Soap Opera

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 8 -- on Kindle


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For the first time in months, Cathy isn't dealing with much drama in her own life, but that's okay because Stella has a whole truckload to share.

In the moments where she's not saving Stella from herself, she has dormice to protect and more opportunities of wildlife documentaries to navigate.

Bike 8 cover

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 7 -- on Kindle


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Yet more drama ensues as Cathy goes about her everyday life.

While she manages to avoid unwanted attentions at the university and narrowly escapes a dangerous driver, she is not so fortunate when it comes to an attacker who has a grudge against cyclists.

Bike 7

Little Pink Pills, Part 26

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Six, by Michelle Wilder

Look around / leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.

Hang on to your hopes / my friend
That's an easy thing to say

but if your hopes should pass away
Simply pretend that you can build them again.

(Hazy Shade of Winter, by Paul Simon)

Little Pink Pills, Part 24

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Four, by Michelle Wilder

It ain't a man's world (You go, girl!)
No more sugar and spice (And everything nice)

It ain't a man's world (You go, girl!)
No more sugar and spice (And everything nice)

It's a she thing, and it's all in me (It ain't nothin' but a she thing)

(Ain't Nuthin' But a She Thing, Salt N Pepa)

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