The Princess and the Plague: 50

The Princess and the Plague
Part 50
By Anistasia Allread

“This is a don't ask, don't tell situation.” Aunt Carrie stated. “I'm only giving you some information, the rest is up to you. If anyone asks, you didn't hear any of this from me.” She gave Erika a penetrating look.

Erika nodded.


P&P 50

Erika finished putting on her face. She sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her boots on over her tights and zipped them up over her calf. She stood up and spent a couple of seconds getting used to balancing on the heel before heading down stairs to where the smell of bacon and eggs was being emitted.

“Good morning, Sunshine.” Aunt Carrie greeted, standing over the stove watching the eggs.

“Good morning.” Erika greeted. “You're up early.”

“I'm one of those disgusting morning people.” Carrie smiled.

“Ick.” Erika made a face.

“One of the things you'll learn is that the older you get, the less sleep you seem to need.” Carrie flipped the egg and turned to grab some toast that the toaster just popped up. “How do you like your eggs?”

“I don't eat breakfast.” Erika stated.

“Well, this morning you do.” Carrie told her. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Didn't your parents tell you that?”

“Over and over again.” Erika sighed.

“Well they're right. Sit your cute little butt down and I'll bring you something to eat.

“I really don't have time.” Erika protested.

“Well, You are going to make time today.” Carrie placed her hand on her hip.

“Mom?” Erika looked to her mother sipping her tea.

“Don't look at me.” her mother shrugged, “She made me do the same thing.”

Stunned, Erika looked back and forth between her mother and her aunt before plopping down in a chair. “Samantha's going to be here in just a few minutes.” Erika explained.

“She can come in and eat something too.” Carrie placed a plate down in front of Erika.

The smell of bacon filled her nostrils stopping any further protest. Erika tore into her breakfast, partially out of hunger and partially out of a need to get done before her ride arrived.

“Slow down.” Carrie demanded. “You're eating like a half starved wolf-boy. You are a young lady and young ladies need to eat in a civilized fashion.”

The Horn from Samantha's car sounded.

“That's Samantha.” Erika began to get up from her chair with her mouth full of food.

“Sit right back down there, young lady.” Carrie ordered. “I'll go invite her.” The large woman moved towards the door.

“I'm beginning to like her.” Erika's mother smirked at Erika.

Erika rolled her eyes and worked on chewing the food in her mouth. She had planned on preparing Samantha for her Aunt's appearance. As wonderful as she was, she was pretty difficult not to notice.

“Thank you.” Samantha came in. “Oooh it smells great.”

“It'll just take a moment.” Carrie told her.

“Hi Erika.” Samantha greeted. “Mrs. Martin.” She acknowledged her friend's mother.

“I'm sorry.” Erika said around the bacon that she was still chewing on.

“What ever for?” Samantha asked. “for a good breakfast? You know, Erika, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

“So I hear.” Erika groaned.

“How do you like your eggs, Samantha dear?”

“I'm not picky.” Samantha took a seat next to Erika. “Leeza is coming into town tonight.”


“Tricia didn't tell you?”


“Well, you've had a lot on your mind lately. She probably didn't want to over load you.”

“Butter on your toast, Hon?” Carrie asked from the kitchen.

“Please.” Samantha smiled.

Erika slipped out her cell and texted Tricia to let her know that they were going to be late.

“Is Leeza a friend?” Carrie asked.

“Tricia's older sister.” Erika stated.

“She was born a guy too.” Samantha stated.

“Another sister.” Carrie nodded. “This town seems to have more than it's share. I wonder if it is in the water?”

“Here you go, Dear.” Carrie placed a plate in front of Samantha before taking a seat next to the blonde girl.

“What about picking up Tricia and getting to school?” Erika asked.

“We've got time.” Samantha placed a bite into he mouth. “Mmm Carrie, you can cook for me anytime.”

“I'm glad you like it.” Carrie's massive hands patted Samantha's.


Tricia slipped into the car. “God it's cold out there.”

“I'm glad my mom insisted on buying me this coat.” Erika agreed.

“So what is she like?” Tricia asked.

“She is wonderful, Tricia.” Samantha blurted out.

“She is definitely crazy.” Erika added.

“Oh?” Tricia asked.

“I don't think she's crazy.” Samantha sounded offended. “She had me come in for some breakfast. Eggs, bacon and toast. It was delicious.”

“Next time come get me first.” Tricia complained. “All I had was oatmeal.”

“You didn't tell me Leeza was coming in tonight.” Erika looked at her girlfriend.

“I did too. I told you a week or two ago that Leeza was coming for Thanksgiving.”

“You did?”

Tricia nodded.

“Oh, well how long is she staying for?”

“She goes back on Monday. She wanted to take me shopping on Black Friday, but that is when you are going in for surgery.”


“So, I want to be with you.” Tricia reached out a hand and gently tugged a dark curl.

“I won't be awake until later in the evening or the next day.” Erika explained.

“You can be so dense sometimes, Erika.” Tricia sounded cross. “I love you and am worried about you. I want to be with you.”

“I love you too.” Erika relaxed. Tricia had a way of making her relax. She was like her own personal brand of marijuana.

“Samantha?” Tricia asked.


“Is Washington's swim team any good?”

“It took second in the state last year.”

“How about it's diving team?”

“I'm not sure. Why?”

“I'm thinking about trying out for diving.”

“Really?” Erika sounded excited.

Tricia nodded.

“We cheer at the swim meets don't we?” Erika asked Samantha.

“We don't exactly cheer, but we do go and help out the team.”



Erika waited just inside the front doors to the school. The morning had been very cold. A thick layer of frost still covered many of the shadier areas. The sun was out and shining, but it did very little to warm up the brisk air blowing through the valley that contained Constitution.

A car pulled up to the front of the school and a large hand waved at Erika. Erika opened the doors and carefully navigated the slick steps to the curb.

“Oooh it's cold.” Aunt Carrie greeted.

“I made sure to wear tights under my skirt.” Erika reasoned.

“How did you exam go?”


“Did you get your homework like your dad asked?”

“What they gave me is in my duffel.” Erika buckled up. “Where are we going?”

“Well. . . . I need a wig.” Carrie stated. “My hair is too thin and limp to do much with so I need to find a good alternative.

“Okay.” Erika was a bit hesitant. Wig shopping was the last place she thought they would be going. “I don't know of any wig stores.”

“I Googled them this morning.” Aunt Carrie pulled out of the school parking lot. “So, Erika, tell me about this decision of yours.”

“My decision to be a girl?”

Carrie nodded.

Erika told her about the beginning of summer and the dare/bet that Samantha had made and the steps they had taken from that point on.

“That is one very busy summer.” Carrie parked the car.

Erika looked around and found herself in a very run down seedy part of town. A small store in front of them had a bunch of wigs displayed in the window.

“Have you worn wigs before?” Erika asked.

“Right when I decided to transition into the beautiful bombshell before you,” She smirked, “I wore one. They aren't the most comfortable things, but when out running errands or going on dates, I want to look my best. My female pattern baldness isn't the best look these days.”

“You date?” Erika asked, caught off guard.

“Of course. What woman wants to be left alone in her later years. I don't like cats after all.” Carrie smiled.

The two got out of the car and ventured into the wig store.

Erika had never been in a wig store before. The contents of the store both fascinated and repulsed her at the same time.

“Welcome, ladies.” a voice called from the back of the store. Erika looked up from a red wig to see a large man lumber forward. “How can I be of assistance?”

“I'm looking for a wig.” Aunt Carrie stated. “My poor follicles just don't want to keep up with the latest fashions.”

“Well, you've come to the right place. I'm Carl and this is my place. I have synthetic wigs, mixed wigs, ox hair wigs as well as human hair wigs.”

“Ox hair?” Erika questioned.

“Yes. Ox hair is very similar to human hair, just a little bit more course. It is cheaper than human hair and looks better than synthetic.”

“I haven't worn a wig in years and that one was a horrible scratchy synthetic wig.” Carrie stated. Can I see the ox hair?”

“Of course.” the man smiled. “Please, come this way.. . . ”

“Carrie.” Aunt Carrie gave him her name. “This is my niece, Erika.”

“Pleased to meet you both.” he led them over to a table with a mirror in front of it. “Please have a seat.”

Carl asked Carrie a series of questions and nodded with each of the answers. Erika lost interest after a few moments and began wandering around the store. She tried on a wig here and there and admired herself in the mirror. Blonde looked to wash her out too much. The cherry red however, made her eyes pop in a little different way than her natural black.

“Erika, honey?” Aunt Carrie called.

Erika put down the wig and went to her aunt who was looking at herself wearing a hair piece in a mirror.

“Does this say old lady?” her aunt turned towards her.

“I think it might be a bit dark, Aunt Carrie.” Erika stated.

“Do you have this in a blonde?” she asked Carl.

“I'll be right back.” Carl dismissed himself.

“What about this?” Aunt Carrie asked. Slipping a red bobbed wig on.

“Too drag queen.” Erika bit her lip.

“I thought so too.” Carrie took the wig off and slipped a blonde wig on. “What do you think?”

“I think that one is a bit long.” Erika commented. She hoped she wasn't being too harsh with her Aunt.

“Here you are.” Carl huffed over to the large woman.

“You can take these back.” Carrie pushed the hair pieces to Carl. “We've ruled them out.”

Carl nodded while Carrie slipped into the new hair piece.

“I like that.” Erika nodded.

Carrie looked into the mirror and smiled. “I do too. This is why I brought you along, sweetie.”

“I'm not being too harsh am I?” Erika asked.

“Not at all, Darling. I need an honest opinion.”

“Did you see this one over here?” Erika asked pointing to a mannequin head displaying a hair piece.

“Ooh, bring that one over.” Aunt Carrie clapped her large hands in excitement. She carefully pulled off the one that she had already decided upon and slipped into the one that Erika offered.

“I like it.” Erika nodded.

Aunt Carrie looked in the mirror and checked it out from different angles. “You're right, this one's a keeper.”

“Thank you Carl.” Aunt Carrie waved as the two made their exit from the store. Aunt Carrie wore a new hair piece and had two others gently tucked into their own boxes in a bag.

“Where to now?” Erika asked as she buckled up.

“Makeup.” her Aunt smiled.

“You want to go to the mall?” Erika asked.

“They are good for normal people.” Aunt Carrie drove down the street, but I need something a bit more. . . . potent. I googled a place.”

“I'm beginning to think you know more about this town than I do.” Erika teased.

“When you are transgender, you quickly learn to rely upon the Internet.” Aunt Carrie got on to the freeway. “How are you feeling about this surgery in a few days?” She asked.

“I'm not sure.” Erika stated. “I know I need to get it removed, but I don't want to get inundated with Testosterone.” Erika fell silent looking at her aunt.

“You don't want to look like me. A man in a dress trying to pass as a woman.” Aunt Carrie finished.

“That isn't what I said.” Erika defended.

“Its okay, Erika. I know who and what I am. I'm Crazy Aunt Carrie, or as some say, That deranged Will, who dresses like a girl.” She tossed Erika a smile. “I just wish that I had the opportunity that you do. To realize who I was and be as brave to tell my family before the hormones did this to my body.”

Erika didn't know what to say.

“The doctors won't give you HRT?”

“They say that I'm too young.”

“What about blockers?”

“They want me to wait for a few months. That's the problem. My body could start pumping out testosterone in the gallons, then where would I be?”

“Are you hungry?” Aunt Carrie asked.

“I guess.” Erika was thrown off by the question.

Aunt Carrie pulled off of the freeway and to a small deli. “Lets get something to munch on.”

The two ordered salads and decided to split a piece of 'Death by chocolate'.

Aunt Carrie pulled a small pad of paper and a pen out of her bag and handed them to Erika. “I want you to write this down.” She fished out her mobile phone and tapped away at it until she found what she was looking for.

“This is a don't ask, don't tell situation.” Aunt Carrie stated. “I'm only giving you some information, the rest is up to you. If anyone asks, you didn't hear any of this from me.” She gave Erika a penetrating look.

Erika nodded.

“Here is a list of over the counter herbs and amounts. These will help increase your oestrogen levels in a way that is 'natural'.”

“You can do that?” Erika asked.

Aunt Carrie nodded. “Just promise me that you'll be careful. And If you have questions that you get a hold of me before you try anything on your own.”

“I promise.” Erika nodded.

“You'll want to hold off on taking any of this until you're two weeks in recovery. Since they might show upon you blood test.”

“Two weeks?” Erika groaned.

“If anyone asks, you were told that they would help with breast growth.”

“Will they?” Erika perked back up.

“Some of them can.” Aunt Carrie nodded.

“Do I have to wait?” Erika whined.

Aunt Carrie nodded. She slowly read the names on her list as well as amounts to be taken.

The two finished off their 'Death by chocolate' and got back on the freeway.

“Where are we going after you get your makeup?” Erika asked.

“Shoe shopping.” Aunt Carrie grinned. “Do you know how hard it is to buy cute shoes for woman's size thirteen?”


To be continued. . .

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