Part 35 By Anistasia Allread Edited by Nick B She felt his lips on the base of her neck just above her shoulder then were gone leaving her skin feeling once again, naked. Then they pressed behind her ear, parting slightly as she felt the tip of his tongue against her flesh. A nervous, breathless giggle escaped her lips. |
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“Erika, you look incredible!” Victoria gushed.
“Thank you.” Erika blushed.”You look very pretty as well.” Erika could get used to all of these compliments. It was a bit embarrassing in a way. Did she look like shit every other day of the week? Or did she look as amazing as everyone was saying?
“Oh my, Krystal, Look at you girl.” Erika greeted. “You look... well, you look amazing.”
Krystal blushed. “Thanks.”
“You need to send a photo to Rachel,” Tricia agreed.
Krystal beamed. “How are you feeling?” Krystal whispered into her ear while giving her a hug.
“Never better,” Erika told her. “I'm just not used to all of this attention.”
“Me either.” Krystal blushed.
“You deserve it more than me.” Erika muttered for Krystal's ears only. You've totally made over yourself.”
“And you didn't?” Krystal argued.
“I didn't lose a bunch of weight, tone up, join cheerleading, and snag a cute boyfriend,” Erika debated.
“That's enough you two.” Tricia stepped forward. “Do you want to be all worked up, just before you get your picture taken?”
The two deliberately closed their mouths and smiled, their eyes sparkling at one another.
“I didn't think so,” Tricia finished.
The photographer asked Erika and Julian to step forward.
“We're all three together,” Erika told him.
The photographer looked at the two pretty girls, then a Julian and smiled, “You can handle two in one night?”
Julian's eyes twinkled as his smile spread across his face showing off his pearly whites.
He's got a great smile, Erika decided.
“Sometimes it can be a curse,” Julian quipped.
Tricia rolled her eyes. “You're head isn’t going to fit in the pool at this rate.”
The photographer had to make some minor adjustments and then posed them, with Erika in the middle, each slightly overlapping the other. A few people who hadn't heard about the three going on this date stood off to the side, whispering and watching with curiosity. Julian held Erika in his arms, while Erika held Tricia in hers. Her personal bubble that had expanded when she donned the dress now was compressed as Tricia leaned into her slightly.
A flash from the camera and the threesome were free to join the loud music thumping inside.
Erika felt Julian's hand on the small of her back as he possessively guided her into the flashing lights and spinning disco ball of the dance hall. Fellow classmates mingled in small packs along the walls, gathered around tables or gyrated and moved to the music.
Erika and her two dates stopped and just looked around.
“What would you like to do?” Julian asked.
“I'm... not... sure.” Erika answered truthfully.
“You want to dance?” he asked.
“Not just yet. I see Melinda, we should say hi.”
Julian nodded.
Melinda glowed in her red satin, body hugging dress. The bright color contrasted with her, very long, darker than black hair, which she wore curled with the sides pulled up. A long slit up the side of the dress allowed for movement as well as a sexy way to show off her long shapely legs.
Melinda gave Erika a hug. “You look terrific.”
Julian smiled and kept to the background as Erika and Tricia talked and giggled with Melinda and a few others.
“Would you like something to drink?” Julian interjected in a lull.
“That would be nice.” Erika smiled.
As Julian left, Erika felt Tricia's hand on the small of her back. It was a comforting feeling; one that she had longed for from her girlfriend. A warm tingle spread throughout her limbs. She turned her head and smiled at the blonde who gave her a timid smile back.
Julian returned a short time later with two cups. He handed one to Erika, the other to Tricia.
“Thank you.” Tricia was surprised and flattered.
“You're welcome.” Julian nodded.
“How do you want to work the dance thing?” Tricia asked.
“I don't know.” Julian shrugged. “I'd like to get an equal number of dances.”
“That's only fair,” Tricia agreed. “I want a couple of slow ones though.”
Julian nodded.
“What am I, a trophy?” Erika asked.
“Mmm… A trophy girlfriend.” Tricia gave her an evil smile.
“Just don't wear her out before the ceremony,” Melinda ordered.
“Yes, your Majesty.” Julian bowed at the waist. He turned to Erika and eyed Tricia. “May I have the first dance?”
Smiling, Erika looked from him to Tricia and then back. “Why certainly, my lord.” She held out her hand and let him parade her to the dance floor. “I must warn you, other than in Rally, I don't know how to dance.”
Julian looked at her with disbelief. “I've seen you during your rally stuff. You can dance.”
Erika did her best not to step on Julian's feet as she attempted to dance. After two songs, she motioned that she would like to sit down. Julian took her hand and led her off the floor and to a chair at a table next to Tricia who had been watching the two.
“Having fun?” Tricia asked.
Erika nodded.
“Your turn, Tricia,” Julian stated.
“I'll let her rest first,” Tricia pushed a drink towards her friend.
“No,” Julian chuckled. “I mean, your turn to dance with me.”
Tricia was a bit taken aback.
“Come on now. I'm supposed to be taking two dates to the dance. It would look funny if I only danced with one of them.”
A smile spread across Tricia's face. She took Julian's proffered hand and lightly followed him out onto the dance floor. Erika watched the two with fascination and bit of jealousy. Tricia was so graceful as she stepped in and around Julian in their dance. The smile on Julian's face as he appreciated Tricia's abilities told of the lack of fun he had dancing with Erika.
“Did you two really decide to share Julian?” a voice broke her concentration. Erika turned around to find a girl sitting down in a chair at the table.
“It was our idea. We had to talk Julian into it.” Erika explained.
“So are you both bi?
“Do you like women and men?”
“I... I don't know,” Erika admitted honestly.
“So the rumors of you and Tricia being lovers... Is that true?”
“Yeah.” Erika blushed.
“And you've been seen making out with Julian.”
“Just a couple of kisses,” Erika defended. Strangely wonderful kisses.
“So, which one are you going to pick?” she asked.
“I don't plan picking one over the other,” Erika stated.
“So you're going to have an open relationship? Does Julian know about this?”
“Julian is just taking is to Homecoming,” Erika told her. “What business is it of yours anyway?” She was starting to get upset.
“I was just wondering,” the girl said putting her hands up. “I like Julian. He's a good guy and I don't want to see him get hurt.”
“I agree, and neither do I,” Erika stated.
“Okay, sorry.” The girl got up and walked away leaving Erika on edge.
Victoria seeing Erika's discomfort walked over, “What was that about?”
“She was prying into my relationship with Tricia and Julian.” Erika bit her lip. “I told her it was none of her business.”
Victoria nodded. “Good.”
Tricia skipped up to Erika and Victoria. “All right, girlfriend. It's our turn.”
Erika stood up and went out onto the dance floor with the pink princess.
“Do you remember the waltz?” Tricia asked as they moved to a fast song.
Erika nodded, “I think I still know it.”
“Good. Cuz you and I are going to blow these people away.” She beamed.
Erika found Victoria, Krystal and Taylor joining them on the dance floor. The five girls, danced in a small group, smiling, giggling and having a good time. Curls bounced, dresses swung and flared as high heel-wearing girls bonded on the dance floor.
Erika wondered is this why girls always danced in small groups? Was it a bonding experience, or was it a celebration of being alive and enjoying having beautiful bodies?
Two songs later, the music changed tone. Tricia looked at Erika with a grin on her face. “Ready?”
Erika nodded and placed one arm on Tricia's shoulder the other took up her hand and waited for Tricia's signal. Tricia stepped off with Erika following her lead and they began to waltz.
Other dancers on the floor made room for the couple, the guys looked on at the two lustfully while the girls looked on with fondness and a bit wistfully as Tricia guided her around, and led her into spins and swirls, flaring out her skirts.
After a few rounds on the floor, Julian came up behind Tricia and tapped her on the shoulder, “May I?” he asked.
“Um, I guess so.” Tricia looked flummoxed, but stepped back allowing Julian to take Erika by the waist and hand.
Erika had to lift her arm a bit higher to rest on Julian's broad swimmers shoulders. His large hand engulfed hers. He stepped off and Erika by training followed. His steps were a bit larger than Tricia's and he wasn't nearly as elegant, but Erika was impressed with his ability to whisk her about the dance floor.
The pressure of his hand at the small of her back was as reassuring and comforting as his smile and glimmering eyes.
“Where did you learn to waltz?” Erika inquired.
“My mom was quite insistent that I learn the basics.” Julian winked. “You?”
“Tricia taught me last summer.”
“I really like you.” Julian stated out of nowhere.
She smiled. “I really like you too, Julian.”
“I mean, as more than friends.” Julian leant in close.
Erika stiffened slightly, but yearned to catch the now familiar musky scent of him again. She closed her eyes as his lips kissed her lightly on the cheek. His cheek pressed against hers. His voice was soft in her ear, “When you are tired of being in the lime light on the dance floor, let me know, I'd like us to find a quiet place.”
The two danced cheek to cheek for a few more moments before Julian stiffened. Erika opened her eyes to see Tricia smiling at Julian, “Mind if I cut in?” her lips smiled, but her eyes were ablaze.
Julian smirked then gave her a warm smile. “She is yours... for the moment.”
Erika felt a smaller, more delicate hand replace the large gentle one as Tricia again took Erika around the dance floor.
“He's not bothering you, is he?” Tricia asked.
“No.” Erika assured her. “He's being a very nice, perfect gentleman.”
“That's what has me bothered,” Tricia muttered. She looked Erika in the eye, “Are you falling for him? I wouldn't blame you; He is very handsome for a guy and he seems charming enough.”
Erika looked away embarrassed and a bit ashamed. “I do have feelings for him, but I don't know what it is exactly,” she admitted.
“Oh?” Tricia's perfectly ached brow raised.
“I... I don't know what it is, honest. I just feel... warm and tingly inside.”
Tricia's face dropped. “Oh.”
The music changed to a more upbeat song. Tricia took Erika's hand and led her off the dance floor and off to a quieter corner. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Of course not,” Erika avowed. “I love you, Tricia. I love being with you.”
“But you're having feelings for Julian.”
“Feelings that I don't quite understand,” Erika explained. “Look. I don't know what is going on between Julian and myself. I know that he likes me. He told me he likes me more than as a friend.”
Tricia bit her lip.
“I like him too, but right now it is as a friend. I don't know where it will go.” Erika took Tricia's hands in hers. “At camp, you, Samantha and the others showed me a different path; a path as a girl. I have found that I like this path. It feels more and more natural all of the time. Then I find out about my... problem, which also seems to have a bearing on this whole thing,” she stated. “Julian is the only boy that I've ever had any kind of feelings for. It's different from the feeling I have with you, but it seems natural that if I am going to be a girl, then I should like boys, right?”
Tricia was silent.
“I love you Tricia. Very much,” Erika told her. “Don't make me choose between the two of you; at least not yet.”
Tricia nodded. Erika pulled Tricia into a strong embrace and held her for a long moment. “You look very pretty tonight.”
“So do you. You should see all of the looks that you have been getting from guys here at the dance.”
“I thought they were looking at you.”
“They are all for you,” Tricia smiled.
Erika caressed Tricia's soft lips. A spark; a something wonderful raced through her system. Erika's lips became hungrier. Her tongue sought entry and was rewarded as Tricia opened for her.
“I told you she wasn't here with Julian,” a loud voice said. “Julian was just the cover for the two lezbos.”
Tricia parted and looked hurt.
Erika turned around to see Greg laughing with his sidekick. “You sound very jealous and insecure.” She stated. “As a matter of fact, not that it is any of your business. I am here with both Tricia and Julian.”
“Yeah, sure,” Greg snickered.
“In fact, Greg,” said Tricia. “Julian's going to have us both tonight... at the same time.”
Greg's laughter stopped but the disbelieving smile remained.
“You couldn't handle one girl, let alone two,” she added.
“I'll take you both on,” Greg dared. “You two, plus my date.”
“You want to share three girls?” Tricia asked with a sweet smile. “How does your date feel about that?”
“Yes, Greg, How do I feel about that?” His date, Joanne, stared daggers at him, hands on hips.
“I... uh... I was just joking.” Greg tried to appease her.
“It didn't sound like it to me,” Joanne snarled.
“Baby. I didn't mean it that way. Honest.” Greg walked towards Joanne.
“Come on.” Tricia guided Erika back to the busy dance hall.
“There you are. “Julian greeted them. “I was wondering if you had gone off and left me here.”
“Why would we leave such a strong, handsome guy like you stranded?” Tricia wrapped one arm around his back the other she stroked his chest.”
Julian looked from Erika to Tricia, confusion written across his face.
“Don't let it go to your head. We're trying to impress upon Greg that you're getting lucky with both of us tonight,” Tricia whispered into his ear making it look like she was nibbling. “So smile.”
Julian's face lit with a large smile as he gathered Erika closer for an embrace with the other arm.
Greg clenched his jaw when he glanced in their direction as he chased Joanne across the room.
“May I have a few moments with alone with Erika?” Julian asked Tricia.
“Oh, I guess so.” Tricia sighed. “I'm going out front for a bit of fresh air.” She leant up close to his ear again. “kiss me on the cheek and hold on to my finger tips for a moment as I leave.”
“Just do it.”
Julian bent down and kissed Tricia on the cheek. Tricia leaned over and planted a kiss on Erika's lips, before starting to walk off. Julian held to her hand for a moment as their arms stretched to their limits. She released her grip and walked across the dance floor, smirking at the looks of awe coming from everyone there.
“I told you we'd make this worth your while.” Erika smiled up at Julian.
The tall handsome guy shook his head in disbelief and then guided Erika in the opposite direction towards the back of the building.
“What's out here?” Erika asked as Julian opened the door.
“A stairwell.” Julian grinned. He took her hand and guided her up the stairs.
“Where are we going?”
“For some fresh air.”
Julian took his time and kept a hand on the small of Erika's back as they made their way up the steps.
“Are we allowed up here?” she asked.
“Not really.”
At the top landing they came to a door. Julian pulled a key out of his pocket and fit it into the door.
“You have a key?”
“My cousin is a janitor.” Julian admitted. He pushed open the door and guided Erika out into the star filled night air.
“Wow, I didn't realize it was so stuffy in there,” Erika commented. Her heart fluttered, unsure of what exactly was going on with Julian on the roof.
Erika could see figures of her classmates casually talking by some of the cars in the front parking lot.
Julian took her hand and steered her off to one side. The moon was strong in the sky, shining down with beams of silver washing all those outside in its argent embrace. The sky being clear of cloud cover was chill to her shoulders. Part of her wished she had a wrap or even a dress with sleeves. Julian's large hands cupped her bare skin, sending a new shiver through her body. Immediately Erika pushed thoughts of wraps and sleeves from her mind.
“You cold?” Julian asked.
“Not any longer.” Erika admitted.
Julian's strong hands caressed her bare arms making goosebumps disappear beneath their warmth.
Feeling the heat radiating from his body, Erika leaned back into his embrace. Julian’s arms encircled her, his forearms resting across her bosom. Erika took in a deep breath and released it.
“Pretty,” Julian barely breathed.
“Yes it is.” Erika's eyes took in the night sky.
“I was referring to you.” he whispered close to her ear.
She felt his lips on the base of her neck just above her shoulder then were gone, leaving her skin feeling once again, naked. Then they pressed behind her ear, parting slightly as she felt the tip of his tongue against her flesh. A nervous, breathless giggle escaped her lips.
Julian slowly drew Erika around to face him, his lips trailing from her ear across her cheek, and then meeting her lips. Erika's heart flipped and flopped. Was this right? Did she wish this? Was this the next step in becoming a girl? Was she to enjoy guys in this way?
She parted her lips cautiously, unsure if this was right. Foggy, half-memories of the night of the party flashed through her mind. The scent of Julian filled her nostrils. The chill of the night air was forgotten while his arms were about her.
Julian parted and looked down at her with half-lidded eyes. “Do you not feel it?” he asked.
Erika bit her lower lip and bent her chin in a slight nod while her eyes kept him in her gaze.
Erika felt his hand cup her chin. He lifted it and again pressed his lips to hers, while Erika's hand wrapped around his neck encouraging. The hand on her chin lowered to fall upon her chest. Her forms did not allow her to feel his cupped hand, but the pressure of it translated to her skin.
Her heart jumped, skipped and jumped again. Oh God!
Julian pulled away, “What is this?” his eyes looked upon her cleavage. “Are you wearing falsies?” his smile was one of surprise and amusement.
To Be Continued...
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This could get ugly real fast! I'm starting to worry about Julian's intentions, and then this happens! Way to keep up the suspense Anistasia! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
OH< NO !
I thought that Julian knew about Erica's special status. This could get so bad so fast.
Special status...
Julian isn't in that loop, it was another kid from the school that recognized Eric/a from before.
Such a romantic night, I certainly hope it doesn't blow up on dear, sweat Erica.

Oh!...I am SOOO in Tricia's
Oh!...I am SOOO in Tricia's corner!! Erika HAS to see the true love there! Great writing, by the way! :) I dont comment enough about how great this story has been, and for that I am sorry. If only I had freinds like this as I was trying to figure out my gender confusion. As usual...I look forward to the next bit of the Erika adventures! Thank you, Kristin
kristyn nichols
This can't end well
After all, as I remember, it was the entire school that attacked Eric/ka... not just the football team. They led the parade, perhaps, but no one came to her defense. Matter of fact, all shunned him, with the exception of Summer, and later Samantha.
So, now it's supposed to be the Erika and Julian show? What about Tricia? She's been in Eric/ka's corner from the start. Even when they fought(strangely, over Erika's attraction to Julian at that party) she was still on Erika's side.
It would do well for Eric/ka to remember this. I simply don't buy because Eric/ka is now a girl, that she has to have a 'boyfriend'. We know what'll happen to her if he finds out who she really is.
Yeah, if she's got a lick of sense, she'll be very careful around Julian, or frankly, most anyone at that school. Otherwise, I don't see this turning out well at all.
Erika Wants to Feel Feminine
Wow! This is a cool chapter, though that ending is causing me some measure of anxiety.
Erika is getting the princess treatment. How can she resist?
I don't think Julian is right for Erika but he's pushing all the right buttons, making Erika feel all the more feminine. I hope she understands so she doesn't throw away something special. Tricia seems a much better match.
As for falsies, I thought they were common enough with genetic girls. I'd think it'd be easy enough to talk her way out of the situation at the end. I think it'd be much more interesting if Erika divulged the truth but we shall see.
Thanks very much for the chapter. Please keep up the good work. I love the description of the rooftop bathed in moonlight.
- Terry
I agree, Terry
But I feel that Erika is sailing dangerously close to the wind.
I personally don't feel that Julian's the right one for her, not because of anything smutty, but because I have always liked the interaction between Erika and Tricia. Julian's comment about the falsies just goes to show that physical development doesn't necessarily point to mental development and were I Erika, I would be hurt by the remark.
At the end of the day, it's Erika's choice. I only hope she doesn't leave it too long before calming the Tricia waters and straightening the Julian faux pas or she might lose both of them.
I don't just look it, I'm totally evil
Erika will not lose it.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
She has an excuse this time that won't be questioned
The whole school now knows about the brain tumor, she can honestly say that the brain tumor is pressing on the pituatary gland and that it has prevented her normal development.
If Julian were to get vengeful later on and spread this rumour, it would get most of the girls seriously pissed at him I would expect, since she does have a "valid" medical reason to need some assistance there.
I agree with Nick though that she is playing with fire, and my own sympathies being what they are, I hope that she realizes soon that Tricia loves her for who she is, while Julian is in love with an image he has of her, which is not real, and she can never quite be.
I'm kind of surprised that the gown she and her mother chose would expose her cleavage to inspection.
Yet another excellent
chapter Anistasia the interplay between Julian and the girls is fascinating, And i for one have no idea who Erika will chose, Or indeed if she will ever get to the position where she will be able to make a decision.
Not Necessarily Dangerous
I'm still not sure if Julian is a good guy or not, but discovering that Erika is wearing falsies does not at this moment prove anything. It is probably not uncommon that teenage girls which to enhance the natural endowments with some additional padding or support. Finding this out, will not in and of itself lead to the discovery of Erika's other self.
The fact that he decided that he was close enough in their relationship to, as they said in my day "to cop a feel" is more telling. What was his next step going to be? Was he going to try and unbutton or unzip her dress to get a better feel or even go further? So was the touching intentional or just part of the experience? that he felt he could borrow his cousins key and take her somewhere prohibited and away from her friends and party goers is not a good sign.
Erika is again playing with fire. So far any burns have been minimal. Perhaps she is about to get a third degree burn, when Julian continues his escapades. Of course I expect that one of her girls friends , I hope it is Krystal will come to the rescue.
Antagonizing Gregg and his girl friend can only lead to disaster. Gregg is the real creepy type and will look for revenge. He was great at attacking and taunting Eric. His type will find a way to do something similar to Erika and Tricia and perhaps Julian.
worried more about Julian
going far enough to discover the "falsies" than the impact of the discovery.
Ashamed of Erica for "falling under the spell" of a guy who just wants to make out and cop a feel. She's got a girlfriend who has stuck by her but she has to antagonize her by going for a guy. I suppose experimenting is natural but I'm still disappointed. Hope Julian doesn't go farther but concerned that being alone with Erica he just might decide that it's time for more.
Uh Oh.
Now we have girl friends of Julian looking out for his interests, guys making assessments of their own, for their own uses, Tricia seeing some unwanted chemistry developing, and now this?
And they are alone on the roof, nowhere to hide, behind locked doors.
Someone is going to get hurt tonight.
Carla Ann
Sorry. Please excuse my current warped sense of humor... But that last bit where Julian discovered that Erica wasn't quite what she appeared... A surprise like that CAN muck up the "mood", though, in this case, it's probably a good thing.
Sad that Julian appears to have a one track mind, though that's not all that surprising.
I didn't notice that kind of "infighting" at the Prom I went to... That said, I wasn't very "observant" either. I remember more about my date's gown, than the polyester (blue) tux I wore... (All I recall was it was blue & HOT - as in sweltering). Her yellow gown had these tiny little blue flowers and butterflies, and... Well. I should get back to the story as nobody's interested in that gown... (but me).
To be honest, Julian's a bit of a surprise in how aware he is of things feminine. Based on the "locker room" chatting I heard back in high school... I doubt anyone would have realized Erica'd had enhancers. Perhaps guys are just more "tuned in" today. LOL Or, is it possible? Could Julian be a closet cross dresser? That'd be a twist! LOL
That was bothering me too...
For comparison, I did not learn about breast forms until reading TG fiction online long after finishing grad school. The closest I had heard was "stuffing a bra" i.e. putting a few kleenexes into a bra out of sight.
That Julian, a teenage male without a girlfriend, would know and be able to identify "falsies" by name is really surprising to me.
Back in the '80s...
I had some foam pads... Better than nothing.
When thinking about stuffing a bra, I always think of the joke about the blonde that stuffed her bra, with a whole box of Kleenex... Yes, the box too... Kinda square there. Which reminds me of Spock's mom's outfit in the latest Star Trek movie...
Okay... enough of that.
Exploring her sexuality is understandable
... but she is on the road to hurting one person or another. I think the fact that Julian is feeling her falsies will bring her back down to earth a little and make her realize how much of her is 'not real' and that Julian may not understand. Tricia has been a friend to her throughout.
Erika seems to like the physical presence of Julian ( I do not like the musky smell of men per se myself ) but there is more to life then pure physical attraction.
I feel very sympathetic to Tricia at the moment, exacerbating my bad mood at having to leave my apartment home for the last 19 years.
Everyone hates Julian
Does everyone hate Julian. He seems really nice, and you are all giving him a bad rap, and assuming the worst. He had a chance to show his true colors at the party, and did alright. I think he is gonna be OK.
Everyone loves Tricia. Tricia, Tricia, Tricia. Is it me, or did she seem kinda petty a few times. I'm not sure, why everyone thinks she is so great.
To each their own.
I think hate is a strong term
But Julian, did just cop a feel, he did bring her up to a locked roof against the rules to do it.
I've argued that Julian did nothing wrong at the party myself, but he is wrong here.
Also Julian knows full well that Erika and Tricia are in a relationship, and it did not stop him from pushing Erika. We are seeing Erika's niavate here.
Tricia has been petty at times, they are young teens, after all, you would expect as much. But she knows exactly what Erika is, and still wants her, I doubt you could say the same about Julian if he were to discover he had just copped a feel of the plague, I think he would be quite upset.
Hate is too strong of a word
... let us just say he is taking advantage of Erika at every turn to try to place a wedge between Erika and Tricia.
All's fair in love, etc, but is NOT being a gentleman right now about it. I don't know about you but I feel it should be hands off my person UNLESS YOU ASK ME this early on in a relationship. Sooo, what kinda of standard do use when you are dating somebody ?
Question Julian's motives and actions - "Up On The Roof"
I do not think hate is the right word either. What many of us are doing is questioning his actions and motives.
That he copped a feel is wrong, he should not have done that, but perhaps it could have been dismissed as "boys will be boys" or a spur of the moment reaction, if that action stood alone.
However it was done on the roof. His obtaining the keys for the roof from his cousin, was a premeditated act. He knew what he was doing, and took action to do it. He planned to isolate Erika and do something to her. How far he planned to go, we do not yet know. But whatever it was, was not the act of a gentleman.
Perhaps hate is right.
However, we cannot let Erika off the hook. Erika agreed to go "up on the roof" with Julian. While she may not have the experience and sense of danger that a natural born girl might have in such a situation, he as Eric, had the proper upbringing by his parents to know that as a man, that type of action would be wrong.
From Julian's POV,
He needs to get Erika by herself if he hopes to try to win her from Tricia. But taking her up on the roof was wrong, and it's out of character from his behavior at the party.
Erika's self-preservation instincts from her former life as The Plague should have kicked in as soon as she saw the key, but you have to remember that she's been in emotional turmoil for days, and she just running on adrenaline and endorphins at this point. And she trusts Julian.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that these kids are young teens, and teens do some crazy things when they let their emotions get away from them. And Erika has had little positive experience with boys so she is doubly susceptible.
But I'm confused as to how Julian guessed that Erika is wearing forms through her dress, especially if they're glued on. Unless he felt an edge or seam, and then, "copping a feel" would be a rather extreme understatement. I'm really hoping that maybe he brushed her dress where she should be very sensitive and because she didn't immediately respond, he guessed, using locker-room talk about girls in general as his source of knowledge.
Tricia, on the other hand seems to be trying to help Julian's Superman illusion, and she seemed almost fatalistic when she saw Erika looking at Julian as she was. She has, in her mind, realized she could lose Erika, but if it happens, she will try to bow out gracefully. She obviously doesn't want to lose Erika completely if it happens.
I feel a disaster looming. I'm considering whether to lay in a store of tissues beforehand. I think I'm going to need it. The Pollyanna in me doesn't want to read it, but I have to know. I feel like the bystander watching the emergency workers at a bad accident scene.
And I'm going to quit giving Anistasia ideas. She's already told me that I've given her some great ones. And I hope and pray she doesn't use some of them! :-)
Carla Ann
I just hope that Julian does
I just hope that Julian does not go too far and then get freaked out and shoves Erika off the roof, even by accident, or he steps back to far and goes over himself. Janice Lynn
PLEASE DON'T !!!!!!!!
Please dont fall inot the same old the heroine can never be happy or do the right thing. im not telling you how to right your story which by the way is wonderful. but why can for once tricia over hear erica say the she likes him but its tricia and only trica she loves and wants to be with. why do they always have to screw up. your fan really john c.
John celba
This could get ugly.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
well, there goes her secret
never a good idea to let your hormones run you.