WunderBoy ~ Chapter 1

WunderBoy is the continuation of WunderGirl




By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna Rousseau & Joyce Melton.)
(Image Sources: Androgynous Man & Football Field)

~ Day 47 ~



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I’ve been out on a lot of dates…with a lot of gorgeous girls. But Samantha has me bewitched! I can’t keep my eyes off her. And I can’t keep my urges under control. It gets worse every time I get a whiff of her heavenly scent…it’s like the aroma is turning me on. Literally!

I barely make it into the restaurant, without giving in to the desire…to just stop and kiss her…on the spot. At least, with the table between us, the overwhelming desire lessens. But it doesn’t completely go away. It’s just more manageable.

I force myself to focus on trying to settle Samantha’s obvious dating concerns. And on showing her that I’m not a bad guy. I mean…I’m not! I’ve just never had…such overwhelming…desires. She’s so hot…it hurts! Literally!

We make it through dinner…without incident. She’s just so cute…wanting a steak! But then I have to really fight myself from eating her for my second dessert… The drive to the movie theater is excruciating! After we finally get there…with me sticking my head out the window, the whole way…we go in. I lead her to the perfect little spot that I reserved for us…and we settle in. And there we are…sitting together…so close…to one another. Her scent overwhelms me. And I can’t help myself.

I try. I really do! I mean, sure, I had every intention…all along…of trying to sneak at least one kiss. And my ploy of bringing her to an ultra-long chick-flick is working…too well.

She starts crying at the “emotional” scenes…as predicted….

I pull her into a hug “to comfort her”…as planned. But that’s when I get a deep breath of that heavenly perfume of hers…mixed with her angelic body aroma….

Like I said, at that point…I literally can’t help myself. I start nibbling on her neck and ear. It’s all I can do to not go further!

She hisses for me to stop.

I can’t though. And I can tell she really wants me to keep on…deep down.

And…finally…she just gives in.

After the first kiss…it’s all I can do to remember we’re in the movie theater. We kiss intensely…and passionately…until the movie is over.

I want more! I want it so much…it actually hurts! I’m near panting…. I have to get her someplace after…the movie…and get some relief! We need to go all the way!

On our way out, I’m considering where we should go.

That’s when she breaks free from me to go into the girl’s room. She finally comes back out…after at least ten long minutes….

And my head has cleared a little.

She’s fixed her makeup and once again looks like an angel. She reluctantly lets me take her hand…but keeps as far from me…as she can…without breaking my hold. She has a mix of…desire…and disgust on her face.

I want to kiss her so badly! But…I also want…more…! It’s worse again…now that she’s back with me. I get her into the car and steal another kiss…and lean in to continue. I can tell she wants to keep on!

But she pushes me back…and makes it very clear that she has to get home.

I start to argue with her, but the fresh air helps clear my head…a little. It’s enough that I remember her mom’s warning. That dire memory somehow cuts through the fog in my brain…and it sinks in that I do have to get her home.

I force myself to get into the driver’s seat and take off…looking straight ahead. Her perfume once again fully assaults me in the enclosed car, so I concentrate as much as I can on my driving. I lower the window and drive with it down to keep my head clear of her intoxicating scent.

As soon as I pull into her driveway, she jumps out and runs into the house—without a word to me.

I yell after her to try and get her to commit to another date.

But she’s gone…the door firmly closing behind her.

I can almost feel her mother glaring at me through the solid wood.

I would be pissed…but I really need to get somewhere…fast! I need to give myself some relief…ASAP! I’m about to die! Talk about blue balls!

~ Day 48 ~



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I get up bleary-eyed. I didn’t sleep much at all, last night. And when I did…I had…unnerving dreams. Like, I had been fully transformed into a girl…as in having…a girl’s…“equipment.” I was out on a date with Gerome…and we went all the way…. And the most frightening thing is…I was really enjoying it.

When I woke up, after that dream, my heart was pounding. My nipples were like rocks…and I was actually panting! And now…on top of that…there’s also this suspicious looking…spot…on my sheets.

I sigh and go to my bathroom to take a shower. I debate on whether it should be a cold one! I’ve long gotten used to daily showers…since I started this whole ordeal…even on Sundays…. if I don’t shower and do my makeup…every day…I just don’t feel right. I mean, literally. It’s probably just in my head, but it’s not only a matter of looking forward to the tingle…. I seem to get all jittery and have a slight headache if I try and go without. And to be totally honest…anymore…I feel…well…kind of naked with no makeup on. Like…I’m…unfinished…or something.

I soak up the steam in the shower…having decided against the cold one…. Even so…I shiver when I accidentally brush my nipples with the scrubby…and wish it was from cold water…. The sensation causes last evening’s events to come crashing back to my mind.

I have no idea what got into me! I have no desire to be with another boy. Well…with any boy…. I mean… any boy. I shake my head in confusion. But what about my dreams then? What do those mean?

When I got home…and ran inside without a word to Gerome…I almost cried myself to sleep in Momma’s arms. That was after somehow convincing Daddy that Gerome didn’t hurt me…so he didn’t have to go hunt him down. He just threw his arms up in frustration…and went out back…on the patio…where he and Momma now always go…to smoke…. He just doesn’t get me anymore…but…then I don’t get myself!

After confirming that I wasn’t somehow physically hurt, Momma sent me to bed with a promise that we would talk through it all…today. I noticed her going out back, too…as I climbed the stairs to try and get some sleep. The last thing I heard, before closing my door, was Momma and Daddy arguing loudly…but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

I shake my head at the fact that they voluntarily let themselves get addicted to something as stupid as smoking. Then I remember her “promise….” That we would “talk….” I’m sure they were down there smoking and hashing out what we will “talk” about…. I have that to look forward to…when I go down this morning. Oh joy! Maybe I can just stay up here all day!

I sigh and pat myself dry. Then I moisturize…all over…and sit down to do my makeup. As bizarre as it sounds…doing that is…strangely therapeutic. I still have no actual desire to be a girl…or to wear makeup. But putting it on makes me feel better—and it’s fast becoming…well…just a part of me.

I shake my head. Who am I kidding? I love the feeling of the makeup…and how it makes me look. But that doesn’t mean that I want to wear it…. I think…. But…then why do I feel naked without it? It’s all so confusing!

I finish perfecting my face and get dressed. Then, on my way to the stairs, I peek in Gemma’s room, and see she’s up…sitting on her bed…and with a deeply reflective look on her face.

She startles when she notices me and motions for me to come in.

It looks like she was just getting ready to take a shower…and thinking hard about…something.

She puts on a hopeful face. “Do you think we can talk to Momma, today…about my makeup situation? I don’t want to run out of product…and not have any sort of backup!”

I shake my head. “I’m not making any promises, Gemma.” I sigh. “I had a really bad night, last night…and Momma and Daddy want to talk about it. We’ll have to see how that goes. You really shouldn’t have gotten yourself into this pickle! Like me…you’re just going to have to live with your choices…for better or worse.”

She hangs her head and bites her lower lip…obviously fighting tears.

I wordlessly hug her…but I have my own demons to fight. So, I leave her to take her shower and reluctantly go on downstairs…not looking forward to what is to come.

Chad is just getting up from table…having finished his breakfast…and he gives me a funny look. “How did the date go, Sis?”

I think he’s actually being sincere. I shudder and give him a glare. “Chad, I’m not your Sis! I mean…I’m…. Oh! Never mind.” I shake my head. “Anyway, it was a complete disaster!”

He gives me a concerned look and purses his lips. “Do I need to go beat this guy up? I mean, I know he goes to that fancy private school…so I don’t really know him…but I can certainly find him!”

I smile and suddenly feel a warmth spread through my body. For all the crap he’s given me, he does care! That’s so sweet! I shake my head and sigh. “No. That’s not it, Chad. He didn’t really do anything…wrong. I mean he didn’t…force…me to do anything…. I just did some things—wanted some things—that have me all confused. I mean I let him….”

Now he really looks concerned…and…repulsed.

It hits me what he’s probably thinking.

His eyebrows have climbed up his forehead and disappeared under his hair. His face is a little green.

I feel my face turn sour and show my disgust. “Ewww! No, Chad. He just kissed me! Nothing more!”

He shakes his head and gives me a stern warning. “Be careful, Sis! ‘Just’ kissing can lead to a lot of other things. I don’t want to see you hurt!” He gives me a brotherly hug…like I’ve seen him give Gemma…a thousand times. Then he turns to head out the door.

I just splutter behind him. “I love you, too! But I’m not your Sis!”

He keeps just keeps walking…but waves off my protest. And he simply laughs as my words ring hollow…even to myself.

Right then is when Momma comes in…with Daddy right behind her.

So…I “get” to spend my breakfast telling them the whole story…about the whole “date.” And I readily admit to how I’m all…confused…about so many things.

Daddy looks totally green…like he wants to throw up. Then he turns red. Then he turns green again.

Momma just shakes her head and puckers her lips. “So, do you like boys…in general? Or is it just…Gerome?”

I shake my head and shout in frustration. “Neither! I…I…I mean….” My voice falls to barely an audible whisper. “I…don’t know…anymore.” And I have to fight…really hard…not to tear up.

“How much longer is this trial supposed to go on?” Daddy looks at Momma in desperation. “When can Sam get out from under this? School’s going to start soon. I know you said that he had to take those…supplements…whatever they are. But maybe it’s not too late for him to…you know…go back to being a normal boy? To being my son!”

Momma shakes her head and sighs deeply. “First of all…I don’t know that I understand everything in his damned contract…it’s different than mine. I suppose I could ask Lissa…or Ginny. But that won’t get him out from under his modeling contract. We’re both past the thirty-day trial. So, I would assume it would be for at least a year…. Mine’s an open-ended contract…subject to renegotiation every five years. I just don’t know about Samantha’s…it’s probably the same…. It got all confusing with the modifications. I’m not a lawyer. Maybe we should talk to Roger? I know we should have done that before signing, but here we are.”

Daddy turns a deeper shade of green. He finally admits what we has been up to. “I have been talking to him! He just says we’re stuck with the contract. I’ll have to ask about a termination clause, though. I’m not sure what the stipulation was around that infernal thousand you…we…took up front. And then there’s all of those clothes that you let them talk you into ‘giving’ Sam. No matter what…I’m sure it won’t be cheap!”

Momma just glares at him…and I figure they will be “talking” again later…out back….

I sigh. “It doesn’t matter.” I shrug. “I can live with the modeling…and the makeup.” I shake my head and beg. “But Momma, just please don’t let them set me up on any more ‘dates.’ Please! I don’t know what came over me! It was embarrassing! And I don’t think I like the thoughts it’s causing me to have…about…boys…. I don’t even know who I am…anymore!” I fight the tears that want to start.

She hugs me tightly and has a hitch in her voice when she answers. “I’ll do what I can, Hon. You know I can’t control them, though. And it’s supposedly in your contract, as part of the marketing piece, that you’ll go to ‘business meetings.’ They can’t force you to date…but going to…dinner…? They can direct you to do that…and there’s not much difference in a boy’s mind….”

I just sigh and nod my head…ready to throw up at any minute. It’s the “business” part that I’m afraid of…in those “meetings!”

Daddy just swallows his bile and exclaims that he’s going to the back porch…. I notice he grabs his bottle of whiskey and a new box of cigars.

I look at the clock. It’s just 9:04…a.m.!


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I walk into the kitchen…just as it looks like a seriously intense conversation between Sis, Momma, and Daddy is just ending.

Momma is squeezing Sis…who has tears in her eyes.

Daddy looks…sick…and throws his hands up, as he gets up in a total huff, and leaves the room…to go out on the back porch. I can’t believe he’s taking a bottle of whiskey with him…and those stinky cigars! Ewwwww!

I look at Sis, just sitting there…with a confused look on her face. I’ve started thinking of her as my sister…it’s just easier that way. I know Chad thinks the same way. There simply isn’t anything “boy” left in her—despite her protests to the contrary.

I fix a bowl of cereal and sit down. I take a bite and slowly chew it…then decide to push my issue a little. I swallow my mouthful and look across the table. “Momma, Sis’s been teaching me all about makeup. I mean…you said that was alright. I think she’ll agree that I’m doing really well, right Sis?” I smile sweetly…hopefully.

She jerks in surprise when I say that.

But I push on. “So, can I please start wearing full makeup, Momma? Please?”

Momma looks at me, then looks hard at Sis. Finally, she sighs. “Samantha, do you agree that Gem has learned the lessons you’ve been teaching her?”

Samantha scowls and exclaims in a huff. “What is it with everyone calling me ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘Sis’ today? I’m not a girl!”

Momma slaps the table hard with the palm of her hand. “Enough! Samantha, you have to get used to the fact that as long as you’re under that contract…and taking those supplements…that you agreed to…that you are a girl! You look like one. You act like one. You walk like one. You talk like one. You sound like one. And…you want like one.”

I have no idea what she means by that, but Sis looks like she slapped her…not the table.

Tears start streaming down her cheeks…and she just sits there with a shocked and utterly miserable look on her face.

Momma goes over and hugs her again…then kisses her cheek. She finally shakes her head. “Look, Hon. I’ll go in with you to talk to Lissa in the morning. We can find out how soon the trial will be over…and then we can talk to Greta about the modeling contract. Maybe we can get you out from under it…but you need to think hard about whether that’s what you really want. I’m not so convinced it is, to be brutally honest.” She sits back and quietly waits.

Sis takes a shaky breath. Then she dabs her eyes with tissue. She nods and bites her lower lip before responding with a sniffle. “Thanks, Momma.” She shrugs. “I…I…I…simply don’t know…anymore. But finding out what…my options are…can’t hurt…right?”

Momma hugs her again, then nods. “Now, about your sister. I’m not a fan of letting a thirteen-year-old wear full makeup. But there are two…members of this family that are currently being paid to promote the use of said makeup. And since the girl’s fourteenth birthday is next week…I maybe could be persuaded…if I can be convinced, she’s up to doing it correctly…and is taking it seriously. So…how is she doing? I trust your judgment, Hon!”

My heart skips several beats! This may work out!

Samantha just numbly shrugs and smiles wanly. “She’s doing great. Although, it still seems weird for me to be teaching her…and that you trust my judgment on how she’s doing!”

“It’s what big sisters do!” Momma smiles and shrugs. “It’s odd that you asked about this, though, Gem. Greta just came to me on Friday…and offered me free samples…specifically for you. They’re thinking of a junior line for young teens…I think their calling it WunderTeen…or something. She said all I need to do is bring in a few pictures…so they can put together the proper palette. There’s also something about a teen body spray….”

She winks. “If you like them, I can get the usual discount on the product line…if and when it goes on the market. You would have to, of course, brag to all your friends about using it. And show it off to make them jealous! It seems you can thank your sister for making it all happen. I guess she’s talked you up at WG. Well…and taught you how to properly wear it.” She grins.

I hop up and give Momma a huge hug and thank her profusely. Then I hug Sis and whisper in her ear. “Thank you, Sis!”

After that, I hurry back upstairs to brag to my BFFs…that I’m going to get to use makeup! A full palette! All of the time!

Of course, I’ll leave out the part about the tingles—but I’m already looking forward to both using the makeup and having the tingles! It all certainly makes me want to use WunderGirl products. And use them exclusively…from now on! The fact that Momma and Sis work there doesn’t matter…it’s awesome stuff! Why wouldn’t I?


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The whole conversation with Samantha is concerning. That date went horribly wrong…and could have gone even worse. I honestly wasn’t expecting her to kiss Gerome once…let alone lose control and have a full-blown make out session during the movie! I mean...what if Gerome had…. I shake my head and shudder.

It’s clear that Gary is bothered by it all, too. But I’m not so sure it’s for the same reasons as me. He still sees Samantha as his son…and is not thinking about from the proper perspective. The thing is…I don’t Samantha is even thinking that way. Like Gary…she’s still thinking like a boy on this whole thing…that kissing Gerome is…“gay.” Neither one is thinking about what would happen if Gerome had…tried something…. That Samantha has something that he would not be expecting…and finding that would be catastrophic. For all kinds of reasons.

But Samantha is clearly confused…her dreams are a testament to that. Do I need to get her to a shrink? I think she may actually be transgender…and not realize it. But what do I know? I don’t even know where to begin on that…. I’m not going to talk to Lissa about it. That’s for sure! I guess I’ll just wait…and see where things go…. I mean if Samantha goes back to being Samuel, then…what’s the point?

I understand her distress about the date…and the fear that she will be forced on more. I just don’t know how to stop it from happening. I just understand her contract well enough. We really need to talk to Roger about this whole thing. I mean I know we should have well before now…before we even signed. But hindsight is always twenty-twenty…. I finally hug my clearly distraught child….

Gary storms out to the patio…to smoke.

I want to follow him…for several reasons….

But Gem comes in and obviously wants to talk about something…and that something doesn’t take long to come out.

I should have known this was coming. It’s hard to believe my daughter…well…my other daughter is turning fourteen next week. That has been my family’s “coming of age” birthday…for starting to use makeup. Of course, she wants to go further than is “traditional” for the family “values.” I take a deep breath…I was planning on letting her start next week anyway…and she’s really been learning a lot from Samantha. Then…there’s the whole teen makeup line at WG…. I’m still not sure about that…something seems…off…but I’m probably just being paranoid…because of everything else.

So…I give in. I’ll probably end up regretting it…but…it’s hard to stop her from using cosmetics when Samantha is so fully into them…even though she’s nearly two years older.

Gem hurries upstairs to brag to her friends.

Samantha goes next door to Faith’s…those two have become nearly inseparable…especially since Mark is being an ass and not returning any of Samantha’s emails.

I take a deep breath…and go out the patio.

Gary is sitting in a recliner, smoking a cigar…and staring at the bottle of whisky in his hand.

“Don’t even think about it, Gary! You’ve been way too much, to begin with…but you’re not going to start drinking this early in the day.” I light a cigarette and blow out my smoke in exasperation.

“I’m…not…. I know…. I just don’t understand my son, anymore!” He puts the bottle down and puffs on his cigar.

I shrug. “I’m not convinced she is your son, anymore…if she ever was.” I shake my head. “We’re in over our heads here, Sweetie…in everything. But…you need to be more supportive…no matter how this goes down. I don’t have any intention of being married to a drunk. Do we understand each other?” I give him a serious look.

He sighs…and nods. “I have no intention of being a drunk…and I’ll…try….”


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I sit in the kitchen and listen to my son talk about his “date” from last night. He’s sitting there…back straight as an arrow, with his legs crossed, wringing his hands folded in his lap…and perfectly made up. That alone still blows my mind…he looks like a perfect little lady. But when he starts talking about kissing that other boy…I nearly lose it…literally!

At least he admits that he’s confused. I know that it confuses the Hell out of me!

I finally can’t take it anymore…I grab my cigars…and my bottle of whisky…and go out to the patio. I sit down and light a cigar and puff on it…and stare at the bottle of whiskey. It’s just after nine in the morning…and I’m seriously contemplating pouring a large glass of whiskey. I think I need help…. Sam needs help…. We all need help….

Jules comes out and gives me shit. I can’t blame her…not really. But she’s as much to blame on this whole sordid mess, as anyone. So blaming me is so…hypocritical. I watch her smoke her cigarette in frustration.

I promise to try. “But Jules…I want my son back. We did this to him…both of us.” I don’t add that she’s the one that pushed hardest. I don’t have to.

She knows it.


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I look up as Samantha comes into the kitchen. She let herself in…which is normal. I do the same at her house. Our mommas are best friends…and so are we. I can’t deny that since she’s…well…become a “she”…and there’s no doubt in my mind that she has…that I wouldn’t mind it being more than just “best friends.” But…that’s not something that I’m prepared to divulge…just yet. I know that some at school suspect it…but I’m still firmly in the closet.

“Hi, Sam! So…I take it from your text that the date went…unexpectedly….” I look around. Mumma’s upstairs…but I doubt Sam wants her to overhear. “Let’s go to my room and we can discuss it.” I take her hand and lead her to my room…and close the door. “So…dish. What happened?”

She takes a deep breath and looks like she may cry. “It was…terrible, Faith! He kissed me…and…I kissed him back! We…like…made out…the whole movie. I couldn’t stop myself!”

I feel…deflated. “So…you liked it?”

She shakes her head. “That’s just the thing! I was…like…disgusted with myself the whole time I was doing it! But…I couldn’t stop…he just sort of…turned me on…. If I could have…I think I would have even…gone further. I know he wanted to…he was rock-hard. I could tell. It was disgusting!”

I sigh. OK…so maybe not all is lost! “So…what happened?”

She takes a deep breath. “Other than kissing…nothing. After the movie…he wanted more…I could tell. I was afraid…. I was finally able to break through…and convince him that I needed to get home. I stormed off when he got me home…and have no intention of ever talking to him again! I’m afraid of…what might happen…if I do.”

I so want to hug her…console her…as more than her friend. But I just give her a tight hug and swallow my emotions. She smells so good! “It’s OK, Hon. It’ll be OK. It’s over! But…are you saying you’re into guys, now? There’s nothing wrong with that….”

She takes a shaky breath and sighs. Then she shakes her head on my shoulder…then speaks into it. “No! I mean…I don’t think so! Oh! I just…don’t know!”

I stroke her hair. “It’s OK, Hon! I’m here whenever you need to talk….” And I’m here for when you need more than talking….

She finally pushes back from my hug. “Thanks, Faith! You don’t know how much that means to me! I…I…I don’t know what I would do without you, right now! You really are my BFF!”

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