General Audience (pg)

Rumors of my death...

... have been greatly exaggerated.

I'm sorry I have not been here. I have not been anywhere for some time. My life in short:

1) I got sick.
2) My wife got sick too and had to go to the hospital for it.
3) I got a short term assignment and it was at night
4) I got another short term assignment as (get this) a secretary.
5) I started a process of redoing my entire *other* site, the religious one, into Wordpress from the static site it was.
6) I got sick again.

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This just in! Cats are EVIL!

This just in: Cats are EVIL! According to a rescent BBC news story, researchers at the University of Sussex have made new discoveries regarding the multitude of methods by which cats manipulate humans. For more on this story, see here.

This is not in reference to a certain manipulator in my household that likes to nibble on me while I try to sleep...

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Gina and Katie's Excellent Adventure


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Gina and Katie's
Excellent Adventure

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
If we could remember
The moment of our birth
We give our voice
To songs and whispers
And know what life is worth

Five for Fifty (Chp.2)

“The only thing special for me about this birthday is the fact I’m spending it with the two of you. I don’t feel like celebrating fifty years of life that was mostly a lie and barely more than existence, but if I can use this day to wheedle permission out of you to try and reach for the stars … then I’ll use it. Look … I’ve got all the ingredients for the recipe. I need an ounce of faith … I’ve got an ocean. I need an ounce of magic … being home with the two of you on my birthday gives me that and then some … so … all I need now is your permission to try.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter 2: Making the Pitch

by Maggie the Kitten

Women's Full Duplex communication

In my quest to improve myself as a woman, I watch and listen a lot; analysing the most intricate details of what they do. One thing that has just occured to me is that, for the most part, women in groups use Full Duplex communication, while men seem incapable of it. I do hope that with time I can train myself to follow what women do in that regard.

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Cynthia and the Christmas Gift

Cynthia and the Christmas Gift

By Portia Bennett

While researching Cindy and Bobbie’s adventures, I found a reference to a little event that occurred during their Christmas break when they were in high school. Some of the details weren’t available, but I think you can probably fill in what happened.

Youre always there

When I was being used and abused, you were there to help
When I was lonely, you were there to keep me company
When I needed a laugh, you were there to tell me a joke
When I needed to cry, you were there with a shoulder to lend
When I was feeling depressed, you were there to cheer me up
When I needed a hug, you were there with your arms open wide
When I was suicidal, you were there to keep me alive
And while I’m all of this, you are always there

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Tonight’s “Bike”

I spoke with Angharad on the ’phone a short time ago and she asked me to say that there wouldn't be a “Bikesode” tonight, because she was feeling very tired and was going straight to bed. She sends her apologies and hopes you can wait until tomorrow.

I must say she did sound very weary and not her usual cheerful self, so I am sure a good night’s rest will do her a power of good.



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Chaz Bono (FtM) on GMA -- OUTSTANDING Interview!!

What a wonderful interview by a wonderful person and activist for transgender acceptance! Good Morning America ("GMA") is a workday morning news-magazine show in the U.S. with a large viewership. It's great to see such a sympathetic interview on this, the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

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Football Girl ~ Chapter 25

As we approached the shopping centre, I noticed that it was rather busy. We had two cars, one with Daddy, Claire and I in and the other, a 4X4 Range Rover, with blacked out windows with the two security people, Danni and Charlotte in. The Range Rover was in front...
Football Girl
Chapter 25

By Susan Brown

Heart by Heart

 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

Change is slow, but it does come, if people are willing to reach out to others and make it happen, heart by heart.
For the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Features Breegan Noland from The Prodigal.

Heart by Heart

By Breanna Ramsey


It seems as though, all of a sudden, Haikus have reappeared on the scene.

Apparently the new EU President (and Belgian PM), Herman Van Rompuy, writes them as a hobby - mainly in his native Flemish.
He even publishes them on his official website:
This translation of one is the most frequently quoted in media reports:

Hair blows in the wind
After years there is still wind
Sadly no more hair.

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The Prodigal - What came before

Thanks to the recent refreshing of The Prodigal, the story received many new hits and comments, and that has caused me to consider writing a prequel. Keeping in mind that this is likely to be a rather dark and violent tale, would anyone be interested in such a thing? I will probably go through with it anyway, but I'm interested in knowing the interest level.

Also, look for something featuring Bree in the next few hours. I've just finished a short piece for the Transgender Day of Remembrance and I'll be posting it soon.

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Just a follow up

For all of you kindly folk who have been supportive. I posted Rememberance of My Birth as my way of acknowledging the day but also to remember that Andrea would likely not exist at all but for the love of my sister and how I believe God used the devotion of a little boy to protect his best friend. We survived brutality and pain, and grew up, maybe marred and damaged, but never alone and never without love. That continues today as I face the implications and aftermath of that pain, but not without hope and certainly not without friends like yourself.

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A Lack Of Voting

My apologies for my lack of voting.

I am currently experiencing problems with Firefox 3.5 as all of a sudden, it decided that certain elements of websites would not be accessible to me. Amongst those, is the ability to vote.

I get the little pointy finger and all and I can click--it's just that nothing happens.

I have been using Firefox now for well over two years and thought it was the mutts nuts, but now, it just seems to be letting the side down.

Of course, I have written to Mozilla and have received the usual explanation - nothing.

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Christmas in the Cabin by the Lake

-------=BigCloset Retro Classic=-------
Christmas Special!
Andy is 'sent' on holiday by his publisher friend to stay at his cabin and who says lightning doesn't strike twice?

Christmas in the Cabin by the Lake

by Nick B.


She leaned over my desk, her ample bosom heaving. The dame was obviously hot for me. Too bad I was only into other men... coulda been fun.

"Oh, you've just gawt ta help me and my muddah's aunt's roommate's grandottah's husband's cousin's dawg's groomah's brush suppliah's accountant's mistress' bruddah's son PLEASE mistah Dirkenhammerwoodsteinovitch," her accent breathed impressively -- seriously, that's impressive to say all in one breath.

by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
... I blame the painkillers...

Day of Remembrance

As I'm sure everyone is aware, Friday, November 20th is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The TSSD Chat room is open and if you want to drop by between the hours of 6PM and Midnight Eastern Time, I can promise you there will be someone there. There's no format planned, but please if you can drop in and say hello. The link to the chat room can be found at the top of the front page here and at Stardust.

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The Princess and the Plague: 44

The Princess and the Plague
Part 44
By Anistasia Allread

“You should be quite grateful for having a mother that cares so much about you.” The officer told Erika. “There are a lot of kids out there who's mother could care less about what they do. At least yours cares.”


The Dragons Are Back At The Balcony...

After a long absence while it was being polished and updated I have now brought back Rebekkah DeMere's long and wonderful masterpiece, "The Eight Dragon's Trilogy" with new illustrations and easy reading online of the complete books as well as text versions for easy download to handheld devices or just those that prefer the simple text without all the graphics. Below is one of the cover's and intro by your's truly to give you a little taste of this fascinating tale for either you first time readers or simply those who want to go back and reread this excellent adventure.

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