The Princess and the Plague: 46

The Princess and the Plague
Part 46
By Anistasia Allread

“Any moment now.” Mr. Martin told Erika as he stood up.

Erika pushed herself to her feet and smoothed down the royal blue, sweater dress she was wearing. Her palms began to sweat with nervousness as she followed her father's lead and ambled to a column about thirty feet from the exit of the security gate.

“Here she comes.” her father said.


P&P 46


Erika sat nervously outside the Arrivals security check point. Her father seemed so calm, so reserved and pulled together. The only thing that gave him away was a quick glance from his magazine to the clock across the waiting area.

The plane had just landed and was going through the tedious process of taxiing up to the gate. Another roar and window rattling shook the building as a jet sped past at full throttle getting to take off speed.

Erika tried not to think back to the events that happened two weeks ago, but the more she tried to 'not' think about it, the more they needled themselves into her thoughts.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

She had laid in bed her thoughts sour. Her stomach sour. Her whole being sour. She lay there listening for her dad to come home. Hoping for his arrival yet dreading his arrival. She was just plain miserable.

When she heard his truck drive up and park she sat upright in bed and listened, straining to hear his foot steps, wanting to make sure that it was indeed him.

“I'm home!” he announced from the front door.


“Hello? Where are my girls?” he asked puzzled.

Erika took in a deep breath to call down to him.
“We need to talk about your child .” Erika heard her mother call from the living room in a pinched voice. The voice that she used when something was bothering her and you really didn't want to know what it was.

Erika jumped up out of bed and started down the stairs. “She had a priest over to interrogate me.” Erika snapped.

Erika watched as her father's gaze snapped up to meet hers, then snap back to where her mother was sitting.

“She has been out of control, gallivanting off at night with those delinquents she calls friends.”

“I was an hour late.” Erika yelled at her mother.

The fight escalated with Erika making her way down stairs, while her mother rose from her seat. They stood on either side of Mr. Martin accusing and pointing the finger at one another.

At one point, her father had to actually pull the two of them apart.

“You are an embarrassment.” her mother shouted.

“You are a cold hearted bitch, I hate you!” Erika screamed back.

“Up stairs, now!” he ordered Erika. “I'll deal with you in a minute.” he growled.

Erika's heart pounded, adrenaline raced through her veins, her face was hot with rage as she forced herself to retreat to her bedroom. Her body shook with un-vented anger. She buried her face in a pillow and screamed. She took a deep breath and screamed again, and again. Tears flowed freely, her face was red with emotion. She threw the pillow across her room as hard as she could and fell onto her bed.

“You promised me that you would keep religion out of this.” Erika could hear disappointment and anger in her father's voice.

Erika put on her headphones and cranked up her stereo to drown out the argument below.

A while later, her father opened her door. Erika unplugged her music and stared at her father. He looked like someone had just hit him in the gut, wrecked his truck, killed his puppy and told him that he had one week to l.

“Why didn't you call your mother when you were past your curfew?”

“My phone battery was dead.” Erika hugged a pillow to her stomach.

“Why didn't you use a friend's phone?”

“I didn't think it was that big a deal.”

A slamming of a closet door sounded from downstairs.

“What is she doing?” Erika asked, not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

“She is leaving.” His voice was hollow and dead sounding.

“Where too? For how long?”

“She's going to her mother's. I don't know how long.” he looked like he was about to cry.

Tears ran unheeded down Erika's cheeks. Her eyes burned. It hurt so much to see her dad in this much pain.

“She has a lot of things to think about.”

“Is she coming back?” Erika was suddenly worried about her family.

“I. . . I don't know.” he hung his head. “I hope so.”

“I'm sorry daddy.” Erika sobbed. “I'm sorry I didn't call. I didn't know it would cause all of this.”

The front door slammed shut. The house was silent except the quiet shuddering breaths of her father, and the snuffing of her nose. Erika wiped her eyes on the corner of her pillow and heard her mother's car start and pull out of the drive way.

“She's driving to Grandma's?”

“She's going to her friend's house tonight and flying tomorrow morning.”

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Erika's stomach felt queezy just thinking about the whole thing. She wondered if time away would help or hinder their relationship.

“Any moment now.” Mr. Martin told Erika as he stood up.

Erika pushed herself to her feet and smoothed down the royal blue, sweater dress she was wearing. Her palms began to sweat with nervousness as she followed her father's lead and ambled to a column about thirty feet from the exit of the security gate.

“Here she comes.” her father said.

Erika looked up and bit her lip, anxious at the homecoming. She saw her mother wearing jeans, and a puffy white winter coat, pulled a suitcase behind her. Her mom's face looked nearly as anxious as her own felt. When she spotted the two of them she smiled and waved. Something was different about her, but Erika was too preoccupied to notice exactly what.

“Welcome home.” Mr. Martin said wrapping her in a hug and tentatively kissing her.

“You look cute.” She said appraising Erika standing nervously beside her father. Her mother wrapped her in a hug.

Her mother called her cute. She was taken aback by the compliment. Maybe her mother did have a change of heart.

“I love you momma.” Erika could feel tears burning her eyes. “I'm so sorry about some of the things I said.”

“I'm sorry too.” her mother spoke softly. She gave Erika a firmer squeeze then pulled back.

“You cut your hair.” Erika realized.

Mrs. Martin's fingers touched her tresses. “I did.” she nodded.

“Let's have a look.” Erika's dad stated.

Erika's mother slowly turned around to model her new look for them.

“Looks good.” her father smiled as her mother finished her rotation. “How was your flight?”

“You know me. Once I get a drink or two in me, I can deal with speeding through the air in an aluminum tube.” Mrs. Martin

The three began walking to the car, an uneasy, uncertain silence fell between them.

“How is school?” Mrs. Martin inquired.

“Same. . . nothing new.”

“I suppose the house is a wreck.”

“Erika has done very well at keeping up on the house work.” Mr. Martin defended. “. . . It's only partially a wreck.”

“We're out of laundry soap.” Erika commented as they climbed into the back seat of the truck, “. . . and peanutbutter.”

“I suppose there are pizza boxes stacked up in the garage.”

“We only ordered pizza one night.” Mr. Martin lifted his chin defiantly.

Mrs. Martin eyed the two with disbelief.

“We'll pick up your car tomorrow morning.” Erika's dad told his wife.

“Grandma says she I proud of your grades.” Mrs. Martin stated.

“Did you tell her about. . . you know?”

Mrs. Martin nodded. “She's says she can't wait to see you when she comes for Christmas.”

“She's coming for Christmas?” Erika couldn't believe her ears. Her Grandmother hated to fly worse than her mother did. They hadn't seen her in three years. The last time is when they flew to see her.

“She also said that she wants pictures.”

“I decided to have surgery.” Erika blurted out, getting the weight of the decision off from her chest.

“You did?”

“Yes.” Erika affirmed sheepishly.

“She has an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow.” her father pulled out of the parking structure and started down the road.

Erika's grandmother knew the big secret now and was excited to see her at Christmas. What would her grandmother say? How would she act? Would she accept her? It sounded like she was already accepting her. Erika's mind started to whirl around the possibilities not only with her grandmother, but also with her mother.

It was late when her father pulled the truck into the driveway and shut off the engine. Erika entered the house ahead of her parents and wearily climbed the stairs to her room.

Home. They were all home, together. There were still some unspoken things between them that needed to be worked out, and she didn't know if it would feel 'right' for a while, but they were all where they needed to be, under the same roof.

Erika carefully hung her dress back up. It was still clean and could be worn to school in the morning. It would look cute with her leggings and new boots. Since Samantha had her license, it was easier to plan outfits now that she didn't have to walk to and from school.

She slipped into her nightgown, brushed her teeth and snuggled into bed. The parental units, she decided would need time to mend their hurts.

A knock sounded at her door.


Her mother entered her room. “You are going to bed without saying good night?”

“Sorry. I was trying to give you and dad some time alone.”

She nodded. “I'm glad to hear that you decided to have the surgery.”

It was Erika's turn to nod.

“I just want to let you know that I love you, Erika. I'm not thrilled with this change you have made, but I will try harder to not . . . . over re-act.”

“I missed you mom.” Erika's body felt warm with a wave of relief and love.

“I've missed you too.” her mother planted a kiss on her forehead and retreated from the room. “Good night.”

Erika grabbed her phone and sent out a text. : Home :

Tricia : How did it go?”
Erika : a bit weird, but okay.

Samantha : How are you?
Erika : Fine.

Tricia : Your mom?”
Erika : She's going to try.

Samantha : Is your mom still going nuts?
Erika : No. She's trying to be understanding.

Tricia : What did she say?
Erika : She isn't happy with my decision, but will try to not over react.

Samantha : Did you tell her that you are going to have surgery?
Erika: Yes.
Samantha: You should have told her that you are going to have breast implants.
Erika: lol

Tricia : I'm glad you are all home safe
Erika : Love you.
Tricia : Love you too. Night.
Erika : Sweet dreams.

Samantha : See you tomorrow.
Erika : ok

Erika turned off her lamp and snuggled into her blankets.


To be continued. . .

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