General Audience (pg)

Kelly's Journey Chapter 21: Reunion

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 21: Reunion
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly meets alumni from her old Alma Mater who know all about her journey. In meeting each, she finds renewed friendship and blessings in their return.

Character Portraits

When I write a story, I generally have a definite idea of what my characters look like in my head. I know what color their hair is, what their skin tone is, any little scars they might have that identify them, the way they quirk their lips when they smile, and so on and so forth. However, I also know that what I see as my character's appearance isn't always what others imagine.

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Pants vs Panties

Mike was going to be married to Karen so his Father sat him down for
a little chat.

He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something.
On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants,
handed them to your Mother, and said, 'Here, try these on.''
She did and said, 'These are too big.
I can't wear them.'

I replied, 'Exactly.. I wear the pants in
this family and I always will.' Ever since that night, we have
never had any problems.

'Hmmm,' said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try.

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Waves over troubled waters

To ALL Persons that enter BCTS:
Think before your fingers do the typing.

Do unto others as you would want others do unto you.

If that would be a rule then the waters here would be smooth sailing.


"What is hateful to oneself should not be done to one's neighbor...." .

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Changes - Warning and explanation

Please note that the latest Changes episode contains a plot that may upset some people and I quite understand if you do not wish to read the chapter.

Unfortunately, sometimes things don't always run smoothly and although the story is in the main happy and sweet in nature, like real life, something happens that pushes our comfort zone.

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When you ask me to take care of something on site...

...please remember that I do indeed have a real life and do not sit here 24/7. I'm missing my morning class at college today because of another blow-up which I could not deal with because I was asleep. I'm going to be gone the rest of the morning and probably most of the afternoon because my friend is opening his new bookstore today.

Oh, and I will be working at that bookstore Thur and Fri afternoons at least through Christmas. Besides my piano classes and sleeping and going out for dinner now and then.

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Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 4

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver
Chapter 4

By Portia Bennett

The problems about Randy’s origin are beginning to surface. The doctors feel he may have ingested some anti-freeze and that is the cause of his kidney failure. His liver problem has yet to be diagnosed. Cindy, Bobbie and Maddy know they have to talk to The Wizard. The connection is quick; however, The Wizard has to take care of a couple of shoplifters before he can address the problem the girls are bringing to him. I wonder what’s in store for them?

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 20: Hope Renewed

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 20: Hope Renewed
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly continues to recover and discover new things about herself as she grows and matures into the woman that she is inside.

Goldylocks and the Three bears

Goldylocks and the Three Bears

By Maggie the Kitten
 © 2003 Maggie the Kitten


A story Maggie wrote for Ricky, who helped Rebecca Anne (Becky) Stewart with 'Hot Crossings' and was part of her online family

On the delay with Maiden by Decree and other things.

I have been slow with finishing this up, I know. But I've been fighting pneumonia over the past few weeks, to the point of spending a week in the hospital then spending the next week going nuts because I couldn't go anywhere or do anything in spite of being home then. I'm still recovering, getting stronger as the days go by, and not sleeping quite as much, plus I can breathe without oxygen now (a big plus, trust me.) So I will get to the finale of Maiden, just as soon as I feel up to actually writing again.

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New "Book" Coming Out

In response to Fleurie's and others' requests, the first publication of Danny Fairchild Publications will be coming out this Saturday evening (hopefully).

Entitled "Everything You Wanted To Know About Posting In Topshelf And Were NOT Afraid To Ask, But Didn't Anyway," it is a little Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is all about how to spruce up your postings in Topshelf.

It will cover:

* How to make text appear in BOLD
* How to make text appear italicized
* How to make text appear both bold and italicized

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Health and other things.

Hi everyone,

I've not been around for a while, apart from dropping in from time to time and seeing what's up.

I've been catching up on my reading as I just haven't felt like writing much.

As some of you may know, I've not been well. Actually, that's not quite accurate, as I felt fine, but I discovered a lump which turned out to be an infected lymph node.

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The Next Con

The Next Con
By Melanie Ezell

Sometimes friends can surprise you... all it takes is a little trust.

Note: This is a pseudo-sequel to my short story "The Con." While it isn't necessary to read the first story to understand this one, I would like to recommend that you do.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 19- Healing

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 19- Healing
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly's recovery continues as she meets with psychiatrists and surgeons about her surgery to become a woman. In the process, she discovers a vital Truth about her Love for Johnny and why she despaired.

Body of work

Out of curiosity, I've done a quick count of the stuff I have posted on various sites. It's quite an indictment of how much time I must have given to playing with words, characters and situations.

Counting episodes as individual items, which are quite variable in length - bonkers, snafu and Gabysodes are longer than bike episodes - but they take me longer to write.

The grand total is 988 of which 848 appear on this site. Of those 11 are complete works or short stories and one is a poem, another is a drabble.

I obviously spend far too much time on the internet.


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Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 3

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver
Chapter 3

By Portia Bennett

Randy’s wanderings have taken him to the well house near Cindy’s home and the place where she almost drowned. Randy is seriously ill and the girls get Cindy’s father to donate some clothing to Randy. The seriousness of Randy’s illness is very apparent and Stan calls for an ambulance. In the aftermath, Stan discovers that more than likely Randy really was in a war and it was a war that had never happened. Randy has a Purple Heart and the certificate is signed by George W. Bush, President, a man who never was president. The Wizard lurks.

The Center-Updating.

For those of you that are interested.

With last night's outage, a lot of people were not able to read Chapter 4, so I'm not updating with Chapter 5 today. Instead, I will have it out Monday morning, so people will have a chance to catch up. Not to worry, it's already written. Chapters 5&6 are in the can and I'm working on 7 today so it should be ready by the the time Wednesday roles around. Then we'll be caught up.

I'm not telling you all this to be pretentious. I just didn't want you to think that I'd forgotten about you, today.

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Kelly's Journey-Chapter-18- Onward

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter-18- Onward
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly continues to recover and discover new things about herself as she grows and matures into the woman that she is inside.

Squid in the mouth

This usually lives at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America site, at:, but it's also used by a friend of mine who teaches a MFA in writing. I'm not much of a one for science fiction, but these are pretty good rules for writing anything. Don't feel bad if you've broken several - as far as I can tell Martin Amis has broken at least two of the rules here, and I know I'm a sinner in at least as many ways - I'm definitely guilty of "squid in the mouth" and "pushbutton words".

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Sk8r Grrls - SURGE

Edeyn Were you a fan of Sk8r Grrls up until the Episode that made it not really for kids anymore? Are you still miffed about that? Say no more! Yes, I still get Private Messages either apologizing for not wanting to read any more after that, or else berating me for including it. There is, however, hope!

Starting as soon as I get my lazy tuckus in gear, A special re-release of Sk8r Grrls is going to hit TopShelf.

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The Corpse of Shelley Poe

This is a story that I wrote for the BCTS Halloween 2009 TG Terror contest. I didn't finish it in time, but I still wanted to put it up for people to read.

WARNING: This story was written in the gothic style: Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Bram Stoker, etc. The language is unwieldy and antiquated on purpose -- if this turns you off on reading it, please still give it a chance, though I should also remind you that the chosen subject matter fits right along with the style, so be prepared.

The Corpse of Shelley Poe

By Melanie Ezell

An Eft in Her Bra

     This tale concerns three witches, or weird sisters if you prefer. Although one of them isn't really a witch, nor a sister if it comes to that. You could, I suppose, always include Mildred in their number. She most definitely is a witch and a female too, although as she doesn't actually appear, it's a moot point as to whether she does in all fairness count.

     The title? Well, a bra falls into the category of female apparel. An undergarment, the function of which is to support the .... Oh an eft! Well an eft is a .... a sort of .... Well Adrian is an eft. Not originally of course. Any more than Alaister was originally a cat. Although he's dead now, and sadly missed, poor thing. A blessing in disguise really. He never was the same after that tragic encounter with the Zeppelin. No need to worry your pretty little head about those two though. Old history and only peripheral to the tale at best.

     No, our story really begins when ....


A Series of Unfortunate Incidents

A Series of Unfortunate Incidents

By Audrey Cooper

Julian was preparing to play in his first gig when things started to go wrong. The funny old man wearing a dressing gown didn't exactly help!

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver - Chapter 2

Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver
Chapter 2

By Portia Bennett

Cindy and Bobbie are growing up and loving it. There is a problem though. They have been seeing the homeless man, sometimes known as ‘The Walker’ and less frequently as ‘Dirtman’, and he has seen them. They have even talked a bit with him before one of the school officials chased him off. Cindy senses something about him and is startled to find that Bobbie also has ‘seen’ something about him. Cindy can detect the essence of a girl. That is not as disturbing as what Bobbie senses. She senses Randy is dying.

But I made a promise

Even though I'm not supposed to be writing, but dealing with the realities of Real Life (as if!), my muse has me firmly gripped by the throat. Therefore I offer a small something for your amusement:

But I made a Promise...

by Penny Lane

A tiny scenario it's possible many of us could wish might have happened to ourselves...

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 16-Despair

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 16-Despair
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:As Kelly grows into her womanhood, all seems to be going well, but a tragic encounter with Johnny kills her spirit, leaving her in despair.


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