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(Cover image designed by Shauna Rousseau & Joyce Melton.)
(Image Sources: Androgynous Man & Football Field
* * * * *
I feel completely drained. Things have turned so weird in my life! I shake my head. “I just don’t get it, Faith! I don’t know how I feel about any of this…. Do you think I look…OK? This is the look that WG wants me to…keep….”
I am next door at my best friend Faith’s house. I’ve been spending a lot of time over here, the last couple of weeks. She’s always been a good friend…and was my first “best friend”…despite being a girl. But then Mark took over…especially after she went to Oakwood. Now…I guess she has taken back that role. I still haven’t heard back from Mark…and I have no idea how he will react to any of this. I don’t even know how to begin to explain it to him…I’ve started to put it into an email a million times…with more detail…. But I don’t know how. Besides…he seems too busy to respond anyway.
Today is my “day off” at WG. I never really know what day I’ll get off during the week, since it depends on modeling schedules…and whatever practice schedule they put me on. So, I make the best use of them I can…when I do get them…like catching up with Faith. I came over early…before Claire…I’m still getting used to calling Mrs. Beaumont that…rode into work at WG…with Momma…so we have the place to ourselves.
We typically meet over here. Even when Chad is at work at the lumberyard…and Daddy is at the car dealership…Gem is usually at home…so we have more privacy here.
I look at Faith…who is intently studying my “look.”
She shrugs. “I don’t see any difference. Am I missing something?”
I sigh. “No…there’s no difference in the overall color…it’s what they’ve been making me go with…for weeks now. But…I don’t know if this is…me.”
“So?” She shrugs again. “You can always change it…right? I mean it’s just hair color and some colored contacts. Stop coloring your hair and take out the contacts…when you’re not at work.”
I shake my head. “You don’t get it, Faith. This is my hair color…not dye. And there are no contacts. The products they have me using at WG changed my colors….”
“Really?” She looks dubious. “Even if that is true…then stop using the products….”
“That’s just the thing!” I whine. “Yesterday…they supposedly…somehow…made it…permanent. I have no idea if it’s true, or not…but the way it hurt…I don’t really doubt it. They did…something. I’m losing grip on ‘Sam’…whether I want to, or not!” I fight the tears that want to start pouring down my face.
Faith looks stunned. “Can that even be true? That sounds like some sort of bullshit science fiction stuff. Changing the color of your hair and eyes? I don’t know….”
I shrug. “There’s all kind of weird stuff that goes on in Lissa’s labs.”
“Lissa?” She looks confused.
“Dr. Melissa Greene. She’s the Director of R&D.” I forget that Faith doesn’t know everyone there…like her mother. “I think she may actually be the Devil!”
She giggles.
I don’t.
“Wait! You’re serious? Is she really that bad?” She looks concerned.
I nod. “Don’t say anything to your momma…but that woman is evil. The others kind of go along…I think they’re scared of her. I know I am! Terrified, actually!”
“But she didn’t…turn you into…“Samantha”…. Wasn’t that…Joyce…? Isn’t that her name?” She screws up her face as she tries to remember the name.
I shrug. “Well…Joyce, Dharma, and Greta have all played a part in that…. But Lissa is the one that talked Momma into signing up for the modeling thing…to begin with. Then that convinced Momma to sign me up for the trial…with the modeling modification. So…somehow…it all goes back to Lissa. After they started me actually modeling…then Adam Ansel got involved… I don’t know how much Lissa had to do with that….” I shudder as I remember the last thing that Greta told me, yesterday.
“Sam? What’s wrong?” Faith is just about the only one, anymore, that will call me “Sam.” But not because she sees me as my “old” self…it’s just a shortened version of “Samantha” to her.
Daddy is the only one that seems to hold onto “Sam” as a shortened version of “Samuel.”
I feel sick. “I have to go out on another date with Gerome…on Friday….”
* * * * *
I’m not sure what to make of Sam’s story. She’s…once again…become my best friend. We used to be best friends before I had to go to stupid Oakwood…not that I ever wanted to go to private school. But it was really easy to settle back in with her…and I can relate even better to her better…that she’s…well…a girl. There’s no doubt in my mind…and my heart…that she is. I blush at that thought…and quickly put it aside. Anyway…I know she still doubts her status as a girl. I also wish there was some way to get her into school with me…or to convince Mumma to let me go back to “regular” school.
Then she brings up an upcoming date with Gerome. He’s not a bad guy…not really. I don’t really get her hang-up with him. Well…I mean I wouldn’t want to date him, either…but I don’t want to date any…guy. I once again put that thought aside. I need to support my best friend…I mean I do understand her hang-up…with dating guys. But…I can’t let her…anyone know that.
“What do you have against Gerome, Hon? I think he was kind of sweet at the Country Club the other day. I mean…I guess I get you’re still confused about your sexuality…but give him a chance. It would be different if you knew you weren’t into guys….” If only…but she needs to be sure….
She shakes her. “Other guys…. Despite what everyone keeps saying…I’m not a girl.”
“Are you sure about that, Sam? I give her a pointed and very doubtful look. “I don’t see a guy sitting in my room.” I giggle. “As a matter of fact…there better not be a guy sitting in my room. I’m not allowed to have guys in my room…especially when Mumma’s not home!”
She makes a sour face. “You know what I mean, Faith! Besides…they’re pushing me to date him. It’s like an arranged marriage! How would you like that?”
“I suppose I wouldn’t be happy with that either.” I sigh. “But what I know of Gerome…he seems nice enough. He’s always polite at the Country Club. Trust me…there are some real slimeball members there! And…he seems pretty…OK…at school. Of course, I don’t have a lot of contact with him there…only during breaks and over lunch….”
She shrugs. “Yeah…I know…he hasn’t been…terrible…. I just…lost control…last time…. I wanted to do things…things I shouldn’t…want to.”
I shrug…not really shocked…but disappointed. “You make my point. You wouldn’t want those things…if you weren’t at least open to the idea of liking a guy.”
She shudders and abruptly changes the topic. “I don’t want to think about it…not right now. I just wish you were back in school with me. I’m going to miss having you around for moral support!”
I smile. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere. I am just next door! But…I do wish we were back in school together, too.”
“What’s it like…there? Is it as snooty as I imagine?” She grins. “You just don’t fit the mold of who I picture going there!”
I shrug. “Yeah…it’s pretty much what you would expect an old-fashioned private prep school to be like. It started out as an all-girls school…but turned co-ed right before the turn of the century. Even so…us girls are still segregated from the boys in class. At least they are loosening up some on the girls. It used to be a ‘finishing school’ and taught girls to be ‘perfect ladies.’ There still is that ‘traditional’ track…but most girls are in the more contemporary college prep track. Surprisingly…there are still an astonishing number of girls in the finishing…or ‘traditional’ track…mostly girls from rich families…that come in from all around and board there. I guess there aren’t that many schools left that offer such an ‘opportunity’….”
She screws up her face. “What do they have to do? It sounds misogynistic.”
“No…” I sigh. “There’s no hatred of women…at least not systemically. It’s just pure old-fashioned sexism. It’s totally weighted toward home ec, deportment, and other…‘feminine’ things…even ballet. There’s enough of the basic stuff sprinkled in to have the credits to graduate…and get into a good college…. But only as long as it’s for something that’s in a ‘woman’s’ realm…. Girls from that track would really struggle academically to catch up in…say medicine…or another ‘male’ realm.”
She has a sour look on her face. “That sounds…oppressive! And…a lot like the crap that Joyce and Dharma have been drilling into my brain. It wouldn’t surprise me if they went there!”
I shrug. “Yeah…. And that’s only underscored by their uniforms…. You’ve seen mine…what you would expect…a boring pleated, beige tartan skirt, white blouse, green blazer, and black Mary Janes. Theirs is also a tartan skirt… but in mauve, lavender, and periwinkle…and made of the finest silk…plus it’s an extremely tight knee-length pencil skirt. They have silk blazers…also mauve…and matching five-inch suede stilettos. Their silk blouses are a pale lavender. I mean…it’s pretty…but I’d break my neck in that skirt and those heels!” I look at the designer clothes and the shoes she’s wearing and giggle. “You…on the other hand…wouldn’t have an issue!”
She sticks out her tongue at me and gives me a raspberry. “I guess I can be thankful that we’re poor! There’s no way I would want to go there! I feel sorry for you, Hon!”
* * * * *
I get into my car and shake my head. I just met up with Alice at the Quick Stop. It’s the first time we could hook up for days…. And her first question to me is if I can have Samantha show her how she did her makeup the other night at the Country Club. I guess she saw her there when she went with Claire and Faith Beaumont. Alice’s family has a membership….
It’s just weird…Alice is a varsity high-school cheerleader and drop-dead gorgeous…and she wants makeup advice from my…former brother…. Of course, that was a whole other discussion…explaining “Samantha” to her…. I hope Samantha is OK with being transgender…it’s all I could come up with…I mean it has to be true…right? How else do you explain it?
I pull into “my” parking spot at the lumberyard. I park way out…where no one ever parks…but me. I don’t want any fucking door dings!
“Chad! What’s up, Bro?” Jimmy cheerfully greets me. Something’s up! He’s in too good a mood…this close to school starting. But it is our last school year…so maybe that’s it. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him after football practice yesterday…but come to think of it…he seemed in a good mood there, too. Yeah…it must be senioritis!
“Hey, Jimmy! Wanna go over to Fred’s after practice?” There’s just not a lot of time to hang out before school anymore. “Alice and I are going…. I mean…I know you’re not currently serious with anyone…but maybe LuLu would want to hang….”
He shakes his head…but grins wide enough that I think his mouth is going to split. “I can’t! I have a date, Bro! I’m in love!”
I haven’t seen him this goofy since his failed attempts at seducing Ronni Brown.
“You’ll never guess who called and asked me out!” It doesn’t seem possible…but his grin gets even wider!
I shrug. “Ronni Brown?” Of course, I’m just fucking with him.
He seems shocked…but then nods dreamily. “Wow! Fucking good guess! We’re going to Jackson’s after practice. I nearly passed out when she called!”
I shake my head in my own shock. But something’s not right…. She didn’t want anything to do with him, last year. But…I guess everyone has the right to change their mind. I just never would have thought that Ronni would…not on this. “Well…congrats, Bro! After you get the whole first date thing out of the way…we can go out on a double.”
He fist bumps me…and we go our separate ways to get to work…. We both have a lot to do, since we have to leave early for football practice.
* * * * *
I shudder as I finish up in the shower. The tingle isn’t anything like it was…but I’ll fix that with the other products…that I’m now officially allowed to use…. The creams and lotions will certainly give me the tingle I want. I smile…and I can always get a piece of gum…that always helps!
I finish drying off, then take the towel off my head to start drying my hair. I comb though it with my fingers, as I blow it dry…and startle. Something doesn’t look right…it must be the steam doing something to my reflection in the mirror. I point the dryer at the mirror to clear off the fog and inspect my hair more closely in the mirror…. I drop the dryer in shocked dismay…and shriek…loudly! The roots…about half-an-inch of them…are not my normal blond…they’re neon pink!
“Sis!” Fuck…fuck…fuck! I pause to make sure I didn’t say that out loud…then shriek again. “Samantha!”
“What is it, Gem? Claire is going to be here any minute and we’ll need to leave right after that. Your sister has already gone over to talk to Faith.” Momma pokes her head in my bedroom door, but doesn’t come into the bathroom.
I yell out to her. “Nothing, Momma! I just have a question for Sis. I’ll ask her later.” Thankfully, my long hair…mostly hides the pink…when it’s brushed out…and hanging down. I have to figure out something…and quick. I think furiously…and remember that can of spray-on hair chalk that I got for last Halloween. It’s pink…and I still have half a can. I quickly get it and spray it into hair…and brush it out into streaks… It does a good job camouflaging the roots.
Lilly’s mom is picking me up in thirty minutes…and we’re going to the mall…. Lilly has been my best friend…forever…and she’s really jealous about my WG gig. She’s working on her parents…well her momma…to let her sign up, too. Anyway…Lilly just called me and surprised me…and so I won’t have a chance to talk to Sis before tomorrow, since she’s going with Claire to the movies this evening…. And I definitely want to talk to her…before I go to Momma with this. This totally sucks! WTF? I shudder and finish getting ready.
* * * * *
“Good morning, Claire! I’ll be ready in a sec! Do you want a coffee to go? The pot is fresh…Samantha got hers…and took it with her over to your house and Gary has his, too…so there’s plenty.” I finish putting on my heels and check my hair in the hall mirror.
Claire pours herself a coffee in one of the spare travel mugs and adds some sugar and creamer.
I sigh…I hate it when people mess with perfectly good coffee…like Gary…otherwise we wouldn’t even have creamer!
“Thanks, Hon! I was running a little late…and didn’t have time. I was going to ask if you stop to get one on the way…but this is much better!”
I nod and we get in the car. I fight the urge to light a cigarette and take a sip of coffee instead. I really don’t want to smoke in the car. “I’m glad to get out of the house…it’s a madhouse! Gem just started on the new WunderTeen products…and is going to Samantha for advice on things. I would be upset…but it’s kind of cute. I’m glad they’re bonding…I think it’s good for Samantha.”
Claire nods. “I agree. It’s cute. But tell me about WunderTeen. I haven’t heard of it.”
I shrug. “I don’t know much, either. It’s a new line that WG is testing…for young teens. Lissa’s involved…somehow…which worries me…. But Greta says it’s legitimate…and safe. At least there’s no real contract involved…Gem gets the product…and tries to sign up more friends to help promote it. If she signs up two people, then the product is free…or she stays on to promote it for a year. Otherwise, she has to pay for the product…which can’t be that much…it’s just the typical body, skin, and hair care products…and a line of makeup.”
“Sounds like a teenage heaven! Not only getting to wear makeup at that age…but promote it, too!” She giggles.
“I though so, too. I was going to let her start wearing it next week on her birthday, anyway…and this way we get free product! Win-win, in my book!” I giggle back…and pull into my parking spot. “Well…here we go! Another wonderful day ahead of us! I actually love my job, now!”
Claire squeezes my arm. “Me, too! I’m so glad it worked out so well…for both of us!”
I look at the clock on the dash and nod…with a grin. “I’ll see you later! We better run!”
* * * * *
Practice is finally over! This day has just crept by…in anticipation of what is coming this evening. My heart still beats a hundred miles an hour, whenever I just think about it!
I hurry to the locker room and shower off. I swiftly rid myself of my sweat and grime…and hurriedly towel off. Then I run to my car and jump in. After a quick drive home, I bound to my room and get dressed in “nice” clothes. Jackson’s isn’t the absolute fanciest restaurant, in town…but it’s way up there.
Then it hits me…. “Oh, fuck! The bill…!” I can’t help but swear out loud…something I’ve been doing more of lately…to my parents chagrin. No matter…I go downstairs to hit Dad up for some cash. What else am I supposed to do? It’s not like he really pays me for working at the mill. It’s all supposedly going to my “college fund.” The little bit he does give me is a pittance…nowhere near enough for the likes of Jackson’s! I have no idea how he will react….
Thankfully…when he hears that it’s for my “dream girl”…he simply forks over a hundred-dollar bill and grins! He doesn’t say a word….but he does wink.
I smile back at him. “Thanks, Dad!” I take the bill and pocket it. “I’ll pay you back! Or take it out of…something…. No time to chat…I’ve gotta run! I don’t wanna be late! This is so f…ummm…awesome!”
I hurry back to my car and drive the short distance to the restaurant. I’m so nervous when I get out that I’m sweating. I do my best to settle down…and walk semi-calmly into the restaurant. I don’t want to stink…or be all sweaty!
“Good evening, sir?” The hostess is a cute little Asian girl, who is smiling a little too much to not be fake. “May I get you a table? Do you have a reservation?”
I nearly choke. “I…well…ummm…I mean…. Well…I’m meeting someone. But I don’t know whether she’s here? I don’t…think we have a reservation.” My heart is pumping hard in my chest…like after running for a touchdown and evading a huge tackle, in the process.
“What’s her name?” She keeps smiling…but looks a little…aloof. “Maybe she’s here…?”
I sigh. “Ronni…Rhonda Brown?” I can’t help but shrug in impending defeat. Throwing a touchdown is a million times easier than this…even out of the pocket and under pressure!
She looks at her pad. “No…no reservation under that name. And she must not be here, yet…. Normally, I shouldn’t…since your party is not complete…but we’re not terribly busy tonight…. So…I can seat you…and let her know you’re here, when she arrives? I would just need your name….”
I jerk. “Yes! Thanks! Jimmy Rollings! Do you have something…intimate?”
She giggles. “So…it is you! I’m just a sophomore…and not a cheerleader…so you probably don’t recognize me…. Anyway…only the best for our special quarterback! Follow me…Mr. Rollings.”
She takes me to a secluded table…set up for two. “Thanks…?”
“Kameko…but everyone calls me ‘Kim.’” She smiles…genuinely, this time.
“Thanks, Kim. This is perfect!” I sit and take a nervous sip of the ice water she pours into my glass, from a nearby pitcher.
She places our menus on the table and gives me one of those fawning looks the younger girls always give me at school…then she goes back to the front.
After what seems like an hour, I check my watch…but it’s only been a couple of minutes. It’s 7:00, on the dot.
I look up and see Kim coming towards me…with a Goth Goddess. I’m not usually into that type of girl, but this one is…exquisite. I shake my head…I’m here for Ronni…. Then, I recognize her…and sharply inhale. I actually hear myself hiss.
“Jimmy! Hon! It’s so great to see you!” She comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss…on my cheek…but sort of brushes my lips in the process. I’m not sure if it was by accident…or not….
“Ronni? Wha…?” I get a whiff of her perfume…and…and her…aroma. And instantly get hard. My heart is about to pound its way completely out of my chest!
She giggles. “I wanted to rebrand myself…. Being labeled as a cheerleader, was just so…boring. What do you think?” She twirls.
I can’t take my eyes off of her.
She looks like a luscious vampiress.
“You’re…beautiful!” I don’t add that she’s an absolute wet-dream!
She smiles with lips that are so dark red that they’re nearly black. Her deathly pale skin and raven black hair just emphasize the beauty of her smile. The shiny hoops in her lower lip are gleaming…and I’m ready for those “fangs” to sink into my neck…any time she wants them to!
I’m hopelessly in love…once again!
* * * * *
I follow the girl, Kameko…no…Kim, into the restaurant. I remember her from school…she’s cute! Much cuter, than my current…prospect. I sigh…and resign myself to my fate. But I can’t help wonder if I might be able to sneak her number? She’s not that much younger than me.
I see Jimmy sitting at a secluded table, just large enough for two. It’s a romantic spot. And he has no clue that I am…well…me. Of course, he wouldn’t be expecting a girl in all her Goth glory…especially not…me.
Then, his eyes suddenly light up. It seems he finally recognizes me and quickly stands up. After the initial awkwardness, he shakes his head. “Ronni? Wow! Look at you! You’re…stunning!”
I can’t help but blush…although, I have no idea what his definition of “stunning” even looks like. My appearance is certainly not my definition of anything even remotely close to that…not with my bleached-out complexion. I go give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I honestly want to barf as I gently…but purposely…brush his lips on the way to his cheek. “Hi, Jimmy! It’s about time we got together!” Of course, I’m lying through my teeth. “It just would have been so…cliché, in school. But we’re past that awkwardness, now!” I break the hug…and nearly choke on my…feelings…and force a smile as I step back. He smells…delicious…and my nipples are hardening.
He pulls out my chair…obviously playing the gentleman.
I sit and “coyly” smile at him, over my shoulder, as he pushes my chair in. And I can’t help but notice that he has a very large…tent, himself.
He quickly walks around the table and takes a seat. “I’m really glad you decided to give me a chance, Ronni! I was…crushed…when you wouldn’t give me the time of day, last year. Not that I thought I was anything special…but you certainly are!”
I choke on my water.
Thankfully, I’m saved by our waitress. “Hi! I’m Jenna, and I’ll be serving you, tonight. Can I get you anything to drink…besides water?” She smiles and refills my water glass.
“Iced tea, please….” I nod. “Unsweetened.”
Jimmy shrugs. “I’ll have the same….”
Jenna nods and quickly leaves to get our drinks while we look at the menus.
The rest of the dinner is pretty mundane. We catch up, which is really boring…. I mean, he’s a high school quarterback…and he works at the lumberyard. So, nothing’s changed…or become any more interesting, in his life. What was I expecting?
I give him a little background on working at WG…but not too much…. I still need to reel him in…and a little mystery is good…to help get him hooked.
I’m thankful when we finally finish dessert…signaling an end to this part of my ordeal. Although…a part of me doesn’t want it to end…because now we go on…to the next.
He quickly pays the bill…without flinching at the cost. To be honest, I wasn’t sure he would have the funds.
“This was lovely, Jimmy! Now…why don’t we go somewhere, more private…for a little…alone time?” I wink seductively. But I really want to puke!
Lissa is pimping me out! She knows that Jimmy just turned eighteen. He was in the “late starter” group in school because of his birthday.
I’m still seventeen…I was in the “early group” and on top of that, I graduated early…when I was just sixteen. I pop in a piece of gum and chew it frantically, hoping with all my might that he’ll refuse. If he doesn’t…he’ll be committing a crime, tonight. And…I technically will no longer be able to wear a white wedding gown. But the more I chew, the more I want him…not to refuse. I curse…whatever…this lust is!
“Are you sure? That sounds great, Ronni! There’s a really great spot at the lumberyard…” He smiles…and is nearly drooling.
I shake my head. “I have my own private apartment above my parent’s garage. Just follow me in your car….”
Mr. Rollings
* * * * *
I sit back and relax. Days are always longer when school starts…and leading up to it…when football practice starts again. I’ve come to rely on Jimmie at the yard. I know he will likely get a football scholarship to college…then…hopefully come back and help run the business…and ultimately take it over.
I guess there always is a chance he could go pro…but I don’t really think it’s very likely. According to Coach Reynolds…he’s good…really good! But slots for professional quarterbacks are hard to come by…and he doesn’t have the physical…constitution…to really take another position. He’s in really good shape…but wiry…not beefy. And he’s not a receiver…like Chad…. He’s definitely not a blocker…or anything…that requires bulk. I mean…I suppose he could bulk up…but I don’t think that’s the type of position he’s looking for…and even bulked up…he’s just not a hulk. No…he’ll be back!
I smile at Martha, my beautiful wife of thirty-five years, as she puts down my plate with dinner on it. It smells wonderful…and I’m starving! “Where’s Jimmie? Isn’t he eating with us?”
She shakes her head. “No…he has a big date, tonight….”
Before she can say another word, he comes bounding down the steps…and asks me for money to take his girl to Jackson’s. That surprises me…not that he asks for money…but where he plans on taking her. He’s never asked for anything like this…and he impresses the fact on me that this is the date. His “dream girl.” I remember taking Martha on our first…and very important…date. It was life-changing.
I just wink and hand him a Franklin.
When he rushes back upstairs, Martha just giggles. “It’s Ronni Brown…she asked him…finally! After all that mooning last year…it looks like she’s giving him a chance.”
“Well…it’s about time! I hope it works out for him! The last time I saw her…it’s been a while…she was still really cute. She would be quite the catch.” I smile at her and tuck in.
* * * * *
I sit on my lounger and light my cigar. I puff on it and pour a glass of good whiskey…neat. I lean back, blow out a cloud of blue smoke, and peer through it at the pile of unopened mail on my lap.
One of the envelopes looks interesting…. I open it and nearly choke on my smoke.
“Jules! Come here! Do you know anything about this?” I reread the letter.
Jules comes out and sits next to me. “What are talking about? Know what?”
I shrug and flash the letter at her. “We’ve been invited to join the Country Club…and our family’s lifetime membership has already been paid for!”
She shakes her head. “I have no idea…. Claire is a member…I can ask her if she knows anything. I’ll talk to her about it in the morning.”
I nod…completely taken off-guard. But I’m not looking a gift-horse in the mouth! I’ve been drooling to get back out on the links…. I used to play all the time…before…well…family happened. But…maybe it’s time to get back out there…the fresh air would do me good…and maybe take my mind off of some of the…weirdness…going on in the family.
I just have no idea where this could have come from! Maybe a happy customer…that really likes their car…?
I shrug and happily continue puffing on my cigar.
* * * * *
I’m worried about Ronni…she’s my only daughter…well…my only child! I don’t know what’s gotten into her…with this whole…Goth…thing. Belinda went ballistic! But…even though Ronni’s only seventeen…and living in the apartment over our garage…she is practically a genius…. She could have graduated even earlier…but we discouraged it…the same as going to college early. She has a fulltime…paying job…and with all of that she is technically on her own.
The problem is…the job she has. It’s well beneath her potential. Being a glorified secretary is not the type of job that she deserves…or will keep her satisfied for long. I understand it’s good for her resume…but I don’t understand why she thinks that she needs it to help get into college…not with her grades. I just don’t trust this Dr. Greene…or Lissa…as she likes to be called…she may be a genius, too…but I’m not sure she’s the best role-model for my daughter. I’m not sure I buy that it was completely her that made Ronni take on her current…appearance…or that it’s somehow permanent, as Ronni claims. But…I do buy that she somehow influenced it…at the very least.
So…I finally bit the bullet and will start working for WG, on Monday…as a corporate lawyer. It’s not something that I had planned…but they’ve been courting me for several weeks now…enough so, that I’ve been letting my clients know there could be a potential conflict of interest. At least, this way, I can keep an eye on Ronni “from the inside.”
I just hope I’m not too late.
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Now Roni's dad has been roped into
The company & knowing Dr. Green she will have it where HE towes the company line or ELSE bankruptcy & a disbarred, and maybe jail time for breaking the company line.
Love Samantha Renée Heart. doesn't look good!
One by one, they fall. ;)
Another piece of collateral damage,
This too WG will pay for.
Much more to come!
The causing of damage is not over with, yet...but someone is certainly keeping tabs on the cost! ;)