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By Anistasia Allread
All Rights Reserved.
“Do you remember my sister, Summer.”
Of course he did. Summer and he were in art class together and shared an interest in comic art. Summer committed suicide a year and a half ago. The whole school had to go through group counseling. Eric nodded.
“After Summer left us, I went through her stuff.” Samantha explained. “I found her diary and sketch pad. She wrote a lot about you and how talented you are. How you made her bad days a little bit better. How your drawings and your sense of humor helped her make it through each day. After I got closer to Summer through her stuff, I found you on line. I started reading your comics, and admiring your art. That is when I started to email you. I wanted to get to know you better. To see everything my sister saw in you. I just couldn’t do it at school, I’m not strong enough to deal with all the clicks and pressures. Anyway, I thought by spending the summer with you, I could get to know you better, like my sister did. Maybe through you, I can understand her better. Besides, it sounded like you needed a friend, and I felt it was the least I could do to help you out.”
Silence fell between them. The trees nearby creaked as they swayed in the wind. The ducks made a soft ruckus as they fought over bread.
“Help me out by making me into a girl?” Eric questioned.
Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Tuesday 09-25-2007 at 10:39 am, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena
Okay if you are going to pull this one out then lets not forget to pull the one that follows it.
Yours Truly
Princess & The Plague
is attached to it at the bottom in sequence with the other chapters. Just click on the link.
Please, Anastasia Some More
Camp Kumoni and the Princess and the Plague are among the best stories ever posted here. Eric/a's trials and tribulations throughout both stories had a large and devoted readership and his/her journey engendered lots of debate.
Hopefully, after a sufficient layoff and time to regenerate, Anastasia Allread will return with many more wonderfull stories and continue Eric/a's journey.
Quoting from Dickens, "Please, Anastasia Some More".
I wholeheartedly second this.
Please, please, please, please, please....Big sad Bailey puppy-dog eyes.
Bailey Summers
Loved this book as it was posted.
But why is it listed as "incomplete" under the title. Camp Kumoni is certainly a complete story.
Look at the last chapter of P&tP
AA first indicated that she might stop it there due to RL concerns, but later commented that more would be coming "eventually." That is probably why Sephrena marked it as incomplete; it could certainly be considered a complete story though.
Thank you for a very cute, entertaining, captivating, realistic sounding story!
Is your muse wispering about more sequels on Erika Martin/Martinez/Summers I really love this novel.