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Student Holiday

Student Holiday

by Lauran

Copyright © 2009 by Lauran


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This story is 7 words long.

why write

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I have been thinking about why I write and wished to respond to some of the comments made about what I have written, so here goes.

I have written stories because I imagine characters, sometimes myself in situations that I enjoy taking them to and seeing how the character develops, and where the story goes. There is rarely a planned end when the story starts which I know is reflected in how the stories often peater out or get rushed as I loose interest in the ideas.

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Kira - Chapter 5 - A New Day Dawns


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Chapter V - A New Day Dawns

by Barbara Lynn Terry

Copyright © 2009 Barbara Lynn Terry

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This story is 16 words long.

Student Holiday - Part 3: How it Ended

Student Holiday
Part 3

by Lauran

Copyright © 2009 by Lauran

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This story is 8 words long.

I've done something horrible.

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A few days ago I posted a blog entry that, after an hour or so, I realized i should have never have posted. I deleted it, but I had received a couple of responses,one of which I didn't acknowledge, and one I responded to in a totally wrong manner, hurting someone a great deal.

I have no excuse, and I wont even try to attempt one. I hurt a friend who has been nothing but supportive and understanding since we first met, and I feel terrible about it. Since then, she has removed me from her friends list, and ignored me, here. I don't blame her. I blame myself.

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A Christmas Surprise


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Thomas gets a little more or is it a little less than he wanted for Christmas.

A Christmas Surprise

by Paula Dillon

Copyright © 2009 Paula Dillon

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This story is 25 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 848.


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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 848
by Angharad

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This story is 7 words long.

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

Or the Jenny and April Brown story

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2003, 2009 Maddy Bell

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This story is 16 words long.

Gaby Book 6 Chapter *23* Schwesternschaft

Gaby Book 6 - Girls, Girls, Girl?
Chapter *23* Schwesternschaft
by Maddy Bell

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This story is 11 words long.

Alone for the holidays

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This year for Christmas, my kids are going with the ex to her parents' place in Vail. They left this morning. My parents and my sister can't afford to fly here this year, and I can't afford to even take the time off, let alone travel. I don't have any close relatives within a thousand miles. I don't even have any pets at the moment, a highly unusual circumstance for me. So, for the first time in my entire life, I will be spending Christmas completely alone, at least in the sense of not having any family around.

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The Bittersweet Christmas

The Bittersweet Christmas

one-gift-wrapped-dark-black-260nw-1494658364 (1)_0.jpg

Carmine climbed out of his 4Runner and exhaled slowly. Another Christmas Eve without Tony and Margo. He looked around at the garage. Camping equipment had been shoved rudely into a cubby underneath the steps leading to the kitchen, gathering dust. He remembered that last trip to the lake before Margo got sick...

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This story is 55 words long.

Once the Hero Continued!

Hey Everyone! Just a quick note to let everyone know that Part 2 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. Like I said last week, the newest stuff will hit StarDust first and then a week later make its way to BCTS. To reassure everyone, the whole thing is finished so this will not be another incomplete work. As long as it is I would've had to split it up in parts anyways. This way gives me the added advantage of being able to take advantage of you sharp eyed readers out there spotting errors and letting me do some bandaging and damage control.

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Once the Hero


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Thirty-four years ago Alan Glenn was the teenage superhero known as Vroom and a member of the government sponsored team, The Rocketeers. A tragic experiment gone wrong left him as the only survivor as well as without his once formidable powers. Now the government wants him to train another group of children to go into harm's way. Made an offer he couldn't refuse, perhaps they should have remembered he'd been once a hero!

Once the Hero

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This story is 78 words long.


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I'm not sure, but I'm thinking of writing a dark story. I don't mean a story where 'evil reins supreme'. That's just the opposite side of the mirror as I see it, and not satisfactory to me. Its all to easy to ignore your characters dignity and abuse them, they can't protest can they?

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I'll Be Home For Christmas


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I’ll Be Home For Christmas

by Arecee

Copyright © 2009 Arecee

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This story is 10 words long.


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Okay.. I think there might have been some confusion for a few people on A Splintered Life.

I finished this story in 2003-4 as a potential thesis for my Masters. I was kind of blown off. At the time I finished the story it was done and good and I was proud of it. The ideas of the story were fun and I thought it was a creative way to tell the story. Part of the artistic conceit of the story is that time is splintered around Deirdre and as the story continues things settle down time wise so the order of the chapters is linear.

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Andy Warhol

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I was digging around in the archives this afternoon and stumbled upon a discussion of Andy Warhol by SLM. That caused me to think about another artist I have been searching for. I don't know if anyone will admit to it but I was reading "Playboy" in the late 60's and early 70's and distinctly remember an artist from that publication that I really loved, so much so that I think that the character represented there most closely reveals my own personality, or what I would like to present to the public. I know, fantasy, fantasy.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 847.


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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 847
by Angharad

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This story is 7 words long.

The World’s Shortest TG Story

The World’s Shortest TG Story

by Melanie Brown

Copyright © 2005 Melanie Brown

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This story is 12 words long.

A Merry Christmas wish to all.

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I want to send to each and everyone of our fabulous authors and to all the readers, such as I, a wish for everyone to have a marvelous and very Merry Christmas, followed by a Happy New Year. For all of those who may not celebrate Christmas, but do have their own holiday(s) to celebrate during this time of the year, May YOU also realize your dreams in soon to be New Year.
A very big Hug to each and everyone of you. Janice Lynn Miller

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Skin Horse

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Google Chrome Beta has a bug in it, apparently, that considers the javascript that syndicates the Skin Horse comic from WebComicsNation to be malware. This produces a warning when you visit the blogs here.

Unfortunately, the warning also goes out to Google's automated reporting system which has put WebComicsNation on several blacklists. Depending on how you have your settings set in other browsersi, you may not be seeing Skin Horse when you visit the blogs here.

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Character Age: 


So what can I say? My muse is a b*. She doesn’t even let me finish before she serves me another. Curve balls most of them, and then she runs away to hide, laughing snidely as she leaves me stranded in the deep blue.

Peekaboo, is it?
‘Well young lady, let me tell you. . Ouch. .’

Yep, she fights dirty.

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This story is 60 words long.

Glad tidings to all and to ALL a very Merry Christmas

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Well a first time for everything, right? Not a lot to get off my bra-covered boobies. A quick note, I enjoy this site. With that short sentence, I will also wish ye all a Merry Christmas.
Grace unto ye all.

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A gem of a story.

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This a story running to two book equivalents posted in 2003/4 on Crystal's storysite, which is one I feel deserves more attention and because Sarah Bayen doesn't post any more - she seems to have left the scene altogether - you might not come across it unless you know it's there. It could do with a proper edit but it's still a very readable tale of adolescence and self discovery. I attach a link.

Part 1 The Contest Beginings

Part 2 Contest and Consequence.

Sarah Bayen at Crystal's.

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Little Pink Pills, Part 26


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Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Six, by Michelle Wilder

Look around / leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.

Hang on to your hopes / my friend
That's an easy thing to say

but if your hopes should pass away
Simply pretend that you can build them again.

(Hazy Shade of Winter, by Paul Simon)

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This story is 57 words long.

I'm back, mostly

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Hi all. I know I've been absent for some time here. Health issues, you know. I won't go into those here, just tell you all that I've got the next chapter of Maiden up and do profusely apologize for the delay in getting it to those of you who have waiting so patiently.

Or not so patiently. lol.

The bad news is that I can't guarantee that I'll be able to keep up with posting a new chapter each week, the good news is that I'm writing again at last.

So that's the news from here.

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Passing It On

Phyllis Rackman is still trying to deal with the arrival of her nephew Tommy into her life,
and wondering whether he truly is different from the men she learned to hate.
But a chance encounter on a playground makes her think ... and maybe hope.

Passing It On
A Tommy Browder Tale
by Randalynn

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This story is 53 words long.

Maiden by Decree Chapter 26

Gently pulling Deirdre forward a bit more, so she now stood to the front, the king went on. “In recognition of dangers endured, and defeated, along with valued service to the crown, this Lady, my heir’s betrothed, will now hold Lindsay as part of her personal holdings. She will therefore now be known officially as The Lady Deirdre, Duchess of Lindsay, and that title will fall to her heirs, in perpetuity.”

Maiden By Decree

Chapter 26 - The End of a Beginning

Or:  Okay it Was a Little Messy, But We Got Here... Right?

By Maggie Finson

Copyright © 2009 by Maggie Finson

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This story is 101 words long.

To Sonja Henie, With Love


Peter learns about his Norwegian heritage and finds his true self in preparing for a School’s holiday pageant.
He also gets the finest Christmas present of his young life.

To Sonja Henie, with Love

By Katherine Day

Copyright © 2009 Katherine Day

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This story is 41 words long.

Gaby Book 6 Chapter *22* Maximum

Gaby Book 6 - Girls, Girls, Girl?
Chapter *22* Maximum
by Maddy Bell

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This story is 11 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 846.


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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 846
by Angharad

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This story is 7 words long.

The High School Of My Dreams

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Watch this! It will make you happy.

It's a lip-sync music video made by a high school, using the talents of the entire student body. Everyone. Together. With gusto. Nerds, geeks, jocks, the swim team in speedos, stoners, preppies, goths, cheerleaders, staff. Everyone. It makes me giddy.

Oh, and they did it backwards!

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Late Return!

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Dear All,

My heart is fine - it's just the rest of me that got complications!!!! In sinus rhythm now but suffered an aneurysm that kept me in hospital for two weeks and laid low at home for four.... Gradually getting stronger. Only just allowed back to the laptop! Love Ginger xx

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The Way Things Happen - Part 3


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Continuing the Story of Jerry/Jenny

The Way Things Happen

Part 3
Jennifer Christine
Copyright © 2009 Jennifer Christine

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This story is 16 words long.

West Side Story Redux - An Entreaty in One Act


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West Side Story Redux -
An Entreaty in One Act

offered by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Copyright © 2009 Andrea Lena DiMaggio


A modern take on an old tale, told from a new perspective
Hopefully with a happy ending…
For a dear friend

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This story is 40 words long.


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Okay... I have a story that is Novella length, has several chapters and I have no idea if I am going to revise it for an attempt at publication. Do you all want to see it?

It is my first long piece and it is a bit rough, but I would be posting it to get it out there more than anything else. It also has some fun construction issues that might throw people as well, but hopefully people can cope.

So, wanna read it?

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Anyone seen it?

Ah, thought I had it but the darned thing just slipped through my fingers.

If you find it, please return it.
It was a gleaming glittering thing, looking quite nice.

Anyway, I hope you all will have a nice Christmas.



If you find chapter thirteen a little weak I'm afraid that I have to agree.
It's like Churchill once said. "Sometimes blood sweat and tears just ain't enough."
Or something to that matter?

Ds: I've tried to 'edit' it a little to make it readable now, well, as i see it :)

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 845.


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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 845
by Angharad

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This story is 7 words long.

F1 CD Bet

Lotus vs. Virgin Racing
Tony Fernandes vs. Richard Branson

F1 bosses in cross-dressing bet

And of course, The Sun has a picture of what Branson might look like should he lose the bet.

In the silly season, there's obviously a shortage of ‘real’ news.

Pace Spanking

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Adam's own, -chapter 13-


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Eliah and Damien were already out on the prowl, looking for the little miscreants, goaded by our Mr Waverly.

“And you find them better find them this time.”

They had been searching high and low without finding them and as they sat in their car discussing where their next effort should take them Elias said.

“Brother Damien, a point of observation only.”

“Yes brother Eliah?”

“The fuel indicator, it hasn’t moved at all?”

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This story is 74 words long.

Testing Teaser -3-


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The next night I couldn’t sleep, and Andy hadn’t turned up. Somewhere in the middle of the morning I went up, sitting, wrapped up in my old blanket. Well, I told you it was cold didn't I? Rereading my old newspapers, the books I used to love to read was still back in Bergen, and the only thing I had left to entertain myself with were those old rags. As I turned to the glamour section in my yesterdays paper, you know, the one where they write about all those film stars and stuff, I suddenly found myself looking at Andy.

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This story is 103 words long.

Gaby Book 6 Chapter *21* Bernie's Arrival

Gaby Book 6 - Girls, Girls, Girl?
Chapter *21* Bernie's Arrival
by Maddy Bell

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This story is 12 words long.

The Scoobies Do: Chapter 7 - The Scoobies Christmas Celebration


The Scoobies Do
Chapter 7 - The Scoobies Christmas Celebration

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright © 2009 Jennifer Sue

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This story is 15 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 844.

Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 844
by Angharad

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This story is 7 words long.

Something Feels Strange - 31


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Feels Strange

I pull the shoes out of the closet and ask, “So who d’you think the greatest catch in your class is? Maybe I can help you snag him.”

She pauses in thought for a minute. She’s obviously struggling with what she wants to say. “You have to promise me you won’t tell ANYONE this,” Caitlin says emphatically. “I’m only telling you this because you’re my best friend and I know I can trust you.”

“You can trust me,” I tell her with sincerity, “after all I’ll be gone in a couple of months.”

“Okay,” she leans close and whispers. “But you can’t tell anyone–especially your cousin. I’d just die if she found out. If I could pick any guy to be my boyfriend,” she pauses and looks furtively around, “it would be Chris Quinn. God, I get wet every time I even think of that boy.”

Chapter 31: Revelations and Spy Lessons

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This story is 160 words long.

What happened to literacy?

This morning driving to work I was listening to the local community college's radio station. At the top of the hour, Headline News from NPR came on. Something was said about the economy, and someone's sound bite was played. He was talking about disparities between economic and unemployment recovery, saying employers have been finding ways to get by with fewer resources. What he said hit one of my exposed nerve endings. His sentence ended with "making do with less employees."

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