Part 51 By Anistasia Allread Erika felt a little light headed as she was wheeled on a stretcher through chilly corridors and into what could only be a surgical room. A group of masked men and women busy in specific activities bustled around her. A few helped to mover her to a hard table and began asking her the same questions that she had answered over fifty times since she had checked in to the hospital. |
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P&P 51
Erika lay huddled in her warmed fuzzy blanket behind the privacy curtain. Her mom, dad and aunt had all said their goodbyes and waited out somewhere in the void of the hospital.
Changing out of her clothes into the backless hospital gown was degrading enough, but they made her take off her panties exposing the male parts of her. The limp organ dangling between her legs felt horrible after so many months having it contained between her legs. She wondered if they could slip with the scalpel and just be rid of it.
Shopping with Aunt Carrie had been a blast. Aunt Carrie even bought her a pair of shoes. She picked out a pair of red strappy sandals that would be perfect for the Christmas dance coming up. All she would have to do is find a sexy red dress, but that shouldn't be too hard.
When they returned home from their shopping trip, Erika's mother had already baked two pies and was working on a third.
“My Lord it sure smells heavenly in here.” Aunt Carrie exclaimed.
“Did you two have fun?” Erika's mother asked.
“Yes.” Carrie nodded. “Your daughter is a great shopper and had excellent taste.”
“New hair?” Mrs. Martin asked. “It looks very nice.”
“Thank you dear, Erika picked it out for me.”
“What is for dinner tonight?” Erika asked her mother.
“Well, I think your dad wants to take us all out.” Her mother explained. “I am doing so much cooking for tomorrow, that it would be just easier to eat out.”
“Let me get these things to my room and I'll right down to help you.” Carrie grinned.
“That's all right.” Mrs. Martin excused her.
“Nonsense, I'll be back in a flash.” She turned to Erika. “Put your things away, Erika, then come down and start washing dishes.”
Erika looked at her Aunt stunned.
“Go on Dear, You'll catch flies if you stand there with your mouth open.”
Erika closed her mouth and quickly went up stairs.
Erika and her Aunt spent the next hour or so in the kitchen with her mother prepping, and cooking for the next day's feast.
Her father finished with his work smiled as he leaned against the wall and watched his family working and chatting. “Anyone hungry?”
“Yes.” Erika's mother smiled.
“What do you all feel like having?”
“Anything but Turkey.” Aunt Carrie stated. “I'll be getting my fill of that tomorrow.”
The foursome ended up at a Chinese restaurant and had fun eating family style. Aunt Carrie told embarrassing stories about her and her father and gushed over Erika's mother's cooking skills and house decor.
When they had all returned home, Aunt Carrie and her mother went back into the kitchen and worked some more on the food.
Yesterday morning, Erika woke up thinking that her alarm hadn't gone off. She started to jump out of bed in a panic before she realized that it was Thanksgiving. She decided to get up anyway, showered and put on a loose fitting skirt and a comfortable sweater before padding down stairs.
Aunt Carrie was in the kitchen working on something and watching a football game on the T.V.
“Good morning sunshine.” She greeted cheerfully. “Sleep well?”
Erika nodded and poured her self a cup of coffee. “What smells so good?” Erika asked.
“Breakfast.” Carrie smiled. Her aunt wiped her hands on a towel and reached into the oven and pulled out a baking dish full of cinnamon rolls.
“You made those?” Erika asked.
“Wait until you try one.” She grinned. “You like icing on them?”
Erika nodded. Then watched as Aunt Carrie dished out an oozing treat then reached into the fridge and pulled out a bowl of buttery icing which she smeared over the top to melt and mingle with the gooey goodness.
“Oh my God!” Erika exclaimed around a mouthful of hot, sticky sweetness.
“Good aren't they.” Carrie grinned.
“You are watching football?” Erika asked between bites.
“Of course. Football is a Thanksgiving tradition. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't like and enjoy a good game of football.”
“If you'd rather watch the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, you can change it.” Carrie told her. “I like watching the marching bands.”
“Were you a marching band geek, Aunt Carrie?”
“I was.”
“What did you play?”
“Tuba of course.”
Erika rolled her eyes.
The rest of the morning was spent watching the football games with her dad and aunt while the turkey was cooking.
“Erika, why don't you get dressed for dinner.” her mother suggested looking at the clock.
“Isn't this okay?” Erika asked.
“It's cute, but you should look nice for Thanksgiving dinner.”
“I need to change too.” Aunt Carrie agreed. “Come on Erika.”
Erika followed Aunt Carrie upstairs. “What should I wear?”
“A nice dress would be appropriate.”
“Fine.” Erika rolled her eyes and closed the door to her room.
A few minutes later, she was in her bathroom putting on makeup and doing her hair wearing a nice dress, nylons and her new sandals that Aunt Carrie had bought for her when she heard the doorbell ring. She finished putting mascara on her lashes, then added some gloss to her lips before going down stairs.
“Wow! You look great!”
Erika looked up to see Tricia smiling up at her.
What are you doing here?” Erika asked.
“Your mom called my mom up yesterday and asked us to join you for Thanksgiving.” Tricia grinned. “She thought it would be a nice uprise.”
Erika looked at her girlfriend. Tricia was in a hot pink dress with matching flats and a pink bow clipped into the side of her spiked up hair.
“You look very good yourself.” Erika smiled.
Tricia stepped up then went up on her tip toes to brush her lips against Erika's.
“So this is why I was made to dress for dinner.” Erika snickered. Tricia took Erika's hand and they walked into the great room where Tricia's family were mingling with Erika's. Aunt Carrie and Leeza were smiling at one another as they laughed and chatted.
“Wow, this is kind of weird.” Erika muttered to her girlfriend.
“But in a nice way.” Tricia agreed.
“Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.” Erika's mother announced.
Erika's dad was filling several glasses with champagne and passing them to the adults.
“My mom made her famous Mac and Cheese.” Tricia told Erika. “Wait until you try it.”
“My Dad asked my aunt to make rutabaga.” Erika made a face.
“My dad made pumpkin pie.” Tricia explained. “It is a secret recipe that has been handed down from my great, great grandmother. I was told that I won't learn the recipe until I get married.”
“Girls?” Erika's dad handed them each a glass of champagne. “We decided that since neither of you is driving tonight that you can have a glass.”
The two girls smiled at each other before toasting, and sipping at the bubbly.
Dinner was a loud and fun affair with lots of talking, passing of food and complimenting one another on the recipes involved. With so much food and all of it tasting so good, the two families decided to put dessert on hold for a while until they didn't feel bloated.
Erika's father took Tricia's dad into the great room and turned on a football game.
“Erika, Tricia, how about you two clear the table.” Erika's mother charged. “Leeza, would you and your mother split up the left overs? While I wash the dishes?”
“The two of you sit down with a glass of wine.” Aunt Carrie ordered Tricia's mom as well as her own. “Leeza and I can wash the dishes.”
“I can do them.” Erika's mother insisted.
“I'm bigger and older and I say you should sit this one out.” Aunt Carrie pointed her mother out of the kitchen with her finger. Erika imagined her aunt stomping her foot to make a point and suppressed a giggle. “Leeza and I can take care the dinner dishes, Erika and Tricia can take care of the dessert dishes.”
“Fine. Fine.” Erika's mother duly admonished picked up her glass of wine. Grabbed a newly opened bottle as well and beckoned Tricia's mother to join her near the fireplace on the other side of the great room for a game of cards.
After Erika and Tricia finished clearing the table and wiping it down they laid the different desserts out to be ready when everyone was finished digesting their turkey.
“I think I need to take a nap.” Erika rubbed at her eyes and yawned. “Mom? I'm going to go up to my room and lay down for a bit. Can Tricia come too?”
“Keep your door open.” Erika's mother stated.
“No covers.” Tricia's mother added.
“You want to join me?” Erika asked Tricia.
“Sure.” Tricia yawned herself.
Erika led the way up stairs taking extra care wearing the high heels that her aunt had purchased for her.
Once in her room, she kicked off the heels and flopped as ladylike as she could onto her bed. Tricia lay down behind her and snuggled close, draping an arm over Erika's side.
“Turkey got to you, huh?” Tricia asked.
“Yes, but I figured this would be a good way for us to have private time.” Erika sighed as she snuggled closer to her girlfriend.
Erika woke up from her snooze, still wrapped in Tricia's arms. The doorbell had rung. It was Thanksgiving, who would be bothering her family on Turkey day? She listened to her mother answering the door.
Erika bolted upright as she heard Samantha and Victoria's voices.
“What is it?” Tricia asked groggily.
“Samantha and Victoria are here.”
Erika got up and stepped to the top of the stairs and looked down on her friends greeting her mother.
“Come on in, girls.” Her father greeted. “Happy Thanksgiving.”
“What are you doing here?” Erika was astonished.
“We came over to give you a last hurrah before you get your lobotomy.” Samantha smiled up at her as Tricia joined her at her perch, wrapping her arm around her waist.
“Surprise.” Tricia grinned. “Samantha and I asked you parents if we could have a sleep over tonight.”
Erika's heart fluttered with delight.
“We're here.” Krystal and Jordon squeezed in, carrying a duffel and sleeping bag.
“Who all is coming?” Erika inquired.
“Taylor and Melinda. Krystal wanted to bring Jorge, but your parents didn't think that would be appropriate.” Tricia snickered.
Erika, followed closely by Tricia quickly joined her friends in the entryway.
“Bring your stuff in here, girls.” her father instructed.
Erika and Tricia quickly introduced Jordon to the two families, and everyone met Aunt Carrie.
Taylor and Melinda showed up about twenty minutes later,
Tricia's family stayed for about an hour longer then departed, their hands full of leftovers. Aunt Carrie and her mother quickly put out a spread of leftovers and snack food before excusing themselves and retreating upstairs.
With her friends all there and having to get up early the next morning for surgery, Erika tried to stay up all night. She remembered glancing at the clock at three-thirty but not much after that.
Her mother woke them up at five-thirty when she started a large pot of coffee.
“Erika, go take a shower and use the antibacterial soap that the surgeon suggested that you use. Remember, you aren't allowed to eat anything this morning. No drinking either.”
“What about water?” Erika asked.
Her mother shook her head. “Nope.”
Erika nodded and trudged warily upstairs to her shower.
Her friends followed her and her family to the hospital in Samantha and Melinda's cars. The group of girls clustered together in a group talking and giggling as Erika went through the admitting process and then followed her to the waiting room.
They all gave her a hug and wished her well with promises of visiting in the next day or two before they all took off, leaving just Tricia with her parents and Aunt Carrie.
“Eric Martin?” a nurse called from a hallway.
Erika stood up along with her parents and Tricia.
“Eric?” the nurse looked confused.
“It's Erika.” Erika corrected.
The nurse opened the file and scanned through it as Erika and her parents approached.
“I'm Transgender.” Erika kept her voice low.
The nurse's face flickered from confusion to understanding. “Sorry. . . Erika.” She pulled a pen out of her pocket and made a notation on the chart. “I'm going to take you to pre-op. You can have one of your parents come with you.”
Erika's mother stepped back. “Go ahead.” She said to her husband.
“You should go.” Erika's father stated.
Erika looked from her dad to her mom. “Mom? Would you come with me?” Erika asked.
“Are you sure?” her mother questioned.
Erika nodded.
Erika hugged Aunt Carrie then threw her arms around her dad and hugged him tight.
“See you on the other side, Princess.” he gave her a squeeze before releasing her.
Erika's heart began to beat a bit harder and faster as the nurse led her and her mother deeper into the bowls of the hospital.
“Eric. . . uh, Erika Martin. Excuse the mistake.” a man in scrubs pulled back the curtain and glanced from her to her chart and back.
“Its alright.” Erika sighed.
“I'm going to go fetch a nurse and then give you an epidural. Be right back.”
Erika felt a little light headed as she was wheeled on a stretcher through chilly corridors and into what could only be a surgical room.
A group of masked men and women busy in specific activities bustled around her. A few helped to mover her to a hard table and began asking her the same questions that she had answered over fifty times since she had checked in to the hospital.
“Okay Erika, You're going to feel like going to sleep. I want you to count backwards for me.” a masked man instructed.
Erika's eyes felt extremely heavy as she struggled to watch the activity going on around her. She blinked hard as the room began to feel fuzzy.
“Go ahead and close your eyes.”
Erika couldn't have kept them open even if she had wanted to. Even the voices and noises around her became more distant as darkness closed in around her. . . . .
To Be Continued? . . .
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a note from the author
I appologize for the length of time between the last posting and this one. again, RL is the issue. For the last two years my wife has been distant and exploring her own avenues in life which left me LOTS of time to write. Recently she has come to focus more on the family and in doing such has kept us all busy and more engaged in one another.
I may leave this as the last chapter of Princess and the Plague, I'm not sure. I know there are some issues left unresolved, but there are so many other similar stories out there, that I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. I am going to take some time away from P&P for a little bit and concentrate on my 'Healing a Princess'. I may throw some "Rock,Paper, Scissors" up from time to time. and I'll check in to read some of my favorite stories and series as well.
This is NOT goodbye, just I'll be around in the wings.
Thank you for all of your support, advice, and love.
If things are
If things are returning to a good point in RL then we more than understand. I honestly loved the series and wouldn't mind seeing a confrontation point where maybe some of her friends overheard what the nurse had said.
But where you left off was an excellent fade to black.
Bailey Summers
Come back later!
Most of us can sympathise with a lack of inspiration for the way ahead, coupled with a lack of free time to write.
However, don't completely give up on this story. Even if it's not for another six to twelve months (eek!), it would be nice to come back after a long break and continue. Hopefully someone at the hospital is competent enough to get Erika back on the right track with her surgery (even if it ends up being delayed a day or two - IIRC, brain surgery is normally done with the patient concious (but presumably sedated to some extent and with local anaesthetics)).
Assuming Erika does wake up after a successful operation, there'll be anxiousness for several weeks / months of plot time, while the impact on her hormone levels is monitored (and she worries about a possible surge of testosterone) Once that's all sorted would be an ideal end time for the overall story (perhaps cumulating in her picking up her first prescription of estrogen).
Of course, before any of that happens, you'd need to (a) have the time to write, (b) the motivation to write, and (c) some idea of the plot elements / story arcs that will fill the spaces. Hopefully after a few months adjusting to a new routine IRL and concentrating on advancing your other stories, you'll eventually return to this and be able to meet the three conditions needed to pick up where you left off.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Rod up the nose, Ewww!
I thought that I remembered that the Tumor was on the pituitary gland, and yes that could certainly cause problems. I don't know for sure, but I am thinking that they would go in through the nose.
I think that AA did her research really well. I was surprised that up to 20% of us have tumors there.
My hat is off to ya, babe!
didn't do too much
I didn't have to do too much research, a friend of mine had a tumor there that had to be removed. We had an all nighter the night before she went into surgery. other than a bit of sinus problems, you'd never know she had a rod stuck up her nose. ;)
If you can live with it, it is better than transitioning.
There are so many out there who I absolutely idolize because of their courage. I have been told many times that transitioning is brave. IMHO NOT!
My best wishes to you.
I just spilled apple juice in my keyboard!!!!!!!
One thing...
That this story is not is one among many. Yes the overall plot is similar to many. But your characters and situations for the most part are some of the best I have read online. I have waited each week/period for the next chapter with baited breath because Erica is such a nice person who IMO deserves far more than she has got. And I will look forward to any continuation of the story.
Even if that doesn't happen for years and year, god forbid. Even if this is the last chapter I will always live in hope that more will come eventually.
With great admiration and thanks for what I have read so far.
The Legendary Lost Ninja
I agree
This is defiantly a cut above. I just could not stop reading, I read the last 50 episodes in a 30 hour period it is compelling and fun.
3 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 8 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
The Princess and the Plague: 51
A.A., thank you for this chapter! I love seeing Erika's friends again and the wonderful events that happened.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you Stanman
May Your Light Forever Shine... This has been the comments ending for all of your wonderful comments to the authors here. I am deeply saddend to see your name in the Memorial list along with my most favored author Angel O'Hare. I will miss your story's as well.
May God Bless your Soul, and allow you to be a shining star in heaven. Stanman May Your Light Forever Shine in our hearts, and memories.
And epidural?! For brain
And epidural?! For brain surgery? Oh dear. I hope there's not a medical mistake in Erika's future. If she has a future. (It'd be nice, but I totally understand that the author's life is more important.)
That's a good
That's a good observation. Wrong surgical bay, It's happened before. I work in a hospital so yeah the weird stuff on TV does happen. Not as frequently but it has happened. the most common in losing a patient after surgery where the porters take them to the wrong place. It could easily happen in reverse in a larger hospital.
Bailey Summers
Who what did I miss
That was my first thought as well.
Who knows, maybe they thought she was the transsexual coming in for the sex change? I pity the transsexual in the next cubical that got a lobotomy :-)
Maybe its just me,
I was sincerely hoping you would finish the story and this just isn't finished! There might be other similar stories out there, but only one P&P. Anyway, here's hoping you change your mind.
Thank you for 51 wonderful episodes!
A.A., thank you for 51 wonderful episodes of P&P. I've really come to love reading about Erica and her adventures and I hope when you have the time and the inclination in the future there might be some more P&P but if not, you've paused it at a natural breakpoint in the story. It's prolly far better to have paused now than have rushed out an ending anyway!
Oh, and there may be similar types of story out there but IMHO very few come anywhere near this consistent quality.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
51 episodes?
If you include the prequel (the wonderfully named Camp Kumoniwanalaya [IIRC, the double entendre is completely intentional!]), it's 118!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
There Aren't!
There may be lots of other good stories out there, but they aren't this one!
There's something very special about P&P, and as long as it took to get this episode, I didn't mind one bit. I'd like to encourage you not to walk away from this story. Some of us just love it to pieces!
As long as it takes for you to write the next episode, I'll be happy to wait. Just, please, tell me it's eventually coming.
more episodes coming eventually? I'm sure I've got another section of Erika's life still to work on. I just need to catch up on other things going on in my life right now.
There is still some things in a sk8r grrl crossover with P&P to work on as well as many issues that Erika needs to work out.
Eventually. . . ;)
Grateful for what there is
... Glad you have pleasant RL needs instead of onerous ones, sounds like.
The Princess and all of her Coterie will be around when you are back.
Anyway, I don't understand where Eric Martin got into the mix at the hospital. I thought Erika had changed her name.
Thanks AA...
Well, reading it from this perspective, it sounds like a good ending to "book 2" (Camp K being "book 1"). Hopefully your muse provides you the inspiration some time down the road to make a "book 3".
Regardless, thanks for providing us with such a great story.
Not a bad place
To leave things. Harmony in the family, love and acceptance abounding. We've had our problems, Anistasia, but to carry a story of this quality for so many chapters is no mean achievement, and you have every right to be proud. Good luck in your RL, and with your future literary efforts.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Everybody has said
what I would have said. I'll add a few more words.
Hello AA!! ^____^;-D
Thanks for the great story. Of course it feels like a hang-nail trying to linger there as long as possible. We want to bite it off, but it might cause a tear in our hearts to make it hurt worse. We don't want to clip it off to soon. Thanks for a great series, we get to see Erica grow up before our eyes. We would like to see her growth continue. We know there are more tests ahead for all concerned.
We'll wait patiently if the story continues. But, we'll continue to read some excellent stories here at BC that you and everyone else has posted.
Let's see it is a big set of hols coming up. Let's see there is a Maundy, a Good day, a High Sabbath, a Palm day, a Seder to celebrate a new beginning. There is a change in eating from ordinary bread to the eating of unleavened bread. A new life begins on various fronts. If I forgot one, then go ahead and take note of it.
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Dear Anistasia:
First it is great that your RL problems have resolved themselves somewhat, and your wife and you are doing family things together. That is more important then anything else.
Second, there are NO other stories as well written, as interesting, as enjoyable, and keeps us waiting for more then the advendtures of (and for old times sake) Eric/Eric(a)/Erica/ERIKA.
Third, the story needs to continue, at some point. Leaving Erika about do undergo surgery and us not knowing the outcome, is terrible.
SO PLEASE ANISTASIA honor us with more of this tale.
Honoring the struggle of another.
I began to struggle about being T when I was 5. Before, I was a girl; there was no struggle. Along the way, during my long life, I have met many people who struggle with one thing or another. As a once T person, I think I have seen that we seem to see our own struggles as the most important issue in life, and view anyone who has made a different decision as someone who threatens to invalidate our own lives.
I think that real life decisions should always take presidence over story decisions here. Methinks that even writing about Erica now is perhaps too painful for AA. Either way, she has my support whether she ends the story, or finishes it.
Each one of us has the capacity to finish this story in our own mind; I have, and my finish shall remain private.
I transitioned, and actually have a very pleasant life. The price was, is and always will be far too high. I repeat this only to let those who are making the decision know that there are a variety of decisions and sometimes the answer is NO.
Many Blessings
Not Quite Fully Awake
I recently woke up from a long nap so I'm not quite fully awake yet. I am awake enough to appreciate this story though.
Continuing this story would definitely not be beating a dead horse. This story isn't very similar to anything else that I've read, and even if it was, your characters come alive and paint a unique picture.
You did patch up things with the family but I'm not sure this is a good stopping point. The effects of the tumor and its removal are important, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who wants to see Erika formally start her transition. I want to see whether she does continue on the path she started way back when in summer camp so please consider continuing this story.
Thanks very much.
- Terry
I still do not trust her mother
She changed her stripes too quickly
one more chapter?
I'm not one to say that even a favorite serial of mine---like this one---needs to be continued indefinitely, but waking up after surgery is generally a good thing. A "capper" chapter wouldn't have to be long. A nice sweet final scene with Tricia, some warm affirmative (sniff!) family stuff, and/or maybe an epilogue set a year later; letting us know how the brain surgery went & whether her pituitary gland went into overdrive like she'd feared. And you could always end it with a teaser for another Erika story down the road- a phone call from one of the girls from Camp K about a gig as counsellors, something ........ vague enough not to be an agonizing cliff hanger for us fans while you work on other stuff. Speaking of which, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's loving ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS; even if series with teenage protagonists tend to get a lot more comments. I think maybe it's that we feel protective of these girls, like Erika and Megan/Sarah Carerra, and love playing back seat driver about what they, their parents & teachers are doing and should or shouldn't do next. Anyway thanks for this great read AA...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
There will be more Erika
For those that may not have figured it out, Erika Summers/Martin and Annie Wilson live in the same town.
Constitution, Tennessee!
The additional promised content for Sk8r Grrls will be ignored in favor of getting the re-edits out in the near future, so that people aren't waiting too awful long, and will be filled in later times.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Noticed the referance to Sk8r Grrls
So I look forward to the continuation of this possible friendships. I so love the Characters of both series.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
One Thought...
The way AA made everything turn out so right for Erika in this chapter -- a surprise "last" overnight with her friends, a complete turnaround by her mother, both of the other TSs on hand to cheer Erika on, and few if any remaining conflicts -- the "logical" conclusion to this story, albeit not one that people want to see, would seem to be that Erika dies on the operating table.
I was looking forward to the confrontation between Aunt Carrie and her family at Thanksgiving, and also their reaction to Erika wearing "a nice dress" at her mother's urging. Did they decide not to show up? We don't hear anything more about that here. (Can't remember where I read the analogy, but it's as though the South fired on Fort Sumter and missed.)
I Love Happy Endings
There's nothing better than "and they lived happily ever after". The problem with that ending is that it closes off the opportunity for further adventures. In the Princess and the Plague we now have several of the major conflicts resolved. Erica's mother has realized (with her own mother's help) that her husband and child are what are most important to her. Erica has realized that Tricia loves her as she is and how important (an special) that is. Erica decided to have the surgery that will assure her future health, and thanks to her aunt, she knows how to manage the effects of testosterone should she have difficulty getting prescribed blockers after her surgery. So, for me, if this is the end of Erica's written story, it's an ending that's full of hope that she will recover from the surgery and live more or less happily ever after.
Anistasia, thank you for both of these wonderful series. If you decide to add to this story or write new Erica adventures, I'm sure that I will enjoy reading those also.
This story is so interesting I kept going from chapter to chapter. I thought the PP story was over for the time being until I saw PJ. Now I can continue reading to find how surgery went, if the two football players get what they need, and whether Erika's secret is exposed.
What Eric had done to him should have been reported to his parents by the school. That Principal screwed up both times.
What those two JAs did should have had them suspended the first time, and expelled the second time. As to the attitude of the other students, morally deprived. To bad they ran with the crowd instead of putting a stop to the abuse.
Now off to PJ.
Others have feelings too.
This has been an awesome story.
True. The plot is similar to many others out there. But then I remember being told as a kid that there are only about six basic plots. It's the attention to detail and the exquisiteness of the characters that make me wanting more. And I'm glad to see you eventually wrote more. Thank you.
I think someone is going to slip up in the hospital and she will be outed.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
hearing your male named called out in a hospital
that's happened to me, too.