General Audience (pg)

The Journey is the Destination 18

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 18

By poetheather

The Principal is up to his old tricks and what is Ranma going to do in the face of such insanity?

Whingeing Agine

Here I go agine, somewhat emboldened by Angela Rasch. I posted a story five days ago. The first two days 500+ hits, 50 votes and half a dozen comments. OK, not a stellar success. I can live with that, but for the last three days, 300+ hits and virtually NO votes and not a single comment.

I wish that someone would tell me if I'm wasting my time posting here, that I don't gibe with the BC vibe, that there's little interest in what I post, that I'm a lousy writer, anything but this deafening silence. Indifference; disapproval??

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Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 4: Who's Who

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 4: Who's Who
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After the Halloween party, Kelly finds that being a girl is something that he wants to explore. With the support of family and friends, she starts upon a journey of a lifetime.

We are now 3/4s the way through the year.

Here I am in Wyoming and it is October and I am looking and 45 is just around the corner. I am not complaining I am living a good life in probably one of the most beautiful parts of the country. I live about 50-60 miles east of Yellowstone National Park.
I am a new member here and probably will write a story or 2 here and won't know how long the stories will be.
I would love to hear what you think as you see this year ends and what your hopes,fears or what ever emotions you might have for the coming year.


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The Girl in me, will be revised, better edited, etc.

Hey all, been doing some overview of my storie 'The Girl in Me' accessing the many of mistakes, tribulations and problems regarding my storie. So I have came to the conclusion that I will revise it, re edit, add and change some things.

Firstly as from the start I wanted to make it as a series, of cronicles and Thus it will. I will be naming it "Morwen's Legacy: The Girl in Me".

Secondly The editing is going to be slightly difficult for me so if there is anyone that would like to volunteer to assist in the edditing of my storie, please let me know.

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Bike - next Saturday.

I will be away next Saturday afternoon and evening to stay with my daughter for the night. Then on Sunday morning, I am going looking for dormice on a nature reserve in Darkest Wales. I'm hoping I might get a couple of usable photos. It will also give me a chance to test my new car - well new to me, a Renault Megane 1.9 dci (turbo diesel for the uninitiated). Consequently, I won't promise to post an episode of Bike on Saturday.


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How is it in Boston?

How is it in Boston for T folk?

Astonishingly, I have been asked to accompany a young college couple to Boston while they finish work on their respective Masters Degrees. My friend jokes about needing her English Nanny to help her care for her child to be born in June or July. If this seems a little sublime to you, then imagine what I am thinking. I worry about really having gone round the bend. I have asked them thrice over to think about this matter very seriously as it would hurt me greatly should they decide other wise at the last minute; even had a bit of tears over it. GAH!

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Everything you say, everything you do is KNOWN!

Being ill in bed with the flu, I was not sick enough to sleep but not well enough to do anything meaningful. So, I started searching my old name. OMG, I found a database that lists me as the author of "Yeksim and the Jungle Planet". It was probably about my first effort at story writing, but how it got on the internet, I have no idea. I think that by '87 the amber screen was gone, but was it time for the 386 yet? It is reall chilling that this work lies in a data base somewhere.

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I have no control...

A I sit here in the garret of my castle high up in the mountains of Transyvania, I ran my tongue over my sharpened teeth and await for the night when I can go out and have a bite to eat.....

There I go again letting my characters take over. I start off with a good story idea and know roughly where I'm going with it and then my character, like a vampire in the night comes and takes a chunk out of my well laid plotand does their own thing and to hell with well laid plans.

How often do I do this and why do I let my characters get away with it?

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Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 3: Tinkerbell

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 3: Tinkerbell
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

As Kelly and her family and friends get on with living, Kelly seems unable get past the funeral as she continues to sing that song. Yet Kelly has a plan unknown to everybody. It is after a fateful costume party that Kelly discovers the girl within.

Do NOT Put Extra Spaces Between Words or Symbols in the Title Bar

One space is all that will show and sooner or later, if you use multiple spaces, some editor here is going to have to go in and edit all of your title bars to make things fall into correct order in chapterization. Thanks.


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The Van that Changed the World. Chapter 1 'In the Very Beginning'


This is a sort of Science Fiction tale. If you include Time Travel in that genre that is. Not that anyone actually travels through time in the story. Dear me no. Nevertheless it is the closest I can get to an accurate description. It's really about a young boy. And what he finds in the forest one day. And how it changed his life.

And your's too in a way. And mine. All our lives I suppose. In due time.

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 2: Revelations

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 2: Revelations

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After the funeral, Kelly and her momma start dealing with their loss as they mourn the death of Kelly's daddy. On the way to visit relatives, Kelly discovers a few things about herself. While at her Grandparents farm, she discovers an uncle she never knew she had, and her aunt holds a secret in her heart.

Wouldn't It Be Loverly? (I Could Have Wrote All Night....Hey, Jill)

Oll I want is a room somewhere
Wroit my stories without a care
One laptop and a chair
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

Lots of comments for me to read
Lots of votin' is what I need
Feels good, so good indeed
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

Oh so loverly sittin' abso-blummen-lutely there
I would never stop writin'
Lookin' out for someone who had a care.

Some one's note sittin' there for me
Don't much care if it's praise, you see?
Even spelling correction, gee?
Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

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How Do You Contact the "Site Adminsitrator"?

How do you contact the Site Administrator? I tried to file two incoming messages (which I had read) in my 'other' file and got an error message that said I should "contact the Site Administrator".

Is it that I've got too many messages filed? Then why doesn't 'it' say so? [Sigh!]

Why isn't there a link at the top, perhaps of the Home page, that gets one to the S~ A~?

Yours from the Great White North,

Jenny Grier (Mrs.)


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A Pal Too Pretty

A macho junior high jock experiences the awe and blossoming rewards of multi-tolerance and keeping a new friend's far more alluring deepest secret.

Filed 06/20/2004 at Fictionmania as my "A Pal Too Nice". Only title has been (belatedly) changed.


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A Pal Too Pretty

By Dee Eon

Kelly's Journey (Revised) - Chapter 1: Bye Daddy

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 1: Bye Daddy

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Kelly's Daddy is a Police Officer well on the way to a Captaincy. He is well respected by fellow Officers and was selected to replace the current Captain when he retires. But Kelly's Daddy goes on duty when a fellow officer calls in sick and dies in the line of duty.

Kelly's Journey[Revised]


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Kelly's Journey

By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Has a young boy, Kelly found love and acceptance from his Father who loved him dearly and saw that Kelly was very special. But his Father was taken away all too soon, leaving a distraught Kelly with out a Father. But he soon found solace in family friends and found dressing in tops and shorts like his friend Julie to be a comfort to him.

Then dressing as a girl on Halloween one year, Kelly found the girl within him. Growing up with his best friends, Julie and Johnny had been his best friends, and remained such as Kelly begins upon a road of discovery and revelation.

Then because of a school physician's accident, Kelly is given medicine that causes him to develop and mature like his Mother. His family and friends help him to cope with the changes in his body as he grows more feminine.

His Mother, always working has left her son in the care of her best friends, the Woods.
After a football game she finally sees her son as a girl and discovers that Kelly is was in love with his best friend.

From a night of passion he starts on his journey into completion, that sees them both over coming their fears. After a night of passion that leads to heartbreak, Kelly's journey leads him into to discovering things about herself, finally ending in a love that Kelly had never dreamed possible.


Lots of Chocolates for Me to Ate

Now that many of us have had a round or two of "votes" added to all or most of our stories I'm left with perplexing questions.

Since it appears this had to have been done mechnically and is not the work of some super-appreciative speed-reader I'm no longer troubled that two of what I consider to be my best stories (An Affair of the Harte and Carl's Eyes) received no votes.

What bothers me is the overall question -- Why?

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Making my own Estrogen

Today, I was told that a transexual person had taken Estrogen for so long that her body had started making its own. Hmmmmmm

Well, I knew that there is some Testosterone in the body of a female, and it could seem reasonable that the body of a normal castrated XY male could have a little Estrogen in it even with out using pills, patches or shots. It seems rediculous that a T girls body could produce enough estrogen on its own.

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The Girl in Me -17-


"Mr. Harold" I stated addressing him slightly demandedly.

Mr. Harold turned around, and said "Yes! What do you want?!" with anger in his voice.

"Who the hell, do you think you are!" I said sternly.

Mr. Harold's eyes grew and replied in anger "Excuse me?"

The Girl in Me
Chapters 49-51
by Erin Amelia Fletcher

Passing Tones


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
There are those who believe that the perfect musical performance is androgynous because it includes both masculine and feminine traits.
Passing Tones

by Jillian Marie

Mystery Voter

Yesterday someone voted for thirty-eight of my stories. The person had (1) vote so it wasn't an author. That person didn't leave a comment on any of them so I don't know how to say thanks except in an open blog.

If this mass voting was meant to be some sort of lifetime achievement award, I accept the honor under the protest that I'm not that old.

On some of the older stories it was the first vote the story received other than sympathy votes from me. I hate to have my stories feel completely unloved so I vote for them so they don't think they were totally scorned.


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Where Have “My Bookmarks” Disappeared To?

Something strange has happened to My Bookmarks. When I clicked on it this morning I got a "page not found" message from BC. A short time later the “My Bookmarks” link disappeared from the list at the top of the RH column.

Is it just me, or has this very useful feature been discontinued?

Gabi (The UnGeek)

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Future of VC

Well, I've finally/suddenly reached 100 chapters of Venus Cursed! Wow! I want to thank everybody who's been reading (and commenting, and voting!). My plans when I started this story were that it would probably only be 100 chapters long at most, and would end just about where it's at now. However, things have changed quite a bit since then, as they usually do, and that's not my plan anymore.

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Obsessive ... Me?

Sometimes I do get carried away; I get involved in something and I focus on it and just zone everything else out. It can be a good thing, especially when you have something that needs to get done.

So I've been writing, a lot, and as I sit here at 6:30 AM on Wednesday I realize I have been up since about 4:00 PM ...

On Friday ...

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I happened to be looking...

I happened to be looking at my story list (in the forlorn hope of seeing a comment on my stale postings), and noticed, to my great surprise, that "The Reluctant Bridesmaid" (part 1) had surpassed five thousand reads. This was, by far, my most popular story, but to be honest, I really never expected it to do so well.

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Edeyn I will be posting with regularity and participating in stuff here again soon. I promise. By Thanksgiving at the latest. Since Dad died in April of 2006, things have been in an uproar in my life... and they've never really been what you could call stable. I'll even try to explain all of what happened to all of you that have been faithful in upcoming months.

But for now, the first step in making everything better has been completed today...

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