General Audience (pg)

Kämpfer - another good TG Anime

And at least some of it is online to watch:


A sort of mystic war, with participants given special powers by the Moderators -- the color of the contract bracelet tells you which side you're on.

There are three types of Ká¤mpfer: Schwert (sword), Zauber (magic), and Gewehr (gun)

Oh, and all Ká¤mpfer are female. So when the main character, Natsuru (male) is chosen, obviously his Ká¤mpfer form is female!


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History's End

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
-- Thomas Jefferson

All Hallow's Eve; Hallowe'en; the holiday so crucial to my personal journey of self-discovery. It's hard to believe it has been almost a year since HE won the election. How did it happen? Some said it was vote fraud, others said it was just a better run campaign. Me? I don't know, but am leaning to the former. Looking back at it, it couldn't have just been the pendulum swinging back, it was just too well orchestrated, too well thought out and played. In the end, we just rolled over.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-8-Decisions

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After the game, Kelly discovers more about being a girl and her fear of being outed when her mother finally discovers her son is no more, when she sees Kelly and Johnny sating their passion. Confronting Kelly, she discovers the truth about Kelly girl and her part in bringing her to life. With her mother and friends, she finds out more about herself and the beginning of a journey beyond her wildest dreams

I'm not complaining ... far from it.

When I posted Maggie the Kitten's Kitten Tail', I did an experiment.

I deliberately posted my story about her, right behind it. I even used her name in the title, as I had done when I originally wrote it for her.


At this moment, her story has 514 reads, mine has just 383.
And I'm not upset, because she has written a lot more quality stories than I have, and probably always will be able to do so. Her work is deserving of catching the eye of her fans just because she wrote it.


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About my Halloween story

The shaping is a long story, and be warned, it is a horror story. I had intended to post it in chapters but no access to the internet for a week more or less finished that idea if I wanted the whole thing posted under the deadline for the contest. Since I had no access to a computer, either, I apologize in advance for typos I may have missed while going back over it today.

On a historical note, just to head off questions or arguments, the facts regarding the Osage are true and documented elsewhere. The Spanish explorers I made up to suit my requirements for the story.

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Portia Had It Right

The level of quality of the text is quite plain; stories drop like rain from a throng of gifted writers upon BC. The process is twice blessed: to those who read these gifted words and also to the keyboard pounding wretches who enrich their own lives through their hair-pulling efforts.

BC has enjoyed talented writers for as long as it has been in existence. Some who post today have been here for the duration, many others have come and gone, but never in the time that I have been part of this site have there been such a huge number of outstanding writers producing so much good literature.

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TopShelf's October 2009 TG Terror Contest

 October TG Terror 
Entry Submission Dates are from October 1, 2009 until October 22, 2009.
Voting Dates are from Saturday October 24, 2009 - Friday October 30, 2009
The Big Spooky Revelation Night to find the lucky ghouls & guys who won is, of course, on Saturday October 31, 2009!
Contest Over! Voting to Begin Soon!

The time is here to bring out the spookiness, fear, and horror of Halloween into writing! Come up with a story, that deals with a character that is TG or became TG throughout its course of flow and fill it in with frightening stuff! That simple! Any genre, any plot device, any time period (even prehistoric!) The Contest will last a total of 3 weeks for submissions (October 1, 2009 - October 22, 2009).


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Other Keywords: 



What can I say but wow?

This is the first story I have posted for like, ages and ever and there you are lapping it up like I'd never been away. I can't believe the wonderful feedback you've been giving me too.

All I can say is thank you to all of you who have read the first instalment.

Part 2 is on the way - under construction as we speak - and whether that will be the end of it I'm not sure, but I won't keep you horror-hungry readers waiting too long (Gabi willing that is).

Once again, thank you.

Nick B

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Kelly's Journey-Chapter 9-Shopping

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 9-Shopping
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly's mother has started to get involved in her child's life, Kelly becomes scared at the prospect of actually being out in public where strangers may discover her secret and out her in public or some bigot harming her or her family. It is only with the help of Kelly's best friend Julie that Terri Moore is able to take Kelly on what has become the national sport for all women: SHOPPING.

New Gaby book now available

Hi Everyone

I bet most of you thought i'd disapeared! Well the rumours were wrong and the results of my labours, ie Book 7 in the Gaby saga is now finished and available at a book store near you, well your web browser anyhow.

Dress Up runs to @ 300 pages in the usual 40 chapter format and costs just  £9.99 for the paperback and  £3.99 for the download.

Follow this link Gaby Dress Up

More great Gaby news soon!

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Transition, coverage not the same as i was told

Just came back from counseling and found out by my counselor that OHIP (Ontario health insurance plan) only covers transition if you go through a specific trans-clinic. They make you go through RLT for 2 years before you can even have hormone therapy. Yet they have a 90% decline rate. They make you go through 4 years of HRT before the Srs and still can decline you.

If you dont go through the clinic, you can have it all sooner however its more expensive. Either or however Hormones come out of own wallet/purse.

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Home at last

So I am finally home after six long months. I is so good to be home. Once I have gotten my life back together, visit family I will once again post more of "A Prayer Answered" and "House Fire".

Thank you so much for those of you who wished me well and I have returned home safely.


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I am kinda speechless

I was really bored and tripped across this site.

Random Movie Plot Generator (See some of the things it pulls up, below.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Sapphire

He was a flame-haired father of 3, who had a a love of Autumn and shoulders of concrete. She was a lovely female soccer star wannabe who was looking for the holy grail and hated it. Together they traveled to another world. Fighting the devil and loving each other.

*I wonder if Sapphire knew this about herself?*

He was She

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The Artifact

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------
Indian brides once used the strange oils to prepare themselves for their wedding nights….
The Artifact
By Anon Allsop

The Princess and the Plague: 42

The Princess and the Plague
Part 42
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited
The radio blasting, the girls singing and yelling above the music as they rolled down the highway. That was how Erika would remember the morning.

Samantha turned down the music as they entered the city limits and parked in the gravel parking lot where their camp bus had parked.

“It hasn't changed much.” Krystal noted.

“It's a lot colder here than in Constitution. Tricia commented.

“We're going to be late.” Samantha ushered them down the sidewalk.

“You made appointments for us, right?” Krystal asked of Samantha.


Hallowe'en Treat ... What the World's Press say

An Elf in Her Bra has been in Hatbox for about a year and is now eligible for release to the general public.

During the last twelve months I have been inundated with many requests regarding my future intentions for it. Many are those who many have implored, begged, indeed offered financial incentives, in a vain attempt to influence me.

In spite of all such, and ignoring all threats, I have decided to indeed release it in the Public Domain here at Hallowe'en. So there!

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The Price To Pay - Vol. 5.01 - Setbacks

I quickened my walk and within seconds was lost in her soft embrace.

“Don’t worry now, sweetie, everything’s going to be fine,” she said, as she gently caressed my face and brushed her fingers through my hair.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 5.01 - Setbacks

by Alys

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-7- Choices

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter-7- Choices
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After learning the terrible news, young Kelly decides to make the most of a bad situation. Much to his sister, and girlfriend Julie's dismay. But Julie makes a choice that shows her Love for her Best Friend, and new sister that stays hidden from Kelly. In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is disqualified because puberty is giving her weak bones. Then Kelly discovers her new dream after a game.

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up

Maggie the Kitten Grows Up


by Holly H Hart


A Kitten Tale written 4 years ago for Maggie the Kitten
If you haven't read her 'The Kitten Tail', you should read it first.

The Kitten Tail

The Kitten Tail
by Maggie O'Malley aka Maggie the Kitten
When a Meter Maid meets the Magic of Bob's Cafe, interesting things happen!
A Kitten Tale written 6 years ago but never previously posted on BCTS

Moorehouse why?!

I was wondering if anyone heard about the dress code Moorehouse is instituting. There's the typical no baggy pants, doo rags and so on but as part of this list wearing Women's Clothing is banned.
Gah can you be so closeminded?! You educated MLK and you're being so intolerant here! X-( It's a piece of clothing you phobic people!

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Healing a Princess...29 (Trout, Ale, and Magic)

“I have something for you,” The blind dwarf smiled.

“I don't need anything,” Monyka began.

“But I insist.” The blonde dwarf siezed Monyka's hand and began to hum.

Monyka tried to free it but to no avail. For short stubby fingers she had a very strong grip.

Healing a Princess

Chapter 29 - (Trout, Ale, and Magic)

by Anistasia Allread

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is hurt, then Kelly become Johnny's tutor to keep him from academic probation. Later on, a misguided doctor destroys Kelly's dream, and Kelly finds a new dream.


Philosophers have often noted that the symbols we use shape our thoughts. They hold power over us. But it is a power we freely give to them. Symbols hold no power that we have not first granted. So, my friends, on this spooky Halloween night, remember: accept not the symbols of others.


by SuZie

The Library: Rewrite, Part 1


The Library: Rewrite

Part One: How It All Started

by Roberta J. Cabot

Ghosts in the library. A fairly common story for Halloween . Telling such stories, especially around a campfire at night, is fun. Heck, it’s almost a tradition — a ghostly figure that you see from the corner of your eye as you work on your homework in the library, eerie sounds, unexplained movements like doors closing or chairs moving et cetera. Old hat. Hackneyed, even. Thing is, I was the one who saw them, experienced them. It might even have been okay if that was all, and if they just happen occasionally, and at night. But the thing was, the weird stuff started happening in the daytime as well, and during class. And it all started when my eyes changed color…

My name is Mark. And this is my Halloween story.

(an official story-entry to Topshelf’s
2009 October TG Terror Contest)

My Prayer...

“Lay me doon in ta caul caul groon. Whaur afore monie huv gaun. (Rep)
When they coom a wull staun mo groon. Staun mo groon al nae be a fraid.
Thoughts awe hame tak awa mo fear. Sweat an bluid hide mo veil awe tears.
Ains a year say a prayer faur me. Close yir een an remember me. Nair mair shall a see the sun.”

“Sgt. (Charles S.) MacKenzie” By Joe Lina MacKenzie Mod Scott. as done by Clainne An Drumma

My Prayer…
By Kelly Blake


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