The Play Chapter 3

I stared at the phone for a second, letting it vibrate in my hand and then answered giving a casual "hey" as I held the phone up to my head.

"Hi Trevor, hows it going?"

"Good, good, whats up?" I said, still trying to project casualness.

"Well I was just wondering what your doing this Saturday, because if your not doing anything I thought maybe it might be fun if you came over and..."

"This Saturday? You mean tomorrow? I'm not doing anything tomorrow." I said smiling into the phone.

"Great!" She said happily. "If you could ask Austin and Jason if they want to come that'd be great. Feel free to bring another friend too if you want. See you then."

I put his phone down. She had called me. She had wanted to hang out with me on the weekend. It wasn't a date exactly but it was something.

He immediately texted Austin and Jason who both instantly texted me back.

"dude we're in!" Austin texted and I could basically see his excited grin in my head.

"fuck I cant tomorrow" Jason said going on to explain his grandparents were in town.

I texted Ally back letting her know that Austin would be there but Jason couldn't.

"thats fine" she texted back. "meet us at the food court"

Hanging out with girls after school was one thing but I was pretty stoked about the prospect of just me and Austin hanging out with the girls on the weekend.

I woke up the next morning excited. I got showered, got dressed and even gelled my hair a little. I grabbed some cereal and headed out.I met up with Austin and we headed to the mall.

"Dude, you're gonna seal the deal with Ally today, I can feel it." Austin said as we walked.

I grinned.

"You're not saying anything cuz you know I'm right."

I grinned wider.

"I'm feeling pretty good about today."

He laughed and shook me by the shoulders. "My dudes gonna get some today." he said excitedly.

When we got to the mall they weren't there yet so we got some Subway and sat down. Shortly after I'd finished my sandwich, Austin smiled and waved at someone behind me. I turned around and saw Ally, Vanessa, Erica and a girl I didn't know. I nodded at them and gave a wave. They all waved back and Ally beamed.

"Hi Trevor!" Ally said as she approached us. "Hey Austin. Hows it going guys?"

"Its good." I said, the casual lilt back in my voice. "Things are solid."

"This is Nora" she said as the girl I didn't know waved at me. "She's my friend from my old school and she's staying with me this weekend." Nora was a good looking pale girl with long straight red hair and a constant smile.

Nora smiled. "So your Trevor? I've heard so much about you." So Ally had been talking about me. "Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!"

"So should we get going?" Vanessa asked.

"Sure. Where?" Austin asked.

"I thought we'd just walk around the mall." Vanessa said. "Its what we do." She said smiling.

"Fine by me." he said and we headed off.

We talked as we walked around. Ally was so easy to talk to. She had such a good sense of humor and was always laughing. Every now and then we'd stop at a storefront and the girls would look in the windows but we didn't really go into any stores. Ally was wearing a pretty short skirt, especially for winter and if she bent down it inched up but not enough so I saw her panties. When we passed Forever 21 the girls magnetically moved toward it.

"We have to go in!" Erica insisted.

"Sure, I don't mind." Austin said pleasantly, so we followed the girls into Forever 21 where they looked at various dresses, skirts and tops.

"I love this red one!" Ally said spotting a short red dress on a manaquin.

I stuck with Austin in the store until Erica appeared asking his opinion on tops and dragged him off. I found Nora and Ally and hung out by a sock display as they looked at tops but when I turned around and suddenly they were gone. Everyone was gone. Where was everyone? I wandered around for a few minutes without finding anyone before Ally found me.

"What do you think of this?" Ally asked me, appearing suddenly and holding up a black dress with tiny red flowers.

"It nice." I said smiling at her.

"Is it nicer than that red one?"

"Um, they're both nice."

"Which one do you think would look better on me though?"

"Uh they'd both look great on you."

She smiled. "You're so sweet but stop being such a boy. Give me an opinion." she said with a laugh.

"Uh, I guess, the red one?" I tried. "Sorry I really think they both looked great."

She smiled as she grabbed the red one of the nearby rack. "Think of it this way, Trevor." she said her smiling broadening. "Which would you rather see me wear? Or" her smile broadened even further, "if you had to" she smiled as she extended her arms, "which would you rather wear." She held the red dress up to me.

I wasn't sure how to respond. Was she serious?

"Oh, um, I dont know, I dont really... yeah... I dont know" I said caught off guard.

"Which dress do you like more? You can try on the one I don't try on."

"Oh I'm not sure I..."

"Oh come one Trevor!" she said smiling even more somehow. "I know you know your away around a dress and pair of heels. Choose a dress for me, red or black?" She held them both up to me.

"Black." I said definitively.

"Great!" she said smiling and handing me the red dress. "So I'll try on black, you try on the red one?"


"Oh just do it! It'll be fun. It's no worse than your princess dress. Besides, Austin is trying on skirts for Erica. It's not a big deal." She put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

I thought about this for a second.

"I love it when boys are confident in themselves." she said smiling at me. "Confident enough to do something like wear a dress. Austin sure is confident enough to..."

"Ok I get it." I interrupted her, matching her smile. "I'll do it."

I followed her to the changing room where I found Nora, Vanessa and Erica all laughing at a skirt wearing Austin, who was shaking his butt and model walking around the changing area.

"Hey dude!" he said, grinning when he saw me and opening his mouth and licking his lips, faux seductively as the girls laughed.

"Damn your sexy." I told him.

"I know, right!" he said. He played with his skirt a little and then pressed his butt up against me basically twerking against me. I laughed and the girls laughed even harder.

"Love that ass!" I told him giving his butt a little slap as he shook it in my direction. He made a little noise when I did and then followed me as I headed into the changing room.

Once we were in he took off the skirt.

"Why'd you try that on anyway?" I asked him casually.

"No big deal." He said dismissively. "They asked me to. Why?"

I paused for a second. Austin didn't mean to inspire Ally to ask me to put on a dress. He was just goofing off for Erica and the others. Was there any point in telling him I was pissed? Was there any point in being pissed? It was just trying on a dress. I did this basically every day after school.

"Trevor? Whats up? Dude?" he smiled a goofy smile. "Did seeing me in the dress make you feel things? Sexual things?" he put a hand on my shoulder. "I accept you no matter what." He said, a bright smile on his face.

I laughed. "Now?" I said smiling and putting my hand on his. "I've had a crush on you for a lot longer then that." He grinned. "But actually" I continued trying to get serious, "I was just hoping I wouldn't have to put on a dress again cuz I kinda trying to at least get to first base with Ally. And wearing a dress isn't helping I think."

Austin gave me a sympathetic look. "Its not a big deal. Just be confident and make a joke of it. They love that." He pulled his pants back on and clapped me on the shoulder. "Or just don't do it. You don't have to. It's not a big deal."

"You guys gonna come out or what?" Erica called to us.

"Yeah one sec!" Austin called back.

"If Trevor's trying to put a baby in you we can wait!" Erica called back. Austin grinned.

"Yeah, hes almost finished!" he responded.

I looked at Austin. "See, isn't it kinda weird that she's making that kinda joke?" I asked him.

"It's just a joke dude." he said lightly. "We say shit like that all the time. But you don't have to do anything you don't wanna do. Fuck the dress, just say you don't want to."

I sighed. "No, I don't wanna be weird about it. I dont know." I took off my shirt. "Its different for you cuz you've already hooked up with Erica. I haven't really done anything with Ally yet."

"I don't think you putting on a dress is gonna swing it for you either way, dude."

I laughed.

"Trev, straight up, you always do this with girls. Just trust yourself. She likes you. Seeing you act like an idiot in a dress wont change that. You're cool and funny and nice and hot as fuck. If I was a girl I'd be begging for your cock."

I laughed again.

"So don't worry about the small shit. You already are the guy they think you are. You just have to be yourself." Austin said smiling as I took off my pants and stepped into the dress. "So, you ready?"

He was right. It wasn't a big deal. I smiled. "Uh could you zip me up?"

He grinned. "Of course my man." He zipped me up and then opened the door and we walked out to "Ohs" and "Ahs" from the girls.

"Trevor, you look so pretty."

"Awww look at you."

"Wow you really wear a dress well."

"Maybe Austin was putting a baby in Trevor, not the other way around." Erica said with a grin.

I laughed.

"Trevor you actually look amazing." Ally told me smiling.

I did a little twirl. "Thanks. I try."

The girls howled with laughter.

"Try this one on next!" Nora suggested holding up a lacy black dress.

I gave Austin a look. "What can I try on next?" he asked.

"Why don't you do this black and white one?" Erica said holding up a black and white checkered dress which Austin took before we headed back into the changing room.

"Thanks man." I said once we were back in the changing room and each putting on dresses. "You didn't have to do that."

"No problem." he said casually and flashing me a smile. "Better to rock a dress with your bro then on your own. See what happens when you relax and just be yourself. You make being a dude in a dress look cool." He paused. "But you know that if you don't want to you don't have to do this. Just tell her no when she asks you to try on another cuz you know she will."

I pulled the dress up. "I'm not great at saying no." I told him.

That dress led to a pale pink dress, which led to a long coral blue gown, which led to a shiny black sequined dress which led to another and another and another. The girls seemed to really like seeing me and Austin fuck around in dresses. Each dress I played off as a joke, striking joking girly poses as they took pictures and videos and accepting compliments and each time Austin joined me, cracking jokes as the girls laughed and told us how cute we were. Austin's looseness made the whole thing a lot easier and way more fun. It was this weird thing where we were acting totally gay, jokingly holding hands and hanging all over each other, but the girls were loving it. After a while I was kind of enjoying messing around and making the girls laugh.

"I can only act like this for so long." He said in the changing room after dress 7. "I honestly think its a turn on or something for them but I'm not getting any action so I'm gonna call it. This is my last dress, I gotta get home soon anyway." He smiled at me. "But you should feel free to stay and try on dresses with the girls all night."

"Fuck you." I said returning his smile and throwing the strapless black dress I had just taken off at him.

"Ok, I'm done." he told the girls when we emerged this time in matching tight, violet, strapless dresses. "As much as I love getting in touch with my inner girl I gotta bounce soon."

"We have been here a while" Erica said looking at her phone.

"You wanna come to my place for dinner Trevor?" Ally asked, looking at me and the part of me that was annoyed with her about having me parade around in a dress melted.

"Uh sure." I said smiling.

"Your so fucking in dude." Austin told me giving me an excited shake as we went back into the changing room. "Dinner! Let me know how it goes."

Me and Austin got back into our normal clothes and we headed out. There is something about wearing a dress that makes you feel really manly when you get back into guy clothes and walking through the mall I felt a surge of confidence. I put an arm around Ally and she looked back at me and smiled. Fuck yeah.

Austin headed home and we chilled in the food court as Ally called her Mom so she could come pick us up. She was frowning slightly as she walked back over to us.

"So my Mom can't pick us up for another hour. She's at my brothers hockey game. We could walk back but its really far. Could any of your parents come get us?"

"My parents are out to dinner." Erica said.

"Mine are out of town remember. Thats why I'm staying with you tonight." Vanessa said.

"I don't even live here." Nora said to laughs.

"My parents are busy with my brother and sister." I said. I had no idea if they were busy but I didn't want either of my parents to be in a car with me and four girls.

"Ok, so we could call a cab I guess. Or we could just chill here for an hour. What should we do?"

"Why don't we just stay here?" Vanessa suggested. "There are tons of places we still haven't hit up."

"Yeah, I kinda wanna stay too. I need to get some new leggings and a few bras honestly." Erica agreed.

"I'm fine either way." Nora said. "I'd love to stay."

I didn't want to stay but I didn't wanna be the only person who said we should call a cab so I shrugged. "Whatever you guys wanna do is fine." I said.

"Alright!" Ally said happily.

"We haven't gone to Vicki's." Vanessa said as we headed back into the mall.

"Where?" I asked.

"Victoria's Secret!" Ally said.

I didn't want to go to Victoria's Secret because I did not want to be coaxed into trying on panties or bra's or something along those lines but I also didn't want to be seen as humorless so I didn't say anything as we walked through the mall to Victoria's Secret.

I wouldn't say that I was comfortable in Forever 21 but that was nothing compared to how uncomfortable I was in Victoria's Secret. I was surrounded by women of various ages and women's underwear. I'd never been into a Victoria's Secret before and I honestly had no idea it came in so many types.

This time, every time Ally asked me about something I told her it would look great on her, so she wouldn't try to say "I think this would look great on you." I really didn't want to have her ask me to try on anything else but I was fine to watch her try on bra's and slinky lingerie. My heart sank though when she turned around and asked "Trevor? Have you ever worn a bra?"

"No." I said in a deep voice, trying to laugh slightly, like the idea was too absurd to ever really happen.

She held up a lacy pink bra against my chest and gave me a look.

"You wanna? I think you'd look really cute in one."

"I dont know." I said looking at her.

"C'mon." she lowered her voice and said. "I think your really cute. And I do kind of have a thing for guys in girls clothes. I don't know why. Its just so confident and hot and vulnerable and different. I don't know. Its kind of weird." She looked a little ashamed.

"We've got time to kill so just man up and put on a bra Trevor." Vanessa said from behind me, less sensitively. Vanessa had seemed kind of bored all time and was clearly disappointed that Jason couldn't make it. She seemed to think he wasn't interested in her anymore for some reason and was kind of in a bad mood. "Its not a big deal. Its funny to look at your boyish body in girlish clothes. Even you admit that. We know your a guy. So don't be a little girl about it and just do it. "

I sighed.

"Do you need any help?" A young, hot, blonde, big boobed, sales lady with pretty green eyes and a kind smile asked. Vanessa and Ally both looked at me.

"Yeah our friend Trevor here wants to buy a bra." Vanessa told her.

"He does?" she said looking surprised but smiling quickly.

"Yeah, he's a little embarrassed but he's always wanted his own bra." She said grinning.

The sales girl smiled and looked at me. "Oh that's sweet! I never would have guessed that from looking at you. You look like such a guyish guy. But we'll get you fitted and feeling pretty."

She took my hand and brought me to a room in the back as Vanessa and Ally followed.

"Take your shirt off." She said and when I did I noticed Vanessa and Ally looking at me. I heard Vanessa whisper "look at that body!" and Ally whisper, "he's so cute." I smiled a little. I wasn't jacked but I knew I looked pretty good. Soccer season gets you looking pretty cut.

My confidence vanished though, when the salesgirl ran a tape measure around my chest and started talking about training bras.

"I'm sure you want a real bra like your friends but because you're pretty skinny and don't really have much there a training bra is a more natural fit. That said, I'm sure you'd do fine in an A cup. Do yo have any colors you had in mind?" she asked.

"Trevor loves pink!" Vanessa butted in giving an evil grin.

The saleswoman smiled. "Of course he does. I have just the thing." And she left, leaving me standing shirtless in front of two of the hottest girls my age, waiting to try on a bra.

"Are you excited Trevor?" Vanessa asked me.

I thought of Austin and how he made trying on dress after dress tolerable by making a joke. I thought of how I had actually managed to enjoy wearing a dress every day after school by making it a joke.

"Soooo excited." I said sarcastically.

The salesgirl came back, holding three pink bras, two were very lacy and one had heavily padded.

"Here you go!" she said smiling broadly. "I'm sure your excited. I'll give you a second to change and show your friends. I'll come back later if you need anything."

"Do you need a hand putting it on?" Ally asked me.

"No I'll do it." I said. I had no idea if I'd be able to put on a bra myself but I sure didn't want Ally putting a bra on me.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Vanessa asked. "If you don't want help putting it on be a big girl and put it on yourself."

"Um shouldn't I go into a changing room?" I asked.

"Trevor, your already not wearing a shirt. You want privacy to put on clothes?" She said.

As she said it I realized how dumb that sounded. I shrugged.

She rolled her eyes."Well why don't you go put it on and come out and show us how it looks." Vanessa said, opening the door to a changing room. I went in, holding my shirt in one hand and the bras in the other and closed the door.

Once I was in I looked at myself in the mirror before grabbing one of the bras, the light pink, lacy one, and put it over my shoulders. I was having trouble fastening it in the back but I didn't want them to know. I writhed around about trying to fasten it and I caught myself in the mirror. What was I doing? Why was I lunging around a Victoria's Secret changing room in a bra What was keeping me from just leaving? I could just walk home. I didn't have to wear anything I didn't want to.

"Need any help?" Vanessa called.

"No!" I shouted back and I finally fastened it. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"OH MY GOD YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!!" Vanessa almost shouted as I left the dressing room.

"You look so pretty Trevor!" Ally agreed as she adjusted the bra straps on my shoulders. "How does it feel?"

"Fine I guess." I said, not sure how to answer. "Kinda weird."

"Well you make it work!" Vanessa said giggling.

She tapped the cup of my bra jokingly a little like she was trying to make sure it wasn't a hologram.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I asked, caught off guard.

"Oooo. She doesn't like that!" Vanessa said with a laugh to Ally. "I was just playing around. Don't be so sensitive."

I adjusted my bra and looked in the mirror. I couldn't help but laugh. The combination of my black, striped Adidas pants with the pink lacy bra was pretty funny looking and having my head on all that was even funnier.

"Can I take a pic Trevor?" Ally asked sweetly.

I turned around and remembering what Austin said about how playing it off as a joke made it less of a big deal, struck a girly pose and the girls laughed. Ally took a few pictures.

"There's the girl we know!" Vanessa said laughing as I did a little girly walk. "Seriously though its a shame you don't have boobs."

"Yeah, shame" I said sarcastically and Ally laughed. "You'll just have to deal with me like this!" I said, sliding my hands around my bra jokingly seductively.

The girls both laughed.

"I swear you should have been born a girl." Vanessa said.

I was gonna respond but then I burped really loud, and, feeling boyish again, I smiled and we all just burst out laughing.

"C'mon." Vanessa said after a we finally stopped laughing. "I wanna see you in those other bras."

"You wanna do something else instead?" I asked, trying to find a way out. Messing around and stuff was fun but I didn't want to try on bra after bra.

"Nope!" Vanessa said, patting me on the butt, opening the changing room door and motioning for me to go in with a smile.

"If we're going to go to any other stores we gotta go soon." I heard Ally tell Vanessa as she closed the door behind me.

"Where else would we go?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't know, I'm just saying."

"Don't you wanna see him in the other bras." Vanessa she whispered.

"No, I do, but if he really doesn't want to, I don't really care that much about it." Ally whispered back.

"Oh come on." Vanessa said, not whispering suddenly. "You've got a boy who's totally in to you, totally cute, and totally willing to play dress up. This is your dream boy. He's dumb, fit, pretty and wiling to dance around in a bra for you. He's literally perfect."

"No I know" Ally whispered. "And its awesome. But he's really sweet and if he really doesn't want to keep doing this maybe we should move on..."

I pressed my hear against the door.

"Oh come on, he clearly doesn't mind it." Vanessa said laughing a little. "The boys were basically doing this with each other for that play anyway. I bet he kinda enjoys it. Strutting around, getting teased by you. He just feels like he needs to protest a little so you still see him as a guy."

"I guess your probably right. I just don't want to be the reason he does stuff he doesn't want to do." Ally responded.

"Well don't kill my fun just cuz you have a guilty conscious." Vanessa said sharply.

There was an awkward pause before Vanessa laughed. "I'm kidding. Oh my god. Your face! That was priceless. Seriously though. We're having fun. He clearly gets a kick out of it otherwise he wouldn't keep doing it. Who's losing?"

"You're right." Ally said back to her.

"What's taking him so long?" Vanessa wondered and I remembered I was supposed to be changing into the other bra right as she knocked on the door.

"Trevor? You need any help?"

"No!" I called back but I was lying. Taking a bra off my own back was harder than putting one on.

"I bet he can't take the bra off." I heard Vanessa say. I froze when I heard her next sentence.

"Has he taken yours off yet?" she asked Ally.

Ally laughed and shushed her.

"I told you, we didn't do anything. We just talked and he goofed around in that dress. There wasn't really a good time." she said in an embarrassed whisper.

"Are you serious? I keep thinking you just don't wanna tell me!"

I finally manage to unhook the bra in the back and have to keep myself from shouting "YES!"

"Honestly," I hear Vanessa say "I don't know if I could hook up with him at this point." I pressed my ear against the door again. What did she mean? "Like he's really hot, like gorgeous, and really sweet and funny but like in my mind now he's dress boy now, you know? Not that you shouldn't hook up with him! You're the one who thinks that's kind of hot. And like I said, hes really sweet and a total hottie but like, I just see him a little differently now."

Shit! I should have known this was going to happen. Did Ally even see me as a guy now or as some cute little gay best friend who she could play dress up with and ask my opinion on boys she actually was interested in.

"Well Jason wore a dress too! And he did all the same stupid boy stuff when he was wearing that dress that Trevors doing now!" Ally shot back, sounding a little defensive. "How is he any less of a guy just cause he's got a sense of humor about himself? Would you rather he be all..."

I smiled and stepped away from the door. Maybe Austin was right. I started putting the next bra on. She still saw me as a guy and was still into me. That's all I needed. Once I'd got it on I paused before I opened the door again.

"No I know." Vanessa said. "I just... forget I said anything. Lets just have fun fucking around with him. You're the one who said seeing him in girls clothes was a turn on."

Before I could process this, she rapped the door again.

"C'mon Trevor! You're taking longer than I do to change and you're only putting on a bra."

I opened the door. The girls giggled, complimented and teased me, took selfies with me and instructed me on how to pose. I played along mindlessly. It was like I wasn't even there. I was thinking about what she had said. This was a turn on for her. Was this more than just messing around? Was she gonna like jerk off later to the pictures she was taking of me. Girls can't jerk off. What was I thinking? Girls can masturbate though. I wonder if girls call it jerking off too? Wait, why was everyone looking at me like that?


Vanessa, Ally, Nora, Erica and the sales girl were all looking at me strangely.

"What?" I said, trying to make it seem as if I had been listening to whatever they were just saying and wasn't just thinking about girls masturbating.

"Does that sound good to you?" Vanessa asked.

"Does what sound good to me?"

"Uch. Weren't you listening? The panty set that Natalie was talking about? The bikinis? The lacy teddy? The baby dolls? All the stuff she just mentioned?"

"Sorry, I spaced out, who's Natalie?" I asked.

The sales girl laughed and put her hand up.

"Sorry, he's a bit of a ditz." Vanessa said to the sales girl.

Natalie laughed again. "I'll go get the stuff" she said smiling. "You fill him in on the last few minutes, I guess."

"Natalie is gonna get the matching panties for those bras you tried on and she also has some great other stuff for you. Some bikinis, some sexy nightwear. It's gonna be fun."

"Uh, you realize I can't buy any of this shit. I don't have the money and I'm literally never gonna wear it again." I said, trying to stop this before it became a shopping spree.

"Oh its fine I'll pay for it." She said. "I'll just use my card. My parents let me buy basically anything I want."

"Yeah but.."

"No, its no problem. Really!"

"I know but I'm saying..." I was interrupted by Natalie who came back armed with a few pairs of panties, each pink and shaped differently, several bikinis, a few very skimpy looking nightgown like things, and several lacy things that I don't really know how to describe. They weren't even a shape I recognized.

"Wait, what is that?" I said pointing at them as the girls admired the items.

"Those are teddies but don't worry about those, yet." Vanessa said smiling at me. Just focus on the panties and the baby dolls. You're gonna look so pretty!"

"Baby dolls?" I asked.

"These sexy little slips!" she said holding the nightgown like dresses. "We'll work our way up to the teddies. You can start with anything you want but you can't try panties or bikinis on against your skin. You have to wear your underwear."

"Trust me, that won't be a problem." I said, following Natalie into the changing room.

"Let me know if you need a hand." She said kindly. "I'll be right outside with your friends." She lowered her voice. "And if there's an issues that comes up while your getting dressed that you don't want them to know about but you need a hand with that just tap on the door and I'll help you out." She lowered her voice even more and added, "I think you're really brave."

She hung the items on the door and closed it before I could fully react to whatever she was talking about.

I looked at the array of items on the door. Did they really expect me to wear panties in front of them. I decided that wearing the "baby dolls" would be better than the panties, even if they were very short and sexy. None of them would fall past my upper thigh. In fact, my boxers would be visible if I wore any of these not only because they were so short but because they were basically see through.

I decided to go with a short, light blue one. I took the bra off, with less effort this time, reluctantly took my Adidas pants off and slid the silky, sexy blue slip over my boxers. It felt odd.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing almost nothing. Apart from the very thin straps, it literally covered only the area from my nipples to like an inch below my hips. It felt like the kind of thing girls wore when they wanted to give their boyfriend or husbands a treat. My blue plaid boxers stuck out the bottom which gave me some feeling of boyishness but I felt ten times more exposed and on display then I did in any of the dresses I tried on with Austin. I wished Austin was still here now. Then the attention wouldn't be all focused on me. I ran my hand through my hair, sighed, and turned toward the door.

Slowly I opened the door and the reactions of the girls washed over me.

"Oh my GOD!"

"Look at you!"


"So sexy!"

"This is the Chantilly Lace Baby Doll." Natalie said smiling. "Its new!"

I continued out, stopping in front of the mirror in the changing area but outside the changing room and Ally came up behind me and put her arms around me from behind.

"You really look amazing. You're such a good sport about all this." She said sweetly.

"You are!" Vanessa agreed who had come up from behind without me noticing. "I just wish you didn't have to wear those boxers."

"I think he looks cute with the boxers." Ally said, putting her head on my almost bare shoulder.

"He does but he'd look better if he didn't have to wear them. Especially with his boyish legs. Cuz his legs aren't so hairy its gross but they're hairy enough so that he looks like a boy. So that combined with the boxers sticking out... its just a bit manish."

"If you buy a pair of panties he could wear those." Natalie suggested and before I could protest Vanessa had grabbed a pair of panties from the changing room and left the changing area to purchase them for me.

I was going to say something about it but I liked how Ally had her head on my shoulder, even if I was dressed like a girl trying to seduce her boyfriend, so I didn't ruin the moment my complaining.

A few minutes later Vanessa returned with a pair of lacy pink panties and proudly presented them to me.

"Trevor, these are now your panties!" She said happily as the girls giggled and jokingly congratulated me.

"Congrats Trevor!"

"I'm sure this is a big day for you!"

"You're a big girl now!"

I laughed but this was starting to get out of hand. I headed back into my changing room, panties in hand to try on the next baby doll, this time, in panties.

I felt stupid in the panties. They were pink and lacy and while they fit they also showed off a lot of my butt. I turned around and looked back at my ass in the mirror. They literally made me look like a girl from behind.

I put on the next baby doll, a sexy, sheer, pink one that was so short it left my panties semi visible. I hated this but I decided the other one, a white one that was basically see through entirely besides the nipples, would be even worse.

I stepped out of the changing room to the same reactions.

"So pretty!"

"Look at that sexy girl!"

"Do a twirl!"

I did a twirl reluctantly laughing as the girls jokingly catcalled at me.

"The panties look amazing!" Vanessa said looking at my ass. I felt like I was basically naked. "You actually look like a girl from behind. A cheeky panty is perfect for you! Like your butt is totally hairless and pretty. You don't really have any body hair besides your legs and armpits. I love it."

"I might just buy you all of them!" Vanessa said when I came out wearing the next one, the nearly see through white one that made me look like a slutty bride. "Look at those long legs! So sexy! They may be a bit hairy but they're working it! Can't wait to see how they look in a bikini or teddy."

After the usual selfies and photos and videos and poses and jokes I found myself back in the changing room looking at the "teddies" which were very exposing and I'd never seen before but I knew now after looking it up on my phone were, according to wikipedia "garments which covers the torso and crotch in the one garment," or the bikinis which I had seen before and covered literally almost nothing.

I thought of the beach, where over the summer me and my friends would sometimes go to hang out and how we looked at girls in bikinis, their boobs bursting from the tops, their butts bouncing and I looked at the teddies weird shape which while very sheer kind of looked like the leotards my sister used to wear when she still did gymnastics. I sighed and grabbed the teddy. Who cares if its lingerie, its better then the bikini.

All of the teddies were a light shade of pink but the one I grabbed was particularly skimpy and so I decided to go with one that at least had real shoulder straps and not, as my sister called them "spaghetti straps." It was fairly easy to put on. I stepped into it and pulled on the shoulders. It fit very tightly and once I had it on I immediately knew why the store made people keep their underwear on when trying it on. It really rode up on you. Tight.

I looked in the mirror. I looked basically naked. I mean I was naked a part from this tiny lacy, pale pink thing. And the panties of course. The panties were completely visible. The majority of my ass was visible. And even worse, the outline of my dick was extremely visible.

I played around with it for a bit, adjusting it. At one point I even thought about tucking it between my legs before thinking the only thing worse than going out there and having them see the outline of my dick would be going out there and having them see that me with what appears to be no dick.

I sighed and adjusted it one last time, so my balls and dick weren't too uncomfortable but also weren't just hanging out there and forced a laugh. Its just a joke I reminded myself but I heard Austin's voice in my head.

"Just don't do it. You don't have to. It's not a big deal." I felt like I had to do this. I felt like it was a big deal. Was I being stupid? Did it just feel worse cuz I was doing it alone now and some hot girl who works at Victoria's Secret thinks I'm brave?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and opened the door.

I another round of exclamations.

"Oh my god!"


"So sexy."

"More than sexy! Slutty!"

"So thats the Floral Lace & Dot Mesh Teddy." Natalie told us. "Its a new design."

Vanessa was beaming. Ally grabbed me and started taking selfies and posing with me. Erica was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. Nora was crouching down with laughter. If everyone's having fun why not have fun with it.

As I had over and over again that day, I posed jokingly, strutted around, stuck my butt out, touched my boobs, put on a girly voice, did everything. The girls ate it up. They were laughing and I was laughing and I just kinda went with it like I would Austin and Jason, even if it felt a little more awkward.

There was a teen boy waiting for his girlfriend in the changing area who wasn't there earlier, and when he started staring at me.

"What are you looking at bro?" I called and the girls laughed.

"I bet he wants to fuck you." Vanessa said to me and Ally nudged her and told her to shut up. "Now c'mon. You've got like 3 more teddies to try on. And bikinis!"

I groaned. It was getting to be a lot. And repetitive. Austin had told them he had to go and that had just ended it. What was keeping me from doing the same thing. I could just tell them I was done.

Before I needed to Ally thankfully got a text from her Mom saying she'd be at the mall to pick us up in five minutes.

"Oh but there was so much stuff Trevor still hadn't tried on!" Vanessa said sounding disappointed.

"Bummer." I said dryly, and the girls all laughed, besides Vanessa.

"Wait! Why don't I just buy them all for you and you can return what you don't want?"

"You really don't have to do that. Like I don't want you to do that." I said.

"I think its fine Vanessa." Erica said.

"No its no problem. And if Trevor's coming over for dinner then he could try them on at your place!"

"No I don't..." I started

"I don't think Trevor wants to..." Ally said at the same time.

"Its fine! I'm doing it. It'll be fun!" Vanessa said, and she grabbed all the stuff from the changing room and left the changing area.

"Is she serious?" I asked Ally.

Ally shared a weird look with Erica."Yeah, she's in kind of a bad mood, I don't know why. It'll be fine though. You don't have to do anything you don't have to do." Ally said. "Why don't you get changed." she said grinning as she looked down at my bare legs.

"Yeah" I said grinning. "Don't wanna that dude over there any ideas."

She laughed. "Hey, you two would make a cute couple."

I loved hearing her laugh. It made me feel confident.

She looked at me. "You look cute and all but I like boxers Trevor more than panties Trevor." she said smiling.

I grinned. "Good. Boxers Trevor appreciates it." I said, smiling as headed back to the changing room.

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