
Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 07 of 11


Part 7 of 11

Friday, February 19, 2016

I have to write this down, but I am completely bewildered as to how I can make it all make sense. My life has settled down to be about as predictable as a transgendered, self-employed businesswoman and single mother can get - which sentence is downright silly once I put it down. I mean… really!

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 06 of 11


Part 6 of 11

Monday, November 30, 2015

If you're in retail, Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas Rush. For a photographer, the following Monday seems to be the start of the Christmas Rush. People are too busy standing in front of some store at five in the morning waiting for a bargain to sit down for their Christmas Card Photo.

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 05 of 11


Part 5 of 11

Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Hey Hope!" Darcy called. "Our afternoon session just canceled - the kids are sick."


"Better they stay home than get Dawn sick."

"I can't argue with that. So what do we do to amuse ourselves? Got any ideas?"

"We can watch Dawn flop around on the floor?"

"Been there, done that. Too bad she's too young to take her to the playground and let her run around."

The Big Break, Chapter 9

Back Home Again

For the Friday show we had asked that all three bands get full use of the lighting effects, rather than saving them for us. We let Shamble have some of the pyrotechnics as these could be recharged in the break. The stadium was at near capacity and it lifted everyone, the locals outdoing themselves and they were followed by a totally recharged Shamble.

The Patsy Project, Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 19 and 20

Patsy Power Part 19

Peter laughed and said “There are no limits to this girl; I would not be surprised at anything she gets up to.” He went on “She wrote and produced that advert in two weeks at one tenth of the cost of my usual advertising people. The folk set was perfect for our launch of the new look dealership, yet I was blown away the other night by both halves of the concert. “

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 04 of 11


Part 4 of 11

Friday, October 23, 2015

I was really noticing my bra feeling a bit tight. I wanted to believe it's because my breasts are getting bigger, but after only two weeks on the new hormone regimen I have to wonder if it isn't wishful thinking. Still, when I'm in my Robot Mother Breast Pumping Bra it seemed to be a bit tighter too. Nothing going into the bottles, but still…

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 03 of 11


Part 3 of 11

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 1:00 PM

"Dawn Terrell?" called the lady in the green scrubs. I got up and hefted the child carrier, heading for the door into the inner sanctum.

"Lets see how much this little lady weighs, shall we?"

"She seems to get heaver as the day goes on."

"So I'm told. Hmmm - a bit light but still within the normal range. And twenty inches, also low normal. Nothing to worry about there, Ms Waldrop.

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 7 -- on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Yet more drama ensues as Cathy goes about her everyday life.

While she manages to avoid unwanted attentions at the university and narrowly escapes a dangerous driver, she is not so fortunate when it comes to an attacker who has a grudge against cyclists.

Bike 7

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 02 of 11


Part 2 of 11

Thursday, September 24, 2015 - 4:00 AM
How is it that the very same behavior that is so fetchingly cute at 4 PM is downright annoying at 4 AM. Changing a baby at 4 AM is a monumental challenge when you are sleep deprived because you were up to all hours on the net trying to find out how to be a good mother.

The Big Break, Chapter 8

Big Changes

This threw Tess into a frenzy of activity. Our last show was at the end of August and Felicity had stopped booking us to give us a bit of a break before heading to South Africa. Charlie and Tess moved mountains to get her in for the SRS in early September so that she could be fully recovered before we left.

The Patsy Project, Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 17 and 18

Patsy Power Part 17

After dinner we made our way to the theatre, entering though the back as there was a crowd at the front. When we got in Lucy came up said she had the arm bands for us all but a little surprise for Riordan and the rest of the band. We went to their dressing room and she showed us a set of stage gear for them that it was similar to the biker grunge they had been wearing but no longer grunge, or even biker.

Journal of an Instant Mother - Part 01 of 11


Part 1

Prologue - Saturday, November 15, 2014

Lillian Terrell was one pissed off teenager. Saturday night and she was grounded! Her parents were so unfair. They got to go to a party and she had to sit around the house and do nothing!

The Big Break, Chapter 7

All right. I know that I listed the previous post of this story as the final chapter. It was - then. I also thought that it finished in a bit of a rush so here goes with more from Susie and the band. Marianne G

Part 7 The Story Continues

The Patsy Project, Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 15 and 16

Patsy Power Part 15

When we finished I looked out at the small audience. The ‘Amazon’ crew were standing there open mouthed with all of the girls with tears streaming down their faces. Simon was smiling and Pierre, from the music store said “If I had not seen this with my own eyes I would never have believed it. I have to say that ‘Amazon’ has been reborn!”

Wendy the Welder A PPE Tale

When I was christened my parents called me Wendell. I had a normal upbringing for a weed whose sportsman father wanted him to carry on the family name in various ball sports; and a mother who wanted him to follow her into the legal profession. I was a disappointment to both as I was not a sporty boy, nor was I very academically minded.


The Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Jerry and I had known one another since childhood. We went through high school together and worked together after I finished college. I went into finance, but Jerry felt that he was ready to set up his own business. You have to admire him for that.

The Patsy Project, Book 2. Patsy Power Parts 13 & 14

Patsy Power Part 13

Monday morning found us being asked by the publicist to front up to a local radio station in the morning, an afternoon TV chat show and an evening TV chat show with another channel so we had to get our flight altered to Tuesday. The Tuesday flight got us to Cincinnati in the afternoon and Billy picked us up.

The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 11 & 12

Patsy Power Part 11

She went on to tell us that when the band was young, Ashley and Georgina were into drink but then gravitated to weed, on to cocaine and was now dabbling with heroin. She, and the rest of the band, were clean and intended to stay that way.

The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 9 & 10

Patsy Power Part 9

We were all sweaty when we walked off the stage, shedding our mics, buds and instruments. The buds really worked well as I could hear quite well straight after the show. We all gave the boys a hug and I told Jake that they were awesome.

Woman in the Corner Office - 24


Chapter 89

For lunch they gave me real food and it was a good thing I was being fed or I might have made a pig of myself. The aide made sure I didn't eat too fast or take giant bites. I discovered I actually enjoyed my food more and felt filled before I had even finished my dessert. Dessert? What else, green jello.

The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 7 & 8

Patsy Power Part 7

What else could I do but play the half minute advert again. While it was playing I looked around the small group. The mechanics were all smiling, as was the admin staff; the sales staff were clearly waiting on Peter as they were the ones that dealt with him every day. His wife and daughters were trying hard to suppress giggles and a guy I had not met before; in a jacket and tie that screamed ‘manufacturer’s rep’ looked positively stunned.

Woman in the Corner Office - 23


Chapter 85

The problem with lying in bed doing nothing is it gives me too much time to think. To think about Christina, to think about my new job and to think about why Rick felt it necessary to try and nearly succeed in killing me.

The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 5 & 6

Patsy Power Part 5

We made our way up onto the stage and took our microphones. I walked to the front and spoke to the crowd. “Thank you for allowing us to sing for you tonight. We are part of a band that is in town to launch our debut album. I am sure that if you like our singing Simon or his staff, on that big table, will be able to tell you where and when you can purchase it.

Ladies Invitational

Ladies Invitational

This is a sequel to “Golfing with Mom.” That being said, a quick synopsis reveals that Danny, now called Didi, will be golfing in the Ladies Invitational golf tournament with her mom, Joanne, who was one of the best golfers. Didi’s new best friend and neighbor Sandy had introduced Danny to playing princess with her and now Didi can’t get enough girl time. Joanne told Didi she would support her decision to become her daughter for as long as she wanted.

Woman in the Corner Office - 22


Chapter 81

"Hey, it's only a little blood. I've seen more when I cut myself shaving."

Nothing I said seemed to have any effect. She kept calling for help in between hugging me and telling me I'd be alright. She kept muttering to herself, "not again, not again," before calling out again.

The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 3 & 4

Patsy Power Part 3

So that was what we did. The ladies were very gracious and took us to a few very good clothing stores and quickly got into the groove of our trying on and selecting; finally, we had a number of bags which our hosts put in a cab to be taken to the Hotel and then took us to a lovely little Italian Restaurant which reminded us of Marios.


The Patsy Project Book 2. Patsy Power Part 1 & 2

Patsy Power Part 1

I made myself at home again, getting myself a cup of coffee then putting my feet up for a little while. I then went up to my room and stripped off to look at myself in the big mirror. My breasts were, to my mind, magnificent and when I turned sideways I thought that my new butt was going to make me get more clothes.

The Chrysalis Project book 10: Iron Dolphin book 4


The Chrysalis Project Book 10: Iron Dolphin Book 4
  The last time Krystel and
  Tammy were together, London was
  exciting. Now it's
  Tammy's turn to travel

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Woman in the Corner Office - 21


Chapter 77

Things had gotten a lot clearer since yesterday. It helped that I didn't have to worry about Christina. The nurses did tell me about her catfight with Rick's wife. I'm sorry I missed it. Maybe there was security footage. I'd ask.

Okay, I'm a guy, the idea of Christina and another women fighting kind of turned me on. As long as she didn't find out.

The Excursion in Spain. Final Chapter

The Return Trip

The following weeks flew by and my days and nights were pretty well set. Into Madrid in the morning, back via the abattoir and dairy, dropping off the empty churns; unloading the next days’ goods then cleaning out the van.

The Center

The Center
Inspired by a Captioned Image
By Maryanne Peters

Lee was my youngest son. A bit of an afterthought. My two older sons were in high school when he was born. My wife suffered after the pregnancy and by the time Lee started school, she was dead.

I suppose that I saw my wife in my youngest child. But then Lee became more and more like her.

The Chrysalis Project Book 9: Iron Dolphin Book 3


The Chrysalis Project Book 9: Iron Dolphin Book 3 pt1
  The last time Krystel and
  Tammy were together, London
  was exciting. Now it's
  Tammy's turn to travel

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Katie Ann - Chapter 35: Family Emergency

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look 7 years old, but you're actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen's entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn't the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her how she looks, 7 years old?

Becky Reus

The Excursion in Spain. Chapter 16

A New Direction

The following week Jordana and I drove the old van into the dealership and picked up the new one. With the number of other runs reduced by one, she was designated as my emergency driver, especially as she was also a she-male and a bit stronger than the other girls. Those churns could be a bitch to manhandle when full.

The Excursion in Spain. Chapter 15

I Didn’t See That Coming

I was taken aback as she had never shown any affection to me before. I asked her what was different now and she said that she could see the man in me coming back to the fore and was starting to think that she wanted to experience some genuine lovemaking for a change.

The Excursion in Spain. Chapter 14

A Country Girl Again

Friday morning dawned, as it usually did, and we had breakfast at the Vegaviana. We were all happy at having another two weeks behind us and the girls were very interested in my deputy. I told them that I had helped him sort out some internal problems and that he was a deputy for our electorate at the farm, so could be a help when it came to any problems we could have. I told them to make sure they kept his visits secret.

Woman in the Corner Office - 20


Chapter 73

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Somebody needed to turn off the damn alarm. I tried to reach for it but all I felt was pain. I decided to go back to sleep.

I opened my eyes again and there she was right above me smiling. Just like in my dream. She kissed me. Then there were more faces. I wanted to tell them to get out of my dream but I couldn't make my mouth work.

Suddenly Royal - Chapter 13 and Epilogue


Suddenly Royal

Chapter 13 and Epilogue
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!

Suddenly Royal - Chapter 12


Suddenly Royal

Chapter 12
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann


Alan and his best friend Ellie are enjoying being able to hang out on their summer break. Ellie has known about Alan's desire to be Allie for several years, and they plan one of their many shopping trips to the mall while their parents are at work. Little does Allie know that her simple day of secretly being out with her best friend would suddenly spiral into a whole new life!


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