
Mommy, mommy, mommy. Chapter 2

When I came in the next day Josie asked, "So am I right in thinking that
you have made up your mind, you are going to join us in the project?"

"I am still thinking about it and think it's probably the best thing for
me but what's difficult is I don't know if I want to become a girl

"So what's holding you back?" she asked.

A Positive Attitude Part 4

Part 4

I was being held by Mario as I blubbed and then felt the weight of Francesca against my back. There I was, being sandwiched between two people who both had the opportunity to kill me but had refrained. As I sobbed I felt a sense of being someone who meant something to these people.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 17 & 18

Positively Patsy Part 17

Other things progressed while the American riders were with us. They were mainly practising the dressage portion of the sport but, seeing we already had some show jumps in store, they set them up and did some jumping practise.

My Obsession, Part 23 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 23 of 29

Monday, October 14, 2013
Last day at camp, sort of bittersweet. We got up much later than yesterday and not a few of the girls were moaning about the amount of wine that they drank the night before. The phrase 'wine is a mocker' - in my father's voice, naturally - ran through my head but I wisely kept it between my ears.

My Obsession, Part 22 of 29


Part 22 of 29

Saturday, October 12, 2013
Well, actually I'm writing very early Sunday morning in the communal kitchen so I don't disturb any of my fellow campers. And why am I up early on a Sunday morning? Simple: My fellow campers may be beacons of femininity by day, but they snore like longshoreman during the night. Not that I've personally been able to listen to a longshoreman snore, mind you, but there must be some truth to the old saw or nobody would have started sawing with it.

My Obsession, Part 21 of 29


Part 21 of 29

Monday, September 9, 2013
Much food for thought in Psychology today. Only the second class and my head is spinning. The prof dug right in with personality types. The old Greeks decided there were four: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic. Meyers-Briggs thinks there are sixteen. Other people throw other numbers into the pot. Kind of like a lottery but nobody is a clear winner.

Mistaken Beauty

Colorful tents lined the plaza. The shops and restaurants had closed, and in their place stood stands of vendors selling candied fruit and various meats on sticks. A day of cold drink, hot food, and stories punctuated by laughter. Amid the celebrations, three small figures squeezed their way through the crowded streets, hurrying toward the palace. “We’re late,” whispered the one in the lead. “We’re late, we’re late, we’re late! We’re so very late.”

The Letters Chapter 3

The Letters.png Thanks Malady, for your help in editing!

The Letters Chapter 3

Greg opened envelope number three. He had to admit, the belt appeared to work, and he also assumed that his grandfather had somehow either invented the thing, or found somehow.

Thus, when he opened the letter, it was with great anticipation that he started reading.

Kinda neat, isn't it? I really enjoyed it the first time I tried it too. Sorry to say, you're getting a hand-me-down time belt. I'm not sure how long the power will last, but it doesn't seem to have lost any potential since I started using it.

I know you are wondering how I know about you,. What you're thinking. I'll let you consider that yourself. There's no need for me to tell you. You'll figure it out yourself.

A Positive Attitude Part 3

Part 3

The next day was much less eventful for Francesca. It was me that was the brunt of a salon work-over, coming out with long nails, a new look and earrings. I must say that when I looked at myself in the mirror I thought I made a good looking girl. My height, or lack of it, was certainly a factor in my favour.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 15 & 16

Positively Patsy Part 15

When he came down he looked at the hole in the wall and asked me how I had opened it and I showed him the birthmark on the stone. “I just had to push it” I told him. He stood outside the room and shone his torch inside and gave out a whistle.

My Obsession, Part 19 of 29


Part 19 of 29

Friday, September 6, 2013
A light day, only one mid-morning class. That's the ideal Friday for a college student, no afternoon classes to cut to get an early start on the weekend.

Queer -1- Montana



1. Montana
by Morgan Preece

I'd been called queer practically ever since I started school, but I didn't really find out what it meant until seventh grade. This was back when gay still meant happy to most people, and queer was an insult.

My Obsession, Part 17 of 29


Part 17 of 29

Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor day. Time for the big parade.

We were up early to get ready for the parade. The living room was full of boxes and hangers containing the costumes when my fellow workers arrived promptly at 8:00 AM to get dressed. Jenny and Beth from the library were part of the group, as well as Audrey.

My Obsession, Part 16 of 29


Part 16 of 29

Sunday, August 25, 2013
Mom called again today. This time her voice was not as strained, for that matter neither was mine. We just chatted, nothing special. She got a great laugh out of Grandpa proposing to Eve and even took my wearing Sylvia's engagement ring better than I expected.

A Positive Attitude Part 2

Part 2

I woke up in the morning to the sound of a womans’ voice telling me to get out of bed and into the shower. I thought that I had been in the shower last night but obviously I was not clean enough. She told me to make sure I sat when I went to the toilet and to make sure I shaved my face twice while I was in the shower.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 13 & 14

Positively Patsy Part 13

He moved to the other picture and told me that this was a picture of the Lady Olivia Reece who died in 1670. He said that it was she that paid for the sarcophagus that is in the church where Richards’s body lies. I was interested that they had him in a special place and the vicar told me that Richard was a very rich man for his day.

My Obsession, Part 15 of 29


Part 15 of 29

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Had another session with Audrey today. No tears and heavy stuff this time, but more "What do I do from here?" Somehow when I talk to Audrey I have to get things straight in my mind so I can tell her about them. She knows the right question to ask when I run dry and she's helping me.

My Obsession, Part 14 of 29


Part 14 of 29

Saturday, August 10, 2013
The three weeks are up! Well, close enough. This morning I took my starter earrings out of my ears (that turned out to need a pair of pliers, the things seemed to be welded together) and wore a new pair. I had gotten a special pair for the occasion, with a rainbow of small stones dangling from fine silver chains. Outrageous Earrings, Mary Ann calls them. I suppose they are, but I really like them. It's fantastic to feel the little jewels on my neck and I just love seeing them in the mirror. On me!

My Obsession, Part 13 of 29


Part 13 of 29

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Is it genetic? Why can't women leave the phone ringing when there is something else going on? It's not like we don't have an answering machine that we can check later. I have no trouble letting the thing ring if I am doing something important.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 11 & 12

Positively Patsy Part 11

Talk about coincidence! That will be something to speak to Ruby about. When I hung up I said “Joanne, how about we go and visit the nursing home then go and see Peter about getting a car?” We freshened up and took the sports car to the nursing home.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I am not sure how I came to find out about Suzy. I remember that Sam and I were talking about transgenders or something, and he just said: “I am one of those”.

Just like that. I had no idea. He was my best pal. We did everything together. It was “The Jack and Sam Show”. We had a circle, but we were our own team within the other team.

My Obsession, Part 12 of 29


Part 12 of 29

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Today was the day. Mary Ann's parents came to meet Angel the Girl. You wouldn't believe how nervous I was. It was worse than seeing them just after we started going steady.

My Obsession, Part 11 of 29


Part 11 of 29

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
My new glasses are in. They look just as cool as I hoped they would, very feminine. I did get one of those hanger things and I get a kick of having my glasses bounce off my breasts when I take them off.

Angel is easily amused, sometimes.

My Obsession, Part 10 of 29


Part 10 of 29

Sunday, July 21, 2013
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Grandpa would be proud of the literary allusion, but I need to write this down and out of my system. Today was cold, wet and rainy; a perfectly lousy day which was all the worse for the beautiful day outdoors yesterday. Grandpa and Eve went off to the Liar's Club so it was just me and Mary Ann.

My Obsession, Part 9 of 29


Part 9 of 29

Sunday, July 14, 2013
I'm getting better at cooking. Today I did a traditional Sunday dinner, naturally with Mary Ann's help, but I planned the menu, went shopping for the ingredients and found the recipes. We had roast ham with those pineapple slices and cherries pinned all over it - it looks pretty cool that way and isn't any real trouble to do. I think it looked just as good as the picture in the cookbook once I put it on the table.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 9 & 10

Positively Patsy Part 9

When she hung up I stopped to think for a moment. She had rattled off a figure of twenty five million as if it was chump change. I picked up my phone again and rang Sarah. After telling her where I was and the task that Grog had set me, I asked her about the payouts from the tour and queried the number that Riordan had quoted. She told me that the tour was sold out for every show; so we had grossed one billion, two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars.

My Obsession, Part 8 of 29


Part 8 of 29

Wednesday, July 10
Who was that idiot that ended the last entry talking about how much fun this summer is going to be? He must have been insane. Well, maybe not insane, but he sure wasn't looking very far ahead. Today has been quite a revelation.

My Obsession, Part 7 of 29


Part 7 of 29

Monday, July 8
I could hear the water singing in the pipes as Mary Ann took her shower. I had just gotten out of the shower myself. My body was dry but my crew cut was still a little bit damp. I stood in my bathrobe, eyes still glazed with sleep, a bra dangling from my hand.

MY bra.

My Obsession, Part 6 of 29


Part 6 of 29

Wednesday, July 3
Nothing much to write about lately. Since last Friday night I know that Grandpa and Eve are comfortable with me dressed up so I haven't been watching the clock and changing before they get home. It feels like family, even more so than my own family. I love Mom and Dad, and even my little sister, and they love me, but there is a wonderful feeling of acceptance here. I don't have to watch myself to avoid a lecture on God's will if I do something Dad doesn't approve of.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 7 & 8

Positively Patsy Part 7

On the Wednesday evening there was a party, hosted by Annette and Maxine L’Estrange so, of course, all the girls had to look their best. We all were taken to the new building which was now fully equipped for the production of high fashion and cosmetics. The group now included Peggy, Marion, Libby and Janet as well as Angela and Mary. We were all stripped, provided with underwear, new make-up, shoes and evening dresses to die for.

Jan Comes Out to Play

Jan Comes Out Cover.jpg

An older story of mine. My attempt at romance. A young software engineer, meets up with an old friend from high school she’s a computer tech and at last the nerd finds a girl who he can talk to.

My Obsession, Part 5 of 29


Part 5 of 29

Saturday, June 22
If I thought yesterday was weird, today about doubles the weirdness. We finished breakfast (sinfully late - 10AM!) and were relaxing over coffee. Grandpa went out to tell some lies with his cronies or something - he wasn't all that clear where he was going - and we were relaxing over coffee when Eve finally asked me about the crossdressing. As I fell asleep last night my mind cleared and I knew I wanted to take the next step.

My Obsession, Part 4 of 29


Part 4 of 29

`Wednesday, June 19
I consorted with the Devil this afternoon. That's the way Dad puts it when he talks about Planned Parenthood. If Satan was present I didn't get to meet him and damn me if I could find any little devils in the building. The more I get to see of the world the more I wonder just how much of what I have been taught is true. It all sounds so real when Dad talks about it, but every time I come across what he would call 'sin' or 'temptation' I get a little less sure of just what is going on.

My Obsession, Part 3 of 29


Part 3 of 29

Sunday, June 16
What a day! Mary Ann is showering and I have a few minutes by myself to write. I feel like Alice after she fell through the looking glass, things are getting curiouser and curiouser indeed!


This is a fan fiction, using Elrod's Bikini Beach universe.

English is not my native language - please do not beat me too badly over its quality. :)


"Water pump, mister." The mechanic pulled from under the RV. "When did it started leaking?"

"Yesterday. Today increased."

"Seeping water just to refill to the bare minimum, to minimize the loss?" A blackened with grease finger knocked on the five-gallon plastic tank, tied over the engine and connected with a piece of garden hose to the cooler.

"Yes. Kept me going to here"

My Obsession, Part 2 of 29


Part 2 of 29

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I couldn't stand it. I have been dreaming about Mary Ann's bra every night since Sunday. I just couldn't get the fantasy of wearing her bra out of my mind no matter how I tried. Tonight I dug through the hamper and found one of Mom's bras. It isn't anywhere near as sexy as Mary Ann's, in fact it's just plain plain! I made damn sure no one was around and took it back to my room and tried it on. Well, I tried to try it on - How do girls snap these things behind their backs? I sure couldn't do it!

I’m a Doodle Yanking Dandy

Four men with similar interests come together for an All Hallow’s Eve private party to include something completely different. These extraordinary men of the world embrace one more new experience.

My Obsession, Part 1 of 29


Part 1 of 29

Author's Note
An earlier version of this story was posted in 2009. A while back my Muse decided I needed to let Angel finish telling her story. After listening to her I have revised and substantially added to her story. As a valued member of the Liar's Club, she is pretty good at telling a tale.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 5 & 6

Positively Patsy Part 5

When we went to get dressed for the first show on the Friday evening we found that Maxine had supplied us with outfits with a Japanese flavour. All the girls were in variations of the ‘Lolita’ fashion so loved by young Japanese girls, while the boys had button-to-the-shoulder tunics with dragons front and back. On any other day I would have thought it over the top but, having walked around Tokyo and seen what was being worn in the street, I was interested to see what the audience, and the media, thought of our gear.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 3 & 4

Positively Patsy Part 3

We went back to the hotel and had dinner. In the evening we were sitting in the lounge when Grog came in with Peggy. He came over to me and asked if we could have a private conversation so we moved to a side room and sat around a table. He said that he had told Peggy about his plans for the final show and that she would support him afterwards.

The Patsy Project: Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 1 & 2

Positively Patsy Part 1

I sat there at a table in a nightclub in Hanoi and the lass in front of me had just told me she may be Grogs daughter without knowing just what this may mean. Not wanting to alert Pietro to the ramifications of the situation I just laughed and said that I had heard about loving drink but that was a good one.

The Letters Chapter 2

The Letters.png

The Letters Chapter 2

Greg turned and looked at the speaker. He saw – himself. He certainly wasn’t expecting such a strange things to happen. It was bewildering.

Do you know what’s going on?” he asked. His voice was a little shaky, and his arms felt like there was no strength in them.

Well, as I said, I forgot to put the belt on and ended up… Well… You. Your arms are really sore, huh?”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

After completing his degree in marketing, Fabian worked for a while as a minor brand manager for a large cereal company before entering the medical industry, working for a supplier of specialized medical equipment. With so many graduates carrying that degree, it was only through hard work and commitment that Fabian quickly rose in the business.

The Patsy Project. Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 43 & 44. Final

Patsy Power Part 43

We packed our bags and put them down in the foyer for the morning as it was to be an early start. After a good night’s sleep we were all up for breakfast at first light and, after brushing our teeth, gathered in the foyer with our overnight bags. We had a car to pick us up to go to the airport and, after the normal interminable wait in the departure lounge, we were heading west again.

House Spouse

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House Spouse
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I worked alongside Matt Linaker for three years. I had no idea that he was anything other than a normal guy. I knew that he was married, so the fact that he had a slightly effeminate appearance I simply put down to “metrosexuality”.

The Patsy Project. Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 41 & 42

Patsy Power Part 41

Stephanie tinkled a little bell and a maid appeared from a side room. “Yvette, please go to my office and bring me back the new L’Estrange catalogue you will see on my desk.” Yvette did a little bob and went out the room. We all went and sat around a big boardroom table and Gerome offered refreshments. I was finding it all a bit odd but held my tongue.


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