Chapter 11
The Fan Is Hit
Sixth period was social studies. The teacher, Lorin Mythe, made history come alive. When she was informed about Lexi, she quickly created a single class lesson in an effort to put transgenderism in perspective for her students. Deftly, she presented brief biographies of historical figures who faced similar issues. The first and most famous was Charles Geneviá¨ve Louis Auguste André Timothée d'á‰on de Beaumont. Born on October 5, 1728 and died on May 21, 1810. Usually known as the Chevalier d'á‰on, he was a French diplomat, spy, soldier and Freemason who lived the first half of her life as a man and the second half as a woman. Equally well-known was Christine Jorgensen, born May 30, 1926 and died May 3, 1989, was the first widely-known individual to have sex reassignment surgery–in this case, male to female. A former World War II Private, George Jorgensen, underwent the sexchange surgery in Denmark in 1952. Another was Renée Richards, born August 19, 1934. An American ophthalmologist, author and former professional tennis player. In 1975, Richards underwent sex reassignment surgery. She is known for initially being denied entry into the 1976 US Open by the United States Tennis Association, citing an unprecedented women-born-women policy. She disputed the ban, and the New York Supreme Court ruled in her favor in 1977. This was a landmark decision in favor of transsexual rights.
Lexi and her classmates perked up as their horizons were expanded by the past deeds of other transgendered people. Quite a few of the students who were unsure about accepting Lexi thinking she was a one-off weirdo now understood the condition was far more prevalent than they'd suspected. Most got off the fence they were straddling on Lexi's side.
The upbeat and buoyant spirit Lorin Mythe's class had instilled in the students quickly vanished as the students went into their seventh period algebra class. The teacher, Cal Cuelas, was a balding pompously formal man in his late fifties who usually sat imperiously behind his desk. Quite brusquely he directed the students to their new seat assignments. The first real inkling that there would be issues presented itself as he sneered at Lexi. "Alex Kahn, take the front seat in row three."
Lexi stopped and blinked, shocked by what she'd heard. Principal Reid Enright and guidance counselor Ima Meddlar had said all the staff had been told about her change. The fact the seats were being arranged as instructed added to her confusion. Eddie took her arm and led her to her seat where Skye, Liv, and Faith tried to get her to relax.
Eddie was glad his father had taken the time to sit down with him and PI Evie Dense. Evie had provided a fake book in which a mini-camcorder was hidden and showed Eddie how to aim the lens and operate the device. Eddie opened the book and turned on the video recorder, then set it up so Cal Kuelus was centered in the monitor screen before hitting record.
Cal Kuelus was obviously upset and fuming. Everyone in the class stayed quiet and waited with baited breath for the clearly agitated man to do more than shuffle papers on his desk and shoot hate-filled glares at Lexi. Lexi began to tremble. Faith, sitting behind her, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder which helped calm Lexi down.
After several anxious minutes, Cal Kuelus stood and turned to the blackboard where he wrote out an equation in his meticulous handwriting. After finishing the equation, he resumed his seat. Eddie surreptitiously checked the monitoring screen and was relieved to note the man had remained in the frame.
Once seated he scanned the room to insure everyone was paying close attention. "Mr. Kahn," he stated in a surly voice dripping with sarcasm. "Please go to the board and complete the equation."
Lexi gasped and trembled, then totally intimidated, began to rise from her seat. Before she could really move, Eddie stood and stepped from his desk and placed a strong hand on Lexi's shoulder firmly holding her in the seat. She glanced up at Eddie in fear and relief.
"Begging your pardon, Mr. Kuelus," Eddie began in a calm, steady voice. "There is no Mr. Kahn in the room. As you well know, Alex Kahn is no longer attending this or any other school. Alex Kahn has effectively died. Lexi Kahn has taken his place. I'm sure if you ask, Miss Kahn will be more than willing to go to the board to solve the equation."
The entire class was stunned at Eddie's boldness and waited for Cal Kuelus to rip Eddie apart. They didn't have long to wait.
"Mr. Bull," Cal Kuelus began in a snide tone. "This is my classroom and I will not have any mere student telling me how to run my class. You've earned yourself time in detention. Now sit down and let MR. KAHN go to the board!"
"I'm sorry sir," Eddie cooly replied. "I can't allow you to continue insulting Miss Kahn."
The class was shocked. They were impressed by Eddie's calm demeanor and stunned by the outburst from Cal Kuelus. Lexi was terrified.
"Sir, I take great exception to your implication that Lexi is my boyfriend which implies that we are homosexuals," Eddie responded in a calm yet offended tone. "That sir, is slanderous libel. I willingly and proudly admit that Lexi Kahn is my girlfriend and as such I have every right to protect her from abuse from any source."
The class was surprised by Eddie’s declaration that Lexi was his girlfriend, but had little time to ponder that revelation.
"We'll gladly leave, sir," Eddie replied formally. "We will go directly to the office. Only it just won't be Lexi and I who go. The entire class will go." With that Eddie looked at his classmates and motioned them to rise.
Without hesitation everyone quickly packed up their books and stood. Eddie made sure to keep his concealed camera focused on Cal Kuelus as he and Tad took up station between the door and the seething teacher's desk. Although they were only seventh graders, both were taller and huskier than Cal Kuelus. Their football training also made them tougher and their guardian stance was enough to physically intimidate the enraged teacher. Faith, Liv, and Skye ushered the trembling Lexi to the door and the other students silently filed out of the room behind them.
While this was happening, Cal Kuelus really lost it. Already standing, he raised his arms in the air and shook his tightly clenched fists towards the heavens. "THIS IS A REVOLT! I'LL SEE TO IT YOU'RE ALL PUT IN DETENTION FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR! I'LL SEE TO IT THE TWO HOMOSEXUALS ARE EXPELLED! THEY ARE AN ABOMINATION! THIS IS BLASPHEMY! BLASPHEMY! DO YOU HEAR ME! YOU'LL ALL GO TO HELL!"
As the last students left the room, Tad and Eddie backed out the door. Eddie did his best to keep the camera aimed at the crazed man.
Cal Kuelus followed, still seething and raging. "INGRATES! BLASPHEMERS! YOU'LL ALL GO TO HELL! BLASPHEMERS! HOMOSEXUAL PERVERTS! BLASPHEMERS!" he continued to rage as he followed the silent students to the office.
Several teachers poked their heads out of their classrooms to see what the commotion was all about. They saw Tad and Eddie acting as a rear guard walking backwards down the hall following their classmates while their teacher went ballistic. Several called the office to warn of the approaching storm.
Principal Reid Enright and guidance counselor Ima Meddlar promptly headed from the office to meet the students. They could hear Cal Kuelus ranting and railing. When they met the students Lexi was openly crying and nearly hysterical. They could see Skye, Faith, and Liv were doing their best to comfort their friend. Ms Meddlar promptly moved in to assist the girls in consoling Lexi. Seeing they’d been met before reaching the office, Eddie had Tad move up the line of nervous students urging them to one side of the hall. Reid Enright didn’t miss the interplay and realized Eddie was leading the students and was buffering them from Cal Kuelus.
Upon seeing Reid Enright, Cal Kuelus rushed past the students to the principal. “Good, good, good,” he jabbered with wide eyed mania. “I’ve put them all in detention for a year and have expelled the two faggots! You can see they’ve turned the entire class against me.”
Eddie silently followed behind the nearly mad teacher doing his best to keep the camera focused on Cal Kuelus.
“Yes, I can see that,” Reid Enright tried to calm the nearly hysterical teacher. “Ms Meddlar, please escort these rebellious students to the cafeteria.” Catching Eddie’s eye the principal winked. “Mr. Kuelus, let’s step into my office so we can discuss this matter.”
Cal Kuelus sniffed indignantly at the students as he self righteously allowed himself to be guided into the principal’s office.
As Cal Kuelus entered the principal’s office, Reid Enright paused. “Please have a seat,” he told the distraught man. “I need to give my secretary instructions.”
Cal Kuelus nodded and took a seat. Reid Enright quietly gave Sue Flay, his secretary, a brief explanation that he thought Cal Kuelus had committed a major breach of school protocol and that Ms. Meddlar had the students in the cafeteria. He instructed Sue Flay to call for a policeman and to contact the district superintendent. Then he took a deep breath and headed into his office.
Ms. Meddlar led the students into the empty cafeteria. Most were scared but took solace in the fact that Eddie was still calm. Once they were seated she asked what had happened.
“My dad feared something might happen,” Eddie, the obvious spokesman declared. “As a precaution, he asked Evie Dense, the PI that taped Coach Strapped, to give me a hidden video recorder. I turned it on as soon as I realized Mr. Kuelus had a major issue with Lexi. I think I have almost everything recorded.” With that he opened the fake book and removed the video recorder.
The students gasped. Lexi shivered and sniffled with relief as she realized there was undeniable proof of what had happened. Ima Meddlar watched the recording and shivered. Cal Kuelus had cut his own throat.
“I’d like to go to the office to call my dad,” Eddie declared. “He’ll see that duplicates of the recording are made and contact Lexi’s parents and Dr. Lee.”
“All right,” Ima Meddlar agreed. “Go make your call and let Principal Enright see the video.”
“Thank you,” Eddie said as he headed to the office. As he left, he smiled and winked at Lexi who beamed her appreciation.
“I’m proud of all of you,” Ima Medlar said as she turned to the still apprehensive students. “While I can’t guarantee there will be no repercussions of what happened, I honestly don’t see that any student did anything wrong. Please relax, talk if you’d like but keep it low.” With that she turned to Lexi.
When Eddie reached the office, he explained to Eva Lution, a general office secretary, that Ima Meddlar had given him permission to call his father. He also explained that he had a video the principal had to see. As Eddie made his call, Eva Lution spoke to Sue Flay. Sue knocked on the principal’s door. After a whispered conversation, Reid Enright excused himself leaving the self-righteous Cal Kuelus to savor his delusional moment of triumph.
Lyle Bull shook his head as he hung up the phone. Briefly he told Faye what happened and asked her to call the Kahns to tell them Lexi was okay and asking them to head out to the school. She was then to call Dr. Norma Lee and let her know that Lexi was quite upset. As he headed out to the school, he called Evie Dense and asked her to bring her video duplicating equipment to the school.
Just as Reid Enright emerged from his office the Sargent Marshal Law, acting head of the Hickstown police and Hickstown School District Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles arrived. Eddie explained his dad was on the way and would duplicate the recording as he reset the video to allow all three to watch the damning video. The faces of the three men clearly showed they were angry.
Lyle Bull arrived in time to see the end of the recording where Cal Kuelus was ranting and raving in the halls as he followed the class to the office. The fiasco centered around Coach Strapp and it's aftermath had left all four men acquainted and respecting each other.
"Evie Dense will be here shortly to make duplicates of the recording," Lyle Bull explained. "Lexi's parents should be on their way as well as Dr. Lee."
"In my opinion Mr Kuelus is a religious fanatic," Reid Enright said. "He's always been a strict teacher and has been quick to place students on detention but until today he was a good teacher. Unfortunately, he feels he was fully justified in what he did in the class. However what happened today is unacceptable. I'm recommending he be suspended pending termination."
Superintendent Dil Pickles nodded his agreement.
"That should absolve the school of any liability," Lyle said. "Of course we'll expect you to review your zero tolerance policy with all teachers and staff.
"Based on what I saw I'm going to take Mr. Kuelus into custody for child abuse," Sargent Marshal Law said. "I'll take him down to the office and it'll take about an hour for me to process him before I take him for arraignment. I'll need a copy of the recording for that."
"I'll have Evie Dense drop one off with you when she leaves here," Lyle Bull said. "I'll also have her give copies to Assistant DA Laura Norder, head of the County Children and Youth Services Wanda Kidd, and Family Court Judge Hardaz. Based on previous conversations I'm pretty sure the Kahns will want to file civil sexual harassment and discrimination charges against Mr. Kuelus. They won't be going for punitive damages, just costs and a public apology. The main goal is to put the public on notice that there will be no toleration of sexual harassment and discrimination."
Evie Dense arrived at that point. Reid Enright showed her to the conference room. After setting up her duplicating equipment in the office conference room, Eddie gave her the recording.
"Eddie, I think it will be best if you're not here when I escort Mr. Kuelus out," Sargent Marshal Law said.
"The bell will ring in a few minutes," Reid Enright said. "Eddie, please go back to the cafeteria and tell Ms Meddlar your classmates should go to their next class. You can let them know they are not in any kind of trouble and that I'm proud of their conduct. I'll speak to the entire class tomorrow. I'd like you, Lexi, and Ms Meddlar to wait in the cafeteria until the halls clear, then come to the office conference room. Mr Bull, I'd appreciate if you could stay in the conference room until Mr. Kuelus is gone."
Lyle Bull nodded his agreement as Eddie headed back to the cafeteria. Reid Enright, Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles, and Sargent Marshal Law headed into to arrest Cal Kuelus.
Cal Kuelus was stunned as he was informed he was being placed under arrest and read his Miranda rights. "But I did nothing wrong," he gasped in disbelief.
"Mr. Kuelus, you are hereby suspended from your teaching position pending a hearing for discharge," Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles declared. "We'll contact your union rep today and review your case. I suggest the less you say the better off you'll be."
Cal Kuelus was mortified and confused as his entire world was crashing down around him.
"If you promise to cooperate and come along quietly, I won't handcuff you," Sargent Marshal Law said. "It won't be quite as embarrassing for you if we're in the hall when the classes change."
All Cal Kuelus could do was nod his head.
Sargent Marshal Law gripped Cal Kuelus' arm and led him from the office. They were almost out the school door when the bell rang. A number of the students crowding the halls saw them leaving.
Eddie's classmates were relieved to learn they'd been absolved of any wrong doing and pleased that the principal complimented them on their behavior. They were surprised that Cal Kuelus was not only suspended but arrested. When the bell rang they headed into the halls to spread the news.
Lexi was so relieved she began to cry. Eddie sat by her and put his arm about her shoulder. When she snuggled into him and pushed her face into his shoulder Liv, Skye, and Faith knew she was in good hands and left with their classmates. Tad shot Eddie a thumbs up as he left. Under normal circumstances, Ima Meddlar would have stopped the hug, but this was not normal.
After the halls cleared, Ima Meddlar led Eddie and Lexi to the office. They both had their arm about each other's waist. As they entered the conference room, Lexi released Eddie and scurried to her parents as the tears once more began to flow. Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles, Reid Enright, and Lyle Bull were also in the room. Al Fresco, the teacher who served as Union Shop Steward was also present having been summoned to the office just before class change. Dr. Norma Lee also arrived in time to join the screening. Evie had the recording set up to play on the 30 inch TV in the conference room. She showed them how she set up the hidden camera at Lyle's request before running the recording.
Although she watched the recording, Lexi whimpered and cowered against her mother while her dad rubbed her back as the recording played through. No one objected when Eddie stood and moved behind her to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Dr. Lee observed the interplayed with interest.
After the recording finished, Evie left to make her rounds delivering the copies of the video.
"I want to apologize to everyone, especially to you, Lexi, for what happened," Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles said. "To be honest, we never thought we'd have an issue with someone from the staff. We thought we'd prepared all the teachers and staff, but obviously Mr. Kuelus didn't understand." Then he looked at Al Fresco. "I have suspended Mr. Kuelus with intent to discharge. In the unlikely event we fail to discharge him, I can tell you now he'll only be back in this building one time, and that will be after school hours, escorted, to pick up his personal effects. Mr Kuelus has been arrested and is being processed prior to his arraignment. Of course the school district will fully cooperate with any investigations."
"Thank you, Dr. Pickles," Lyle Bull said. "I'm sure we'll have no issues in regards to your cooperation. Mr. Fresco, what can we expect from the teacher's union?"
"The evidence speaks for itself," Al Fresco sighed. "My personal opinion is that in order to preserve our integrity, we have yield to the termination. Still, it's the union’s responsibility to see we do what we can for our members. I hope that if I can convince Mr. Kuelus to promptly resign and apply for early retirement, the district will not interfere with his application if we allow the charges to stay on his record."
"If the Kahns have no objections, I think our solicitor will okay such a deal," Dr. Dil Pickles said.
Lyle looked to the Kahns for approval to reply. After getting curt nods he did so. "Based on our precautionary discussions, there is no desire for punitive damages. The only thing we'd ask as far as any settlement between the school and union is that Mr. Kuelus turn in his teacher's license. We do intend to sue him for sexual harassment and abuse to the extent of a formal public admission of guilt and apology, with the only monetary request being the costs incurred in prosecution. If he agrees to plead guilty and accepts our demands, I see no reason to go to trial. Our main goal is to let people know intolerance will not be allowed."
"I'd like a copy of the recording," Al Fresco said. "I'll get the Union's lawyer to review it before we sit down with Mr. Kuelus. If the attorney agrees, I'd like to have him call you for details of what you want out of the civil suit. If Mr. Kuelus agrees, we may be able to settle this without need for filing a suit."
"We'll agree to no trial as long as Mr. Kuelus signs documents admitting his guilt to be filed with the county," Lyle agreed as he gave his business card to Al Fresco. "Who is the Union Solicitor?"
"Lee Galade," replied Al Fresco.
"We've worked together," Lyle Bull said with a smile. "He's a good lawyer and knows I don't pull any punches. I look forward to hearing from him."
Everyone nodded hoping for a easy resolution to the problem.
Eddie looked at the adults and took a deep breath. "May I say something?"
When he saw no one object he began. "Principal Enright, I think you need to make an announcement to let everyone know what's going on. A lot of teachers saw Mr. Kuelus yelling at us and a lot more students heard him. I'm sure the kids from the class have been talking and other kids probably saw Mr. Kuelus being taken away by Sargent Law. Otherwise the rumors will go wild. I also suggest we bring Def here before the announcement. He's probably boiling already from the rumors he's heard."
"You're right, Eddie, thank you," Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles said. "I want to compliment you on maintaining your cool during this unpleasant episode. The recording leaves no doubt what happened."
While he spoke Reid Enright wrote a note. "Eddie, I think you'll be the best person to get Def. You can assure him Lexi is safe while you return here. I'll have something prepared to announce by the time you return. Do you know where he is this period?"
Eddie nodded and took the note. Before he left he kissed Lexi on top of her head which lit up her face.
"I'd like to spend a few moments alone with Lexi," Dr. Norma Lee announced as she smiled at Lexi.
"Of course," Ima Meddlar replied. "I'll show you to my office."
Dr. Lee took Lexi's hand and together they followed Ima Meddlar to her office. Ima returned a few moments later.
Eddie peeked through the window before knocking on the door of Def's class. Def was easy to spot as he appeared visibly upset.
As soon as Def heard the knock he looked at the door. When the teacher opened the door and Def saw Eddie, he sprang from his seat. "Is Lexi all right?"
Eddie promptly handed the unfolded note to the teacher before he replied. "Yeah, she's in the office with your parents. Get your things, I'm supposed to calm you down before we get there."
The teacher relaxed. She'd heard something had happened involving Lexi and wasn't sure how long she could restrain Def as he became increasingly restless as time passed. "Def, gather your things, then you may go."
Def wasted no time in grabbing his books and bounding for the door.
"Walk, Def, walk," the teacher admonished. "He said Lexi is all right."
Def took a deep breath and nodded, then pushed Eddie through the door. As they walked to the office Eddie gave a brief rundown of the events. Def was clearly ready to strangle Cal Kuelus. When they reached the conference room he frantically looked for Lexi.
"Lexi is okay," Bea told her agitated son. "She's in another office talking with Dr. Lee."
"Everything is under control," Ike added. "Mr. Kuelus has been arrested and taken away."
Def clearly deflated and sagged into a seat. "Can I see the recording?"
"Only if you promise to settle down," Bea answered.
Def nodded, then they replayed the recording. Def grew furious as he watched, but by the end had regained control. "Thank you, Eddie," Def said as he looked at his friend. "I don't think I'd have been able to do what you did. I'd have jumped that creep."
"Don't feel bad," Eddie smiled then grew serious. "If I hadn't had the camera, I don't think I'd have been able to do it either. I knew I had to keep my cool to get the evidence. But if that creep had physically assaulted Lexi, he'd probably be dead by now."
None of the adults doubted Eddie's words. They knew Def would have done the same.
"Ms Meddlar, can you please let Dr. Lee know I'm about to make the announcement," Reid Enright said. "I don't want to upset Lexi."
A few moments later, principal Enright fired up the PA system. "May I have your attention please," he began. "I reminded everyone in this morning's announcements that we have a zero tolerance level for harassment and abuse. I also explained why Lexi Kahn is now attending Hickstown Junior High. I'm sorry to say we had a severe incident in one of our classes. No one was physically injured but hateful words were repeatedly used by a teacher. I must compliment the entire class on their behavior in the incident and their willingness to support Lexi by going against the teacher's authority. I never imagined circumstances would arise where I could praise a class for openly rebelling against a teacher. But sadly, that did occur today. Please do not take this as approval for similar acts because the school will not tolerate such actions. It is only the special circumstances that occurred today that allow me to overlook what the class did."
"The final consequences of today's incident have yet to be decided," Reid Enright continued. "The teacher at fault, Mr. Kuelus, has been escorted from the school by the police and is being processed for arraignment on criminal charges. Lexi and her family are in the office with their lawyer as they're discussing the incident with myself and other district officials. As far as the staff and students of this school are concerned, the incident is being handled according to School District Policies, the Contract stipulations with the Teacher's Union, the police, and the District Attorney's office. I hope this settles any rumors that have been spreading. Thank you for your attention. Good day."
Of course the rumors didn't stop but they did gain a semblance of the truth. Everyone knew it would be fruitless to attempt to accomplish anything during the remainder of the day.
After the last class change, Bea took Lexi, Def, and Eddie home while Ike followed. Dr. Lee was satisfied that Lexi would recover and headed back to her office with the assurance that if Lexi had any issues, she'd be promptly called. Lyle headed back to his office to begin the paperwork.
Because of the turmoil, none of the Scoobies made it to their dance/martial arts lessons that day.
Attorney Lee Galade was left speechless by the recording after he watched it with Al Fresco. "If the district will let him resign and apply for retirement, he'd better go for it. The same goes for the offer from the girls' parents. Lyle Bull is an honest lawyer, but I can tell you with this evidence, he would have no problem getting every thing Mr. Kuelus has.
After Assistant DA Laura Norder saw the recording she called Judge Hardaz. Judge Hardaz had just viewed the recording and was quite amendable to having Sargent Marshal Law bring Me. Kuelus into the court house for arraignment before her.
Laura Norder called Sargent Marshal Law, then called Lyle Bull. Lyle in turn called Lee Galade, Ike Kahn and Reid Enright. Lee Galade called Al Fresco and Reid Enright called Dr. Dil Pickles. Dr. Dil Pickles contacted the district solicitor, Grant Juree who made it to the hearing. Judge Hardaz pulled some strings to get the courthouse to stay open past the normal closing time. It was 7pm until they all gathered in the courtroom.
By this time Cal Kuelus began to realize that although he felt fully justified in his actions, maybe he had crossed the line. Like many self-righteous religious people, he couldn't quite comprehend what he'd done wrong. The last to arrive, Sargent Marshal Law led him into the courtroom. When he saw Dr. Dil Pickles, Grant Juree and Lee Galade there, he knew he was in deep doo-doo.
"If it please the court, we'd like to ask the court for a bit of informality in the initial proceedings," Laura Norder began. "If Mr Kuelus is amendable, we may be able to settle this horrendous issue tonight."
Cal Kuelus began to shake. He knew full well initial arraignments never took place before a judge.
"The sooner this is settled, the better," Judge Hardaz replied as she set her steely gaze upon the errant teacher.
"We thought there might be issues with Lexi returning to school," Lyle began. "So I made arrangements for my son to carry a hidden video recorder to tape anything that might happen. Naturally, we never expected to have problems with a teacher. Since Mr. Kuelus has not seen the recording, I think we all need to watch the video."
A bailiff pushed in a cart with large screen TV. Everyone took a seat where they could clearly see the screen.
Cal Kuelus was clearly stunned by what he saw. The longer the video ran the more he sank into his chair as tears of humiliation slipped from his eyes. As soon as the screening ended he stood and spoke in a shaky voice. "I don't know what to say. Apologizing is not nearly enough but it’s all I can do right now. I’m truly sorry.”
“Mr. Kuelus,” Laura Norder spoke. “I’ll admit your apology seems sincere, but you are correct, it’s not nearly enough. I feel you understand you lost control and acted out of character. Unfortunately, I also believe you feel greatly offended that you had to face a transgendered student. We need to know how you feel about the issue of transgenderism.”
“My religion teaches me such a thing is blasphemous,” Cal Kuelus contritely admitted. “I’m too old to instantly change my moral outrage. With time I may be able to tolerate it, but not now, and not soon. I’m man enough to admit that is how I feel. Still, it does not excuse my actions. What I did was absolutely inappropriate. At the very least I should have excused myself from that class. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and will not fight my suspension or termination. Nor will I contest any legal charges or lawsuits.”
“Mr. Kuelas, as legal counsel for your Union I must ask you to reconsider what you’ve just said,” Lee Galade said.
“I appreciate your counsel, Mr Galade, but just as my morality forced me to do what I did in that class, it also forces me to take responsibility for my actions,” Cal Kuelus declared. “I have no choice but to plead guilty.”
“Mr Kuelus,” Judge Hardaz began. “I must ask if you understand the consequences of what you’ve said?”
“Yes, your honor, I do,” Cal Kuelus replied. “I only hope my unblemished past will be taken into account in applying punishment.”
Ike leaned over to whisper to Lyle. Then Lyle stood. “If the court pleases. Ike Kahn and I both had Mr. Kuelus as a teacher. We liked and respected him then and were totally shocked by what occurred today. While we strongly disagree with his religious feelings about transgenderism, we will not ask him to violate his beliefs. In lieu of filing a civil suit, we ask that Mr. Kuelus publicly apologize for his actions against Lexi and Eddie.”
Judge Hardaz nodded. “Mr. Kuelus?”
“I appreciate your offer and would like to accept,” Cal Kuelus answered with humility. “Even though I am in no position to add conditions, I feel I must. I can and will publicly apologize for my inappropriate actions but I can not apologize for my beliefs. However I can and will keep those beliefs private. I also ask that I be allowed to apologize without the children being present as I fear my self control might once again fail and I may do or say something that will aggravate this mess I caused. I will write a personal note of apology to Lexi and Eddie.”
Ike and Lyle exchanged glances then nodded agreement. “We can accept that,” Lyle declared.
Dr. Dil Pickles stood. “If I may address the issue?”
After Judge Hardaz nodded Dr. Dil Pickles turned to Cal Kuelus. “The district has suspended you pending discharge. As long as you honor your agreement to publicly apologize, we’ll allow you to promptly formally resign and turn in your teacher’s license. The charges will remain on your permanent record, but we will pursue it no further which will allow you to apply for the state teacher’s retirement program. We do this because of your past record and your open acceptance of responsibility for what you did today.”
“Thank you,” Cal Kuelus said. “I’ll draft my resignation tomorrow.”
Laura Norder stood. “Mr Kuelus, I’ll request two years of imprisonment on charges of child abuse. However, I’ll also recommend leniency, asking for ten years of probation with the understanding that if you come before the court again, the sentence will be carried out.”
“Thank you, I accept,” Cal Kuelus gratefully responded.
“You’re a very lucky man, Mr. Kuelus,” Judge Hardaz said. “I’ll accept your guilty plea on those charges and sentence you to the two years in prison commuted to ten years of probation. Further, I’ll schedule a press conference for Thursday at noon on the court house steps where you can make your public apology and publicly hand in your resignation and teacher’s license. You will refrain from making any comments or any correspondence that in any manner reflects negatively on this court, the school, or any students, including Lexi Kahn and Eddie Bull. You will also refrain from any negative comments or communications regarding transgender issues.”
"Thank you, your honor,” Cal Kuelus said. “I want to thank everyone for your leniency and will abide by all agreements I’ve accepted. Mr Kahn, Mr. Bull, I feel it would be unfair to have the children wait until Thursday. Please let your children know that my religious beliefs are unchanged, but that I acknowledge my actions were inexcusable, and for that I sincerely apologize.”
With that everyone headed home. Sargent Marshal Law drove Cal Kuelus back to the school where he picked up his own vehicle.
The eventful day was not quite over. Cindy Caishun had planned to begin her documentary piece on the Scoobies the next day. Evie Dense had notified Cindy that a serious harassment incident had occurred at Hickstown Junior High. Gathering her team, Cindy Caishun rushed out to the school in time to film Sargent Marshal Law escort Cal Kuelus to the police cruiser. Unfortunately, she was unable to even try to speak to them and she was denied entrance to the school. Still, she set up outside the school and waited. Her interviews with the departing students made interesting news. The school provided a simple statement closely mirroring the announcement Reid Enright had made to the school. She made the end of the Six O'clock News.
Cindy Caishun was outside the courthouse as everyone left after the proceedings. The only caveat she received was to be told by Judge Hardaz a press conference would be held Thursday at noon. Deciding to postpone her planned piece on the Scoobies until after the press conference, Cindy Caishun spoke to Lyle Bull as he left and asked him to let the Scoobies know of the delay. When she contacted Evie Dense, she was told that the nature of the case and her involvement would not allow her to provide further information.
Faye Bull and Gabi Bull were shocked when Eddie told them what happened and showed them a copy of the video. Gabi was particularly upset because she understood she could face the same bigotry. When Lyle arrived home he gave a brief summary of what happened in the courtroom. Gabi went to bed deep in thought about what the future would hold. She felt compelled to come up with something to help people understand that being transgendered was not a choice.
The older Scoobies returned to school on Wednesday as a group. Lexi was quite apprehensive but felt safe with Eddie and Def by her side. Along with Izzy and Tad, the entire front line of the Junior High Football Squad with them was more than imposing.
As they made their way through the halls, the other students looked at Lexi and her entourage. Someone started to clap. Quickly others joined in until the halls echoed with applause as the student body welcomed Lexi. Lexi smiled and meekly nodded and waved. The day proceeded smoothly. Better than 95 percent of the students openly greeted Lexi. A few students still wanted nothing to do with Lexi, but they didn't do anything other than ignore her. Eddie was acknowledged as a hero, but he modestly demurred all praise. The best thing was that there was no flak about Eddie and Lexi as boyfriend and girlfriend.
In homeroom, Jack Goff stood before the class and apologized for what he’d said. “What I did yesterday was wrong. I apologize to Lexi and everyone else for my ignorance. I’ve seen the error of my ways and ask for forgiveness.”
No one doubted the sincerity of his apology even though it was quite out of character for the bully. Many wondered what Eddie and Tad had done to him after they left the room to make such a drastic change in Jack’s outlook.
The courthouse steps were crowded with news media. At Judge Hardaz' request, in order to avoid a circus atmosphere, Cindy Caishun had been designated as media inquisitor. All questions had to be funneled through her.
Judge Hardaz took the podium promptly at noon. "As you know there was an incident at Hickstown Junior/Senior High School on Tuesday. The School District Administration had done all it reasonably could to preempt any potential trouble and took prompt and decisive action when the incident occurred. I feel the Hickstown School District has made significant and successful strides in addressing the issues it faced in November and all parties involved in this incident are more than satisfied with the actions taken."
"That being said," Judge Hardaz continued. "This incident centered on the same student as the November incident. Since the name of the student is known by everyone at the school, the family has given permission to reveal the student's name, hoping by putting a face on this incident will help prevent others from suffering. To keep the child free from media harassment, the family has asked for and I have granted a protection from abuse order forbidding the media from approaching the student closer than 500 feet. Any violators of this order will be brought before me and I can promise you, you will not like what I do. This does not mean there is a media shut out. The family had previously agreed to a series of interviews with Cindy Caishun to follow up on the November incident. Those interviews were to have started yesterday, but in light of what happened have been postponed until a later date when things have settled down."
"The student involved is Miss Lexi Kahn," Judge Hardaz explained. "As you recall, the November incident involved a boy. That boy was Alex Kahn. As you know it was the attempted suicide of Alex that led to the child abuse charges against the school and gym teacher. Subsequent psychological sessions revealed that Alex is transgendered, and his internal conflict was aggravated by the verbal abuse at school. The combination is what led Alex to the attempt to take his own life."
Judge Hardaz paused to let that bit of information be taken in before going on. "With the cooperation, support, and love of his family and friends, Alex was able to face and overcome his internal conflicts. With the full support of the courts and physicians, the school was notified that upon returning from the Holiday break, Lexi would be beginning her RLT, real life test. Legally, Lexi Kahn is recognized as a girl."
"Attorney Lyle Bull," Judge Hardaz had him stand to be recognized. "Has been representing the aggrieved student since the November incident and made precautionary arrangements to have a hidden camera carried by his son, who is a classmate, to record any incidents that might occur. Right now the children are in school but their parents are here. With the permission of the school, the victims, and the perpetrator, we will show you the clandestine video that was made. Copies will be made available."
All eyes turned to the projection screen. The video kept everyone transfixed.
"As you saw, the video clearly reveals what happened," Judge Hardaz stated. "I believe Mr. Kuelus is genuinely remorseful for his actions and has accepted full responsibility for his misdeeds. At the hearing we held Tuesday night, he refused legal counsel even though there was an available lawyer present. Today he will formally tender his written resignation as a teacher and will turn in his teacher's license. He has pleaded guilty to all legal charges, and in lieu of a civil lawsuit, has accepted the demands of the aggrieved. I hope everyone will allow Mr. Kuelus to speak."
Cal Kuelus slowly stood and made his way to the podium. He looked weary and worn but stood erect and looked directly at the crowd.. "Thank you Judge Hardaz. I am absolutely ashamed of my inexcusable actions. Never in my life have I done anything so disgusting. As I explained in court, my religious beliefs are fervently opposed to homosexuality and transgenderism. They deeply offend me. Those beliefs are so ingrained in my psyche I have so far been unable to overcome them. However, my beliefs in no way, shape or form excuses what I did. My actions are unforgivable and have destroyed my career and life. As Judge Hardaz said, I accept full responsibility for my misdeeds. I am here to humble myself, and to make an open public apology to... to..."
Cal Kuelus was sweating profusely and had turned white as he clearly struggled to speak. "I'm sorry, this is difficult for me. What I did made me face my faults. My religious beliefs allowed me to become an arrogant, judgmental person. I’m not condemning my beliefs, I’m condemning myself for failing to live my core beliefs. Now I must do what I've promised to do. I apologize without reservation for my inappropriate actions." Taking a deep breath he steeled himself. "I want to make an open public apology to Lexi Kahn and her friend Eddie Bull." Tears trickled down his cheeks. "Saying that was the hardest thing I've ever done." Cal Kuelus hung his head for a few moments before looking back up. "I apologize to the Kahn and Bull families. I also need to apologize to the students, staff, and administrators of the Hickstown School District. I betrayed their trust and my duty, and am deeply sorry. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to confess my transgressions and apologize."
Cal Kuelus turned away and resumed his seat, clearly a beaten and shaken man.
Judge Hardaz approached the podium. "As you can see, Mr. Kuelus is sincere in his apologies. Now that he has completed his public admission of guilt and apology, I'll pronounce his sentence. Mr. Kuelus, please rise. Sir, you have admitted your guilt to all charges. I hereby sentence you to two years in prison and fine you $100,000.00. That sentence is commuted to ten years of probation with the following stipulations. 1. You are not to speak out against or otherwise communicate your religious objections to homosexuality and transgenderism. 2. You are not to in any way sanction or cooperate with any individual, group, or organization that seeks to use you to denounce or protest homosexuality or transgenderism. 3. You will not recant in any manner your admission of guilt. Violation of any of these stipulations will automatically revoke your probation, requiring you to serve the two years in prison and pay the fine. Do you understand and accept this punishment?"
Cal Kuelus stood tall and answered in a clear voice. "Yes your honor. I understand and accept the punishment. I want to thank you and everyone involved for the leniency I've been shown and will do everything in my power to lead an exemplar life."
"Now I turn to the news media," Judge Hardaz spoke. "You have heard that one of the stipulations on Mr. Kuelus' probation is that he does not speak out against homosexuality or transgenderism. To this end he has asked me to tell you he will grant no interviews nor answer any questions on this matter as he might accidentally say something that could cause the revocation of his probation."
At that point Judge Hardaz and all on the podium except Cal Kuelus took questions from Cindy Caishun.
After school left out, in an attempt to restore some normality to their lives, the Scoobies all went to the Metamorphosis School of the Arts. Vance Barr and Wally Wacker welcomed the visitors. By the end of the lessons, they were all enrolled.
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L:augh or cry ??
I loved the story and your "names" are fabulous.I laughed
and cried the whole way and enjoyed every every line.
Thank you and God bless.
The names, the names!..
Principal Reid Enright - Read and Write
Guidance counselor Ima Meddlar - I'm a meddler
Social studies teacher Lorin Mythe - Lore in Myths
Algebra teacher Cal Cuelas - Calculus
Principal's secretary Sue Flay - this one is sneaky. Is it Souffle or Shuffle?
General office secretary Eva Lution - Evolution
Superintendent Dr. Dil Pickles - huh???
Sargent Marshal Law - Martial Law
Union Solicitor Lee Galade - Legal Aide
Union Representative Al Fresco - another huh???
Judge Hardaz - Hardass.
Why must you punnish us so?! ^_^
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Gastronomic names
I think Jennifer was thinking of food when she came up with this trio of names:
Sue Flay = Soufflé
Dil Pickles = Dill Pickles
Al Fresco = Al Fresco
But onto the storyline, that incident was very well handled by everyone involved, despite Calculus flying off the rails in class. No doubt one of the first questions on Syndication's lips once she starts her project is for the Scoobies' reaction to recent events...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Minority Report?
"I believe Mr. Kuelus is genuinely remorseful for his actions and has accepted full responsibility for his misdeeds. At the hearing we held Tuesday night, he refused legal counsel even though there was an available lawyer present. Today he will formally tender his written resignation as a teacher and will turn in his teacher's license. He has pleaded guilty to all legal charges, and in lieu of a civil lawsuit, has accepted the demands of the aggrieved."
And for that he has his choice of surrendering his right to free speech for ten years or a six-figure fine and two-year prison sentence? Hardly seems just to me, if everyone involved really thinks he's learned his lesson.
(In fact, he makes a better martyr for an anti-gay/TS campaign by being kept silent. Just have some religious demagogue stand a poster-sized photo of him up on stage with a lock on his mouth and a "Political Correctness Victim" sign around his chest and there'll be no shortage of villagers with torches and pitchforks headed the school board's way.)
Through his bullying and bigotry, Kuelus has apparently demonstrated his lack of fitness to teach public school children, and has duly been fired and had his teaching credential revoked -- punishment more than sufficient for a first offense. (This isn't the coach, who'd been terrorizing students for years, nor the old principal.)
(Since we're told Kuelis is competent in other ways, one suspects he'd be able to find work elsewhere at a parochial school where the administration agrees with his views on homosexuality.)
But criminal sexual harassment? We're not talking assault here, nor unwanted sexual advances. Severe discomfort in the workplace, sure; he's been fired for it. Two years' incarceration and a six-figure fine? Way too big a stick, IMO, and dangerous in the political scheme of things.
(And I continue to think -- sorry! -- that the wordplay on character names distracts readers from the plot.)
Considering that he's been ...
... a good teacher for decades, with not a single bad mark on his record, the punishment seems a bit harsh. One morning's bit of madness in a long career of dedicated and committed teaching, and that's all she wrote?
But then again, I've always been willing to give someone another chance. After all, if he's truly sorry, and he certainly seems to be (since Jennifer Sue let us into his head so we could SEE his remorse was genuine) -- why spank him so hard and send him to bed without a livelihood?
Was it just to send a message to others? If that was the case, it seems like the message might wind up, "everyone else who disagrees with this policy, keep your mouth shut and your head down, and work behind the scenes to undermine whatever successes this town might have in fostering diversity."
It just feels like the school, the town, and even the Scoobies wound up handling the teacher's outburst badly -- I think Eddie actually handled Jack's comment at the assembly and his subsequent redemption with more tact and understanding. *grin*
Not to mention....
...but that the judge just threw the First Amendment out the window and his ruling could be overturned on appeal. Not to mention that in addition to assessing an exorbitant fine, he's removed the teachers ability to pay by removing his livelihood as well. Perhaps the best way to determine his remorse would be to allow him to continue to teach; what better test than the laboratory of human experience. It would seem that the judge is imposing upon the teacher, not merely remorse for his behavior, but remorse for his beliefs.
Censorship, however well meant, swings both ways, and when I gain the power to tell someone what they must think and say, I give up my own right to think and say what I might as well.
I still adore the Scoobies, but in this case, in this matter alone, I beg to differ. Thanks
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Another great chapter. I
Another great chapter.
I happen to like the names in this story, but once started the story would loose something if it stopped.
This teacher's actions, and words, Did constitute an assualt on two students. (Not to mention scarying the heck out the rest of the class.)
The teacher INTENTIONALY started the confrontation.
Did the school go too far? Did the Judge over step her bounds? Could the teacher chalenge the sentence?
How would you feel if it were your child?
The teacher has accepted the sentence (for now) as better then he deserved.
I perfectly understand why you'd ask the question...
...and I'd feel terrible if this had actually been inflicted on my own child. My point,however, is that irrespective of how we feel, the judge cannot by statute prevent someone from expressing their opinion, however odious that opinion might be. Regardless of how a judge feels about a case, he is still bound by law in arbitrating the same; he can't just make up the law as he goes along. Otherwise, what's to prevent a judge with similar views as the teacher from imposing the same sentence upon someone like you or me?
Once someone gains control over what can be said, it becomes problematic, since there are no guarantees that the court will always hold with what you or I may believe. The same amendment that protects the teacher's right to say what he will is the same one that protects your and my right to protest his opinion. Take that away and you've given someone else permission, not only to prevent the teacher's ideas from being broadcast, but yours and mine as well. Thanks.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Of course you're right. I got so wrapped up in the story I forgot the bigger issue and in real life would never support suppression of freedom of speech.
However, my birthday (April 1) encourages me to be a fool and if I'm not careful I occassionally live up to itas I did with this gaff.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Cal Kuelus
My reasoning (if that's possible for a person born on April 1st) for the severity of the sentencing was two fold. Ist, the school had been nailed for the abuse by Coach Strapp. Part of the realignment was that all the staff had been sternly warned not to harrass any students on any matter as part of the the district settlement. Secondly, The entire staff had been forewarned that Lexi would be coming to school and had been warned not to harrass her. As Cal Kuelas had issues, he should have recused himself from teaching her. He went into the situation knowing he'd face her with his beliefs intact.
As for his acceptance, he was 64 and ready to retire. Plus, as a pius man proud of his record, he was so overwhelmed by his lapse after all those years he felt he deserved what he got. In fact, his humiliation and self flagelation was why he leapt at the order of silence so he ouldn't make a bad matter worse and in that way attain some bit of redemtion.
Convoulted, huh?
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
... if you had made it clear he was close to retirement, and that all those other qualifications you just invented were clearly expressed in the story I might accept that but once again we see an overreaction from a community scared beyond reason of messing with two kids - now I am certainly morally and ethically opposed to any and all forms of intolerance and bullying but let us consider this - the community as a whole are being intolerant of the intolerant - the actions and behaviour are extreme and as has been mentioned earlier break several basic civil rights.
I'm sick of Saint Lexi and her Holy Jihad of PC Nazis - get back to the cute tale of a young TS who has a charming obsession with a Goth Scientist and her adorable band of well meaning friends and steer clear of the increasingly tedious and overwrought Lexi Kahn and her ludicrous and tiresome misadventure, I've said it before and will keep on saying it until you pay attention - More Gabi, Less Lexi - this is The Scoobies Do, Not The adventures of Lexi Kahn - if you want to write that story then create a new story and tell that - AFTER you are done telling Gabi's tale.
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
disagree with you and some others here who seem to forget this is fiction. Also, many people are now (in 2023), using the concept of free speech to get away with hate speech, which I classify the same as yelling "fire" or "bomb",especially in crowded areas.
Just to disagree a little,
Cuz it's fun 8)
IM(crazed)O Cal Kuelus had a psychotic break, a melt down, a dissociative event. (after all, it takes one to know one) ie. He lost touch with reality. He lost understanding of who he was, what his job was, where he was and who he was talking to. If he were acting rationally, he would have excused himself from that particular class, as was said. Perhaps he blocked the knowledge that he would have to face Lexi from his conscious mind. Maybe his age and the mismatch between his beliefs and, basically, the modern world caused him more stress than he could bear. What could he have thought when he heard the school had a transgendered student?
After that, I guess, the question is: is he a danger to himself or others? When he's rational, he seems to have good self-control. When he has a psychotic break he is someone else; Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I think he should be committed until it has been determined why he had this psychotic break, if there have been others and if they can be controlled. The fact that he was acting so out-of-character, makes me think he is mentally ill and might be dangerous. There are many so called preachers and televangelists who preach extremely homophobic hate speech, but can talk politely with gay spokes-people or liberal gay rights supporters. It's not Kuelus' religious beliefs, it's his gross inability to control his behavior. I love him, I pity him, I want him to find the way,..? No. I mean, I want him to be cured or kindly taken care of.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Usually in a civil action rather than
a criminal action, informal hearings are not unheard of. But in a criminal action, the defendant is brought before the judge for an initial appearance to make a plea and have bail set. This initial appearance is called the arraignment. I don't know of any district that has an arraignment outside the presence of a judge.
But this boisterous, homophobic, bigoted creep of a teacher did not get enough punishment. He even admitted that he will stand strong for his beliefs. Fiction or not, there are many like Cal Kuelus in this world. I am watching to see if Mr. Kuelus will start any trouble against Lexi and Eddie because they got him fired. Revenge is a terrible thing. One other thing. A person may be prosecuted for child abuse and arrested under the "fighting words doctrine" if the words spoken are to incite harm against another, and Cal Kuelus words can be construed to be "fighting words", said to create an atmosphere of intolerance at what Lexi is doing, and others harming her. Even tho the "fighting words doctrine" is hardly used any more, it is still a doctrine of law that can be used for incidents like what happened in the classroom.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
This give and take is the
This give and take is the strong point of BC.
The author tells HER story, and the reader make intelligent comments (for the most part) about points of order, and of the actions of the people in the story.
This helps both the author and reader learn that there are different opions about actions and reactions that help us grow.
We can kick around points that disturb us, or don't seem right, or well thought out.
We can say "Gee, I wish I thought of that!" or "Gee, I wish you hadden't thought of that!".
Most importantly, all of us understand, (well, most of us), that it is the AUTHORS story, to be told HER way.
Slanderously Libel
Ain't no such critter. Slander is an oral communication, libel is a written communication. Both concern the communication of knowing false information to damage a person in some way or fashion. Based on what has been presented here the teacher has commited slander, not libel.
In law, simple or common assault can be entirely verbal in nature, if it places the victim in fear for their immediate safety. "The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required."
To get an idea of what a statute on assault looks like, take a look at this excerpt from Mississippi Code (Section 97-3-7), which defines the crime of simple assault. As you'll see, simple assault in Mississippi encompasses both acts that cause actual bodily injury and acts that cause fear of imminent serious bodily harm.
(To learn more about assault and battery, and for information about the law your state, see our Assault and Battery section.)
(1) A person is guilty of simple assault if he (i) attempts to cause or purposely, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; or (ii) negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon or other means likely to produce death or serious bodily harm; or (iii) attempts by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious bodily harm; and, upon conviction, he shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six (6) months, or both.
Based on this, the teacher committed simple assault against the victim, as she feared the teacher's statement would trigger more attacks on her.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb