
its been a while, but im back!!!

Hey guys and gals. I know I dissapeared for like 4 months. I just lost interest in writing and really everything. I kinda got depressed but I think im past that. Ive decided to start posting some of my poetry. I know its not very good but I woild like to share it with you guys. Please check it out and let me know what you think


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Very Good Serial Stories

I just started to read the Fan-Fic Whateley school for Mutants stories on the Chrystal Hall site . I am so very hooked on the action that takes place in each story. Sometimes it is nice to get a break from the stories with dress up as the main theme .
These stories have been written by great authors from the resent past and have gender flip and dress up but with action scenes .
I highly recommend them . You can find other stories here at Big Closet and on FM . I am so hooked LOL .
Hugs Richie

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Met Kristen Beck -Lady of Valor- Tonight

For those that do not know who she is.

Kristen Beck is a Retired US Navy Senior Chief and US Navy SEAL. After retiring in 2011 she came out as transgender and has transitioned. She co-wrote a book Warrior Princess and had a CNN documentary( here is the link= )done on her, along with writing a new book now. She is an all around advocate for transgender changes and works and lives in DC.

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I'm probably not dead yet

Though my body and spirit might say otherwise, vital signs have confirmed that I haven't died. I feel worse than a corpse, but the coroner assures me that he is unable to sign a death certificate while arguing with the dearly not departed about it.

If I haven't been melodramatic enough, I feel like poo. Not just regular poo, but poo that had been stepped on by a 500lb man wearing cowboy boots that is trying to scrape it off on a curb.

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Some witty title goes here

So, I've just posted the first chapter of Bellona which is a Hyperverse story. Since Bellona occurs chronologically before the rest of the stories, I'm focusing on it first before all my other writing. At least that's what I've decided now. This all may change.

On a side note, my deviated septum surgery has been a success and things are better. I had a medication change up which seems to be working better than what I was on before for some of my issues.

Good things it seems... for now...

*knocks on wood....

Be awesome everyone.

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Feeling better

Hi folks,

Just a note to let you all know that I am feeling much better now and I'm trying to get back into the writing swing. There will be no regular updates of I Wish, Twice Removed or Raven's Blood on their regular schedules until next week though. With me feeling better now Martin and I have a busy week this week, getting things done I couldn't while sick and with it being the last week of dance classes for a month over the holidays.

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Being sucked into a black hole

So there I was, trying to decide what to do about xyz, when it suddenly occurred that I hadn't actually done a full system backup for a good few months, having been dashing off Julina stories and the like.
So I thought, on Saturday afternoon, I would just invest the few hours it would take, and instigated a full backup.

This was a mistake.

Several problems raised their 'pretty' heads.

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Seven Years

Seven years... That's about 1/8th of my life I've been a registered member of this community. Wow. (Though, I started reading hear a few months previous, I was one of many "guest readers"...)

I started writing, registered and posted my first attempts at writing here when so encouraged by Karen Page and Angharad. And, wonder of wonders, I discovered I actually enjoyed writing. This was quite a surprise to me as I'd not voluntarily written ANYTHING since '71 when some classmates destroyed a play I wrote. (So, I assumed I couldn't do it... Write that is.)

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It's that time of year again

According to my mother 62 years ago, my dad came home from the office party the worse for wear. Trying not to make much noise, he went up stairs carrying his shoes which he then managed to drop down them. My mother was rather pregnant and I appeared the next morning, all 5lb 2oz of me. The morning was the 3rd December 1952. (A week later the Christine Jorgensen story broke - pure coincidence, I expect).

This rebuts all rumours about my being found under a gooseberry bush, though some might like to see me there now.

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Sissy Fetish?

Well; I’m here. I’m not sure why, but I’ll start by pointing out I have a sissy fetish. Getting in touch with my feminine side through gender-swapping my clothing, altering my figure with removable prosthetic breast/hips (Thanks TheBreastFormStore!!!), applying makeup, and wigs sexually “does it for me”. Honestly, just as much as heterosexual sex.

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Surgery Again

This past April I had a accident at home (yes with a ladder) and broke my ankle almost ripping my foot off (it was close) now this Wednesday I will have the third surgery to repair my foot . The Doctor is breaking my foot to construct a new arch . I will need 1 more surgery to complete the repairs, but they can't do all the work as it is too much trauma to the body . The broken bones from April still have not healed completely OUCH
This at least will be out patient and only 8 to 10 weeks in a cast double OUCH.

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So alot has happened

WOW! so it's been a while huh? I honest have been busy. Right now I"m currently working a part time call center job. bringing in 200 a week. For food and rent as well as bills. 350 a month. (sweet deal right?) Well I really had to fight to get it. and my life. So once again my connection with the PRices are permanently cut. Especially after the flaming perfume fiasco that gave me quite a shiner. Sister moved to Arizona and all that leaving me alone with the one who tried to seriously maim me with said perfume. Long story short. I'm still alive.


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going to have company next week

Well, Sharon has told us that its confirmed that she will be going in for surgery, and so we will be hosting my daughter for at least four days - Friday through Monday.

This is going to be the most time I've spent with my daughter since we separated, and her mother is super against my transition and no doubt has pushed that view on Samantha, so I am kinda nervous ...

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A Personal Request

Hi Everyone. There have been a few times when I was in a jam and the wonderful users here @ BigCloset have helped me out immensely. Whether it was helping me buy a new mattress/boxspring for Bill and I when we were stuck in a motel during the mold cleanup, or helping me setup a fund to get a vehicle and get my life back on track, and even helping us come up with the security deposit for the apartment we are in.

So it's now that I come to you with my hat in my hand, and my heart in my throat, asking for help once again.

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Ultimate compliment

On facebook I belong to a group that revolves around playing the game Real Racing 3 (awesome game by the way) and I am quite active in it. I was talking to one of the people who play the game and we got to talking about my books and that led me to revealing that I am transgender.

Their response:

You want to be a guy, I don't see it.

Priceless. With all the dark and dreary, I needed that.

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Freaking out

I finally got the referral for the PICC line and am now on antibiotics for the next 6 weeks. Each morning I have to go in and get a daily IV as well as carry around this pump that gives me IVs three times a day.

They put the PICC line in and I promptly proceed to tear half of it out getting into my car (It got caught on the seat or something as I leaned getting in). Doctor is still using the line though it's now at the mid point, he might change it by wednesday.

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A place for us in society.

I promise, NO Drama.

Since 2005, I have been determined to forge a place in society for myself and those like me. I've stubbornly insisted and fought for a place in society as a woman, and to an amazing extent, that dream has been realized. It has been a long time since anyone has challenged me on the street or off it.

In spite of my total lack of understanding, the Mormon members around me have been kind and healing and supportive. That the upper management of the church has issues with those like me, actually arouses the ire of the members.

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I was interviewed

Not too long ago I was contacted by someone from Poland about doing an interview. Can you imagine? Poland? Didn't know I made it there, guess I should put another thumbtack in the big map I have. Anyway, they run a pretty big blog and have interviewed a lot of notable people and decided to include me. I guess to some I'm a heroine. I hope I'm not too addictive.

If anyone cares, and I can't imagine anyone not caring, here is the interview link. Share a comment here and there.

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Good news, bad news

Well, I got some good news, and some bad news.

First, the good news - My birth certificate arrived today, so I am one step closer to getting a passport to go to Arizona for my consult.

Now, the bad news - Sharon called saying it looks like she might be getting her surgery in December, and she called about having me or mom take time off work to look after Samantha. Problem is, both my mom's work and mine don't give time off in December, and so now I feel like a failure as a parent ...

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Why are stupid people in charge?

I can't take this any more. I am near tears.

The ongoing saga of my foot will not end.

So, they need to do a ct scan to confirm that I have a bone infection and also to know how to cut it out. I'm sure it's not every bone and probably not the whole bone so they have to be careful. The specialists have been pretty nice and on top of things so I hate that part of my frustration gets taken out on them.

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It might be fake

So this is interesting, or at least I think so.

Today I got a certified letter in the mail. It is an invitation for me to try out for a reality television show. It appears that one of the networks wants to put on something to rival "The Biggest Loser" and because of my sports background they think I'm a good candidate.

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A big thank you to everyone

You know, if you had tried to tell me five and a half years ago when I first joined Big Closet, that one day I'd be standing in front of a group of people at a church and telling them about being trans, I never would believed you. But it happened, and a big reason why is the love and support I've received on BC and elsewhere online.

So, to all those who have sent me support over the years, let me say ...

Thank you all so much.

Every one of you rocks.

And huggles for everyone!

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And so it gooes...

Just found that I was official member of BCTS for 2 and half years. I was following stories on this site for much much longer. Basically, since Crystal's site stopped updating. And... I had registers here twice before but forgotten logins/passwords...
I never consciously tried to be troll on this site, but as I was recently banned from several sites for asking people to explain their position and to provide substantiation to their claims I can say that I am a semi professional internet troll :-) Can't claim to be professional as I never received any money for my posts online :-)

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a move toward tolerance of trans people?

I was listening to the local Christian radio station, and they play some kid-friendly shows on Saturday, including a show called "Adventures in Odyssey".

Well, I had missed part of the program today, but I heard a student and teacher talking, and the teacher said, "In computers, you have hardware and software. The hardware is how the computer is made, the software is what makes it run. Gender is like software, and its changeable, especially nowadays."

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Out Of Comission

Just an FYI, I'm going to be out of comission for at least a couple days.

I currently have both an Middle Ear, and Outer Ear infection, which is causing me extreme pain which even the prescribed pain meds aren't helping. My left ear is so swollen that they had to use an "ear wick" so that the drops get to where they need to go.

I'm on both an ear-drop antibiotic, and an oral antibiotic as well as Ear drop pain relief and oral pain meds.

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Passing of the torch

Today is as special day of me and my husband. Today we watched our two daughters graduate from the US Army Airborne School. For us it has a special meaning for our family. You see when I first came to the US I joined our military to help gain my citizenship. While I served I won those same wings, so you can see why this was so special to me. For my husband who is from the UK and had served in their military as a British Paratroop it was doubly so. You see his father and his grandfather were also British Paratroopers going all the way back to WW2.

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Transgendered or broken?

In my own situation, growing up with nasty, brutal men, I hated them, and I hated being one of the enemy even worse, and did not accept that idea without struggle. Then, what did I do but marry a young woman who herself had been abused awfully, and in her adult years became a rabid feminist. So after a while, I could never be right, or even OK. Looking back, I just wanted to be on the winning side. It was a choice to just walk away from her like so many other young males did at the time.

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To quote Jack Parr....

"...As I was saying...." (Google it if you're under a certain age or not a fan of ancient television)

I'm mortified that my last fiction updates were nearly 3 months ago.

Yes, I've been having 'muse troubles' (she vanished without a trace, leaving me to slog along on my own), but I managed to eke out a bit more of both Dead Ringer and Summer of Love.

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not a good day, sadly

Well, I spent most of my day hanging out in a hospital waiting room with my daughter while my ex got a CT scan on her heart.

It was stressful, but then my ex managed to make it worse, as after it was over, she asked me to run her to get some pet food, and while at the checkout, the cashier first called me "sir", and then corrected himself and called me "ma'am". Of course, my ex couldn't stand that, and loudly "corrected" him while I stood there feeling helpless to stop her.

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A nice night out

Well, last night I had a pretty good night out, as my brother and sister-in-law took my mom and me out for dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday.

They gave my mom a framed picture of my grandfather on his tank taken during WW II, which got my mom reminiscing about those dark years during which she could only hope and pray her dad would make it home.

So as Remembrance Day approaches, don't just think of the soldiers who fought. Take a moment to remember the families who lost out as well.

Huggles for everybody.

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Not sure when or if I will be posting new chapters

The past two days I've been a little down. I'd been trying to keep in touch with my kids since I left Vancouver and was getting a bit depressed after my last email to them on Halloween got no replies. I was in chat talking with Erica Jane when I decided to check again. I got a response fro my 17 year old pretty much telling me to stay the fuck out of their lives and stop trying to stay in contact with them after "what I did leaving to be with your boyfriend so you could be happy".


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I'm back safely

I'm back home after most of a week spent with Piper and Cat (and Becky and Amy and Liam) in the wilds of South Jersey. I had a lot of fun and we had our BC meeting in a Chinese restaurant in Glassboro. It was pouring down rain so that may have affected our turnout but we did have two more people show up for the meeting.

More later it is late in the early morning and I'm pooped. :)

Hugs to all,

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Should I avoid starting a countdown?

Well, I am now only two weeks away from my lecture at my church. I have finished my notes, and just need to print them out, and run through them a couple times, and I will be as ready as I can be.

But since butterflies seem inevitable, maybe I should avoid a countdown?

What do you guys think?

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I took a girl friend today to see the poppies.

For those who don't know, the veterans in this country set up a charity called the British Legion, who do their best to look after the wreckage left by war, whether it involves the veterans themselves or their families. Each year, as Remembrance Sunday/Armistice Day approaches, there is the poppy appeal. Paper or enamel poppy badges are sold to raise money for the charity.

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Stuck in a Holding Pattern, but I'm Okay

I sleep all night and a write all day... Oops. Sorry. Got carried away for a second there ;-) This is a long overdue blog post, and I'm sorry to say it's not as informative as I'd like it to be, but that's because there's a lot of good things happening that I don't want to curse!

Caution: Mild language. Only mild, though.


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