sweet." I said once the girls were out of earshot.

"Yeah. It was crazy" Austin agreed. "We all hooked up in dresses. That's pretty nuts."

I was going to let him think I hooked up but there was no point in lying to Austin. "Me and Ally didn't hook up." I said. "It just kinda never happened. I think she likes me though. We probably will soon." I assured him, choosing not to tell him his interruption kept me from getting with her.

Austin looked surprised but smiled at me. "Yeah, for sure." he said confidently clapping me on the shoulder. "She's into you. She was all over you. Dude, she called you cute or hot or something like a hundred times."

I smiled. "Its not her fault I'm really cute and super hot."

He laughed. "True. You're a total hottie." he said as we approached his house. "See ya dude."

"Bye sexy" I said, winking and sticking out my tongue as he walked up the path to his house. He laughed.

Mom was in the kitchen when I got home.

"Hi sweety" she said, not looking up from her cooking. "How was school?"


"How was play practice?"

"Good." I still hadn't told my family I was playing a princess.

"Well don't go upstairs because dinner is going to be ready in a second."


"CARL!" she shouted to my dad in his office across the house. "COULD YOU TELL ABBY AND JULIAN TO COME DOWN FOR DINNER!"

"Sure!" I heard my Dad shout back as I heard his footsteps go upstairs.

"Trevor, honey, could you grab the silver wear and put it out, everything else is set up." My mom asked me, still focused on her pots.

"Sure, Mom." I said grabbing five forks, knives and spoons and setting them up next to the plates. My mom followed me, setting a plate of chicken parm in the middle of the table before going back to the kitchen to get pasta and garlic bread. A few minutes later my Dad and siblings came in and we all sat down at the table.

My brother Julian grabbed started serving himself immediately. Julian is 15, so he's 2 years older than me and in high school. He's a normal guy and we get a long generally but we give each other a lot of shit. Julian is built like a fucking tank and he always fucks with me about how I'm skinny but even thought Julian is strong as hell he's slow as shit and I'm way more athletic than he is and it really kinda burns him that his baby brother is better than him at every sport he cares about so he makes up for it in skinny jokes, short jokes (although those don't work as well since I've started growing a bit), gay jokes (cuz he doesn't have as many close friends as I do so he likes saying I'm gay with mine) and jokes about my lack of body hair, even though I'd rather be not so hairy like me than be harrier than a fucking bear like he is (seriously dudes got fucking shoulder hair.)

"This looks tremendous honey!" my dad said, smiling at my mom. She smiled back.

"Why so many carbs?" My sister Abby asked. Abby and I get along ok too but she can can be kind of a drag. When we were younger she used to always do fun stuff together but now we don't have much in common and she's always calling me and my friends annoying. She's also always concerned about stupid stuff like eating carbs and what she's wearing every second of every day.

"There's no such thing as too many carbs." My dad said. "And your mother worked hard on this meal."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want... Trevor?" she stopped and looked at me strangely. "Are you wearing lipstick?" she had a weird smile on her face. Julian dropped his fork and looked sideways at me.

Fuck! I'd totally forgotten I was still wearing the lipstick. I could feel my whole family staring at me.

"Um, am I?" I said, not sure what to say.

Julian was laughing. "Uhhhh yeah, you are. Aren't you?"

My mom squinted at me. "It does look like it honey."

Fuck! Should I tell them about the play? They were gonna find out at some point but both my siblings were gonna have a field day with this.

Julian laughed again "He obviously is. Otherwise he would have just said he wasn't."

Abby laughed too. "You know Trevor, if you wanna wear lipstick you could just ask. I've got a few shades that'll look really pretty on you. I'd be happy to lend you some."

"Why are you wearing lipstick sweety?" my mom asked delicately.

Well I guess I had to tell them now. What else could I say?

"Yeah it was just from play practice." I said trying to sound casual. "I'm just..."

"Your playing a chick, aren't you?!" Julian shouted over me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah." I said. No point in lying.

He and Abby burst into laughter. My parents shared a kind of strained smile.

"That's amazing!" Julian gasped through laughter. "Is it really bad? Like is the costume really really bad?"

I hesitated for a second. "Well, you know Beauty and the Beast?" I asked.

"NO WAY!" Julian said, his face lighting up. "Are you..."

"Belle. Yeah, I am." I said as he howled in laughter again.

"Wow!" Abby said, beaming at me. "Trevor, in a play, in a dress. I'm going to get so many great pictures!"

"I might just video the whole thing!" Julian laughed. "So you've been doing that thing where you stay after school to get used to wearing the costume?" He asked, turning to me, through fit of laughter.

"Yeah." I admitted. "It hasn't really been that bad."

"Awwwwwww, you like wearing dresses Trev?"

"Fuck off."

"Don't talk that way honey." my mom pleaded.

"Wait so you have to wear like a huge princess dress?" Abby asked me, still beaming.

"I have like three dresses and..." I started but Julian interrupted me.

"Wow! I can't wait to see widdle Twevor be a Pwincess in front of everyone!" Julian
leered at me. He always called me "Twevor" when he wanted to make fun of me. It wasn't nearly a bad a diss as he thought it was. "I'm sure you'll make the prettiest little..."

"Enough Julian." My dad said giving him a look. "Most of you play a girl at some point. It happens at boys schools. I did once. In 6th grade."

"Yeah, but Trevor's in 8th grade and he's the leading lady! And a princess!" Julian laughed. "Its perfect casting honestly."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you'll do great Trevor. And like your dad says, its not a big deal." My mom said sweetly.

"Wait, Beauty and the Beast? Does that mean..." I was hoping he wouldn't bring this up "...that you have to kiss somebody?"

I glared at him and he cackled and continued. "Who do you have to kiss? Who's the beast?"


"Dylan!?!" he said looking amused. "So you only have to kiss Dylan?" he seemed a bit disappointed. "So it won't be bad for you at all. It'll be like every sleepover you've ever had." He grinned.

"Well it probably is preferable to be acting opposite Dylan then someone else right." My mom said sincerely.

"I guess." I said. "But..."

Julian cut me off again. "Oh don't pretend your not hyped that you get to kiss your boyfriend in front of everyone. You even get to be the girl! This is like a dream come true for you!"

"Enough Julian!" My dad said, raising his voice now.

Julian had been making gay jokes about me, and specifically me and Dylan, since I was little so I was used to it but he didn't usually do this stuff in front of Mom and Dad.

Julian looked like he had a few more jokes he wanted to fire off but he didn't dare after my Dad raised his voice and I was glad when my Dad, in an effort to move on, slightly awkwardly asked if there were any movies out that we wanted to see.

After that I had to deal with all Abby and Julian's stupid jokes from Abby holding up one of her bras and asking "is this mine or Trevors?" when doing laundry, to Julian making kissing noises when I asked Mom and Dad if I could sleep over at Dylan's. But besides that it really wasn't that bad. Play practice was kinda fun honestly and in a way so was wearing the dresses with Austin and Jason after. The first few weeks of practice was super laid back. It was mostly just learning songs and lines and where to stand and when to move where and really basic stuff like that. There was a ton of down time. During practice people made jokes but not mean jokes, more funny, good natured jokes, and me and Dylan would mess around. That's the way the guys who play girls usually deal with it and it really wasn't bad at all. If you joke about yourself no one is gonna be weird about it so he'd jokingly say I was pretty and I'd say he was hot, or in between scenes he'd put an arm around me or I'd put my head on his shoulder we'd hold hands and everyone would think its hilarious. I was actually enjoying it. It was certainly way better than the other plays I'd had to do. And then after play practice, me, Austin and Jason would go back stage, put on the dresses and goof around even more. Sometimes we'd FaceTime the girls from McCaully, sometimes we'd bring a football and toss it around while wearing the dresses so we could get used to moving in it and sometimes we'd just chill and talk about the NFL playoffs, or girls, or people at school or teachers or just did weird shit. It was pretty chill. Me and Austin had always been close, but we got a lot closer with Jason, who I'd never really known that well, but was a really nice kid. Honestly the time kind of flew by. I was almost disappointed when Mrs Cato said that next Tuesday we'd be starting dress rehearsals so we wouldn't need to keep staying after practice.

"If you want you can stay after again on Monday." she said, "but do you guys feel ok with your costumes generally?" she asked.

We all nodded.

"Great!" she said happily. "You've all been such team players and such good sports about this whole thing. I'm really quite impressed. Just show up to rehearsal a few minutes early on Tuesday so you can get changed. Ok?"

We all nodded again and started getting changed.

"You guys wanna do it again on Monday" Jason asked with a slight smile as he climbed out of his absurdly shaped dress. "Its become kinda fun. Not wearing the dresses but ya know..." his voice trailed off. "Chilling with you guys."

"Awwwwwwwww" Austin said jokingly.

Jason laughed. "I kinda wanna do one last ride. We don't need to wear the dresses."

"You wanna hang out without wearing dresses?" Austin asked.

Jason laughed. "Or in dresses if you'd rather, dude."

I laughed. "I'm down."

"Wow. You guys are such women." He laughed. "But I'll see you women Monday I guess."

We left school and said goodbye to Jason as he headed to his place.

"I can't believe the plays almost here. " I told Austin as we walked home. "It really flew by."

He nodded. "Its been kinda fun." He said grinning. "But I'm ready to stop wearing a dress every day after school."

I laughed. "I'm not super hyped to wear it in front of everyone in practice, honestly. Like its one thing with you and Jason around but its gonna be weird in front of everyone."

He shook his head. "Don't be. Its not that bad." he looked at me and grinned suddenly. "Its nothing compared to the actual show, when everyone is staring at you." He shot him a look and he smiled. "Seriously its not a big deal. Just don't take it too seriously Trev."

"I know. I'm not." I said. "Its just awkward."

"Yeah. But all of it is awkward." He responded. "Wearing a dress for 20 minutes every day after school is awkward. You and Dylan pretending to be in love is awkward. All this shit is awkward. But if you laugh about it and make it fun and its ok."

I nodded.

Austin looked at me. "Relax bro. You always get stressed about small shit like this when you think about it but it always goes fine. Don't worry about it." He put an arm around me and clapped me on the shoulder, grinning goofily. "Worst case Trevor, people think you look dumb in a dress. Best case, they think you look good in a dress. Or maybe its the other way around" He laughed. "Either way, this whole thing isn't going to be a big deal." I laughed. "And besides" he grinned again, "you have nothing to worry about because I'm sure you'll be the prettiest princess in the history of our school."

I laughed. "Thanks, I think."

He laughed too. "Are you going to Dylan's on Sunday?" He asked as we approached his house.

I nodded.

"Nice, then I'll see you then dude." He said, clapping me on the shoulder again and then heading up the path to his house.

I walked home and found my mom and brother in the kitchen.

"How was school Trevor?" My mom asked turning to look at me.

"Good." I said.

"How was dress up?" Julian asked, a stupid look on his face.

"Fine" I said, flipping him off when my mom turned her back.

I went upstairs, threw my bag on the floor and laid down on my bed. I didn't know why I was so tired all of a sudden. I closed my eyes. I'd just rest for a second, I thought, as I drifted off.

I felt a I woke up suddenly. What time was it? My phone was vibrating softly. Was someone calling me? I lunged for it and froze when I saw who was calling.

It was Ally Haines.

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