And in the news ...

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There have been some interesting things happening in the news in the last while, and is occasionally the case, I like to take some time to think about them before saying something. But I'm ready now, so here goes ...

1) Bruce Jenner. I watched the 20/20 interview, and was inpressed on a couple of fronts. First, I thought Diana Sawyer handled the interview much better than Peirs Morgan did a while back when he interviewed Janet Mock. The other thing I took from it was that Bruce's story sounded a lot like that of many trans people- a lifetime of confusion, heartache, and finally a realization that it was time to come clean. For a trans person who wanted to try and explain what was going on for them, it was as good a "Trans 101" as I could have expected. While I don't plan to watch the reality show he's making about his transtion, I wish him all the best.

2) The Alberta election. It was remarkable to watch as Alberta made news around the world for electing a new government for the first time in over 40 years, with some amusing mistakes being made in the coverage - best one being on MSNBC's "The Ed show" where they wrongly identified the 2nd place party as "the wildhorse party". And while my brother cheekily suggested that the PC's threw the election, if they didn't, they ran the worst campaign I've seen, with their leader Jim Prentice coming across as the Albertian Mitt Romney - a corporate suit with no clue how to relate to ordinary people. As for the winner, Rachel Notley is gonna have her hands full trying to keep expectations in line in a time of reduced revenues, while also controling a caucus that is very young and liable to make some interesting mistakes. I can only hope she's up to it.

Well, those are my thoughts. Wanna share yours?


just my opinions

Alecia Snowfall's picture

I hope things work out for the new elects, time tells all on that front.
I didn't watch the Jenner interview and as for the possible reality show of transitional process; I'm sorry but I won't be watching it. I wouldn't consider it reality or even semi-reality, Jenner doesn't have to work a job to pay expenses like the rest of us do, worry about being fired and end up being homeless, hungry and having to resort to extreme methods to stay fed and out of the weather. Is transition easy; no. Will Jenner lose friends and family over it; yes. I've tried to transition twice and lost my job both times and found myself on the street living in my vehicle once. I almost had to resort to sex work that time, luckily I didn't. Jenner will not face those situations, not like so many of our trans-sisters and brothers do daily. Fearing sexual predators, prejudiced police, religious zealots, and those are just people. I live in Louisiana. Its an "At will employment" state; that means an employee can fired at any time, without warning and without substantial reason. As long as discrimination can not be proven(video/audio documenting of discrimination), the termination is lawful. btw; its illegal in Louisiana to record without permission, no matter what wrong-doing is revealed. There's also the company's final argument that wins every time in this state; "having such persons will cause me to lose business".
The only shows I consider "reality" are on DIY network, the cooking channel and food network. they may be scripted, but if you follow the directions and it works....that's reality to me. Sorry if that upsets anybody but that's how it is for me and I hate it, but I've had to stop transition before starting HRT just to survive. I don't want to be on the streets again. Right now I have no job because I lost too many jobs because of bigoted employers. I have no job, no car and the only fun I have is reading and writing stories here.
  I'm sorry if all that came off as a "pity me" rant, I didn't intend it that way. Just wanted to point out the very big separation between a person such as Bruce Jenner and the rest of the trans-population. This post is strictly my opinion and may not be shared by other persons on this site, if any are offended I do apologize as I did not intend to do so.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall